Chapter 222 Storm Crow (two chapters in one)

At this time, there was a sudden "tacking" sound of leather boots outside the door. When Ren heard it, his ears moved slightly. This was the sound of Major Marika's footsteps.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Please come in!"

Sure enough, the person who opened the door was Marika, wearing a slim-fitting navy uniform.

Marika wanted to say something, but seeing the two members of the Ichthyosaurus team there, she was obviously stunned for a moment, but soon, she showed a bright smile and said:

"It seems that the two Excellencies of the Ichthyosaurus Team are moving much faster than I thought. Sir Ren, it seems that I don't need to relay the news from the fleet anymore."

"That's true, Major Marika." Ren said with a smile.

"Your Excellencies, I won't interrupt your conversation for now." Major Marika smiled and turned to leave.

Only a silhouette of the back in a uniform with a huge and round hip-covering skirt was left, which made Trevor and Nathaniel look at each other, then turned to look at Renn and laughed, saying:
"Your Excellency Renn, it seems that the 'Flower of the Sixth Squadron' of the Imperial Navy, Major Marika, is still very concerned about you."

The effect caused by the force is far less gorgeous and dazzling than the silver light of the witchcraft 'Sharp Technique'.

"Haha, Mr. Ren, it's nothing now, but that doesn't mean it's nothing in the future." Trevor blinked and said with a smile.

I saw a slight light around the icon's border. The pattern on the icon was a radiant handleless sharp blade, surrounded by multiple short horizontal lines that represented sharpness.

"Huh?" Ren glanced at the two people and saw the expressions on the two men's faces. He couldn't help but be slightly startled. He shook his head and denied, "You two, there is nothing between Major Malika and me."

After a while, Ren picked up the quill and signed his name with a swish of a swish.

The faint energy fluctuations emitted seemed to be some kind of witchcraft.

At this time, he had realized the difference between Force infusion and witchcraft 'sharpness' in their application to weapons.

The parchments listed in the parchment are all prohibited clauses, such as 'without the consent of the Imperial Navy, any witchcraft and extraordinary combat skills exchanged from the Imperial Navy may not be disclosed to others, and they are limited to my own practice and use'

Sharpness lv1 (1/100)

With a slight wave of his right hand, Ren canceled this new witchcraft. At the same time, he mobilized the force of his great knight to pour it into the shimmering giant sword. At this time, the big sword began to emit a faint fluorescence.

At this time, the system prompt also comes:

At this time, Renn placed the sword flat on the desk, crossed his arms and began to think.

Therefore, once a bow and arrow are used, although the force of force can also bless the metal arrow cluster at the front of the arrow, once the arrow leaves the hand, the force of force cannot be maintained, and the effect of the blessing is naturally lost.

A feeling of cutting into tough leather came from the hilt of the great sword.

He carefully recalled the scene when he fought with Trevor a few days ago. Renn found that the sharpness technique Trevor used at that time, although it was very fast, did not have such a strong effect.

After looking at it carefully several times, Ren found that the difficulty of visualizing the witchcraft model of this new metal witchcraft 'Sharpness' was similar to that of the fire witchcraft 'Blazing Light', so it was not very difficult.

(Note: The cast time is 3 seconds, and the power is directly proportional to the host’s mental strength.)
After thinking for a moment, Renn took off a decorative steel shield hanging on the wall of the room and lightly drew it with his sword.

[Your skill Sharpness is improved, experience value +1]

Although Ren had expected it, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly at this time. He didn't expect that the effect of the sharpness technique was so good.

At this moment, it is flowing on the surface of the sword, like flowing silver liquid, which is quite beautiful.

The other is
Ren suddenly thought of something.

About half an hour later, after failing five or six times in a row, Renn succeeded on his first try!
I saw a slightly dazzling silver light suddenly appearing on the surface of the shimmering giant sword held in Ren's hand. This light was different from the needle-like light that radiated outward, and was more like some kind of water. Ripple halo.

Renn focused his attention on the new icon and saw a line of small words below the icon.

"We only have a working relationship."

"Trevor, since Mr. Ren doesn't want to talk about this topic, let's get down to business first." Although Nathaniel said this, the joking look in his eyes still made Renn couldn't help but smile bitterly.

[You have learned a new skill - Sharpness]

"Of course." Ren nodded, then took it and looked at it carefully.

Sharpness lv1 effect: consume a certain amount of mental power to use a specific witchcraft model to induce surrounding metal energy particles, making the metal weapons specified by the host sharper, lasting about one minute.

Could it be that because of his affinity with metal elements, the effect is better than that exerted by Levo?
It should be yes, Ren nodded slightly.

After sending the two of them off, Ren started looking through the animal skin scrolls carefully.

Seeing this scene, Trevor laughed, handed Ren a light yellow animal skin roll again, and said: "Your Excellency Ren, this is the introduction and witchcraft model of 'Sharp Technique', please first Take a look and we can talk about it later.”

Let's not talk about the power, but from the perspective of duration, there is an essential difference between the two.

"That's true!"

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Trevor." Renn smiled.

Since Renn has mastered the three witchcrafts 'Seering Touch', 'High Temperature Field' and 'Blazing Light', there was not much difficulty when Renn learned this metal witchcraft.

At the same time, there is a new icon next to the Blazing Light icon at the bottom of the Sorcerer's Apprentice (Extraordinary) panel.

But the sharpness technique is different. It can last for one minute and can be used for arrows and throwing sharp weapons. The range of scenarios it can be applied to is much wider than Ren's current Force blessing.

[You have studied sharp skills, and your relevant understanding has improved! 】

"Your Excellency Renn, before I teach you the 'Sharp Technique', I have to ask you to sign this confidentiality agreement." Trevor took out a thin parchment roll exuding faint energy fluctuations and handed it to him. Gave it to Wren.

After signing, Ren was keenly aware of some subtle changes in the energy fluctuations, which were somehow related to his own mental fluctuations. This should be due to the triggering of the spell attached to the parchment scroll. .

Once the force output stops, the force blessing effect on the sword will naturally dissipate instantly, but the continuous effect of the sharpness technique lasts for up to a minute.

I saw him holding the big sword again, first chanting a spell and casting the witchcraft 'Sharpness Technique'. When the big sword lit up with a rippling silver halo, Ren continued to inject force into the big sword.

I saw that on the surface of the sword body, in addition to the layer of silver film, there was also a layer of faint fluorescence superimposed.

This made Renn nod secretly, it was indeed a double blessing.

What about the effect?
Out of curiosity, Rendang's sword, which was about to be blessed with the 'Sharp Technique' and the Great Knight's force, crossed the steel shield again. Suddenly, a feeling of cutting butter came from the hilt of the sword.

It's so sharp!

Looking at the smooth incision that seemed to have been made by a cutting machine, Ren's pupils shrank. You must know that he didn't use much force just now, but the effect was far beyond his expectation.

This made him stand there and think, his eyes twinkling.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Trevor appeared at the door and said with a smile: "Sir Ren, can we learn the sharpness technique now?"

"According to the difficulty of learning the Sharp Technique, I initially plan to divide it into ten days. I will study and practice step by step every day, which will take about two hours."

"Of course, Sir Ren, if there are any problems during the period, we can also extend the teaching days."

"In recent times, I think I will always be in Fishing Port Town."

Ren was slightly startled when he heard Trevor's words.

Although Trevor said very politely that if ten days are not enough, he can extend it for a few more days, but the problem is that he has now learned all the sharp skills.

Because as long as he successfully casts it once, the system will prompt, and he will naturally master this witchcraft.

This actually made Renne feel a little bit in trouble.

What might be a good thing for others, but for him it's just a waste of time.

Of course, he could choose to conceal this matter and slowly learn the sharpness technique from Trevor, but in this case, as the saying goes, 'a waste of time is a waste of life'.

At this time, Ren accidentally noticed the big brown bow that Trevor was carrying, and immediately thought of something.

Renn smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Trevor, but for the learning of sharpness, I hope that Mr. Trevor can explain it in combination with archery."

"In the previous battle, your Excellency blessed the arrows with 'sharpness', which left a deep impression on me."

Ren's words just scratched Trevor's itch.

After all, no marksman would refuse praise for his archery skills.

Trevor's originally smiling face was now blooming like a chrysanthemum, and he immediately agreed to Renne: "Of course, Sir Renn."

Soon, the two arrived at the training room, and Trevor began to demonstrate the use of the witchcraft 'Sharp Technique' while holding a bow and arrow.

Although Trevor was very surprised as to why the questions asked by Ren were basically related to archery and not the witchcraft 'sharpness', he still answered it happily.

Another half hour passed
At this time, no matter how dull Trevor was, he felt that Ren seemed to be more interested in the archery he had mastered than the witchcraft.

Then, Trevor realized that Ren's main purpose was actually to ask him for advice on how to improve his archery skills.

After hesitating for a moment, Trevor said seriously: "Sir Ren, I can see that you are very interested in archery. If so, in the next few days, maybe I can teach you some practice methods. "

"These methods are applicable to any kind of extraordinary bow and arrow combat skills."

Renn smiled, nodded immediately, and said, "Sir Trevor, that would be perfect."

"Sir Ren, what do you think is the most important thing for an archer to hit a moving object?" Trevor said seriously.

When talking about archery, Trevor became much more serious.

Trevor's question made Renn think about it.

Obviously, the answer to this question will not be attributes such as strength and agility that represent physical fitness. So, is it eyesight?
After thinking for a moment, Renn shook his head slightly.

Although keen vision helps to see distant targets clearly, if the opponent is a moving object, just seeing clearly is obviously not enough.

At this moment, a word popped into Ren's mind.

Just listen to Ren's tentative answer: "Sir Trevor, is this a prejudgment?"

I saw Trevor looking at Ren with an admiring look, and said: "Your Excellency Ren, your wisdom is breathtaking."

"You know, when my archery teacher once asked me this question, I thought hard for a long time and answered wrongly several times before I figured it out. I didn't expect you to answer it right the first time." "It's just prejudgment. !”

"Unlike shooting dead objects, if you want to hit a moving target in the distance, you must predict the opponent's direction and speed in advance. The further the distance, the more important the prediction is."

Ren nodded. He could understand this. In his previous life, there was a saying that 'a slight mistake can make a thousand miles difference'.

If the prediction is wrong at the beginning, the arrow will deviate from a slight angle at the beginning. The farther it is shot, the subsequent deviation may be calculated by several meters or even tens of meters.

"Your Excellency Renn, through the demonstration just now, I found that you already have a certain foundation in archery, and your physical fitness is very strong in all aspects, so we can directly carry out the follow-up training."

"Now let's do the first training, shoot the gold coins."

Trevor smiled, took out an imperial gold coin from his arms, and flicked it up with his thumbnail. The golden gold coin was rolling in the air, and two seconds later, it fell to Trevor again. palm of hand.

"Wait a minute, I will bounce this gold coin from 30 meters away, and Mr. Ren, you need to hit the gold coin before it falls to the ground. If the hit rate exceeds 90%, then you have completed the first training ”

Ren nodded.

This purely technical training suited him better.

Obviously, the training content of shooting gold coins does not require you to be very strong, but it does have extremely high requirements for your eyesight and prediction.

"Sir Ren, please pay attention, I am about to start." Trevor stood in the distance and said.


As Trevor bounced the gold coins into the air.


Ren quickly nocked his bow and shot!
Unfortunately, he failed to hit the gold coin the first time, but the distance between the arrow and the gold coin was not that big.

After several consecutive arrows, Renn vaguely grasped the speed change pattern of gold coins when they fall from the highest point.

In less than ten minutes, Lane began to hit occasionally.

Half an hour later, the hit rate was close to half.

Two hours later, the hit rate reached over 90%.

This surprised Trevor. He didn't expect that Ren was so talented at bow and arrow.

"Very good, Lord Ren, your training progress shows that you have a very good talent for archery. The next step is to increase the difficulty. I will increase the distance to fifty meters."

"However, we can rest for a while first."

After thinking about it, Ren nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Trevor."

At this time, Trevor looked at the two two-handed weapons carried behind Ren's back, and at this moment, he was still holding a large metal bow in his hand. He couldn't help but look thoughtful. He hesitated for a while and said:

"Sir Ren, do you feel that there are too many weapons on you, and the total weight should greatly reduce your speed."

"Yes, does Mr. Trevor have any good ideas?" Renn noticed that Trevor seemed to have a solution to the problem that he had a headache for, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved, and asked immediately.

"I suddenly remembered that last year, we were working with a team of sword holders. Their captain seemed to have used a rare metal witchcraft that could transform metal. The other party turned a long sword into metal. Buckler, the whole process only takes a few seconds.”

"So, I'm thinking that if you learn that witchcraft, it might be a lot more convenient. At least, you can only carry one two-handed sword and two-handed war hammer."

"If you could solve the bow string problem, you might even only need to carry a weapon's weight of metal."

"Is there such a witchcraft?" After hearing this, Renn couldn't help but feel overjoyed!

Then, he quickly asked: "Does the Imperial Navy have this witchcraft?"

After all, there are still more than twenty days before the sword wielder assessment. In addition, even if he joins successfully, he will not be able to redeem this witchcraft so quickly.

Referring to the navy's special department tidewalkers, they also need to complete tasks above a certain level of difficulty and obtain task evaluations before they can redeem items of the corresponding level.

If the navy has it, that would be the best. Maybe, he can still have a chance to obtain this witchcraft.

"Yes, Sir Ren, I'm sure of this."

"It's a pity that it's not in the Navy's special item exchange list, which disappoints you." Trevor shook his head and said.

This made Renn feel a little disappointed.

"By the way, Lord Ren, you should be heading to Munster soon to take the assessment of the 'Sword Bearer' organization, right?" Trevor changed the topic and asked.

"Yes, Mr. Trevor is also concerned about the Sword Bearer Organization?" Renn couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Haha, Sir Ren, four years ago I failed the sword wielder assessment, and that's why I came to be a Tidewalker in the Imperial Navy."

Ren raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Trevor had also participated in the selection of sword holders and failed. However, is the assessment of sword holders so difficult?
It shouldn’t be!

Can the Great Knight lose the election?
"Huh? Mr. Trevor, can you elaborate a little bit? After all, as far as I know, it seems that the sword wielder test shouldn't be that difficult. Can you fail the exam even if you are a great knight archer?"

Trevor smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Sir Ren, at that time, I was just a senior knight. Although my archery skills were good, I didn't even pass the first test."

"First test?"

"Eh? Didn't Mr. Ren understand it in detail?" Now it was Trevor's turn to be surprised.

However, he soon smiled and said: "That's right, with your strength, you don't need to pay attention to the first test. For you, the retest is the key."

"Well, Mr. Trevor, if it's convenient, could you tell us about the preliminary test and the retest."

Hearing Ren's question, Trevor seemed to understand something. He looked at Ren with an extremely surprised look, nodded and said, "Of course."

"The assessment of the Imperial Sword Bearer Organization is divided into a preliminary examination and a re-examination. After passing the preliminary examination, you will be able to obtain the official status of a sword holder and be regarded as a rare talent in the empire. But only those who pass the re-examination will be vigorously cultivated by the empire and are among the elites. Elite.”

"Let's put it this way, Mr. Ren, the first-time tester can be understood as the ordinary team member level, and those who pass the re-examination are the captain-level. After the corresponding special training, members who pass the re-examination can select personnel to form a team among the first-time test personnel. Squad.”

"As for the squad, Mr. Ren should have heard that the sword holder also uses the squad mode to conduct tasks. The captain not only has the right to distribute the squad's loot, but also has a series of other priorities."

"By the way, the pass rate for the re-examination is extremely low, only about one-tenth of that for the initial examination."

Ren nodded.

From this point of view, before taking part in the sword wielder assessment, he needs to improve his strength as high as possible.

For two consecutive days, Renne practiced archery with Trevor.

Now he is already trying to hit gold coins from a hundred meters away.

After these few days of practice, Renn's Blood Fury Archery has also improved by leaps and bounds. Just now, it has been upgraded to level 5!

As for Ren, he was gaining more and more understanding of prediction. Suddenly, he seemed to have pierced a certain layer of 'window paper'.

At this time, the system prompt appears:
【Congratulations! You have experienced an epiphany and unlocked the additional special effects of long-range combat skills: precise aiming level 1 (passive)]

[Precise Aiming lv1 (Passive) Effect: You have a preliminary judgment on the enemy's movement trajectory and a basic understanding of the weapon in your hand. You can accurately control the landing point of each blow, which makes the opponent slightly less likely to dodge your attack. reduce. 】

(Note: Precise aiming is an additional special effect of long-range combat skills. It will be automatically unlocked after meeting the conditions.)
Remote effects?
Ren soon saw a line of small words on the lower right side of the 'Bloodfury Archery' icon on the Weapon Master (Legendary) career panel:
Blood Fury Archery lv5 (112/2000), with special effect 'Precise Aiming lv1'.

(Note: To unlock Accurate Level 2 of Blood Fury Bow, you need to meet the following conditions: 7. Blood Fury Bow lv 16 or above; 20. Strength 18 points, agility points, and constitution or above.)——
On the coast a few kilometers away from the fishing port town of Meist County.

I saw two people slowly walking ashore from the sea. The leader was a thin man wearing leather armor, with a bloody dagger shining on both sides of his waist. It was Waxman who was entrusted by Nehru.

One step behind him was a slim woman wearing a black robe.

The two of them walked out of the sea, but their whole bodies were very dry, without a trace of water.

If someone had been snorkeling in the sea just now, they would have seen that under the surface of the sea, each of the two people had a bubble wrapped around them.

"Zenina, investigate the strength of the defense force in Fishing Port Town, and find out the location of Renn. I think, if nothing unexpected happens, the other party should be in the administrative hall of Fishing Port Town or patrolling on the main street. "

Waxman turned his head and said to the black-robed followers beside him.

In fact, Waxman is the least follower among the entire Leviathan team and has one official member. Of course, this is directly related to his fighting style.

There is only this maid beside him, a relatively rare third-level wizard apprentice of the shadow system, who is good at crow manipulation, shadow curses, etc.

Basically, after the female wizard apprentice named Zenina found the target, it was time for Waxman to appear.

"Yes, my lord."

I saw Zenina reciting a spell in a low voice, and as a wave of energy radiated, many large crows soon flew around. These crows were almost the same as ordinary crows.

Only the body size is obviously at least twice the size of an ordinary crow.

This is a special kind of crow, the Storm Crow, which is good at moving in groups. After gathering in a certain number, it dares to attack birds of prey. At the same time, after spreading out, it can carry out tracking, positioning and other tasks.

Soon, more than a hundred Storm Crows soared into the sky and flew towards the fishing port town several kilometers away.

In Fishing Port Town.

At this time, a cry of "dumb~dumb~" suddenly came from the horizon.

Many residents couldn't help but look up and saw a group of black crows suddenly flying from the horizon.

Soon, the crows scattered in all directions, seemingly looking for something.

At the entrance of the administrative hall, two guards were chatting away.

Suddenly, a guard pointed to the roof in front of him and said, "Hey, Jeff, have you seen that big black bird, like a crow, but it seems much bigger than the average crow?"

"Really, it should be a crow, but such a big crow is really rare."

"Hey, there's one here too."

"It's there too."


The two guards immediately looked at each other, and they both saw some kind of worry in each other's eyes. Something seemed wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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