The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 201 Use your strength! Use force

Chapter 201 Use your strength! Use force (two chapters in one)

Dennis felt his left leg, which had turned into a sharp claw, tap lightly, and his whole body rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

He was sure that this speed would definitely surpass that of ordinary knights.

Even compared to his father's speed when he broke through to the Great Knight, it didn't seem to be much slower.

Immediately, Dennis was asked to take the 'mutation potion', and his mood improved a lot after being transformed into an inhuman state.

I saw him moving, like a fast-moving transparent mist. After jumping onto a high wall, he looked around.

Since he was in the aristocratic residence area of ​​the county, he was surrounded by villas where nobles of all sizes lived. Therefore, even at night, he could still see guards from various households training back and forth.

This immediately gave him an idea.

He wants to try it out!
Looking around, he saw a guard in the nearby mansion break away from the patrol team and seemed to be going to the toilet. This made Dennis's scaly face suddenly appear with a charming smile.

'A good test subject.'

The next second, Dennis's almost transparent figure disappeared from the wall in a swish.

The guard in chainmail had just turned the corner of the corridor. Suddenly, he felt a strong wind blowing on his face. When he was about to react, he heard a "click" and was stunned for a moment. In place.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body trembled like a sieve, and the next second, he slowly collapsed to the ground.

I saw that the top of the head of the corpse on the ground had been completely dug open, and most of the white brains had been taken out.

At this time, Dennis was using his right paw to play with the skull dripping with blood and brain matter.

His pair of vertical pupils revealed surprise. He really didn't expect that his attack power would reach such a level.

With just one claw, the skull of a well-trained guard was lifted open!
You must know that the skull is one of the hardest parts of the human body, and the guard's strength is not weak. He is almost at the level of a first-level knight's attendant. However, he was unable to resist the blow that was not his full strength.

This can’t help but boost Dennis’ confidence!
Moreover, he felt that the power in his body seemed to be increasing every moment. This feeling of having power as surging as the waves was so intoxicating!
"Ren! I'm coming to get revenge on you!" Dennis muttered to himself as he looked at the hand in his hand that had transformed into sharp claws.

Soon, with a leap, Dennis disappeared immediately.

The two strong men of the resistance army holding copper monoculars on the side felt that their eyes were blurred, and Dennis disappeared from their sight.

This caused them to look around quickly and finally saw a nearly transparent figure that appeared in a distant mansion before disappearing again.

After that, it was no longer possible to find traces!
Only then did the two of them realize that this Dennis was no longer the same Dennis as before.

I'm afraid their observation mission will be difficult!

"Fuck, this medicine is so powerful! How did this kid become so fast?"

"This is different from what the captain said!" the leading strong man spat.

"This potion is so powerful. I just don't know if it can restore a human body. If it can, I will apply for a bottle from you." The strong man next to him said enviously.

"Don't be stupid! Baipi, you don't know that the mortality rate after taking this medicine is extremely high. This one is already a lucky guy!" The strong man in the lead yelled after beating his companion to death.

The two of them ran fast, but as formal knights, they couldn't catch up.

"I really can't keep up, Baipi. Hurry up and report to the captain! This speed is much faster than that of a senior knight." The strong man complained.

"Also, what you said is absolutely correct. This Eagle Federation's potion is really awesome!"
Late at night, Ren was still sweating profusely in the blacksmith shop!
As each piece of ice iron shoulder pads was made.
In the four or five hours since dinner, Renn has advanced the experience value of Armorer lv6 to (1839/3000).

Renn wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead and thought to himself:
'Fortunately, during the bloody duel, Jennifer raised the stakes and made a huge profit! Otherwise, I really don't have the financial resources to use rare ores as ordinary ores, and I don't have to worry about whether the ice and iron shoulder pads I created can be sold later.'

"After all, things like knight armor can only be sold in sets. A single piece would look nondescript. Especially if I made it myself, it is a part of the rare ore ice and iron set."

'In addition, judging from the current progress, one more hard day tomorrow should be enough. '

'Although I have some shortcomings, my strength has been developed through hard work. '

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, a rapid knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting Ren's thoughts.

Before Ren opened the door, the guard outside the door anxiously shouted: "Lord Baron, the mansion has just been attacked!"


Ren's pupils shrank, and he immediately opened the door and asked, "How is the situation now?"

"Four guards were killed, but the regional patrol responded quickly. The attackers have now escaped. Baron, your parents and sister are safe and sound, but they were a little frightened."

This immediately caused Ren's hand movements to pause for a moment.

The family was just frightened, which was fine.

"Where is Baroness Crowley?" Ren asked again, because he knew that the beautiful woman had been living in his mansion these days. After all, the beautiful woman was still the housekeeper of his mansion in name.

"The lady was not harmed either. She was in the wine cellar when the attack occurred."

Renn nodded, that's good!
However, Ren still quickly put on his newly acquired water-coated steel suit and rushed to his mansion.

Along the way, Ren asked the mansion guards intermittently.

"Who was the attacker?"

"We don't even know this. It seems to be a ferocious beast?" The palace guard who reported the news hesitated for a moment and said.

"Huh? Beast?"

This made Renn very surprised.

Because even if it turns into a ferocious beast, it will most likely not come to a human city, and it will still attack the noble residence area just to find food?
This doesn't make sense.

"Have any other mansions in the Noble District been attacked?"

"Yes, but it's not as serious as the attack we suffered." The guard thought for a while and reported.

"Is that so?" Renn looked thoughtful and said no more.

Soon, he arrived near his residence and saw groups of familiar night watchmen wearing black leather armor, as well as many city guards running back and forth, and martial law began.

Obviously, after the attack, the entire county's defense forces were mobilized.

"What's going on now?" Renn stopped a man dressed as a captain of the night watchman and asked.

The other party wanted to get angry, but when he looked up and saw it was Ren, he was suddenly excited. This was the 'Hammer Baron'!

The captain of the night watchman immediately wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said:

"Lord Baron Renn, several noble mansions were attacked by a certain monster just now. Witnesses only saw a group of transparent shadows flashing past and were either killed or injured. However, one thing we are sure of is that the opponent's attack method used It's a claw attack."

"The other party is very fast, right?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Then why did the other party escape?"

"Because we fired the signal flare, and after the other party saw the signal flare, they broke through our siege and fled directly in that direction." The captain of the night watchman pointed in the direction of the distant city wall.

"Very good, thank you! I used to be a night watchman. If you encounter that monster while patrolling, run towards my mansion." Renn patted the other party's shoulder and said.

"Thank you, Lord Baron!" The captain of the night watchman was very excited when he heard Ren's words and bowed.

After briefly asking about the situation, Ren immediately returned to the mansion.


Seeing that Ren was back, her sister Mint rushed into her brother's arms and cried, "Brother, Cookie is dying!"


Ren raised his eyebrows, and immediately, he quickly came to the door of the villa and found that there were four deep claw marks on the back of the greyhound Cookie. The injury was quite serious. At this moment, he could no longer move.

Seeing Ren's arrival, Cookie glanced at Ren and shouted "woo woo" several times.

"Don't be afraid! I will cure you." Ren stepped forward and stroked the greyhound Cookie's head, comforting him.

At this time, mother Emma, ​​father Lao Ren and the beautiful woman also walked out of the villa.

"Father, mother, you can rest assured, I am here." Ren said with relief.

At the same time, he turned to the beautiful woman and said, "Call Jenny and rest here at night. It will be safer with me here."

"By the way, give these guards who died in the line of duty enough compensation so that their families can feel at ease. If their families are in difficulty, please do your best to make arrangements if you can."

"Okay, Lord Baron." The beautiful woman nodded and immediately sent someone to pick up Jenny.
County town.

In an inconspicuous residence.

After hearing the report about Dennis from his subordinates, Brigadier General Parix couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, with a hint of surprise on his face, and said:
"Did you read that correctly? Has the strength really improved so much?"

"Reporting to the Brigadier General, the two of us can guarantee that we are absolutely right!" The two strong men reported the report with certainty.

Brigadier General Paris glanced at the two men and nodded.

One of the reasons why he launched a sudden attack this time was because he received news from the county that Earl Habs was not in the county. In this case, he only needed to guard against the powerful men of Monsoon and Ocean Goddess Church.

The second reason was that he happened to meet Dennis, a good 'material' for the mutation potion. Unexpectedly, this 'material' now gave him another surprise.

It seems to be a memory, just listen to him talking to himself:
"According to the doctor who sent the potion, normally speaking, if a prospective knight does not die immediately after taking it, his combat power will increase by about the same level as a senior knight or slightly higher."

"But his level of improvement, which almost exceeds that of a peak knight, is extremely rare."

"In this case, Dennis's body will be more valuable. It would be best to get it back. The Eagle Federation should be very interested."

"Well, you have to get it back as soon as possible and freeze it quickly, otherwise it will affect the detection."

"Looks like I need to take a trip."
After Ren arranged some arrangements in the mansion, he checked the bodies of several palace guards again.

At this time, the county sheriff, Viscount Hamadi, also arrived.

However, as soon as the other party arrived, there were messengers reporting to him.

After hearing the report, Viscount Hammadi couldn't help but change his expression.

I saw him walking towards Renne and saying:

"Baron Wren, the messenger just said that Jinshan Town was attacked by a group of bandits. There are several mansions of wealthy businessmen in the north of the city. It seems that they were also attacked by bandits just now. I have to quickly arrange for personnel to support them."

"If we come here, I will increase the intensity and frequency of patrols."

Goldshire and other places were also attacked?

Renn nodded and said: "Lord Viscount, go and do your work. According to the current situation, the possibility of the other party attacking again is not high. Moreover, I will always be in the mansion."

After Viscount Hamady left, the more Ren thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

First of all, although the wounds on the Death Guards were definitely claw marks, the timing of the bandit group was too coincidental.

Secondly, the magical ritual 'detecting evil' in the room on the first floor of the villa was not triggered, indicating that it was not an evil object or some kind of evil spirit.

Therefore, if it is really a beast, it must be a beast controlled by humans!
Renn basically concluded.

In addition, the opponent's attack power is very good, but the defense power does not seem to be very strong. Just now, he saw a light green scale the size of a fingernail falling next to the body of a guard.

It seemed that it was knocked down when the guards were attacking it.

What's more, the other party chose to retreat under the siege of the Night Watch, which further proves this point.

In this case, it seems that I can
Renn had a vague idea in his mind.

Late at night, Ren did not rest. He came to the open space in the front yard wearing a water-coated steel suit. However, he did not carry the two weapons behind him, but began to practice Kadar boxing.

He put both weapons in the utility room in the front yard. half an hour later
A transparent figure quietly ran back again.

"Ren is actually practicing boxing? He doesn't even bring a weapon?"

Dennis repeatedly observed Renn in the front yard, but he was practicing boxing.

Although he still felt something was wrong, at this moment, there seemed to be an extremely violent force in his body that needed to be released.

In addition, for the person in front of him, he has always had a strong desire to kill in his heart.

The two items were superimposed, and Dennis felt like he was neither vomiting nor happy!

In fact, this is because the 'Shadow Iguana Type Mutation Potion' originally contains special substances extracted from the ovaries of the Shadow Iguana, which have a strong assimilation effect on the human body.

Now Dennis is not only physically alienated, in fact, even his personality has been alienated to some extent.

From another perspective, under the influence of the shadow iguana's alienation, Dennis was able to persist for such a long time without rushing forward, which shows the depth of Ren's shadow in his mind.

do not care!
Even if you can't beat him, you can still escape with your own speed! Dennis licked his lips with his trustworthy tongue and thought to himself.

The next second, his whole body was like a transparent mist, rushing towards Ren with a 'swish'.

In fact, when Dennis arrived, Rennes' level 3 'danger perception' gave him a faint warning.

Therefore, although Ren's face was calm and the boxing moves in his hands did not change at all, his heart was gradually filled with joy.

finally come!


Sparks are flying on the surface of the water-filmed steel handguard.

Renn firmly caught the opponent's claw.

Although there is no finger tiger, Ren is wearing water-coated steel gauntlets. There is not much difference except that he cannot perform the secret skill 'Hundred Crack' that requires a sharp blade.

In addition, with one blow, Renn quickly judged that, as he had expected, the monster was extremely fast, but not very powerful.

"Whoa! Whoa! Dang!"

The two quickly exchanged blows.

Once they met, Dennis was overjoyed.

Without a weapon in hand, Renn's strength has dropped by more than one step!
Sure enough, there was only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname!

'Hammer Baron', without the hammer, he can actually be on par with him.

Immediately, Dennis' confidence doubled and he attacked Rennes with all his strength.

Of course, this was done deliberately by Renn. From some traces of the opponent's battle, Renn deduced that the opponent was not actually strong at that time, and he might be able to use the opponent as his 'boxing training object'.

Now that we have a fight, it is indeed the case!
This is simply an 'experience object' given to us.

If you don't take a lot of wool from the other party, it is simply a waste of natural resources.

The guards on the side had already received instructions from Ren, asking them to be responsible for guarding and protecting their families, and did not need to participate in the battle.

So, at this moment, they were looking at the center of the front yard, where a bright silver mass and a transparent blurry figure were fighting each other very quickly.

Harsh clashing sounds sounded from time to time!

And a small hole will suddenly explode on the ground, and the grass and trees will break off like grass.

However, no matter how hard they watched, the guards could not clearly see the specific movements of the two men fighting.

Dennis became more and more excited as he fought. He felt that victory was close at hand, because the two claw strikes he had just made were caught on Ren's left arm.

An idea suddenly came to his mind.

If Renn hadn't been wearing this set of extremely hard iron knots, he would have been injured just now.

And he might just kill Renne!
Thinking of this immediately made Dennis very excited!
You know, even though his father became a great knight at that time, he still lost to Ren!

The advantage in this battle felt even better than when he held down Tina, who had no power to resist, and ravaged her!
This gave Dennis a desire not to complain, he must mock Ren!

The next second, Ren suddenly heard the monster opposite actually speak.

"Hiss, Ren, you are dead today!" Dennis said, while Xinzi hesitated back and forth.

"Oh? Who are you?"

The two of them replied to each other while maintaining a high-speed exchange.

"Me? I'm someone you never dreamed of."

The battle lasted for a long time, and logically speaking, both of them should have consumed a lot of energy.

But Dennis seemed to be in a state of excitement that was several times that of hyperthyroidism due to taking the medicine. He felt that his body was full of strength at all times and could continue to fight.

On the contrary, Ren's breathing was obviously louder.

This made Dennis even more proud.

"Remember, the person who killed you is Dennis!"

The next second, Dennis launched a wave of attacks!

It turned out to be him?

Renn recalled that he had met Dennis once before, but he didn't expect that he would now look like a ghost.

Does the other party have some connection with the bandits?

How did it become like this?

But soon, Ren discovered that this was not important.

The important thing is that the opponent's physical strength is so good.

This also means that he can gain more experience from the opponent!
Although my physical strength has declined, it is just right that I have stepped into an official wizard, which requires more than 30 points of mental energy, which is not enough at the moment.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Renn added a little more to his mental attributes.

As the remaining attribute points go from 6 to 5, the spirit also goes from 27 to 28 points.

Suddenly, a warm current surged out from his heart and quickly spread throughout his body.

All of a sudden, all the fatigue in Renn's body was swept away!

Facing Dennis who was rushing towards him, Ren suddenly thought of something.

The other party must not know that attacking him desperately will bring him great benefits.

I really don’t know how the other party will feel after knowing this situation!
So, Renn smiled slightly and rushed forward at the same speed.

"Ding! Ding! Dang!"

So, the two fought together again.

This time, Dennis became more and more irritable and anxious as he fought.

It was clear that Ren was a little exhausted just now and he was about to win. Why was Ren suddenly so energetic again now?

After a few more exchanges, Dennis couldn't bear it anymore and asked:
"Hiss~ How is that possible! Your energy should have been almost exhausted!"

"Haha, I'm relatively persistent. It's normal that you don't know this." Ren replied casually.

"What the hell!"

Dennis couldn't tell that Ren was teasing him. His vertical pupils suddenly shrank and he attacked with all his strength.

This caused the water-film steel breastplate on Ren's chest to be hit by several claw strikes in succession. However, with the strong water-film steel suit and the protection of the extraordinary characteristic 'Iron Skin LV3', attacks of this level were naturally not possible. Don't let Ren take it to heart.

Soon, Dennis's transparent figure began to be unable to maintain, probably because of too much physical exertion. At this moment, he gradually broke away from the 'chameleon' state and restored his appearance of light green scales.

"It really looks like a wild beast!"

"Faster! Any faster and you'll hurt me!"

"Harder! Harder, Dennis!"

Lane kept stimulating Dennis with words.

It's not that Ren was venomous, he just wanted to squeeze out the last bit of Dennis's energy.

Hearing Ren's teasing and teasing from time to time, Dennis's eyes were red at the moment, as his mind was a little affected by the continuous alienation effect!
He almost used all his strength to attack.

As his understanding of Kadar boxing became more profound and detailed, Renn's fighting became smoother and smoother.
In addition, since Dennis used claws, this also allowed Renn to make some comparisons between fists and claws, which seemed to be of certain benefit for subsequent learning of the secret technique 'Hundred Cracks'.

I saw white water vapor starting to emerge from Dennis' body surface, and his complexion was faintly red through the light green scales!


Dennis, who was moving at high speed, suddenly staggered, and his expression suddenly changed!
Oops! Dennis felt something inside him and suddenly exploded!
Immediately afterwards, he felt the strength in his body begin to drain away rapidly.
It was as if his body at the moment was like a balloon that had been popped by a needle, and something was leaking out of his body very quickly.

Renn also stopped at the same time. He watched Dennis's whole body trembling non-stop, and the scales and claws all over his body began to fall off one after another.
Seeing this strange scene, Renn did not choose to continue the attack.

He guessed that the other party had reached a certain limit.

Physical breakdown?

Or for some other reason, he didn't know clearly.

It's just a pity that such a good 'experience-earning object' is gone.

There was actually a little bit of regret in Renn's heart at this moment.

If he had a choice, he expected the other party to recover immediately.

Or maybe the opponent's current weird state is just a prelude to some kind of transformation.
In this case, after the transformation is over, you can still fight with yourself.

But wishes are always good.

The reality is 'regrettable'
A few seconds later, Dennis fell to the ground with a 'pop', his whole body twitching.
A minute later, a skinny, gray-haired Dennis who looked extremely old appeared in front of Renn.

Under the higher spiritual perception, Renn felt that the opponent's vitality seemed to have been exhausted at this moment, and even the sound of breathing was inaudible.

At this time, the system prompt suddenly appeared:
[Your skill Tokadar Boxing has been improved, experience value +977]

[You have experienced a battle, knight (extraordinary) experience value +89]

Seeing that the monster turned into a human form in the end, the guards of the mansion were also very surprised. At this moment, they gathered around one after another. After carefully checking, they reported: "Lord Baron, the other party is dead!"

"I didn't expect it to be a human being!"


Renn nodded and said: "Put away the opponent's body."

This corpse should be of great research value. I wonder if it will be rewarded with a lot of merit points after it is turned over to the empire.

My boxing skill level is 5, which is an unexpected surprise. If I get 5 more points, I will be at level 10.
Ren turned around and retrieved two weapons. He planned to return to the room and take a rest.

At this time, suddenly, he stopped completely.

Then, he quickly turned around and looked somewhere on the street under the night sky
The palace guards who were cleaning up the battlefield seemed to have noticed the change in the surrounding atmosphere at this moment, and they all looked up in the direction where their baron was looking.

I saw a pair of shiny plate armor boots appearing under the streetlight at the corner of the street not far away.
(End of this chapter)

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