Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 95 094 Now, I am in charge of everything

Chapter 95 094 Now, everything is controlled by me ()

If it were said that Wu Yun's words at the beginning caused everyone present to fall into an extremely cold hell. So now, his words have brought everyone present into the Hell of Karma Fire.

However, after these words, the scene was silent, everyone was waiting for the god of death to announce a new round of 'game rules'. However, they waited for a long time, but could not wait for the next sentence.

In the sky, Wu Yun is also a little embarrassed now, because after he said the above sentence, he suddenly found that he seemed to, well, seemed to...

I can’t think of what to play in the second round.

He had never thought about letting this group of people survive. As a result, this group of people not only survived, but the survival rate even exceeded 50%, which was completely beyond his expectation.

And because Wu Yun is a person who can't follow up on his words, he will naturally not regret what he says and what he does.

Otherwise, he would have started cheating a long time ago, saying that what he just did didn't count and was invalid, and then he would come with thousands more light balls. If he didn't die in one round, he would do it again.

Until everyone is killed or only a few survivors remain.

That's the result he wants, that's his ideal situation.

The result is now like this, although this is a very normal thing for him. Most of the time, whatever he wants to do, the end result will often be like this.

Speaking of which, this is not bad.

The people below did not speak, and the people above did not speak either. The scene fell into silence again, leaving only the groans of those who were dying but not yet dead, dragging their bodies and struggling on the ground, and the low sobs of some people.

And Yu Jing was confused in the box:

"Hey! Boss, why is the boss silent?"


Long Guang then spoke: "He is like this. In fact, he never thought of keeping so many people alive. As a result, after this massive killing, not even half of the people died. As a result, he is now Stuck.”

"I guess at this moment, he is thinking about how to have a second round that will kill everyone. Just wait."

"Yes, really?" After hearing Long Guang's words, Yu Jing suddenly realized. Then, she also turned her gaze back to the box and focused on Long Guang.

"Ms. Long, the boss seems to be, it seems to be a character in your picture book... um, comic book?"

"Yeah, what?" Long Guang nodded and asked.

"Then can you tell me about the boss?" Yu Jing suddenly became interested, stepped over the body of the person who fell on the ground, and rushed to Long Guang in a few steps, asking excitedly.

At this time, there were several more people lying on the ground in the room. Those were the servants responsible for serving them.

Because these people had just shouted words such as "Empress is crazy" and wanted to hit the wall and commit suicide with a look of sadness on their faces, so Yujing let them fall into a peaceful sleep first.

All I can say is, 'Use a great evil deed to do an extremely good thing. 'These people still don't understand this truth...

Thinking of this, Yu Jing also sighed, shook her head, and then waved her sleeves to temporarily log these people offline.

"What do you want to know?"

Seeing the excitement on Yu Jing's face, Long Guang asked. She was quite happy to answer the other party's many doubts, and she had a very good impression of this fox demon.

Not only because of the detailed information about her given by the spoiler Qian Shicheng, but also because after staying here for several months, I heard from the local residents about the empress’s many good deeds.

Whether it's the character design given by Qian Shicheng or the unabashed and completely heartfelt respect in the eyes of the local residents of Yuanzhou. And there are all kinds of stories about her circulating in this place. From these aspects, this guy really deserves the title of 'White Immortal'.

Even Long Guang felt that just building a temple for her was not enough. Because for comparison, take another nearby territory, Huzhou, which is considered a well-developed border area, but its total population is only five million.

five million.

Long Guang couldn't remember the combined population of Yuanzhou and Yunzhou, but it was obvious that it was definitely much more than Huzhou.

Huzhou is already a leader in the border areas, and the population of such a leader is less than 10 million, let alone those heavyweights.

Especially in some states that were dubbed 'rich' and 'prosperous' in the past, it is not an exaggeration to describe those places with the words "no roosters crow for thousands of miles and no bones are exposed in the wild".

This is a troubled time, a living hell.

Even if the final fate of everyone being corrupted by the mutated immortal energy was avoided, it would still be a hell on earth.

Those living in the area ruled by Yu Jing can still lament that Wu Yun, the god of death who suddenly appeared, turned this place into a complete hell.

But for those living outside the areas ruled by Yujing, their world is already hell.

  Time passed by, and after a long period of silence, the people on the field below began to whisper because Wu Yun's voice had not been heard in their ears for too long.

But no one dared to leave, even those who survived Wu Yun's first round elimination.

With just one blow, nearly ten thousand light balls flew out and hit everyone accurately. No one can hide... Well, it seems that quite a few have.

Well, the reality is that there were people who tried to escape the scene, but they all failed.

This place has been completely locked by Wu Yun. Even if he wants to leave, he can only hit the invisible wall and bounce back.

There were a few people who were able to rush through the invisible wall, but those who passed by were only left with a blackened skeleton. They passed through the barrier and fell to the ground, shattered to pieces.

After seeing those living and bloody examples, everyone stopped trying to escape.

Some people began to pray, praying that the Empress could come and save them from this hell.

Some people are also praying for the safety of the empress, because when Wu Yun comes here in a dominant posture, it is enough to show that the empress has probably been defeated.

It's even... more dangerous than good.

As the patron saint of Yuanzhou, as a god respected and worshiped by most residents here. They didn't want anything bad to happen to their god.

Although everyone worships Yu Jing as a god, everyone also knows that she is not a true god.

As a demon king, she will eventually have to face other peers. In order to defend her territory, she must also fight with other demon kings and powerful powers.

All the people in Yuanzhou are aware of this kind of thing.

Because it happens on this planet every moment.

 The last chapter will be at eight o'clock, maybe a little later, it's probably the old time

  (End of this chapter)

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