Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 6 006 The First Night in a Different World

Chapter 6 006 The first night in a different world ()
  "The train has arrived at the station, and what needs to be explained to you has been explained. Now the door is about to open, and you will also be transported into this new and unfamiliar world for you."

At this time, Lu Yaoguang, who was the guide of the six-person carriage, also spoke. He stood beside the door that had not been fully opened and said to everyone:

"My mission has been completed and I will leave this world. Finally, I wish you all good luck."

As these words fell, Lu Yaoguang's body began to disappear, and then completely disappeared in front of everyone at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the door of the carriage was also fully opened.

"The mission has begun. All intruders, I wish you good luck in this strange world."

The last sound came from the loudspeaker in the carriage, and then, before the most impatient Wu Yun could take a step forward, the entire carriage disappeared in an instant. As for everyone in the carriage, their feet also stepped onto solid ground at this moment.

Except Wu Yun.

Because he landed face first, he missed the mark when it was completely impossible to miss the mark. He even lost his balance and plunged to the ground, coming into close contact with the mud that smelled of pure earth.


A carp rolled up on the ground and stood upright again. The veins on Wu Yun's neck were exposed, his ears and face were red, he stamped his feet suddenly and cursed as if he was venting his anger.


No one spoke, and no one was suppressing laughter. Only one person made a sound, and that was the big man Ying Anjie, who ran towards the distance as fast as possible after the carriage disappeared and the mission officially began.

Although in this strange world, it is safest to follow Wu Yun, who may not have normal mental and IQ at first glance, because there are regulations in Dimension City. But even so, Ying Anjie still moved towards the distance, surpassing his previous limit, bursting out with astonishing speed, and riding towards the distance.

The speed was so fast that several people present did not catch his figure. It was far beyond the limit speed that these people knew that living things could achieve.

What the conductor Lu Yaoguang said is not wrong. The six passengers in this carriage can indeed be regarded as "crouching tiger, hidden dragon".

"What the hell, are you running away now?" Wu Yun, who had just shaken the dust off his face, also noticed someone running away frantically. In his eyes, Ying Anjie was not that fast.

Looking at the other person's running back, he first thought about it, and then a smirk appeared on his lips. He raised his hand, put his thumb on his middle finger, flicked it, and snapped his fingers.

A ball of sparks appeared with the friction between the two fingers and shot out quickly, targeting the retreating figure.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone at the scene, Ying Anjie, who had already run almost a kilometer away, suddenly stiffened and threw himself forward to the ground. After rolling his body for more than ten times in a row, he stopped. Come down.


Looking at Ying Anjie who stopped a few hundred meters away and lay motionless on the ground, Wu Yun laughed happily.

"Why do this?"


A voice reached Wu Yun's ears. Wu Yun turned his head and looked at the owner of the voice. It was the first woman in the carriage to introduce herself, Sun Yunguang, who claimed to be an escort.

She raised her sword eyebrows slightly, her eyes full of puzzlement and confusion, and looked at Wu Yun and asked, "You don't have to do this at all, right? This won't do you any good."

"Why, when was it your turn to teach me a lesson?" After hearing her words, Wu Yun also frowned and looked at the other party. At this time, the surrounding air began to become tense.

"I'm the number one killer in the fucking world, I can do whatever the hell I want. Besides, he just hit a dog and ate his shit. I didn't do anything to him, and he won't die." "Huh? That's it, then it's okay." After receiving Wu Yun's response, Sun Yunguang was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head in embarrassment and scratched the back of his head, "Well, that's really embarrassing, I wrongly blamed you."

"Damn it, you are so annoying." However, although this conversation ended with Sun Yunguang's apology, Wu Yun seemed not to let her go, but continued to talk: "You Why do I feel the same as that disgusting bastard? Damn it, I’ve already gone to another universe, why can I still meet people like you? What a shame..."

"Ah?" Sun Yunguang was a little confused, "What?"

"It's nothing, I won't tell you." Wu Yun waved his hand.


Then, he looked at the other people who had not left, "I don't intend to kill you. Although I didn't intend to consider your safety, since it is related to my final reward, I will allow you to follow me for free. I'm fine with you."

"I also take jobs similar to bodyguards, but they also charge a lot of money. Damn it, you guys are really lucky." After saying this to everyone present, Wu Yun turned around, and the direction he was facing was not there. village, but towards the mountains on the other side.

"But I won't really be your nanny, because you haven't paid. If there is any danger that I can't solve, I will definitely leave you. If necessary, I will use you as bait."

"Okay." Wu Yun said as he took a step forward, "I'm going to the mountains over there now, you can follow me."

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need."

The speaker was Long Guang, the female soldier wearing military equipment and fully armed. At this moment, she was holding a machine in her hand. She just raised the hand holding the machine, and the machine left her palm and flew upwards.

Then, she pressed the side of her helmet again, and a mask lowered, and a large amount of text and data began to appear on it.

"I will just go my own way and say goodbye, Your Excellency Wu Yun."

"As you wish." Wu Yun didn't even look back, "But I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give you another free reminder. If you want to go to the village over there, I don't recommend you go there. You didn't notice Didn't that Ying Anjie go there? Even though he was so afraid of me and ran away immediately after landing, he didn't choose to go there."

"Thank you."

Long Guang nodded, then took a step forward and trotted away from the team.

Of course, it was the trot in Wu Yun's eyes. In fact, in the eyes of Si Xianghui, the last man left at the scene who had not spoken yet, the speed was also extremely fast.

Two of the six people left, and there were four people left at the scene, Wu Yun, Sun Yunguang, Si Xianghui, and Nauka.

"I feel the breath of evil floating between heaven and earth." At this moment, Nauka also spoke. She pulled out the dagger tied to one thigh, which was actually a dagger, and held it in her hand.

"This feeling makes me very uncomfortable..."

"The sun is going down soon." Wu Yun took out his phone and looked at it. "It's now 4:35 pm, almost five o'clock. You will feel even more uncomfortable after the sun officially goes down."

After saying that, Wu Yun's feet left the ground again, maintaining a height of about twenty centimeters, and began to slowly move forward.

Si Xianghui didn't speak, but followed him silently, as did everyone else.

The sun in the sky seemed to be verifying the time Wu Yun saw on his mobile phone: it was now slanting to the west and almost submerged below the horizon, leaving only a blood-red, dim light between the sky and the earth.

There was a faint fishy smell floating in the air, whether it was blood or just an ordinary earthy smell.

(End of this chapter)

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