Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 56 You will die today

Chapter 56 You will die today (056)

Luo Yingtai was sweating profusely now. He couldn't say anything now. He couldn't even make any expression on his face. He just sat there stiffly. Not walking, not talking.

"Why, why don't you say anything?" Wu Yun asked curiously, looking at his new 'brother' who was in a petrified state.

He is a very simple person. As long as you give him money, he will be the gentlest and most talkative person in the world. As long as he has enough money, he can be a person's best friend in his life.

Of course, depending on the amount of money, the duration of this BUFF will also be different. For example, right now, the favorability bonus brought by two ingots of 215 grams of gold is about to expire.

However, Wu Yun still retained a certain degree of politeness towards this wealthy 'boss'. After all, he also understands the principle of sustainable development. You can’t just eat one amount of money, but eat more.

"Of course he doesn't dare to say that it's okay for you to talk so wildly about Yuanzhou's fox demon, but if he dares to utter even half a word from his mouth, I'm afraid what awaits him next moment will be his soul annihilation. "

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the box, and the owner of this voice was naturally not Luo Yingtai.

Wu Yun turned his head following the sudden sound, and then discovered that at some point, there was an extra person on the chair to his right.

Well, actually he just came in, when Wu Yun asked Luo Yingtai why he didn't speak.

"You...heh, who are you?" Wu Yun's brows furrowed and relaxed immediately. The reason is that maybe this guy is a guest invited by Luo Yingtai. Although he doesn't look like it, he is definitely a uninvited guest.

But no matter what, Luo Yingtai not only invited him to dinner, but also gave him ten taels of gold, which still cost him a small amount of face. So, Wu Yun looked at Luo Yingtai, "The friend you invited?"

Luo Yingtai also realized at this time, mainly because Wu Yun did not continue talking about being disrespectful to the Jade-faced Empress. He nodded subconsciously at first, but after looking at the other person, he immediately shook his head, like a drumbeat.

He still didn't speak, but Wu Yun could read what he wanted to say from the expression on his face at this moment:
  "I don't know this person! I don't know him!"

Therefore, Wu Yun immediately turned his head and looked at the uninvited guest, a man dressed like a young master, wearing a jade crown, a jade robe with embroidered cloud patterns, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that looked a little ruthless.

"You're such a jerk, no one invited you in. Why did you come in here? A stinky out-of-towner came to my box to beg for food?"

"Hmph..." Faced with Wu Yun's extremely low-quality insults, the young master just snorted coldly, and then slowly said:

"Since you are so interested in Yuanzhou's little fox demon, why don't you go to the Jade Crystal Mountain to have a look in person. If you like it, just accept it. Instead of doing anything here with the fox demon 'Recruiting talented people' is just like playing house?"

"If the fox demon is unwilling, I do have a way to subjugate the demon. When the time comes to set up a forbidden method in its soul, even if she has countless reluctances, she will only be 'willing to do so'." I fell to the ground."

As he said that, the young master stretched out his hand towards Wu Yun and gave it a gentle bow: "I'm with the Li family in Yun'an, Li Qingyun."

"You are like this, even in the Central Plains where you are competing for the throne, you can be regarded as a famous person. Why should you succumb to the cold and cold land on the border and hang out with these ignorant goblins and ghosts who are pretending to be fake immortals? "

"If you had not come to my Li family, even if you have no intention of competing, our Li family still has the true method of becoming an immortal, allowing you to live forever and stand proudly in the world..."

Before Li Qingyun finished speaking, his words came to an abrupt end. Immediately afterwards, Wu Yun's voice sounded with deep doubts in his tone:

Wu Yun was also a little curious when he saw Li Qingyun who didn't fall down and didn't have a bloody hole on his forehead. He even looked at him with a look of surprise. But he didn't wonder for long, because soon, his second finger stretched out again.


However, with an angry scolding, the finger was still empty, because the attack was blocked. Not only that, Wu Yun even felt like his face was scratched by something.

This made him take a few steps back and look at Li Qingyun in front of him in surprise. Then, he reached out and touched the left side of his face.

In front of him, next to the young master named Li Qingyun, an old man appeared. He was dressed similarly to the old man who scolded him and stepped on the clouds when he killed someone in Donglan County. He was also wearing a similar robe. clothes, hair tied and a crown.

It's just that the clothes on his body are more advanced and the hair crown on his head is more luxurious. It's nothing more than an old man at level 10 or an old man at level 20, that's all.

The old man stood in front of Li Qingyun, with a sense of arrogance between his brows, as if he was very disdainful of Wu Yun in front of him. He looked at Wu Yun who was touching his face and slowly said:

"But a casual cultivator on the border, after some bad luck and some strength, really thinks that he is the chosen one?"

"If you dare to attack me, the heir apparent of the Li family, do you want to lose your soul?"

Facing the old man's arrogant words, Wu Yun seemed to turn a deaf ear. With an expression of disbelief on his face, he just looked silently at the bit of dead skin on his fingertips. He stayed stunned for almost twenty seconds before suddenly raising his head and looking at the old man:

"Fuck you, how dare you hit me in the face?"

The two people's eyes met, and in an instant, a biting chill rushed over the old man's body. His blood and spiritual energy were completely frozen at this moment, leaving him unable to speak, unable to turn his eyes, and with blood stagnant.

Immediately afterwards, a voice that was extremely calm, but sounded like a loud bell to his ears, reached his mind. And this sentence was also the last sentence he heard before he completely lost consciousness and fell into endless darkness:

"You, die now."


The Banyan Tree in Lecheng suddenly erupted with a deafening sound that could almost shatter people's hearts and hearts.

Immediately afterwards, a blazing flame soared into the sky from the Banyan Tree, and in this blazing flame, there was also a roar that everyone in Lecheng could hear very clearly and very real:

"Today, I will give you a complete death and annihilation, leaving you completely gone and your soul will be gone!!"

"Big! Powerful! Divine! Palm——!"

In fact, the old man had died completely before he was brought to heaven by Wu Yun, leaving only the flesh and bones in Wu Yun's hands.

But Wu Yun still threw out the half of the head in his hand, and used ten power to blast out the remains with one palm.

A bright light countless times more dazzling than the sun exploded in the sky, but fortunately, no innocent people were blinded.

Then there was a huge shock wave that swept away dozens of square kilometers of clouds in the sky, revealing the clear sky behind it.

Below, the hurricane was raging in Lecheng, blowing the roadside signs in the air, dust and sand were raging, and the strong wind hurt people's faces.

Pedestrians were so blown by the strong wind that they couldn't even open their eyes. Some people were even blown away so much that they almost flew up.

But again, this still caused no innocent casualties.

Of course, let’s put it another way if it’s not innocent.

Hanging high in the sky, Wu Yun lowered his head and looked down. In the ruins of the Banyan Tree, he saw the sluggish young master of the Li family.

At this moment, Young Master Li finally came to his senses. He looked around blankly for a long time, and finally, as if he realized something, he suddenly raised his head.

Tens of thousands of meters apart, the two looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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