The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 232 Special Job Change! [Breaking Bad ]

Chapter 232 Special Job Change! [Breaking Bad (Extraordinary)] (Two chapters in one)

"Howl! You deserve to die!" The strong man with a shield narrowed his eyes and said to Mihir angrily.

"Count Habs?"

"Why is this birdman still the heir of your Meist County consul? It seems that your Earl may also have a problem!" The strong man with a shield pointed at Alonso's body on the ground and said .

His mission this time was considered a failure.

Although the cult had been wiped out, the evil god's divinity had not been collected, and he was irritated.

When Michelle heard the words of the strong man with a shield on his back, he immediately didn't dare to say anything anymore.

However, soon, he understood through the smooth and oblique cuts on Alonso's body that it must have been injured by some kind of sharp weapon.

Looking again at the location of Alonso's body, Michel quickly locked his eyes on Ren's two-handed sword.

Michelle had a look of surprise on her face, as if she had found the murderer. She pointed at Ren tremblingly and said:
"It's you! It's you! Right, Ren, it was you who killed Baron Alonso!"

"You killed so many imperial nobles, so you will be stripped of your noble title and hanged!"

Ren turned to look at Michelle, about to say something.

Suddenly, the man with a short staff on the side said:
"This guy's body is obviously modified by cult drugs, which shows that this guy should be taking cult drugs for a long time."

"That is to say, if Mr. Renn kills Baron Alonso, he will not only not be punished, but will also be rewarded." The man with the short staff pointed to the mutated part of Alonso's dead body and said for Renn explained.

The young man in front of him helped them clean up the cult organization here. Although it was easy for them to do it themselves, he felt that he still had to acknowledge the other party's kindness. After all, it saved trouble.

Hearing this, Ren's eyes lit up slightly, as if he thought of something.

Could it be said to be a side effect of the divine blood?

From this point of view, the so-called divine blood without any side effects not only has side effects, but also has huge side effects. It is just hidden deep enough that it cannot be detected in advance by the nobles of Meister County.

I still remember that Hamilton said before that the bottle of divine blood he had seized was sent to the Royal Apothecary Society for testing, but it seems that the exact information has not been received yet.

However, according to the sword holder, the result should be obvious.

After the man with the short staff ended the energy-absorbing witch formation, the Templar knights behind Rudolph immediately stepped forward and began to check the Black Flame Cult's sacrificial witch formation and the condition of some nearby corpses.

At this time, many relatives of the dead nobles who had come to attend the banquet in the mansion above also crowded out.

Many of those who came in immediately saw the body of a baron or lord belonging to their own family.

Since the nobles who took the divine blood were either the heads of major noble families or the heirs of relatively high-status families, the relatives of these dead nobles were shocked when they saw this scene before them!
After a quick count, there were exactly thirteen people with titles of nobility dead at the scene. There were thirteen lords and barons in total. In addition, a viscount also died here.

This is a rhythm that is going to shake things up!

Following the whispers of the housekeeper and the guards, these noble relatives soon learned the specific situation.

But people are irrational when they are controlled by emotions.

They would not consider why Ren killed these nobles at all, nor would they seriously consider the authenticity of the mansion steward's words.

Instead, he simply directed all his anger and malice at the young man in front of him.

Because they knew one thing: their loved ones had died before their eyes, at the hands of this young boy who didn't look that old.

Although this young man is also a noble.

But this matter is not something that a little baron can handle.

Dean Rudolf of the Goddess Church quickly realized that the atmosphere at the scene was not right. He did not expect that there were so many Meister nobles colluding with the Black Flame Cult.
With so many relatives of the dead nobles present, Ren was still very passive.

However, let’s not mention the friendship between Ren and him. Even including Ren’s actions, he had already informed their Goddess Church in advance.

In addition, judging from this incident itself, Ryan actually took the blame for them this time.

It is conceivable that if his church were to raid this stronghold, there would be a high probability that he would also encounter the situation that Ren was in at this time, with some fallen nobles and the Black Flame Cult jointly resisting.

This means that Renne can be said to have helped them a lot, so Rudolph felt that he should do something now.

Rudolph was heard saying to the Templar beside him: "Protect the scene and lock down the evidence immediately."

It is important to secure the evidence.

As long as the substantive evidence of these dozen nobles colluding with the Black Flame cult is fixed, then, under this general premise, there will be nothing to blame for some of Ren's killing behaviors.

Rudolf still frowned, because he knew that there was another person whose death was more difficult.

That was Alonso who died in the hands of Rennes. He was the eldest son of Earl Habus, the governor of Meist County. In the handling of this matter, Earl Habus's attitude was very crucial.

Not long after, such a major event occurred in the county town. The elite night watchmen, city guards, and the strength of the Goddess Church who came to support quickly arrived at the scene.

At this time, Bishop Theon arrived at the scene, protected by dozens of Temple guards and Templar Knights.

With the arrival of Bishop Xion, the relatives of the dead nobles who originally hated Ren seemed to have found a backbone.

I saw them all coming forward to make friends.

"Your Excellency, Baron Elliot was deceived, so he took the cult's medicine, but this vicious murderer brutally killed Baron Elliot."

"Yes, Lord Bishop"

On the one hand, these relatives of the deceased nobles tried their best to distance themselves from the relationship between their nobles and the cult. At the same time, they in turn accused Ren of deliberately killing the imperial nobles.

If Bishop Xion didn't know Ren before, he would still hesitate.

But now, Bishop Sheen briefly inspected the scene, and it was basically clear that all the previous reports by the Templars were true.

Not only is this the home of the Black Flame Cult in Meister County, but the nobles who died were deeply connected to the cult.

At this time, Reverend Rudolf came to Bishop Sheen and whispered in a low voice.

A few minutes later, Bishop Xion looked around, nodded to Renn, and said: "Renn, it seems that the silver conch medal last time was not enough to affirm your merits. I think the gold conch medal will." is a more suitable choice.”


"Golden Conch Medal!"

Hearing that Ren was worthy of receiving the Gold Conch Medal, everyone around him looked at Ren in surprise.

You must know that it is absolutely impossible to obtain a medal of the level of the Gold Conch Medal without making a great contribution and being recognized by the Goddess Church.

Even the two sword-wielders couldn't help but look up at Ryan a few more times.

Especially the relatives of these dead nobles, they looked at this scene in amazement.

After understanding the meaning of Bishop Sheen's words, all of these noble relatives looked pale.

Although Bishop Theon did not say anything to defend Ryan, everyone present was smart and had already heard the true meaning of the Golden Conch Medal that the bishop was about to award to Ryan.

To put it simply, Ryan, you have done a great job, and the Goddess Church supports you!
The Goddess Church can be said to have made a very clear statement in support of Ryan!

After hearing Bishop Xien's words, although Ryan didn't know the value of the Golden Conch Medal, it was obvious that the Bishop was on his side. So Ryan bowed slightly and said, "Thank you for your affirmation, Bishop!"

At this time, several noble heirs reacted and whispered with gritted teeth:
"The Goddess Church is clearly on this kid's side. Let's wait for Lord Habsburg to come. He will definitely not think so."

"That's right. Baron Alonso died at the hands of this guy. I don't believe that Count Habsburg will remain indifferent!"

It seemed that the words of these few people seemed to have hit the G-spot of the relatives of the dead nobles present, making this group of people become confident again.

Although the Goddess Church is powerful, in the Dragun Empire, the imperial power is even greater than that of the church. In other words, the archon is the head of a county, and the bishop is at most second.

Therefore, in their view, the attitude of Consul Count Habsburg is the most critical.

As the governor of Meister County, his own son was killed, so how could the murderer be safe and sound?
They won’t believe it even if you kill them!
The sturdy man with a shield on his back and the young man with a short staff had no interest in the intrigues of the relatives of the dead nobles. Since the bishop of the Goddess Church had come and supported the young man in front of them, the two of them planned to leave immediately.

At this time, the messenger came over to report: "My Lords, Lord Habsburg is here."

When the two heard this, they looked at each other. Although they could just leave, it would be a bit rude to leave in front of the consul.

After thinking for a while, the sturdy man with the shield on his back said to the young man with the short staff: "Then let's meet."

When Ryan saw Count Habsburg again, he didn't expect the scene to be like this.

Although he had always had a pleasant relationship with Count Habsburg, Ryan knew very well that it was because he had demonstrated extraordinary talent and potential that Count Habsburg was worthy of his humble attitude.

But now, the situation is different. The other party’s eldest son died in his hands.

In fact, if Alonso had not appeared here, Ryan would not have to kill him.

With the rapid improvement of Ryan's own strength, Alonso, who is only a senior knight, has long been regarded as his real opponent.

Just like a tiger wouldn't pay much attention to a wild dog.

This time, in order to focus on dealing with the Black Flame High Priest and eliminate other interfering factors, Ryan chose to kill the alienated Alonso on the spot.

On the other side, Count Habsburg learned a lot about the situation here from the reports from one messenger after another on the road.

Therefore, when Habsburg saw Ryan again, his wise eyes revealed a complex and indescribable meaning.

"Ryan, I didn't expect that Alonso didn't die at the hands of the real Sword Bearer, but died at the hands of you, the Sword Bearer candidate. My old friend was right!"

"Oh" Count Habsburg sighed, looking lonely!

Ryan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Count Habsburg's words didn't seem to indicate that he hated him too much for killing Alonso.

Is this lifting high and putting down gently?
Also, old friend?
Will Alonso die at the hands of the sword bearer?
Could it be that Count Habsburg's old friend was a prophet or a fortune teller?
Ryan's imagination ran wild for a moment.

"My Lord Earl, I am also very sorry about this matter, because Baron Alonso had been controlled by the evil god of the Black Flame Cult at that time, and I was facing the threat of the Black Flame High Priest. In that situation, I could not hold back." Facing the old man who lost his eldest son, Ryan explained the whole story.

However, the burly man with a shield on his back and the young man with a short staff, after hearing what Count Habsburg said, both looked at Ryan with interest.

"Hmm, Sword Bearer Candidate? Are you going to participate in the Sword Bearer selection in half a month?"

"Yes, with this boy's strength, it should not be a problem for him to pass the test." The burly man carrying the shield showed a look of realization.

"Captain, it turns out that this young man is going to take part in the organizational assessment soon. That means he is already half one of us. We have to help him." The young man with the short stick turned and said to the burly man.

"Yeah!" The burly man with the shield on his back nodded.

The ones who felt the most uncomfortable were the relatives of the deceased nobles who had been waiting for Count Habsburg for a long time.

I saw these people looking at each other in bewilderment!
It seems hard to imagine that Count Habsburg, whose eldest son died, did not get furious?
There wasn't even any mention of taking Ryan into custody!

Just reveal it like that?


Count Habsburg, could it be that Ryan is your illegitimate son and Alonso was adopted?
"My Lord Earl, you can't just let Ryan go like this."

"Yes, Lord Earl, we will request a meeting of the House of Nobles to discuss this matter."


Seeing that Count Habsburg had no intention of dealing with Ryan, the relatives of the dead nobles present could no longer hold back, and some even shouted at the top of their lungs.

The death of so many nobles naturally met the conditions for convening a council of all nobles in Meist.

Just as Count Habsburg frowned and was about to say something, a sneer came from the side.

The sturdy man with a shield on his back came over, looked around at the relatives of the dead nobles with his tiger eyes, and said, "You nobles who are colluding with the evil cult, actually have the nerve to say this? You are a bunch of parasites of the empire!"

"You! Who are you?" A relative of a dead noble, who was overwhelmed by the strong man's momentum, said with a little fear.

Just now, both Michelle and the housekeeper were busy directing "firepower" to Ryan, and did not have time to introduce the identities of these two people to the relatives of the deceased nobles.


"Me? I am affiliated with the Imperial Sword Bearer. As for my name, you are not qualified to know it."

"Sword-bearer?" The relatives of the dead nobles looked at each other in bewilderment. As relatives of the nobles, they had naturally heard of this powerful institution in the empire.

"Cherish your good times. Soon, the Senate will send people down to liquidate all of you parasites of the empire one by one!"

"No! We can't do this!" Several relatives of the dead nobles who took the lead felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

"We are the victims!!" After hearing the words of the burly man carrying a shield, many people lost control of their emotions and burst into tears.

At this moment, not only were their original demands not met, but now they have to face the liquidation of the empire.

Next, their family’s noble title might even be lost.

Not to mention causing trouble for Ryan.
Thus, the accountability against Ryan ended in this almost farcical way due to the intervention of the two Imperial Sword Bearers.

"Thank you very much, my lords." Ryan bowed slightly and said.

"Your Excellencies, now that you have arrived in Meister County, why not take a rest before leaving?" Count Habsburg also forced a smile and stepped forward and said.

"No, Your Excellency, we have other things to deal with." The burly man with the shield on his back shook his head and declined Count Habsburg's invitation.

The two nodded to Ryan and left the underground hall. The young man with the short staff walked a few steps and turned back to say, "Ryan, if you pass the test, you can come to the Rock Team to find me."

"Okay!" Ryan nodded.

Late at night, both the Goddess Church and the major functional departments of the county town were working overtime to deal with the incident that occurred in Baron Elliot's mansion, and Ryan returned to his mansion at this time.

After returning, Ryan had the chance to check the system prompts:

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the Blood Fury Archery's exclusive secret technique: Blood Fury Strike! ]

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the exclusive secret skill of Blood Fury Archery: Rapid Fire lv2! 】

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the exclusive secret skill of Blood Fury Archery: Blood Fury Strike lv2! 】

No wonder the arrows he shot had such a strong bloody aura, it turned out that his secret skill 'Blood Rage Strike' had reached level lv2.

Soon, Ryan saw a new icon next to "Rapid Fire" on the Weapon Master (Legend) panel.

The pattern in the icon is a bow with a drawn bowstring and an arrow on the bow that is about to be shot. The strange thing about the arrow is that the arrow body is red, and there are lines all around it connecting to the arm, which seems to symbolize that the blood color comes from the body.

At the bottom right of the icon, there is a line of small words:
Blood Rage Strike Level 2 (Secret Technique) Effect: Consumes a portion of the blood in the body and unleashes a strike that is far more powerful than one's own.

(Note: Blood Rage Strike is a secret skill and cannot be directly upgraded through skill points.)
Next was the attribute panel. Ryan looked at the bottom which showed 8 remaining attribute points, 1 remaining skill point, and 2 gold skill points, and smiled immediately.

Although his biggest gain this time was naturally the talent points, the two gold skill points were also of great significance.

There is only 1 skill point left, which is still too little.

Fortunately, his pharmacist level has reached level 4. Once it reaches level 5, he can immediately start to change his job to [Breaking Bad].

So, in the next few days, Ryan still spent most of his time in the pharmacy.

However, in the past few days, the news that Ryan wiped out the Black Flame Cult and killed more than a dozen nobles who colluded with the cult spread widely in the county town.

For several days, the beautiful women Jennifer, Jenny, and even the guards and servants in the mansion looked at him differently than before.

Considering that I have to go to Munster to take the sword-wielding examination, I may have to leave Meister for a long time.

So, Ryan thought about it and moderately reduced the time spent on making potions, planning to spend more time with his family and Jennifer.

Today, he specially accompanied his sister Bohe in the front yard to plant flowers together. Seeing the Baron taking such good care of his sister, the servants beside him were quite surprised.

In their view, their own baron is a person who focuses on improving his strength and rarely spends time on other things.

The servants were very sure of this after understanding it for some time.

After all, the bigger the person, the more precious his time is.

Ryan looked at his sister who was planting flowers seriously, and his thoughts drifted away.

A few months ago, Anna was just like me, accompanying her sister to grow vegetables. Unfortunately, after Anna left with the elf lady, there has been no news of her until now.

In addition, since moving to the county town, my sister Mint can no longer meet the few playmates she had in Shining Gold Town.

Although my younger sister Bohe was cared for and protected by the servants in the mansion, she still missed out on playing with her peers.

Thinking of this, Ryan couldn't help but reveal a look of doting.

Suddenly, at this moment, Mint raised her head, blinked her bright eyes and looked at Ryan, tilted her head and asked, "Brother, are you going on a long trip again in a few days?"

"Huh? How did you know?" Ryan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You know, he had only told the beautiful woman Jennifer about his upcoming sword-wielder assessment, and hadn't even told his parents yet.

"No, I guessed."

"Before, when you were away on a long trip, you always took time to spend some time with me, but this time you spent a particularly long time with me."

Ryan smiled and nodded, "Smart boy, indeed, in a few days, brother may have to leave for a while again."

Although Bohe had some vague guesses before, her whole face fell when she heard the exact answer from her brother.

Although, her brother Ryan is usually focused on improving his strength and rarely has time to accompany her.

But in her heart, there is a fundamental difference between her brother Ryan being at home and not being at home.

As long as her brother Ryan was at home, she felt an inexplicable sense of security.

"Don't worry, brother won't be away for too long, maybe a month, or at most two months. Brother will come back as soon as possible."

"OK then!"

"By the way, brother, I saw you practicing archery a few days ago. Brother, I also want to learn archery, is that okay?" Mint asked.

When Ryan heard his sister Mint's request, he was stunned!
It's not like he hadn't thought about training his sister in combat skills before, but the problem was that the two-handed greatsword and the two-handed warhammer he mastered at the time required too much strength.

If you are a woman, you must first practice breathing techniques to meet the requirements of the exercise. In addition, when I think of my sister practicing like a Barbie doll, this...
But if it is archery, it is completely different.

The strength requirement is far less than that of two-handed weapons, and archery is more of an improvement in dexterity and skill, so there is nothing wrong with women practicing it from a young age.

So Ryan nodded without hesitation and said, "Of course!"

That afternoon, Ryan personally made a willow short bow with a pulling force of twelve pounds for his sister Mint.

A few days later in the afternoon, after Ryan had finished making a bottle of hemostatic potion, the system prompt sounded:
[Congratulations, your pharmacist professional level has been upgraded! ]

Since Ryan had already memorized the several poison production processes recorded in the "Maxwell's Secret Scroll on Making Rare Poisons" in the past few days, the system prompt appeared again:

[Ding! The host's pharmacist occupation level has been detected to be upgraded to level 5, triggering a special job transfer - Breaking Bad Master (Extraordinary)! ]

[The prerequisites for changing to the job of Breaking Bad (Super) are: 5. Pharmacist or Poison Maker level 18 or above; . Spirit level or above; . Master the production of three or more rare poisons. All the current conditions are met! ]

[. All conditions for the pharmacist to advance to Breaking Bad (Super) are met. Is/is the special job transfer to Breaking Bad (Super) completed? ]

[Note: After advancing to Breaking Bad (Extraordinary), the pharmacist occupation panel will be covered. ]

(End of this chapter)

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