The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 225 The choice of the 5th profession

Chapter 225 The choice of the fifth career (two chapters in one)

Moreover, Waxman has already thought about Renne's next response, which will inevitably be to retreat quickly, and then seek a fighting gap in order to draw out the secondary weapon carried on his back, the two-handed sword.

However, Waxman did not intend to give the opponent this opportunity. He would wrap around the boy like gangrene in his bones, leaving him with no chance to use his secondary weapon.

The severe pain that came from his left arm made Waxman hate the boy in front of him. He had not suffered such a big loss for a long, long time.

Waxman planned to use a dagger to poke a hundred and eighty holes in the opponent's body in order to relieve the hatred in his heart.

But to Waxman's surprise, the young man in front of him did not choose to retreat, nor did he choose to draw the two-handed sword on his back. Instead, he quickly punched him with his left and right hands.

Waxman's pupils shrank and he immediately waved his dagger to block. From the corner of his eye, he also caught sight of the four sharp blades popping out of Ren's plate gauntlet. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "The sharp blade points to the tiger!"


A far denser sound of metal clashing sounded than before, so fast that it almost sounded like a line.

Although Waxman is much faster than Rennes in terms of absolute speed, this is if he is not injured.

At this moment, his left arm was hanging down helplessly, and he lost the ability to swing his left arm and maintain balance during movement, which greatly affected Waxman's movement speed.

Secondly, Waxman didn't give up. Even the peak knight's physical strength was about to bottom out after the fierce battle just now, which caused his movement speed to weaken again!

Therefore, although Waxman is finally out of the predicament of being frozen for a moment after every hammer blow, at this moment, he is facing Rennes' extremely fast and sharp blade, and he can't find any chance to breathe. .

This caused Waxman's previously calm mentality to completely collapse.

He estimated his physical strength and knew that if he didn't fight to the death, he would probably die here.

Waxman's face suddenly became ferocious. He no longer chose to block Ren's sharp-edged sword, but instead chose to attack Ren.



The two of them were in the open space in the backyard, like two vague masses of mist floating around, with dirt splashing and grass clippings flying everywhere they passed!

Renn waved his left and right hands, and his movements were as fast as thunder. He couldn't see the movements of his hands clearly. He only felt that Renn had eight arms in an instant, and he attacked Waxman at the same time.

The sharp-edged tiger was overwhelming, and the sky was full of afterimages. In the blink of an eye, it scratched Waxman's body more than a dozen times.

The bloody dagger in Waxman's right hand was like a poisonous snake spitting a message, digging a hole in Ren's water-coated steel advanced knight's plate armor.

Waxman laughed!

The opponent actually did not choose to play it safe, but chose to trade injuries with him.

His dagger has special effects of 'blood-sucking' and 'recovery'. In other words, with his blow, the opponent will lose a lot of blood instantly even though the wound is not deep. At the same time, some of the blood absorbed by the dagger will It will be fed back to him with energy effects.

In other words, he will become braver as he fights!

But the next second, Waxman couldn't laugh anymore!

He could feel the dagger piercing the opponent's armor and skin, and injuring the opponent's body. Although the wound was not deep, he could feel the dagger absorbing the opponent's blood and feeding back energy.

However, he felt that the other party's movements were getting faster and faster. When he poked him, the other party's sharp pointed tiger slashed at him more than ten times.


The one who steps on the horse is not that the opponent has become faster, but that he has become slower!
This feeling of numbness all over the body
This guy's sharp blade is poisonous!

Waxman immediately felt like a dog!

He is an expert in assassination, but this time because he did not prepare Renne as the highest-level enemy, he did not apply poison on the dagger.

But he didn't expect that the other party, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, the governor of a small town in the Dragon Empire, would actually be able to smear poison.

After a few seconds, the two stood still and stopped moving!

Waxman couldn't move. At this moment, his body could not help but tremble slightly. He could feel the numbness all over his body. Now, he could hardly lift his arms.

I couldn't even speak, my tongue was numb!
The leather armor on Waxman's body fell off his body one by one like fallen leaves in autumn. The few remaining pieces were like strands of ribbons, hanging on his body. At this moment, he had hundreds of more armors on his body. Sharp blade scratches.


Waxman, who was as stiff as a concrete statue, hit the ground hard!

The posture is still bent with the knees, holding a dagger to stab, looking like he is ready to attack. At this moment, it seems indescribably funny!

At this moment, he just wanted to say one thing to Ren:

"Fuck! The amount of paralysis poison your kid used was too huge!"

This was actually beyond Ren's expectation.

He put paralyzing poison on the sharp-edged finger tiger at that time, just because if the enemy was good at witchcraft, he would choose to use the sharp-edged finger tiger with the fastest attack speed to interrupt the opponent's spell.

If you can make the other party see blood, even one attack can achieve miraculous results!

But he didn't expect that the enemy, like him, was better at close combat. At least, neither he nor the opponent had the chance to perform any witchcraft in this high-frequency battle.

Under such circumstances, Renn did not expect that his sharp-edged sword would still have a chance to play.

Now, there are more than a hundred scars on the opponent's body, all oozing with blood. This is equivalent to the huge amount of paralyzing poison that Ren applied on the sharp-edged finger tiger, absorbing all of it.

this dose
It is estimated that even a giant sea beast weighing dozens of tons will probably fall down!

At this time, Renn's water-coated steel advanced knight suit also had more than a dozen holes of different sizes.


After tearing apart the water-coated steel breastplate that had become a hole-in-the-wall suit, Ren lowered his head to check the injuries on his body.

As he expected, there were many wounds, more than a dozen, but the depth was very shallow.

This is due to the dual defense of the water-film steel plate armor and the talent 'primary steel'. The opponent's dagger only penetrates one or two centimeters, which is just enough to make Renne draw blood.

However, Ren was keenly aware that he felt as weak as if he had lost too much blood.

He glanced at the bloody dagger in the opponent's hand and knew that the problem must be with the opponent's dagger.

It seems to have some kind of special blood-sucking effect.

Under Waxman's watchful eye.

Renn stepped forward, opened the opponent's stiff fingers one by one, took the two bloody daggers in his hands and started playing with them.

I waved it around a few times and it felt pretty smooth!

Soon, Renn figured out that this was because of his Weapon Master's exclusive talent, 'Basic Weapon Proficiency', and the dagger naturally had a lv1-level specialization effect.

However, how to test the effect of this pair of daggers?
Ren looked around, looking thoughtful, and soon thought of something.

He crouched down and stabbed the paralyzed enemy a few times with no resistance.

Suddenly, a weak warmth flowed into his palm from the bloody dagger, and his whole body was slightly refreshed.

This immediately made Renn raise his eyebrows with surprise on his face!

It turns out that these blood-colored daggers not only have a blood-sucking effect, but can also feed the user something special.

Waxman, on the other hand, opened his eyes wide and watched Ren stabbing himself with his own dagger. Although he was completely paralyzed at the moment, the depression and pain were simply unbearable!
Nehru! Mudd! I've been screwed by you!
But the next second, Waxman's eyes suddenly showed fear.

Because he saw the young man opposite, using his dagger, "swish" a few times, and all the tendons of his hands and feet were severed.

Originally, for safety reasons, Renn planned to wipe the opponent's neck directly.

But he thought about it, and this time there were two members of the Imperial Ichthyosaurus Team with him. Maybe they had a better way to squeeze out the value of the other party while ensuring that the other party didn't do anything wrong.

In this case, maybe he can get some good things from the Imperial Navy.

At this time, Trevor, Nathaniel and Veronica quickly rushed in from outside the administrative hall with anxious faces. Seeing the scene in the backyard at this time, they couldn't help but froze immediately.

I saw that the ground in the backyard was criss-crossed with ravines, potholes, and a dilapidated state. Only some broken branches and leaves were left of the neatly trimmed plants and flowers!

Several people looked at Ren in shock, and then at the middle-aged man lying motionless on the ground with injuries all over his body and a weird posture.

Instantly I understood what was happening!

Renn was one-on-one and picked the opponent directly.

When Veronica saw the dozen red spots on Ren's naked upper body, she couldn't help but cover her mouth, her beautiful eyes widened, revealing both worry and admiration.

Without any hesitation, Veronica trotted up quickly, looked at Renne and said, "Your Excellency Renne, your injury needs to be treated immediately."

Trevor and Nathaniel looked at each other and said: "Sir Ren, I'm really ashamed that you alone kept the other party's general, but the three of us failed to keep the third-level wizard outside. apprentice."

"Oh? Is there only one wizard apprentice outside?"

"Yes, Sir Ren, a relatively rare third-level wizard apprentice of the shadow system. We are basically certain that the other party is the one who controls the Storm Crow for investigation."

"Yes, and a woman," Nathaniel added.

Renn nodded and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Trevor and Mr. Nathaniel. I wonder if you can get some useful information for the Imperial Navy from this guy's mouth?"

While several people were talking, Major Malika and Lehman Brothers also rushed to the backyard. They looked at the ground that was bombarded by a rain of meteorites, and their expressions were horrified for a moment.

Seeing that everyone had basically arrived, Ren briefly talked about the fight between the two and his judgment of the enemy.

Hearing that the opponent was probably a peak knight, everyone looked at Ren with something wrong!

Major Malika thought for a while and said to Trevor and the other two: "My lords, I think the most urgent task now is to contact the Navy's Tide Walkers immediately."

"Judging from the battle situation tonight, there is a high probability that the person in front of me is from the Federation Navy. According to what Mr. Ren said about the encounter, the opponent's strength and status are comparable to Captain Baron."

"Please imagine how the Federation would react if such an important person fell into our hands?" When speaking of this, Major Malika paused.

Trevor's eyes lit up and he said: "Major Malika, you mean that the federal navy will definitely organize a rescue plan immediately?"

Marika nodded and continued: "It's very possible. And one thing is for sure, the federal navy will definitely send people over. At least they have to figure out whether the person lying on the ground is dead or alive."

"If he is alive, a rescue will be organized."

Nathaniel nodded and said: "Major Malika, you are right. I will immediately contact Captain Baron and the Navy's Tide Walkers and ask them to send a team with full combat power over immediately."

"Sir Ren, let me help you deal with the wound first. Although hydrotherapy can also treat it directly, it will be more effective if you clean the wound first and then treat it."

What Veronica paid attention to was not the person lying on the ground, but Ren in front of her.

Major Malika also echoed: "Your Excellency Ren, leave it to me and the two Excellencies from the Ichthyosaurus Squadron to handle this!"

Ren glanced at a few people, nodded quickly, and said, "Okay, I'll bother you a few more."

Several other people nodded, and Trevor even said: "Sir Ren, you go and deal with the injury with Miss Veronica first, and leave this place to us."

Ren immediately turned around and prepared to leave with Veronica.

"Wait, Lord Baron!"

I saw Cornette Lehman, the younger brother of the Lehman Brothers, touching something at the seam of the trousers of the middle-aged man in leather armor who was lying on the ground. He immediately took it out and saw that it was a thin parchment roll.

"You think I can't find it if it's sewn in the trousers?" My younger brother, Cornette Lehman, said to himself.

"You really underestimate me."

Ren was quite surprised when he saw the parchment handed over by Cornette respectfully.

After all, during the battle just now, he was only thinking about how to defeat the opponent, and the sharp blade he used did not avoid the opponent's waist bag and other places at all.

By the time the battle is over, I'm afraid the opponent's waist bag, leather armor sandwich, and other places where items might be placed have all been destroyed.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually had something hidden in the middle of his trousers.

Ren took the parchment, and his heart moved slightly. Could it be that this was the witchcraft used by the opponent to create his own shadow and launch simultaneous attacks?
However, when Ren opened the scroll and took a look, he was slightly stunned.

There is no record of that witchcraft.

I saw the words "Maxwell's Secret Scroll for Preparing Rare Poisons" written on the title of the parchment.

At this time, the system prompt suddenly appeared:
【Ding! It is detected that the host obtains 'Maxwell's Rare Poison Making Secret Scroll', triggering a special job change - Breaking Bad (Extraordinary)! 】

[The prerequisites for switching to Breaking Bad (Extraordinary) are: 5. Pharmacist or Poison Maker lv18 or above; . Spirituality of points or above; . Mastering the production of three or more rare poisons. The current conditions are not met! 】

It's actually a special job transfer.

Ren's eyes moved slightly and he immediately began to think.

Since switching to the legendary profession [Weapon Master], the number of his career panels has expanded to five. In addition to the four ready-made ones, there is still one empty.

But because I had never thought about how to choose a fifth career, this matter was shelved.

Now it seems that it may be a good choice to switch to pharmacist first, and then switch to this special profession [Breaking Bad] after level 5. At least this is an extraordinary career panel.

On the one hand, it can further improve one's attack power, on the other hand, it can also improve one's ability to prevent and identify various enemy poisons.

"Sir Ren?" Veronica shouted softly.

"Oh, okay, Miss Veronica, let's leave now." Immediately, Ren stuffed the parchment into his waist and followed Veronica.

However, Ren soon remembered something and walked forward to check the system prompts:

[Your skill Tokkal Hammer has been improved, and your experience value is +1669]

[Your skill Kadar Boxing has been improved, experience value +1228]

[You have experienced a battle, Weapon Master (Legendary) experience value +889]

(Note: The above skills and experience have enjoyed a 30% increase in the exclusive talent 'Elementary Extraordinary Comprehension'.)
[Congratulations, you defeated a strong enemy and gained 1 gold skill point! 】

[Congratulations, your Weapon Master (Legendary) career level has been improved! 】

The Weapon Master (Legendary) professional level has been upgraded by one level to reach lv5 (17/2000).

This also allowed Renn to gain one attribute point and one skill point again. Now his remaining attribute points are 5 points and his remaining skill points are 1 point.

What surprised Ren even more was that in this battle, he received 1 gold skill point.

Gold skill points?

Ren quickly recalled that when his Weapon Master (Legendary) profession was upgraded to lv2, the system prompt message - 'Golden skill points can be synthesized from three skill points, or can be obtained by killing powerful enemies. . '

Obviously, this time I was in the second situation. I gained 1 gold skill point by defeating a powerful enemy.

Immediately, Ren planned to add this golden skill point to Tokkar's Hammer Technique.

Because he was sure that as long as he added this golden skill point to his hammer skills, he would be able to reach a higher level.

Then he will be able to truly grasp the secret!
But when he was about to add some more, Ren frowned and looked thoughtful.

I can almost break through this layer of window paper, so is there any need to waste these precious golden skill points? ——
Offshore Meister County.

In water more than ten meters deep.

An ellipsoid-shaped metal object twenty to thirty meters long is slowly floating.

"Why is there only one person?" Jonistan looked at the sea through the periscope and said to himself in confusion.

They had just received the signal for help and immediately rushed in this direction. Judging from the signal, it was the password key of the Federation Navy's 'Leviathan' team.

However, the actions of the 'Leviathan' team are at least in the form of one official member plus several followers, so it is almost impossible to have one person.

Under the weak starlight, one could see a woman in black robe running quickly with her hand covering her abdominal wound on the sea not far in front of the submarine. The arrow at the wound was looming.

The metal round cover on the top of the submarine opened with a creak, and four soldiers wearing federal navy uniforms quickly climbed out one after another, rushed forward, quickly supported the woman in black robes, and immediately sent her into the submarine.

Soon, the submarine slowly floated down again and disappeared on the sea.

A quarter of an hour later, a male officer came over to report and said: "Sir Jonistan, the lady just asked to see you, saying that she had something particularly important to discuss with you."

"Oh? Has her injury been treated?"

"Well, it's been taken care of. She disliked that we are all men, so she treated the wound by herself. For such a serious injury, I didn't expect that she, a woman, could complete the treatment on her own." The male officer couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, I get it, come on now!"

Jonistan still had doubts at this time.

Although they are all affiliated with the Federation Navy, generally speaking, at this level they will not have any direct contact with the Leviathan Team.

Most of the time, they report to the top, and the upper brass of the navy mobilize the Leviathan team.

I don’t know what situation the other party wants to discuss with him this time.

Inside the submarine's medical bay.

"What? Miss Zenina, you said something happened to Mr. Waxman of the Leviathan team?" Jonistan was shocked!
Waxman was nicknamed the 'Shadow Assassin' and was even more famous than Nehru. Jonistan, who was also in the federal navy, had certainly heard of him.

"Yes, Lord Jonistan."

"Then I would like to ask, is Mr. Waxman alive or dead?" After Jonistan was shocked, he immediately calmed down and continued to ask after thinking for a moment.

"I'm not sure about this." The black-robed woman Zenina frowned slightly, recalled it, and shook her head.

"Because I was chased by three people, two third-level wizard apprentices and a sharpshooter. I really had no time to take care of you. Moreover, I also followed your request and led the others away so that he could deal with the target person."

Jonistan thought of Zenina's embarrassed appearance with an arrow stuck in her abdomen at the beginning, and couldn't help but nodded.

Although the other party is a follower of Lord Waxman, he has tried his best and is understandable.

"Afterwards, I waited for you at the appointed place for a long time, but he didn't come. I knew something must have happened to you."

"That is to say, we can only confirm that something happened to Mr. Waxman in Fishing Port Town. We can't be sure of what happened, right?" Jonistan frowned and said.


"There is one more thing, I don't know if it is convenient to disclose it. If it involves the secret mission of the Leviathan team, Miss Zenina can refuse to answer."

"Because if we are going to rescue Mr. Waxman, we need to know the details of the two missions in order to evaluate whether we have the ability to carry out the rescue or report to the superiors."

"This." Zenina's eyes flickered, and she didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Because as far as she knew, Mr. Waxman came to Fishing Port Town at the private request of Mr. Nehru, and they even bargained once. To put it bluntly, he was taking a private job.

If Master Waxman was around, no one would dare to say anything about this matter.

But if it is revealed now, it will affect Mr. Waxman’s reputation a little bit.

But what Jonistan said in front of him was very reasonable. Otherwise, if the federal navy misjudged and there were heavy casualties during the rescue process, he would not be able to live with it.

After thinking for a while, Zenina said: "Sir Waxman came to Fishing Port Town to kill a man named Renn at the request of Lord Nehru!"

"What? Renn!" Jonistan couldn't control his emotions anymore and asked in shock.

Because he knows this Renne well!

Lord Nehru’s information about Ren was provided by him!

(End of this chapter)

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