Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 78 The swan song of civilization

Chapter 78 078 The swan song of civilization ()
  "I am a poor Taoist, True Lord Qingyang, I have met my Taoist friend."

Stepping through the light curtain, we came to an area that seemed like a new world. This seemed to be a certain mountain, because it was surrounded by a sea of ​​rolling clouds, and in this sea of ​​clouds, we could still see mountain peaks one after another.

The three of them were standing on a square, stepping on what seemed to be some kind of white jade. The texture was clear and delicate, giving people a very comfortable feeling. The white jade is uneven. If you look at it from the air, you can see that the group of them is standing on a huge pattern at the moment.

The pattern seemed to depict some kind of promotion ceremony, with a person standing at the top and a vision falling from the sky, enveloping the person.

Then, in this vision, the human form began to change, from human to non-human, and from non-human to human, as if returning to nature, seeking the 'true self' and becoming a 'real person'.

In the end, this real person was sitting cross-legged in the nine heavens, surrounded by countless stars, and seemed to have completely achieved enlightenment.


Wu Yun had no idea of ​​communicating. When he walked in first and the owner of this world appeared and bowed slightly to him, he had already raised his hand, and purple light shot out from his fingertips until the other party Ajna.

This move sank firmly into the opponent's forehead, but it seemed to sink into the ocean, not even a single wave was stirred up, and it just disappeared without a trace.

"The Taoist's serious murderous nature!"

After the blow, the owner of the pyramid couldn't help but frown, looked at Wu Yun somewhat sullenly, and said in a deep voice.

This was a skinny, shriveled male Taoist, with just a layer of skin sticking to his bones. It was hard to believe that he was still alive.

But even so, he feels extremely normal. At least, he and those things outside can be said to be completely different species.

"Why don't you die?"

Wu Yun didn't answer the other party's words, and just asked out of curiosity, "My move 'Demon Soul-Breaking Finger' is as fast as light, penetrating the sky and the earth, and you neither dodge nor defend, why don't you die?"

"Based on my observation of you, your defense doesn't seem to be able to withstand this attack." Wu Yun was also a little curious. The opponent was indeed very strong. Even in this state, Wu Yun could feel him. of strength.

If he were in his prime, he might not even be his opponent. But now, he is just a withered skeleton like what he looks like now.

Half of the foot, no, the whole person has completely fallen into the grave. He was already dead, but his last breath was hanging on him.

"I would like to ask my friend, why do you want to kill me indiscriminately when we meet?" The owner of the pyramid also asked, not only was Wu Yun curious about him, he was also curious about Wu Yun. Incessantly.

After all, the opponent's weird attack method was not only awe-inspiring, but the form of attack and the power system contained in it were something he had never heard of or seen in his millions of years of life.

"Could it be said that in this world now, I have opened up a completely new path?"

There was a light in the eyes of the owner of the pyramid, and it seemed that just one look could ignite a person, burning everything from soul to body in an instant.

"Since you don't plan to answer my question, then you--"


As the saying goes, it doesn't take more than half a sentence to talk without speculation. Wu Yun can even talk to the other party for a few words, which is enough to show his patience and excellent quality.

But there is a saying that goes well: Even if you are a clay figurine, how can you still be angry?

"Karma Fire Soul-Severing Claw!"

The five fingers were flexed, like sharp claws, mixed with evil auras and strong winds, as well as high temperatures that could melt everything in the world. Before he finished speaking, Wu Yun suddenly rose up and clawed towards the Qingyang True Lord.

"Hunxi - cut off!"

"Fire Xi - Burning Soul!"

A claw was blasted out, but True Lord Qingyang was no longer in his original position. Wherever Wu Yun's five fingers crossed, five long gaps were torn open in the space.

In the gap, billowing black smoke and evil energy overflowed, and the high temperature caused the surrounding space to bend and twist. And this is far from the end——

"Hmph..." From the corner of his eye, he looked at True Lord Qingyang who had appeared in the sky in the distance, but Wu Yun's lips curved into a vicious smile.

"Want to escape? Where can you escape?"

"Huh?" Above the sky, just as True Lord Qingyang was picking up his seal, he no longer planned to communicate and directly killed the evil man below who did not know whether to live or die.

After that, he would absorb his flesh and blood to replenish himself, and search for his soul to get the information he wanted.

But at this moment, five cracks suddenly appeared in the void behind him.

And the appearance of the cracks was actually the same as the five cracks left by Wu Yun's claw at his position just a moment ago -


The huge sense of crisis made his forehead numb, and his body reacted in an instant. But in the end, it was still a step too late.

"Retreat - there is nowhere to go."

The word reached his ears, and the sharp pain in his back suddenly hit him at the same moment.

Five black arcs of light flew out from the five cracks and hit the back of True Lord Qingyang.

In an instant, the Taoist robe on his body was torn, and the skin on his back was torn open, reaching his spine and ribs.


True Lord Qingyang's body shook in the sky, but in an instant, he appeared again in another place in the space.

At this time, his face had completely sunk, and it was so dark that it was almost dripping with water.


"call out--"

Just as he was about to speak, another beam of light shot out, and this time, the beam of light hit True Lord Qingyang. Although he still had no reaction, he suddenly disappeared.

Disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace.

"Boss, that person..."

"He's hiding."

Before Li Chuixing could finish speaking, Wu Yun replied.

At the same time, he lifted his feet off the ground, floated into the sky, looked at the stretching palace in front of him, and said, "Don't worry about anything else, look for the treasure first."

  An unknown number of years may have passed, but this world, at least in the area where the three of them were, still looked like it was filled with fairy spirit and shrouded in clouds and mist.

The gorgeous buildings in front of the square are undulating. In the past, there may have been mythical beasts flying in the clouds and mist in the sky, and there may have been fairies dancing in the jade buildings.

But now, there is no life here anymore, everything has come to a standstill.

Time seems to have lost its meaning here.

There was silence in all the palaces, and there was nothingness under the billowing sea of ​​clouds.

The trees are dead and even silicified. Residential temples have long been integrated with the dust.

The entire world has died, leaving only the immortal mansion above the nine heavens, still maintaining its original appearance.

Maybe it's millions of years, maybe it's tens of millions of years. But no matter how much time passes, perhaps this gorgeous building will still remain the same.

It seems ironic to say that before the aura was transformed, the immortals could only survive hundreds of thousands of times despite all their efforts.

But these beautiful buildings and jade buildings remain as new as ever after millions of years.

 The automatic release time was sent wrong, 8Sorry

  (End of this chapter)

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