Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 61 61 System Mall

Chapter 61 61 System Mall ()

[Announcement: The intruder Wu Yun has completed an S-level challenge. Based on his choice, he will receive an additional 100% reward points! This challenge will now be announced to all intruders who are still in the world of this mission, and the details of the challenge will be unlocked]

【You have unlocked a new challenge! click here……】

The Sun Yunguang trio, who were also pressed to the ground and unable to lift their heads, naturally received this message. Moreover, because Wu Yun and the others were on the same team, they also received some additional benefits.

[The reward points obtained by one of your team members has exceeded one hundred points, and the system will undergo a maintenance upgrade. The reward mall will be opened after the maintenance and upgrade is completed.

Through the reward mall, you will be able to use the task score and reward points obtained in this task to redeem products in the mall. Note: The evaluation points used in the mall will be consumed and will not be included in the total score when the final task is settled]

【Upgrade completed! You have unlocked the system mall! 】

However, although the notifications from the Dimensional City's intruder system were constantly playing in their minds, under the lingering power that had not dissipated, everyone was still unable to take any action, not even moving a finger. There is no need to say anything about turning your head, raising your head, or speaking.

I don’t know how long the blood rain lasted, and I don’t know how long this sense of oppression lasted. Under such a sense of oppression, like a mountain closing on itself, people even lost their awareness of the passage of time.

[Announcement: The intruder Wu Yun has completed an SS-level challenge. Based on his choice, he will receive an additional 100% reward points! This challenge will now be announced to all intruders who are still in the world of this mission, and the details of the challenge will be unlocked]

【You have unlocked a new challenge! Click here to view]


Challenge level: SS
  Reward: 500 bonus points

Completion conditions:

Conquer a false immortal and make him surrender to you, no matter how you use it

When this challenge popped up, everyone's hearts were shocked again.

After this system notification was broadcast, everyone, including those who were not trespassers, the thousands of living beings in Yuanzhou, as well as monsters and ghosts, all felt their bodies relax, and the sense of oppression that had been exerted on their bodies suddenly disappeared. Disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the continuous rain of blood in the sky also stopped at this moment. The blood-colored clouds disappeared from the sky, revealing the bright and clear sky behind them again.


Si Xianghui, who was finally able to raise his head and got up from the ground, looked at his companions who had also just gotten up from the ground. The group of people looked at each other, and finally made the same sound: "Huh?"

Then there was a long silence. That was until the other guests in the restaurant they were in started talking to each other in fear, their voices getting louder and louder. Among the trio, it was Sun Yunguang who finally spoke:

"Yun..." She was also stammering when she spoke now: "Brother Yun...did he just complete two challenges in a row?"

Si Xianghui also nodded with a somewhat stiff expression and said: "Yes, yes... He has completed it. He has completed an S-level challenge and an SS-level challenge, right? We seem to have unlocked it. The new function of the system, the system mall?”

Sun Yunguang also nodded, and then the two of them turned their attention to Nauka. The expression on Nauka's face was different from the two of them. He looked very excited: "Oh! It's so mighty, it's so powerful! As expected. The man I like! I will definitely have a child with him!"

The smile on her face was very bright, and she said to the two of them happily. Later, he also noticed the expressions on their faces, and asked them with some confusion: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Um..." Si Xianghui looked at Nauka. After being silent for a while, he shook his head and said, "Nothing, nothing, it's nothing. You continue."

Nauka looked at Sun Yunguang again, and Sun Yunguang just coughed, and then said: "Miss Na should have also seen the system mall on the notice?"

"Ah? That?" After Nauka heard this, she thought about it in her mind, and then nodded: "You see, there are a lot of things in it, but they are not cheap." Then, her face showed excitement again. , looked at the two people, and continued: "Speaking of which, why do you care about this! Shouldn't you care about the immortal who was conquered by Brother Yun!?"

She started dancing, and the excitement on her face became more and more obvious: "That is an immortal, an immortal!"

"In my world, immortals are legendary figures. There have been no rumors of immortals coming to the world for tens of millions of years! But now, Brother Yun can actually subdue an immortal. That's an immortal!"

"Brother Yun, you are invincible in the world!!"


  Yun'an Mansion, Li family.

It has been thirty-five minutes since Li Chuixing laid down in the golden toilet... ah no, thirty-five minutes have passed since Li Chuixing entered the treatment cabin.

If she wanted to fully recover from an injury like hers, she would need to lie in this coffin for at least forty-eight hours. But if it is just a rough treatment, stabilizing the life status, repairing all the potholes on the body, ensuring that the patient is conscious and there is no subsequent life danger, then it only takes half an hour.

At this time, Wu Yun had also looked at the newly unlocked challenge items in his system, and also looked at the newly unlocked 'system mall'.

But he didn't waste too much time on such things, because to him, these were not as important as the treatment Li Chuixing was receiving at the moment.

Of course it's not because he cares about Li Chuixing's physical condition, but because every extra minute of use of this thing will cost an extra minute. And although he mercifully provided Li Chuixing with what she regarded as an 'immortal magic weapon', he had no intention of actually using it to cure her.

Wu Yun was taking a few seconds to look at Li Chuixing's body details on the operation panel. He only needed to give this guy the minimum treatment to ensure that he had basic mobility after he came out.

And this time is forty minutes.

Time passed by minute by second. Wu Yun looked at the mobile phone in his left hand with his left eye, and looked at Li Chuixing's status on the computer screen of the treatment cabin with his right eye. His right hand was always on the huge red button of the treatment cabin, and he pressed it as soon as the preparation time was up. .

As for why a treatment cabin specially designed for Wu Yun and his species can seamlessly connect to another species in another universe, Wu Yun will not consider this kind of thing at all, because his limited brain capacity... ah no, Because in his opinion, this is what the treatment cabin should do.

[Treatment in progress, please wait patiently]

(End of this chapter)

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