The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 205: How to redeem witchcraft

Chapter 205: How to redeem witchcraft (two chapters in one)

After listening to Veronica's narration, Malika nodded, then turned to look at Renn and said: "Your Excellency Renn, I'm so sorry. It seems that we have to leave as soon as possible."

"No problem, Major Marika, but it's already half past ten. How about we set off after lunch?" Ren said with a smile.

Marika and Veronica looked at each other and said with a smile: "Of course, then don't bother Baron Wren."

"You two are welcome, this is my duty as a landlord." Ren bowed slightly and said with a smile.

Without any further instructions from Ren, the beautiful woman on the side stood up and said with a smile:

"Lord Baron, then I will go and ask the kitchen to prepare it, so that Major Malika and Miss Veronica can enjoy the delicacies of Meister County."

"Thank you, Jennifer." Ren said with a smile and nodded.

After Jennifer left, Major Malika's beautiful eyes stayed on the beautiful woman's back for a while, then turned to Ren and said: "Baron Ren, your butler is really a beauty."

"Even in Rosby City, it is extremely rare. From the temperament point of view, she does not look like a housekeeper, but rather like an elegant lady."

After hearing Veronica's words, Marika immediately covered her mouth and looked at Ren in surprise.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"My God, this is too biased," Veronica muttered in frustration.

It seems that Renne was able to achieve such great results during the canonization assessment process, perhaps not just because of the knight's methods.

Ren was also quite surprised.

Obviously, with such a beautiful woman by their side, they didn't believe that Renn could be such a 'gentleman'.

In addition to the invitation letter from the Empire's sword holder, I'm afraid this beautiful woman also played a big role.

The communication methods within the army all use witchcraft, which shows that the bond between the empire and the wizards is far deeper than they imagined.

It seems that the other party should have some kind of detection witchcraft or detection props.

From the fact that the Imperial Navy uses witchcraft to communicate, it can explain a lot of problems.

From this point of view, Renn felt that his previous decision was correct.

But the difference from before is that he is now an imperial noble. On the other hand, he also basically understands the attitude of the empire's top officials towards wizards.

"Huh? Sir Ren, this is witchcraft, it's only..." In an instant, Veronica's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at Ren in a daze, and her words stopped abruptly in the middle of her words.

When he asked this question, he considered that his identity as a wizard's apprentice might be revealed.

"I see." Renn looked thoughtful.

Although Ren had a premonition, he still planned to give it a try.

After some pleasantries, she finally understood why General Silva asked her to try to invite Renn, but Renn refused without any hesitation, as if he had no charm.

Moreover, since the other party's 'Ainius Bird Transformation Technique' is some kind of witchcraft, then in the process of learning, it should also simultaneously promote the professional level of the wizard apprentice.

"Furthermore, the mental strength doesn't seem to be as low as mine. Are you also a third-level wizard apprentice?"

Therefore, even if others knew that he was a wizard apprentice, it would not be a big deal.

Marika was actually quite surprised when she saw Jennifer for the first time.

After all, if he could really do it, he might be able to raise the professional level of the beast tamer by one level again in a short period of time.

He had previously believed that the empire's top officials viewed wizards not as monstrous beasts, but as a source of assistance, but now, this view seemed a bit conservative.

"I accidentally got a basic meditation method before, and then I tried to practice it. Later I found that the progress seemed to be good, so I have been practicing it until now." Renn did not deny it and said with a smile.

However, they were very measured and did not go any further on this topic.

It turns out that it's not because of my lack of charm, but because of the presence of such a "powerful" beautiful woman.

"Oh my god! Mr. Ren, your talent... I don't know what to say."

After listening to Ren's 'explanation', Malika and Veronica looked at each other and smiled, as if they were laughing at Ren's deception.

"After that, I was awarded the title of Baronet. There was no suitable housekeeper candidate for a while, so Baroness Crowley came over and took the initiative to take on the role of housekeeper of the new mansion."

Renn smiled and explained: "Major Malika has a keen eye. Jennifer is actually a baroness. Now she is the head of the Crowley family, and I was once invited to become the guardian knight of the Crowley family. "

Then, she pointed at Ren in surprise and said: "Sir Ren, you... you are actually a wizard apprentice!"

What surprised him was that Veronica could accurately determine that his wizard apprentice level was a third-level wizard apprentice.

As long as he relies on the empire and continues to climb up the hierarchy, he should gradually come into contact with a systematic knowledge of witchcraft.

She really didn't expect that Renn, who had always been shown to everyone with his super knight talent, was actually a wizard apprentice.

After thinking about this, Marika couldn't help but feel better.

"Of course, Sir Ren, this is a witchcraft improved by my mentor, Wizard Aeneus. It is called 'Aeneus Bird Transformation Technique' by the navy."

Since it was rare to meet a third-level wizard apprentice, Renn promptly raised some of his doubts to Veronica.

"Miss Veronica, has the white seagull you just seen gone through some kind of special transformation? I really want to know, is it witchcraft or the effect of some kind of potion?"

Marika on the side reacted at this time.

"Miss Veronica, I would like to take the liberty to ask, I am very interested in your mentor's 'Ainius Bird Transformation Technique'. Can you sell it to me?"

"Do you know how hard I have worked every day to get to where I am now? I didn't expect you to become a third-level wizard apprentice so easily!"

However, the crux of the matter is that while a person has a super knight talent, he also has wizard qualifications comparable to Veronica. This
Marika didn't know what to say at that moment.

It can only be said that the goddess is really too partial to Ren.
After a while, Veronica calmed down and seriously answered Ren's question:

"Sir Ren, I'm really sorry about this. My mentor has transferred this 'Aeneus Bird Transformation Technique' to the Imperial Navy and it has been included in the special item exchange list."

"So, due to the imperial confidentiality regulations, I cannot directly teach you this witchcraft." Veronica said slightly apologetically.

This made Ren slightly disappointed.

Special item exchange list?

Is it something like a redemption list?

"Even if I am a baron, can't I exchange items through this special item exchange list?"

"I'm very sorry, Baron Wren, it's like this. Only by joining the Imperial Navy can you have the opportunity to exchange items from it."

"Then there should be many kinds of witchcraft in this special item exchange directory, right?" Renn thought for a while and asked.

He just thought of a question.

From this point of view, what Naya of the Usman family said before should be true.

Metal-based witchcraft that is extremely difficult to find in the outside world is likely to be found in the special item exchange directory of the Imperial Navy.

"Yes, this is an exchange list within the Imperial Navy. From it, you can exchange for some things that are almost difficult to purchase outside, such as some witchcraft, secret skills, special medicines, etc., covering a wide range." Veronica explained.

Hearing Veronica's affirmative reply, Renn couldn't help but become more interested.

"Then if you redeem it, will you also use merit points?" Renn continued to ask.

"Yes and no." Veronica shook her head, but she didn't show off and quickly continued to explain.

"If you need to redeem items in the special item exchange list, you need mission evaluation medals and merit points."

Renn knows the merit points.

But what is this mission evaluation medal? Once again, Ren heard something he had never heard of before.

When Veronica saw that Ren still looked confused, she immediately thought of something and said proactively:

"The Mission Evaluation Medal is a certificate that will be awarded after completing various special combat missions of the Imperial Navy."

"Sir Ren, you can understand that there is no such evaluation medal for ordinary tasks. Only those tasks that are more difficult or have special significance to the empire will be given evaluation medals. According to the evaluation level, they are divided into bronze, silver, gold, Diamond Medal.”

"For example, the 'Aeneus Bird Transformation Technique' requires three bronze medals and two thousand merit points to redeem it."

"That's it." Renn nodded and quickly understood the purpose of this exchange.

The items in the special item exchange directory are obviously rarer than the items found in general military stores. They are items provided to the empire's special combat talents.

Its purpose is most likely to prevent some ordinary combatants from accumulating merit points and exchanging them for high-value items. Therefore, this evaluation medal is set as a restriction.

Merit points are equivalent to money.

The bronze medal is equivalent to a one-time transaction qualification certificate.

If you are not qualified enough, it is useless to have money.

Moreover, this qualification certificate is a one-time use. Once it is used up, you can only choose to continue completing special tasks for the empire and earn evaluation medals.

Renn basically understood.

This is almost like the planned economy in the previous life. While buying food requires money, food stamps are also needed.

For Renn, he does not dislike this approach of the empire.

When his own strength is not enough, he can only obtain resources by completing tasks for the empire, which he does not resent.

Moreover, after Veronica's explanation, Ren discovered that certain resources for wizards seemed to be relatively scarce throughout the empire, so he set a higher threshold to prevent ordinary combatants from participating in the exchange.

Think about it the other way around.

Why didn't the empire recruit those wandering wizard apprentices with average qualifications? There may well be considerations in this regard.

Resources are limited, so they must be used to take care of people who are willing to serve the empire and who are valuable in cultivating. "Your Excellency Renn, it seems that you are very interested in cultivating animals." Veronica stared at Renn curiously with her big eyes and asked.

"Yes, I am indeed quite interested in this." Renn nodded.

"But I think this shouldn't be a big problem for you. I heard from Colonel Marika that you have received an invitation from the Imperial Sword Bearers Organization."

"As you are the first in the nobility canonization assessment of the Münster Province, there will be no problem in joining in the end."

"As a special talent, if this mission ends successfully, it shouldn't be a big problem if you ask Colonel Marika to apply for the exchange for you." Veronica turned to Marika and smiled, saying.

Can I redeem without joining?

After listening to Veronica's suggestion, Ren couldn't help but look sideways at Marika suspiciously.

Marika smiled at Renn, nodded, and said: "Baron Renn, as a rising star in the province of Munster, the South China Sea Fleet is very willing to do this favor."

"As far as I know, Rear Admiral Silva is very sorry that you declined the fleet's invitation."

"That's great. The Sword Bearer Organization has always been my goal. Otherwise, I would probably choose to join the South China Sea Fleet." Renn, who was in a good mood, also laughed immediately.

If we say that going to Fishing Port Town before was part of Ren's job as the governor and peace officer of Fishing Port Town.

So now, Ren himself wants to rush to the fishing port town as soon as possible to complete the joint mission between Meister County and the South China Sea Fleet, so that Marika can help redeem this witchcraft about bird transformation.

After lunch.

"You two, I'll go upstairs to get my bags and wait a moment."

"Of course, Baron Wren, please do."

Ren came to the study room, thought for a while, and took out two wooden boxes of different materials but both extremely beautiful from under the bookshelf on the side. What was inside was the 'Essence of the Behemoth'.

He decided to bring both bottles of 'Behemoth Essence'.

At this time, the beautiful woman's footsteps sounded outside the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Please come in~"

The beautiful woman walked in with a smile.

Ren was quite puzzled. The beautiful woman had obviously changed into a gorgeous one-shoulder light blue dress before lunch, so why was she now wearing a black robe?
Before she could ask, the beautiful woman smiled and said proactively: "My dear, it seems that Major Marika has a good impression of you."

These words made Ren immediately stunned and said: "It shouldn't be the case. Major Malika and I only met during the canonization assessment."

"Really? My dear, don't you think Major Marika has a unique charm in her navy uniform?" The beautiful woman approached, carrying a scent of fragrance, and said seductively.

This one
Ren was a little hesitant for a moment. He didn't know whether he should answer truthfully or tell a 'white lie' and take care of the beautiful woman's emotions. After all, he was about to go on a mission with Marika.

Seeing Ren's hesitant expression, the beautiful woman covered her mouth and giggled.

The beautiful woman's white little hands suddenly untied the ties on the black robe. As the black robe slipped off, Ren's eyes suddenly widened and his mouth opened slightly.

The beautiful woman was actually wearing an outfit that was almost the same as Malika's navy uniform. At this moment, a beautiful 'female officer' came into view.

In addition, he felt that the dress was obviously one size too small, and the beautiful woman's curvy figure was stretched tightly. At this moment, all kinds of beauty were clearly revealed.

Renn only felt a warm current flowing in his lower abdomen.

"Well, Jennifer, it's time to leave in a moment."

"Sir, Colonel Jennifer will be at your service this time." The beautiful woman gave a big wink and stared at Ren with a smile. She slowly knelt down and untied Ren.
( words omitted here)

Downstairs of the villa.

"Major Marika, Sir Ren is a bit slow. It's been half an hour, why haven't you come down yet?" The girl's twin tails were beating, and she turned her head slightly impatiently and asked.

"Is there something wrong with this?" Major Malika planned to ask the beautiful woman to go up and ask, but he turned around and looked around, but did not see the beautiful woman.

Renn in the study was because of the beautiful woman's superb skills, plus the bonus of her uniform, and the sound of two women talking outside the window from time to time.
After a while, an energetic Ren walked downstairs holding two boxes.

"Sir Ren, you finally showed up. It's not very gentlemanly to make two ladies wait for so long." Veronica said with a hint of resentment.

"Miss Evinika, I'm really sorry. It's just that I couldn't find the 'Behemoth Essence' just now, and it took me some time to find it." Ren replied slightly embarrassed.

"Essence of giant beasts?" The two women suddenly exclaimed.

"Do you think you are going to become a great knight?"

Ren took a look, and sure enough, the 'attention diversion' method worked well.

Ren nodded and said, "It's almost here. It's possible at any time, so I think I'd better take it with me."

At this time, when the groom led Black Pearl to the front yard of the mansion, Veronica looked puzzled when she saw Black Pearl's size. After looking at it carefully, she exclaimed:

"Oh, my God, Baron Wren, your 'Jenny Horse' is even bigger than the 'Rock Horse'."

"It's just so rare."

After one hour.

Wild Wolf Hills Trail.

A luxurious carriage was in the center of the team, with six cavalrymen at the front and rear. Renn's Black Pearl was led by a cavalryman and followed behind the carriage.

As for Ren, he was sitting in the carriage with the two women chatting.

As a baron, and secondly as the consul of Fishing Port Town, the destination, Renn is naturally qualified to travel by carriage.

"Your Excellency Renn, the road from Meister County to Fishing Port Town looks very safe. The security is really good."

"Yes, Sir Ren, we came all the way from Rosby City. In the past few days, we encountered several groups of bandits who were robbing." Veronica nodded, her twin ponytails jumped, and she agreed.

"Well, recently I think the security in this area should be very good." Renn smiled.

The bandit groups in this area had been integrated by the Zalal Resistance Army before.

After launching the attack yesterday, almost everyone was defeated in one fell swoop.

Even if there are some stray soldiers, they will not threaten the safety of the trade routes in a short period of time.

After half a day, the team had arrived at the boundary of Fishing Port Town. As long as they passed through the forest ahead, they could reach Fishing Port Town in about 40 minutes' journey.

In a valley to the west of Fishing Port Town.

More than twenty strong men were holding various weapons, either half-lying or resting against trees.

"Iron hook, why don't you just take over this fishing port town?" A strong man asked a bearded man with an iron hook prosthetic leg on his left hand.

"What do you know? If we capture Fishing Port Town directly, will these caravans come to Fishing Port Town again? Even the merchant ships will be cut off, and the pirates in our waters must not drink from the northwest wind!"

"Have you ever seen a fishing net? When fishing, the small fish and shrimps that are smaller than the opening of the fishing net will slip through, while the big fish will be caught in the net. It's the same truth. Do you understand?" A bearded man named Iron Hook , gesticulating triumphantly.

He repeated the exact words he heard from deputy leader Phil.

When he heard these words at the time, he was filled with admiration for the wisdom of the top brass of the pirate group.

Sure enough, exactly the same thing, several strong men listening on the side all had stunned expressions on their faces, as if they admired the iron hook greatly.

This scene immediately made the iron hook very useful!

At this time, a lean man ran over quickly and said: "Iron Hook, I just saw a big fish, but the opponent's defense is not weak. There are twelve cavalry."

Several strong men on the side smiled happily when they heard this. Sure enough, a big fish was coming.

"Should you report it to the boss and ask him to lead the team himself?"

"How many people do you think there are in total?" the strong man named Tiegou glanced at the lean man with disdain and said.

"Twelve horsemen, plus a carriage."

"Did you see clearly, it's twelve cavalry, not twelve knights?"

"Well, they should be cavalry. They don't wear full-body armor, they all wear leather armor." The lean man thought for a moment and nodded firmly.

"Iron Hook, then why wait for the boss? Can't we just go up?"

"Yeah, just go ahead, Hook!"

"If there are only twelve cavalry, we can basically seal the victory with a wave of crossbow attacks."

"Just take it and we can share a lot more of the spoils!"


Such words kept coming to Tie Gou's ears.

Pirates lick blood with their swords, and only by plundering can they make money.

They had been waiting for a long time, and they thought they would gain nothing today!

They were all excited to hear the news about the big fish.

The bearded man named Tie Gou had flashing eyes. After thinking for a moment, he decided that he would be the only one to vote.

"Let's go! Do it!"

After saying that, he waved his iron hook, and more than twenty strong men moved excitedly towards the direction of Ren's convoy.

Soon, a group of people set up an ambush in a forest in front of the convoy.

"Iron hook, here, this is the team." The lean man pointed at the slowly advancing Rennes motorcade on the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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