Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 90 090 Now, I am in charge of everything

Chapter 90 Now, everything is controlled by me (090)

Long Guang, who originally had no intention of speaking to Wu Yun, asked the question on his behalf because Qian Shicheng beside him didn't dare to ask.

This is a very serious matter, in Qian Shicheng's view, although Long Guang cannot quite understand it.

"Have you been walking alone for so long that your brain doesn't work well?" Wu Yun looked at Long Guang like he was a fool and said.

"Didn't I come back in a fucking spaceship? Or did I fly back? On what? My jump up to thirty light years at a time was so popular? Don't you have a comic about me? Not even this one knew?"

Wu Yun knew that he was a comic book character the night after he came back.

Several of his followers, Nauka, Si Xianghui and Sun Yunguang, called him to a single room with serious faces and told him what they had obtained from Long Guang. In their opinion, it involved Wu. The shocking secret of the origin of Yun's world.

As for Wu Yun, the person involved, his reaction to this was:

"Damn it, is this why you called me out so late at night?"

So, the three of them left the room with a big smoking bag on their heads.

Wu Yun's reaction was obviously beyond the expectations of the three of them, but it had to be said that it was reasonable.

Because this guy came out of a funny comic, although Sun Yunguang and Nauka actually had no idea what a "funny comic" was.

Characters in the world of funny comics actually sometimes have plots where 'they know they are comic characters', such as the classic 'it's actually impossible, but don't forget, this is a comic'.

This kind of dialogue will appear even in serious comics, not to mention characters from funny comics like Wu Yun.

"But, if you guys came back in a spaceship, wouldn't it be that the spaceship would be contaminated with the mutated fairy energy from the outside world? Wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be..."

At this time, after hearing Wu Yun's answer, Qian Shicheng, who had never dared to speak, finally overcame his fear. His face turned pale and he stammered and asked Wu Yun: "This, this, this..."

"Where did you come from, idiot? Don't say such things here that insult my intelligence." Wu Yun, who heard the voice, turned his eyes to Qian Shicheng, with a look of disdain on his face, and then snapped his fingers, sparks flying.

Qian Shicheng fell to the ground instantly, with a big lump bulging on his forehead, and then he began to writhe on the ground like a maggot.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!!"

"Haha, don't scream, I'm trying to activate Su Hui for you!" Seeing the money twisted into a maggot on the ground, Wu Yun laughed and said: "Idiots like you should be beaten on the head more, say Maybe you can become smarter just by hitting it."

Long Guang glanced at Qian Shicheng on the ground, with a look of surprise in her eyes again. Then she looked at Wu Yun again and asked very carefully: "Hey! Qian Shicheng is really too worried about this kind of thing. What does it mean to you, Mr. Yun! Right, right?"

"Nonsense." Shun Mao Donkey Wu Yun nodded in agreement, "This is how people from the countryside have never seen the world. Maybe their civilization has never even left their home planet. I can't imagine that the spacecraft is carrying out hundreds of What channel does it take to travel a distance of light years?"

"That's fucking hyperspace, not even a regular universe. If any virus could survive there, it would have dominated the universe long ago."

"Haha, yes, yes!" Long Guang also laughed. At this time, after hearing Wu Yun's words, her heart that had been hanging because of Qian Shicheng's question finally settled.

Since he said it was okay, it must be okay.

  "Gah! Damn it, it's so boring, such a boring game!!! I don't want to watch it, I don't want to watch it!!!"

An hour later, the martial arts test at the recruitment meeting began, but within ten minutes of watching it, Wu Yun had already overturned the table and started to stir in the box.

"What the hell is there to see in this kind of nonsense, this kind of kid's trick of playing house, what's the point of it!?"

The angry Wu Yun started yelling in the box. This guy's quality has always been very low, although warriors like him may be the norm in the wasteland. Powerful, but without the dignity or magnanimity of a warrior. Being petty, double-standard, and holding grudges...

Of course, there are also warriors who are magnanimous, dignified, and possess great martial arts spirit. It can only be said that the diversity is relatively rich, with an all-inclusive focus.

"What the hell can be achieved through this kind of selection?" Wu Yun stared at Yu Jing and asked.

"Well, this..." Faced with Wu Yun's question, Yu Jing thought for a while and said: "This is mainly used to manage civilians, and their strength is suitable for this. The recruitment conference is divided into civil and military There are two tests, the literary test mainly tests the current political opinions and state governance strategies, which are used for administration.

The martial arts test focuses on martial arts, which are used to protect the land and the people. These, these are still...well, more important. "

Although Yu Jing is not very powerful, she is indeed good at management.

Yuanzhou and Yunzhou have the two largest populations in nearby areas, with a combined total of tens of millions. The population of other nearby states is basically only a million, and some states or even a continent have a population of less than a million.

Even in the Central Plains region, the populations of Yuanzhou and Yunzhou are at the top.

Although these two places are underdeveloped, it has to be said that the lives of people living here are not necessarily worse than those living in the Central Plains.

"Recruit more talents, and the population of the territory will be larger. And with a larger population, more people will know your name, boss. And if their lives are decent, then they will be more interested in you. Dai Ming never forgets it, is he grateful?"

After talking for a while, but seeing that Wu Yun's complexion still showed no sign of improvement, Yu Jing asked tentatively: "But if you think it doesn't look good, how about...?"

"Why don't you change the rules as you say?"

"Huh?" After hearing Yu Jing's words, Wu Yun was stunned for two seconds, and then a light bulb lit up above his head.

Very, very big light bulb.

"Haha!" At the same time, his laughter also sounded in the box: "Your suggestion is good! Your suggestion is clever! Just do it!"

So, ten seconds later. Everyone in Baixian City heard a voice as loud as a bell:

"I am Wu Yun. Some of you may not know who I am yet, but it doesn't matter. You will know soon."

"Now, I will decide the selection method of the recruitment meeting and the promotion requirements."

"First, the first round."

When the voice fell, Wu Yun, who had left the box, flew over the venue, looked down at the crowds of people below, opened his palm downwards, and five light spots lit up on each of his five fingers.

"Now I will conduct the first round of elimination. I will throw out 7,785 light points. They will each track a conference participant and fly towards them with the purpose of killing them."

"And your goal is to survive the three minutes it tracks. Or, let it hit in advance but survive."

"Now, I start to get angry, start to be afraid, start to despair, start to cry, start to..."

"Start running for your respective lives that are about to end!"

"Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie————!!"

The sound fell, and at this moment, everyone felt like they were in an extremely cold hell, and even their souls had been frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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