Chapter 217 The Curse Master (two chapters in one)

At this time, Ren suddenly thought of a question, and he turned his head to Veronica and asked:

"Miss Veronica, are the witchcrafts performed by the two members of the Ichthyosaurus Team just now from the Navy's Special Item Exchange List?"

"That's right, Lord Ren, these two should be wizard apprentices trained by the Imperial Navy. They are quite different from wizards like me who study with their mentors. Their witchcraft comes from the exchange of special items. ”

Veronica recalled the impression the two people had just given her, and said with certainty.

"In other words, if they have mission evaluation medals and merit points, they can redeem them for the witchcraft models they want." Ren asked again.

"Yes, that's true." Veronica replied immediately.

"The witchcraft used by the archer named Trevor just now, I heard you said it was 'sharp magic'. This should be metal witchcraft, right?" Renne could faintly feel the light silver color at that time. The mysterious side of energy particle fluctuations.

"Your perception is very keen, Mr. Ren, it is indeed the 'sharp art' of the metal system. Unfortunately, I don't know this witchcraft." Veronica said with a little regret.

She just thought that if she mastered this 'sharp technique', she would be able to release and empower Lord Ren's weapons during the previous battle between Ren and Volod.

After Veronica stared at the white seagull for a few seconds, her originally rosy and pretty face suddenly turned a little pale and said: "Sir Ren, the Ichthyosaurus team is currently fighting three large sea beasts!"

"Your Excellency Renn, we" Major Marika looked worried, but she did not continue speaking because she suddenly thought of a question.

But once she learns it, she can give Sir Ren a good damage boost in battle.

Joining the Empire's 'Sword Bearer' organization is related to the improvement of your subsequent strength!

Just as everyone walked out of the training room, suddenly, there was a faint sound of shouting in the sky far away!

Ren had seen this albatross, which was the pet of a member of the Ichthyosaurus team.

After all, it would be great to have a third-level wizard apprentice beside you to provide assistance.

"Colonel Marika, you and Lehman Brothers are organizing defenses in Fishing Port Town. If it is necessary to evacuate, Miss Veronica's White Seagull will notify you in advance."

"Well, Sir Ren, please pay attention to your safety." Although Major Malika agreed, there was a worried look on his face.

But she quickly realized a problem, that is, as the Ichthyosaurus team affiliated with the Navy's special combat department, they felt that the enemy was troublesome at the moment. So, did she really have the ability to rescue them?

"In addition, judging from the description of the white seagull, it seems that there are people behind these sea beasts."

That direction is the direction of the seaside.

At this time, a white albatross with a wingspan of several meters flew in from a distance at high speed. After seeing Veronica, the other party immediately circled and landed.

It seems that I need to prepare well, and maybe I should ask someone about the situation of the 'Sword Holder' assessment.

"Besides, time is tight, so I will go there first."

Faced with Veronica's offer, Ren thought about it and agreed.

Several other people present immediately looked at each other, and their expressions changed.

The combination of large sea beasts and humans has incredible combat power.

And judging from the direction and distance of the sound, it should be in the offshore waters, not far from their fishing port town.

Although she is not a person with a metal-friendly constitution, it does not hinder her learning, it is just that the effect is slightly worse.

However, Ren didn't hesitate too much. He just thought about it for a while and said: "Miss Veronica, trouble your white seagull, and conduct a high-altitude reconnaissance over there immediately."

She originally wanted to propose the rescue ichthyosaur team.

Veronica was not afraid at all, but was slightly excited. As if she thought about being able to fight side by side with Ren, she shook her twin ponytails energetically, and at the same time, her fair cheeks became more rosy.

Soon, more detailed information came from Albatross.

Then once he joins the stronger empire's 'Sword Bearer' organization, he will be able to redeem more metal-based witchcraft.

Obviously, the Ichthyosaurus team encountered a strong enemy.

The key is that everyone is familiar with this voice. This sound like the friction of rocks is the voice of Baron, the captain of the Ichthyosaurus team. Moreover, he can feel that Baron should be very angry at this time.

Now that you have joined the special department of the Imperial Navy, the Tide Walkers, you can redeem the metal witchcraft 'Edge Technique' by completing special tasks.

"Sir Ren, here is news from the Ichthyosaurus Squadron. They were blocked by a special combat squad from the Eagle Federation."

It seemed that it was because the roar was so condensed that even though it was transmitted over a long distance, everyone present could still hear it clearly.

"Yes, Lord Baron!" Lehman Brothers answered neatly. For them, they could just carry out Ren's orders.

When the sound reached everyone's ears, it was already very small, but it was clearly a human voice.

"Wait, Sir Ren, I'm with you."

"Huh? Someone is actually controlling it." Renn couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

However, Marika understands that she is just a civilian staff member of the Navy. Even if she is worried in her heart, she should listen to Ren and Veronica who have more say in how to fight.

When Ren and Veronica boarded the boat, the white seagulls who went to investigate had already fallen from the sky.

Therefore, Veronica decided to ask her mentor, Master Anius, if she could learn this 'sharp technique' after she returned.

Ren nodded, his eyes twinkling slightly.

Suddenly, everyone, including Ren, raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Perhaps, from a safety perspective, her first choice should be to retreat, not to rescue.

At this time, everyone's eyes were once again focused on Renn, not only because Renn was the governor of Fishing Port Town, but he was also the strongest among everyone present.

"Captain Baron, let us organize the evacuation of Fishing Port Town immediately. They won't be able to resist for long."

"Eagle Federation?" Renn couldn't help but be surprised.

You must know that this is the territory of the Empire. Could it be said that the Eagle Federation is going to war with the Empire? "

"Yes, Sir Ren, we..." The pretty face of the girl with twin tails was worried and excited at the same time.

After thinking about it, Ren turned his head and smiled at the girl with twin tails, and said, "Miss Veronica, are you scared?"

"Of course not! I feel safe with Mr. Ren."

When she said this, the girl's eyes were bright.

"Then let's set off! Let White Seagull contact Major Malika and ask them to organize the personnel to retreat first."

"As for the Eagle Federation's special combat team, I'm very interested."

"Yeah!" When the girl with twin ponytails saw that Ren was still planning to go, she couldn't help clenching her pink fists and looking excited.

Ren glanced at the girl and couldn't help but laugh.

Veronica gave him the feeling that she was like the beautiful girl in her previous life who was good at playing games and loved to play games. She was addicted but not very skilled.

It's more difficult to get high points.

After thinking for a while, Ren focused his attention on the system panel.

Since he has to face a possible strong enemy, there is no need to keep his two skill points.

A huge sea beast?

Of course, you can't add points to Kadar boxing. Facing such large or even super large sea beasts, only two-handed weapons can cause enough damage.

After thinking about it for a while, Ren decided to add some Tokkar Hammer Technique.

Although the Dire Bear Swordsmanship now has the blessing of the Weapon Master (Legendary) exclusive talent 'Basic Weapon Mastery (Passive)', it is a little more powerful.

But in comparison, the pig-headed hammer has the blessing of 'Hammer Specialization lv3', and Tokkar's hammer technique is still his most lethal extraordinary combat skill.

Therefore, as the remaining skill points increased from 2 to 1, Tokkal Hammer Technique entered lv10 from lv11.

In an instant, a majestic hammer training memory poured into Renn's mind.

After some absorption and digestion, this memory gradually integrated into the muscles of the whole body and formed muscle memory.

But Renn has a feeling that the points added this time are a little different from before.

Vaguely, his hammering skills seemed to break through a thin piece of paper, and he had some different insights into Tokkar's hammering skills.

In particular, the original secret skill 'Rising Dragon Hammer' is more closely integrated with the use of one's own force.

When Ren came back to his senses, he found that two system prompts suddenly appeared:
[Congratulations, your secret skill 'Rising Dragon Hammer', which is exclusive to Tokkal Hammer Technique, has been promoted to the quasi-mysterious skill 'Rising Dragon Hammer'! 】

[After being promoted to quasi-mystery, do you/do you want to change the skill name? 】

Quasi-esoteric truth?
Immediately, Ren was delighted and surprised. On the Weapon Master (Legendary) panel, the icon of the secret skill 'Dragon Hammer' that was originally located above the 'Tokkar Hammer Technique' had changed slightly.

The strong man who twisted his body and waved a two-handed sledgehammer from bottom to top became more powerful and majestic at this moment. At the same time, some kind of airflow-like ripples appeared on both sides of the sledgehammer, which looked lifelike and unusually strong. fierce.

At the bottom right of the icon, there is a line of small words:
Rising Dragon Hammer (quasi-esoteric) effect: Combined with the force of the force, use a special way of exerting force, swing the hammer from bottom to top, and strike a blow that combines the force of the force with rotation.

(Note: Quasi-mysteries cannot be directly improved through skill points.)
(Note: The power of the quasi-mystery is positively related to the following: 1. Tokkar's hammer skill level; 2. Force value; 3. Hammer specialization level; 4. Strength value.)
As for changing his name, Ren thought about it and chose no.

It's just a quasi-esoteric meaning, so there's no need to change it to a fancy name. Secondly, Shenglong Hammer sounds quite pleasant, so there's no need to bother renaming it first.

Obviously, after the secret skill is promoted to a quasi-mystery, its power must be increased.

As for the extent of the improvement, you have to try it to know.

In addition, Ren looked at the second comment thoughtfully, 'The power of the quasi-mystery is positively related to the following: 1. Tokkar hammer skill level.'

Since the power has been further improved, if you still have some skill points, just add them to it!

After all, my secret hammer skill is more than just one move.
So soon, Renn made up his mind.

As the remaining skill points go from 1 to 0, Tokkal Hammer Technique has stepped from lv11 to lv12.

In an instant, another majestic hammer training memory flooded into Ren's mind.

When Ren came back to his senses, two system prompts came quietly:

[Congratulations, your exclusive secret skill of Tokkal Hammer Technique, 'Earth Cracking Hammer', has been promoted to the quasi-mysterious 'Earth Cracking Hammer'! 】

[After being promoted to quasi-mystery, do you/do you want to change the skill name? 】

Sure enough, Ren was on the Weapon Master (Legendary) panel, and the icon of the secret skill 'Earth Breaker' that was originally located above the 'Tokkal Hammer' had undergone some changes.

The strong man holding a two-handed sledgehammer high and striking the ground from top to bottom became even bigger at this moment. At the same time, in front of the sledgehammer, there was a fan-shaped shattered area. Above the ground, gravels of different sizes were floating. , looks extremely powerful.

At the bottom right of the icon, there is a line of small words:
Earth-shattering hammer (quasi-esoteric) effect: Combined with the force, use a special way of exerting force, swing the heavy hammer from top to bottom, hit the ground, and deliver a blow with multiple concussive powers. (Note: Quasi-mysteries cannot be directly improved through skill points.)
(Note: The power of the quasi-mystery is positively related to the following: 1. Tokkar's hammer skill level; 2. Force value; 3. Hammer specialization level; 4. Strength value.)
Similarly, Renn did not choose to change the name of the skill, and it was still named after the Earth Breaker.

After the two secret hammer skills were promoted to quasi-mysteries, he could clearly feel that his understanding of hammer skills had improved again, and it seemed that he was not far away from truly mastering the secrets.

Unfortunately, he currently has no skill points left.

However, this makes Renne look forward to his upcoming battle.

One is to test the power of the quasi-mystery, and the other is, of course, the experience points reward after the battle.

Veronica, who was on the side of the ship, looked at Ren, who was originally deep in thought, and suddenly smiled slightly. That expression seemed to reveal an eagerness to try.

This made Veronica stunned.

Facing the battle, do you have no fear, but instead feel longing for it?
Lord Ren is indeed a top powerhouse, so he has a necessary potential.

When the two rushed to the scene, they saw from a distance, four small and one large, five huge red and white striped snake-like sea beasts, forming an encirclement and attacking the ichthyosaur team on the coral reef.

Even the small snake-shaped sea beast is more than three meters high above the sea surface, and the big one is even more than five meters high!
There is a circle of spikes on the lower edge of the head and neck of the snake-shaped sea beast. There is a layer of stretched membrane connecting the spikes to the other, giving the impression that the snake's head is covered with an umbrella.

"This is a spiny-backed sea serpent!"

"The spiny-spine sea snake's venom spit is extremely poisonous. At the same time, its melee fighting ability is also very strong. Its overall strength is not inferior to that of the Great Knight."

"As for the giant spiny-ridged sea snake." Veronica said quickly.

After experiencing so many battles, Renn only took a few glances to take in the entire battle situation.

If the Fish-Dragon Squad was formed with Captain Baron, the peak knight, as the core of the battle, then the opponent was exactly the opposite.

The opponent seems to have formed a fighting team with an official wizard as the core. The remaining four people on the opponent are all knights. One person is holding a sword and shield to protect the opponent, and the other three are holding various weapons to control the serpentine sea beasts to attack. Balonzhong.

The opponent's snake-like sea beast has the ability to spit venom and has strong melee attack capabilities.

Looking at the combination, it's hard to tell which one is better.

But judging from the situation at the scene, it seems that Baron, the core of the team, happened to be restrained by the wizard opposite.

As the captain, Baron was currently fending off the serpentine sea beasts attacking from three directions at an extremely fast speed. However, the situation was already precarious. There was a member of the Ichthyosaur team lying on the coral reef, seemingly losing his fighting ability.

Although captain Baron's body was flashing with various witchcraft lights, his speed, strength, etc. had all been upgraded to a very high level.

However, the combat power of these three-headed snake-shaped sea beasts is quite strong, and the aura of witchcraft is constantly emerging from their bodies. I don't know if it is the blessing given by others on the side, or the innate ability of the large sea beasts.

In addition, there are big knights on the back of the serpentine sea beast fighting together.

More importantly, Renn noticed something keenly, that is, a trace of bright red blood was overflowing from the corner of Captain Baron's mouth.

Moreover, during the battle, he would stagnate slightly from time to time, with a look of pain on his face.

This made Ren quickly realize that there was a high probability that this man in black robes, who was holding a dagger and chanting spells and casting spells from time to time, was related to the largest giant serpentine sea beast on the back.

In other words, to break the situation, the key to the entire battle is the man in black robe.

At this time, there was a knight holding a sword and shield stationed next to the man in black robe, seemingly to prevent the rapid advance of Captain Baron.

After seeing Ren and Veronica suddenly appearing, several members of the Ichthyosaurus team looked puzzled.

Trevor, who was the archer, immediately turned around and said to another team member: "What's going on? Didn't you notify them and tell them to evacuate immediately?"

"We can't hold on for long! If it weren't for the fishing port town nearby, we could have retreated long ago, and Bastos wouldn't have been seriously injured."

The team member was obviously a little aggrieved and said: "My albatross just told me that it has been notified. I think it is Baron Wren who is coming!"

Although Trevor had a good sense of Renn, he couldn't help but feel a little angry at this time and said: "This young man is so impulsive!"

"He doesn't even know that we are competing with him. It's just fighting alone. Fighting with this kind of small team is completely different."

"Sir Ren, what should we do now?"

"Just stop here and leave it to me." Ren said as he discovered that there was a small island not far away that could be used as a preset battlefield.

After all, fighting sea beasts in the sea would still be a disadvantage.

"Okay, Sir Ren."

At this time, Veronica recited a certain witchcraft spell.

Suddenly, Ren felt a large amount of water energy particles condensing on the soles of his feet, giving him a faint feeling of being lifted up.

"Sir Ren, I have used the witchcraft 'Walk on Water', which is enough to support you to walk normally on the sea under your own weight, and the duration is about half an hour."

This made Renn couldn't help but look happy.

He also planned to lure the opponent to a nearby island to fight. Now it seems that it is not necessary. There are many more choices on the battlefield.

Just listen to Veronica continue to warn: "By the way, Sir Ren. If you want to perform witchcraft, you should pay attention."

"It's best not to affect the area under your feet, otherwise, the witchcraft 'Walk on Water' I cast on you will be offset, or it will be in an unstable state."

Ren heard Veronica's reminder and nodded.

He understood this.

To put it simply, he cannot cast the witchcraft 'High Temperature Force Field' during battle, because this witchcraft will cover the soles of his feet, thus affecting the stability of the witchcraft 'Walk on Water'. However, he can cast 'Scorching Touch' ' Or 'blazing light'.

Immediately afterwards, another light blue witchcraft light flashed.

A thin film of water instantly formed around Ren's body. He was quite familiar with this witchcraft. This was the water witchcraft 'Water Film Technique', which could provide a certain amount of defense.

"Thank you, Miss Veronica. Leave the rest to me." Renn nodded and smiled at Veronica.

"Sir Ren, please pay attention to your safety. If this is not possible, I still have an official witchcraft scroll given to me by my mentor."

"it is good."

Ren didn't say anything more, took a step towards the side of the ship, and stood on the sea.

Of course, several people from the Eagle Federation also saw Ren and Veronica appear.

A man in black robe glanced at the two and murmured: "Is this the local defense force of the Dragon Empire? A third-level wizard apprentice and a knight, no, it seems to be a high knight?"

"Hoffman, go and solve these two unstable factors."

"Yes, Lord Nehru." The knight holding a sword and shield quickly controlled the spiny sea snake on his crotch and attacked at high speed in the direction of Renne.

The energy fluctuations of the black-robed man named Nehru clearly exceeded the limit of a third-level wizard apprentice, but his eyes at this time were still focused on Baron who was fighting quickly.

As the third-ranked member of the 'Leviathan' team, he was the first to arrive after receiving information from the Federation Navy.

Because he happened to be collecting some material nearby.

Not long after he arrived, he discovered traces of the Dragon Empire's combat team, and the battle started so suddenly.

The captain of the opponent's team is a peak knight. After blessing the other team members with buff witchcraft, it is indeed more difficult.

Even he spent a lot of effort to suppress the opponent.

Nehru glanced at the 'cursed magic blade' that exuded a faint black light in his hand, feeling a little proud in his heart.

If it hadn't been for him, who happened to be able to restrain the opponent's peak knight, he might not have been able to defeat the opponent if it had been someone else in the 'Leviathan' team.

Just now, he relied on the 'cursed magic blade' in his hand to put three curses on the opponent in succession, namely the 'curse of weakness', the 'curse of pain' and the 'curse of coldness'.

As a result, the opponent's strength cannot be fully displayed normally.

Now, the balance of victory has tilted to his side. In a few minutes, the opponent's physical strength will gradually be exhausted.

Nehru observed for a while, then turned his attention to Ren and Veronica in the distance.

As a slight curse sounded, Nehru used the dagger emitting black light in his hand to lightly cut his fingers twice. As the bright red blood overflowed, in an instant, there was some strange fluctuation, Veronica attacks in the distance.

And a second later, another inexplicable wave struck Ren!
After the operation, Nehru's face turned slightly pale, but a smile appeared on his lips.

Now, Hoffman should be able to easily deal with the opponent.

Unstable factors are about to be eliminated!
Suddenly, Veronica next to Ren covered her chest with her hands, her expression changed drastically, and she said:
"Sir Ren, I seem to have been struck by a painful curse! You have to be careful, the man in black robe on the other side seems to be a curse master."

Curse of pain?

Curse Master?
Ren inexplicably thought of Adams, the third-level wizard apprentice he had killed, and the other party's methods were also quite strange.

Of course, the person in front of him was an official wizard, and in comparison, he was much stronger.

But Renn has no fear at the moment, because his current strength is much stronger than that then.

But after hearing that the other party was a curse master, Renn became more cautious.

But the next second, Ren only felt that the energy around him suddenly increased, and in an instant, it invaded his body.

"This effect. Is this a curse of weakness?"

Renn reacted immediately. After all, he had experienced this witchcraft not long ago.

However, compared to the weakness curse cast by Nathaniel, this time the weakness curse is much stronger.

If it is not dispelled, basically, with his great knight's combat power, under the influence of this curse, he will be able to perform at best to the level of a peak knight.

This is a battle, life and death, not a competition, so without hesitation, Renn added some attribute points to his spirit.

As the remaining attribute points increased from 6 to 5, and the spirit also increased from 31 to 32 points, a warm current was vigorously pumped from the heart and spread rapidly throughout the body.

In an instant, all the weakness in Ren's body was wiped away!

good! Ren smiled slightly.

Just add points to restore it and it will still work!

At this time, I saw the great knight named Hoffman, controlling a spiny sea snake, also smiling, rushing towards the boat where Ren was.

Because just now, he sensed that the two enemies had been cursed by Lord Nehru.

This situation has happened many times in previous battles.

Therefore, there is no suspense about the next battle.

In his opinion, those two enemies were no different than lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

(End of this chapter)

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