Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 47 Kowtow is worse than rebellion

Chapter 47 Kowtow is worse than rebellion
  "Speaking of which, why didn't this mission system trigger a branch for me?"

After reporting the task, Wu Yun took out his mobile phone and looked at it, but even though he flipped through the taskbar in the system, he did not see any newly triggered tasks.

Obviously when I accepted Lu Yan’s order before, as soon as I accepted the order, a message popped up in the system [You have triggered a new task! ] prompt.

"Ah? No?" After hearing this, Si Xianghui also looked at Wu Yun with some surprise. He naturally knew that Wu Yun had activated a side mission after taking Lu Yan's order.

So far, only Wu Yun in the team has activated other side tasks, that is, the task of helping Lu Yan kill her enemy. Therefore, Si Xianghui could understand Wu Yun's forced purchase and sale of this young man here.

After all, this can be said to be a win-win situation: the boy's enemy was wiped out, and Wu Yun could also complete another task. With such a win-win situation, why not do it?

"I don't know either, but it doesn't matter. This kind of thing is not important." Wu Yun didn't care about this kind of thing, because he didn't initiate this deal with this young man just to activate another mission. He really just wanted to Eat pie.

Obviously, someone's brain circuit is still not completely consistent with Wu Yun's.

So, he looked at the young man who was frozen again, put his hands on his hips, and asked: "So where is my cake? Now I have killed all the people you want to kill for you, what about my cake?"

The young man did not answer Wu Yun, he still just sat on the ground in a daze, and kept mumbling. Wu Yun listened for a while and seemed to be saying something: "No... not dead, not dead?" Master Jiabin...isn't dead?"

"What?" Listening to the young man's muttering, Wu Yun couldn't help but frown. Seeing that the other man still looked dull, it seemed that he would not be able to communicate with him normally for a while, so he bent over directly. He bent down, opened the young man's bag, and took out all the cakes inside.

"What?" After looking at the few vegetable cakes in his hand, Wu Yun also showed a satisfied smile, "Aren't there several more?" As he said that, he picked up a cake and stuffed it into himself. In the mouth.

This cake is really well made. I don’t know if the boy made it himself, or if his mother or father prepared it for him.

"Although I took a few more, I helped you kill all the Zheng family members, leaving only the young master. But I will help you get rid of him tomorrow." While eating the pancake , Wu Yun said to the young man who was still sitting on the ground in a daze, muttering to himself, "Don't worry, I, Wu Yun, will definitely achieve my mission. Since I started this business, I have never failed in all the orders I have taken... "

Speaking of this, Wu Yun suddenly paused, as if he remembered something, and the look on his face became a little unsightly. But the ugly look on his face only faded away for a moment, and soon he continued:
  "Except for certain force majeure events, of course."

After saying this, it seemed that a certain mechanism of the young man was activated again, causing him to jump up immediately after hearing these words. He looked at Wu Yun with an extremely nervous face, and at the same time, he knelt down with a 'pop' sound. In front of Wu Yun:
  "Don't, don't kill, don't kill him!!"

"Please, hero, don't, don't kill Master Jiabin! Don't kill him!!! Leave him alive, leave him alive——!!"

"What the hell?" Wu Yun frowned when he heard this, "You asked me to kill his whole family before, and now you ask me not to kill him. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Well, he is asking you to let go of the young master you let go today." Si Xianghui added cautiously. "Damn it, don't I know about this kind of thing!" Wu Yun glared at Si Xianghui, "Who do you think I am? A retarded retard with low intelligence. Do you need to remind me about this matter?"

"Of course, it wasn't then!" Si Xianghui smiled and waved his hands repeatedly, "I'm just saying, tell me, it's my fault, it's mine. Please continue."

"Hmph -" Wu Yun snorted coldly and looked at the young man again: "So, you don't plan to kill the remaining young master?"

"Of course! Of course! Hero, you have done a good job, a good job! As for the young master, please be noble and let him go. Don't kill him. Don't kill him!" The young man responded repeatedly. , The head kept banging on the ground.

"Okay, okay..." Wu Yun waved his hand impatiently, "Anyway, you are the client. Since you said you won't kill me, then I won't kill him."

"Thank you, thank you so much, hero! Thank you so much, hero!!" After receiving Wu Yun's "No Kill" response, the young man's voice trembled with excitement, and he kowtowed even harder on the ground.

When he raised his head, he could clearly see that blood was oozing from his forehead.

"Kowtow, what's the use of kowtow?"

No one paid attention to the young man, although Si Xianghui felt a little unbearable in his heart when he saw the young man who was so excited and kowtowing there.

But to be honest, if he just kowtows, it doesn't mean anything. After all, his life is not in danger now, and he has to avenge himself.

Although Si Xianghui didn't know what the deep hatred between him and the 'Zheng family' had been wiped out.

Eating the cake in his hand, Wu Yun squinted at the boy who was still kowtowing on the ground, and commented with great disdain and disdain, "Kowtow, kowtow is of no use, it is better to rebel."

"But this little brother doesn't have any deep hatred against the country's court, right? Why do you want to rebel?" Sun Yunguang asked curiously. She didn't care whether the young man on the ground kowtowed and his forehead bleeds. In her opinion, This is not a problem at all. As long as Wu Yun is not killed, it is the best result in her opinion.

As for the other Zheng family whose family was wiped out by Wu Yun, Sun Yunguang didn't care about the life and death of these wealthy families. Of course, the Zheng family is also an aristocratic family, just smaller in scale, but its status in the village where it is located should be the same as the Luo family in the entire Yuanzhou.

"I'm just talking casually. Of course I know that he has no grudge against the imperial court, but he has a blood feud with the Zheng family." There were five cakes in the young man's bag, and all of them had been eaten by Wu Yun, leaving only some in his hand. Crushed. He clapped his hands while responding to Sun Yunguang's question. His feet lifted off the ground again and flew into the sky.

"Okay, now that the work has been done and the cake has been eaten, let's continue on the road." After saying that, Wu Yun continued to fly towards the main road.

(End of this chapter)

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