Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 53 Hey, you guessed it right

Chapter 53 Hey, you guessed it right
  As the New Year is approaching, Le City is much busier than usual, and the 'Recruitment Conference' that is held every five years is also approaching, which makes the city even more crowded.

Every restaurant is basically full because people from all over the world who are preparing to attend the conference have to rest here. This is the only way to get to Baiyu City and its nearby Yujing Mountain.

It can be said that during this period, various restaurants in the city made a lot of money. And even though there are so many talented people, strangers, and wealthy people gathered here, the public security in the city is much better than usual.

As for the reason, it is naturally very simple. This place is only more than a hundred kilometers away from Yujing Mountain, the fairy palace of the Jade-faced Empress. It can be said that it is right under the eyes of the empress.

And at such a close distance, if you want to do something, it's best to think about whether you have the ability to challenge the empress's authority.

"Gah! This beef is old and poor, I don't want to fucking eat it——!!!"

But there are always some people who are fearless, as if there is nothing in this world that they can take seriously.

In a restaurant in Lecheng, an angry Wu Yun roared and threw down the table in front of him.

Around him, the people eating in the restaurant were not trembling, but were looking at Wu Yun who was having a daily routine of going crazy with gloating eyes. Among them, there are also some people whispering and whispering there.

"This guy... I remember he was the killer who made a big fuss in Donglan County some time ago? What does he seem to be called... Wu Yun?" Not far from Wu Yun's table, there was a man dressed as a scribe and wearing a brocade shirt. While watching Wu Yun going crazy, the man turned his head and whispered to his companion.

"Yes, that's him. This guy killed more than a dozen monks from the Luo family in the Perfect Qi realm, and even several monks from the Guiyuan realm died at the hands of this man." His companion nodded and looked towards Wu Yun responded:

"The whole Luo family was furious because of this. It is said that a killing order was issued against him, but for some reason there was no follow-up. Unexpectedly, until today, this guy is still alive and kicking, and it seems that he passed by Every city was thrown into chaos by him."

"It's been almost a month, right? The number of Luo family disciples who died at the hands of this guy alone has exceeded a thousand. If we include the private soldiers sent by the Luo family to attack this person, the martial arts cultivators, and the Along the way, the number of wealthy families and ordinary people from other places, large and small, may have expanded to as many as five thousand."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk..." The scribe in Jinshan made a continuous "tsk, tsk" sound, and then sighed: "This is really a fucking god of murder..."

"That's not all!" The man's companion continued: "Not only the Luo family, I heard that this guy actually dared to talk nonsense in front of the statue of the empress in the empress temple, but it didn't happen to him."

"Hey! There is such a thing!??" The man who heard his companion talking about this was suddenly startled, with a look of disbelief on his face, and said, "Isn't this just an exaggeration?"

"I think so." The man's companion also nodded. While the two were talking, Wu Yun, who had lifted the table, also waited for the owner of the restaurant and had a fierce argument with him:

"What do you want to do!? This is the queen's feet. Why, do you want to eat the King's meal!? I'm warning you, although my shop is small, not just any cat or dog can step on it!"

Wu Yun has already gained a certain reputation in Yuanzhou, but he is not that famous yet. Therefore, not many people know him currently.

In addition, Xiang Hui has been busy teaching some basic things for more than ten days, so he has not caused much trouble and is relatively low-key. So after arriving here, except for some well-informed Jianghu people and some soldiers guarding the city, not many people in Lecheng knew him.

"How the hell do you dare to talk to me like this? Do you think your life is in the wholesale business?" At this time, Wu Yun, who was already very unhappy, was surprised when he heard the threat and belittlement in the store owner's tone. There was no red temperature, but his face became a little gloomy. He stood up from his seat and looked down at the potbellied restaurant owner.

The boss's eyes made him tremble, but he didn't show any signs of weakness. He stretched out his neck and cursed Wu Yun: "What, you still dare to kill me!?"

"Hey, you guessed it right." Wu Yun's expression changed instantly after hearing this, and he nodded with a smile.

'tui——! '

A spark came out of his mouth, hit the shop owner on the head, and then passed through the back of his head.


The boss's fat body fell backwards and hit the ground heavily. Blood flowed from the back of his head and soon formed a bloody puddle.

"Haha, you dare to go against me? Let's see if you die or not..." Wu Yun happily cursed at the corpse on the ground, and then kicked the corpse again, kicking the corpse directly in. At the counter of the restaurant, after knocking over several store clerks who rushed over, he turned around and walked out of the restaurant.

As he walked, he stretched his muscles and shook his head. At the same time, he did not stop talking: "Damn it, I have been holding back for so many days without killing anyone, and now I feel better..."

In an instant, the entire first-floor lobby of the restaurant became silent after the owner was killed by Wu Yun. It was so quiet that you could even hear the sound of a pin falling on the ground.

But everyone's expressions turned ugly at this moment. There was both shock and fear.

The Jade-faced Empress is not an easy-to-talk 'immortal monarch'. She does protect one party, but she also hates people who do not follow the rules under her rule.

For example, at this moment, the 'Sky Killer' came all the way from Donglan County.

This is Wu Yun's nickname on the road. He doesn't know about it yet, but he would be very happy if he knew it, because this nickname fits his aesthetic very well.

The teammates who were not sitting at the same table as Wu Yun looked at the body on the ground, and then at Wu Yun who was about to walk out of the restaurant. Sun Yunguang and Si Xianghui just sighed, then stopped paying attention and continued to eat the food on the table. And Nauka never even raised his head from beginning to end, he was always working.

Unlike Wu Yun, they are not that picky. Although the food on the table is indeed made of poor ingredients and the meat may not be fresh as Wu Yun said, it still tastes better than the cakes and meat that have been eaten for more than ten days.

Wu Yun didn't get tired of eating the cakes, but the other three were already tired of eating all kinds of cakes and dried meat.

As for Wu Yun killing people for trivial matters, they have long been accustomed to it.

(End of this chapter)

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