Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 450 546 It’s broken, I’m going to court-martial

Chapter 450 546 It’s broken, I’m going to court-martial (I)

Although Lan Ya later took Wu Yun to watch the surveillance video in his room last night, even with the video as evidence, Wu Yun still didn't quite believe it.

This was mainly because of the dream he had last night, although such dreams were not uncommon for Wu Yun. Basically, he would have such dreams a few times every year, and the characters were usually the opposite sex he had recently come into contact with.

Of course, she had to be beautiful and in line with Wu Yun's aesthetic standards. Of course, relatives were not included.

If this happened in the past, if he had such a dream, he would not have such emotional fluctuations the next day. This was mainly due to the special nature of Blue Crow.

He had heard of the name of the Feathered People, and in this respect, Blue Crow was no different from the Feathered People. After all, they were all compatriots, just different races on the same planet.

There are differences, but some core things are the same.

If something really happened with a woman like this, it might mean that his life was ruined and his happy life would end.

But he didn't want this. Although he was not a lustful man, he didn't want to enter the marriage hall and the grave before he had killed a million people.

That would be horrible.

Not to mention that this woman can live for a long time, which means that their marriage will last for millions or even tens of millions of years. Even for Wu Yun, this length is really too long.

Whenever Wu Yun thought of these things, he felt genuine fear.

It was precisely because of the above points that Wu Yun felt so scared and terrified of Lan Ya, a woman. That was why he had such a huge reaction today after he had that dream last night.

It would be fine if the other person was not in his room when he woke up, but the problem was, the other person was in his room.

And the woman in the dream happened to be Blue Crow.

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that Wu Yun had such a huge reaction.

As for his own reasons, what reasons could he have? He was just an innocent child who was less than a hundred years old. What could he have done wrong?
As for why he dreamed about this woman, he himself didn't know. It might be because Lan Ya really had a good figure and was really beautiful, and when she met him again that day, the clothes she wore were really a bit too sexy...

But in general, the responsibility definitely does not lie with him. He has no responsibility at all and is absolutely innocent.

"I told you, I didn't do anything to you last night!!! The surveillance video is all here!!!"

This might be the first time that Blue Crow had lost her temper in the past thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. The veins on her neck were bulging and her face was flushed red. Of course, she was not shy, but angry.

He grabbed Wu Yun's head tightly with both hands, lifted him up and shook him madly, cursing as he shook him: "Fuck you, why can't you fucking understand what people are saying? Are you fucking mentally retarded, are you mentally retarded???"

"Fuck you, fuck you!! You idiot, idiot!!!! What on earth are you thinking about all day???"

This was not only the first time that Blue Crow had lost her temper in such a long time, but it was also probably the first time that she had cursed. Because in the past, even when she saw her relatives, loved ones, and friends die at the hands of the enemy, she would be angry, extremely angry, and extremely sad, but she still would not curse.

This is the first time in her life.

"Um, Blue Jay, it's not okay to swear, right??"

At this time, Jet, who had several big bumps on his head like Wu Yun and was sitting in a corner of the monitoring room grimacing in pain, spoke up after hearing the vulgar words coming out of Lan Ya's mouth, intending to persuade her.

"Shut up!" But Blue Crow just turned his head suddenly and glared at Jet with his red eyes, and Jet immediately stopped talking.

Lan Ya's eyes were not red. They turned red just because he was so angry with Wu Yun.

"I'm telling you, I, I have absolutely no interest in you, not even a little bit, not at all!! Do you understand???"

"I won't like you, let alone fall in love with you, so you don't need to worry or be too afraid of what I will do to you!!!"

"Besides, damn it, even if I really like you, why would I do such a thing? Climb into your bed at night and do that kind of thing with you when you clearly refuse? Why do you think I would do such a thing? Do you think we Crows are Feathered People???"

"You damn bastard!! Asshole!!!"

In order to prevent himself from being beaten to death by this angry birdman, Wu Yun finally chose to believe the other party's words and believe in his innocence.

Of course, it stands to reason that after he wakes up, he would be able to understand this kind of thing immediately if he just uses his brain a little. The reason why he goes crazy because of this is just his basic operation, there is nothing strange about it.

The brain is very powerful, but it may not be used. Even if it is used, it is generally used in some strange and bizarre ways.

As for the only time when it was running at full power and everything was fine with almost no mistakes, it was probably only in combat. But even in combat, Wu Yun still had the possibility of going crazy, and the probability was not low.

Otherwise, the protagonist Chu Liang of "Wasteland Heroes" should have been killed by Wu Yun when he and Wu Yun first met. How could he have given the other party a chance to survive and practice to fight back?
At this stage of the plot, Blue Jay and Jeter are just ordinary teammates, and Jeter also has a girlfriend at this time. However, according to the current timeline, his girlfriend should not live long.

But this is not important. After resolving the misunderstanding with Blue Crow and returning to his room, Wu Yun also received a notice from the Star Alliance.

That is, requiring him, the evil conqueror from the Galactic Empire, to go to the Covenant military court for trial.

Although Blue Crow and the Tianyun Space Team that captured Wu Yun vouched for Wu Yun, some high-ranking officials of the Star Alliance could see that Wu Yun was special. But no matter what, accepting the trial was still a necessary process.

It is impossible that Wu Yun will be given any special treatment just because he is special. The Star Alliance has done a good job in this regard, but it is not as good as the Galactic Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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