The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 237: The battering ram from Meister!

Chapter 237: The battering ram from Meister! (Two chapters in one)

Looking at the obsidian giant falling to the ground in front of him, Ryan was a little confused for a moment.

Because he didn't expect that the other party was so weak!
It's not that he hadn't thought about the possibility of causing trauma to the Obsidian Giant, but he expected that at most he would only inflict a minor wound on the opponent.

But I didn't expect that the other party would just lie down.

"Could this obsidian giant be the battle pet of the earth wizard next to him?"

"But this can't be blamed on me. It was the great knight examiner who said that I had to fight with all my strength."

Ryan, who had been waiting for the examiner to announce the result for a long time, was inevitably a little nervous for a moment.

"Well, Mr. Examiner, I think I have passed this, right?" Ryan couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? Of course!" The examiner who was responsible for announcing the result just came back to his senses at this time.

He immediately ran to the five examiners in charge of grading, looked at their scores, and then ran back to his seat in an even more excited state, his face flushed, and announced loudly:

"Examinee No. 2, defeated the Obsidian Giant, passed with full marks!"


The scene suddenly became chaotic!
Not only because Ryan was the first person to pass the sword wielder test, but also because of the two key words the examiner just said: "full marks"!
Everyone knows that it is difficult to do a simple thing perfectly, but they have never heard of anyone who can get full marks in the sword holder assessment.

At this moment, the expressions of the people off the field fully embodied what it meant to be a diverse group of people. There were envy, jealousy, excitement, etc., and the expressions were almost all different.

Veronica's face flushed with excitement, her fists clenched, and her golden ponytails swung back and forth, while Evelin couldn't hide her excitement, covering her mouth with her hands and looking surprised.

"Um. Can I go back now?" Ryan continued to ask.

After all, he really didn't know where to go now that he had passed the assessment.

"Mr. Ryan, you can go to the lounge to rest. After the assessments of the others are finished, we will handle the procedures together."

"Of course, you can also choose to observe other people's assessments here."

Going back to the hall alone?
Ryan shook his head in his heart.

There are still Veronica and Evelin on the sidelines who haven't taken the assessment yet. It would be inappropriate for me to withdraw alone.

"I'd better stay with my companions," said Ryan.

"Of course, Lord Ryan, please do as you please."


Immediately, Ryan turned and left the center of the venue and returned to the crowd.

Just as Ryan walked back, the crowd automatically parted to form an aisle, and at the same time, everyone's eyes swept over Ryan.

This made Ryan feel like he was watching a national leader reviewing a guard of honor in his previous life.
"Sir Ryan, congratulations, you are truly amazing." Veronica said with her beautiful eyes shining.

Evelin also came over and said with a smile: "Sir Ryan, I haven't seen you take action for a while. I didn't expect your strength to reach this level."

"Thank you. I've had some insights recently." Ryan responded with a smile.

When Ryan returned to Veronica's side, the surroundings suddenly returned to whispering, but the direction of the discussion seemed to have gone a little off track:
"Fuck! That hammer from number two just now was even more powerful than a battering ram!"

"Indeed, otherwise we should name this No. 2 the Battering Ram. By the way, where is he from?"

"I heard from the people next to me just now that they seem to be from Mayest County."

"Is it the Meister by the sea?"

"What the hell! Such a powerful guy actually appeared in a small place like Meister."

"How about calling this number two, 'The Battering Ram from Meister'?"

As a result, Ryan soon earned the nickname "Battering Ram".

Ryan, who heard everyone whispering, couldn't help but feel dizzy. This name was too damn ugly!

The previous Baron of the Hammer was fine, but the battering ram from Meister?

What the hell is that nickname?

On the wall on one side of the hall, there is a rectangular piece of glass. Only the staff know that it is actually a one-way glass.

Inside was a small room with three old men in different clothes and a middle-aged man. Like the people outside, they were discussing Ryan, who had knocked down the obsidian giant with one hammer.

One of them was an old man wearing a general's uniform. He had a pair of piercing tiger eyes and some crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, but his majesty was even greater than that of Count Habsburg whom Ryan had seen before. The epaulettes on his shoulders shone with three round golden emblems symbolizing the sun.

This means that the other party is a high-ranking admiral of the Dragun Empire, and he is Admiral Edward, the head of the Sword Bearer Munster branch.

Just listen to him say:
"Just now I saw that there seems to be a slight difference between his speed and strength. His strength is much greater than his speed."

"This boy must have some special talent related to strength."

The other two people obviously agreed with Admiral Edward's judgment and nodded slightly.

They knew very well that Admiral Edward, as the head of a special department, had extremely strong combat capabilities and an extraordinary vision.

At this time, an old man wearing noble hunting clothes said, "But it is impossible to cause such serious injuries to the Obsidian Giant with strength alone. He has already mastered the secret of hammer skills."

The person who spoke was Marquis Schlan, the Chief of Police of Münster.

As the imperial functional department that has the most daily business dealings with the Sword Bearers, the relationship between the two parties is naturally much closer than that of other departments.

Marquis Shilan would come to observe the sword-wielding assessment almost every year.

"Basic secret? I'm afraid it's more than that. What he displayed just now should be the intermediate secret, right?" said the old man with an exquisite mustache, his eyes flashing with a gleam.

At this time, Admiral Edward nodded and said, "Indeed, in terms of the secret, he should have reached the intermediate level."

"A young man who possesses some kind of power talent and has mastered the intermediate secrets is interesting. We haven't seen him in the assessment for several years, right?" Marquis Shilan said with a smile.

At this time, Admiral Edward turned his head and asked the middle-aged officer standing respectfully beside him: "Where is the information of this young man?"

"Yes, Admiral Edward, please wait, I will bring it to you right away." The officer immediately turned and left.

"Your Excellency, I know this young man. He is Ryan from Mayest County."

The middle-aged man who was speaking had an exquisite mustache and was wearing a black hunting suit inlaid with gold. If Ryan was present, he would certainly recognize that he was the special envoy Javier Stewart, whom he had met once before.

As a special envoy sent to the province of Münster on behalf of the Imperial Senate, he had a rather detached status and position, and this time he was invited by the Sword Bearer to observe the assessment.

What he didn't expect was that the young man he once had high hopes for gave him such a big surprise this time.

"Oh? Your Excellency the Special Envoy knows him?"

"I have met him before and I was quite optimistic about him then. This young man is the first in this noble enthronement assessment."

"I see." The two people next to him couldn't help but nodded slightly.

A few minutes later, the school officer came back and distributed information.

The old men who got the information immediately flipped through it curiously.

"Huh? He's only sixteen years old." Admiral Edward was immediately surprised. In fact, except for Javier, the others looked at each other with surprise on their faces!
He has reached this level at the age of sixteen. If he continues for a few years, won’t this boy be even more amazing?

Immediately, Ryan's talent and qualifications were raised to a higher level in their minds.

They originally thought that Ryan should be around twenty years old, but they didn't expect him to be only sixteen.

You know, the younger you are, the less time you have to practice combat skills. Another important point is that your comprehension ability at a younger age is generally weaker than that of an adult.

To be able to master the intermediate secrets in such a short time and at such a young age is even rarer than the rare talent for strength.

"He is truly the first in this year's noble enthronement examination."

"So he's from Mayest County. I didn't expect he was of commoner origin."

Center of the field.

After the Obsidian Giant was severely hit by Ryan and fell to the ground, the old earth wizard in charge of the assessment looked at the huge hole in the Obsidian Giant's chest with a sad face and fell into deep thought.

He had never thought that there was an examiner who could injure his earth elemental partner, the Obsidian Giant, to this extent. Although he did not die, the injury was too serious.

Now the question is, what to do with the next assessment?
He doesn’t have a second Obsidian Giant, a rare elemental creature like this!
"Master Mathias, is your obsidian giant still usable?" the middle-aged knight asked after coughing.

"It's come to this, what do you think?" Mathias replied unhappily.

"Then should the assessment be postponed?" The middle-aged knight blushed, and he remembered what he had just said to Ryan, that he should exert his full strength.
"It can only be postponed, unless..." Mathias looked thoughtful.

"Unless what?" Hearing that the old man seemed to have some solution, the middle-aged knight hurriedly asked: "Master Mathias, do you need anything?"

After all, postponing the assessment is a rather troublesome matter, so if it can be continued, it would be better to do so.

"Unless there is a piece of obsidian essence, I can't heal the Obsidian Giant in a short period of time." Mathias shook his head helplessly.

"Obsidian Essence?" The middle-aged knight looked thoughtful and said, "Master, it seems that this thing exists in the branch, but according to the regulations, I have to apply for it immediately."

Mathias was stunned.


This is the Munster branch of the Imperial Swordbearers.

If we talk about who has more good things, it is naturally the Imperial Sword Bearer!
"If I have a piece of obsidian essence, I can heal the Obsidian Giant in about a quarter of an hour." Mathias nodded affirmatively and said.

"Okay, Master Mathias, I'll apply right away!" After an urgent consultation with the assessment committee and asking for instructions from his superiors, the middle-aged knight announced again: "Due to the temporary injury of the Obsidian Giant, the assessment will be suspended for a quarter of an hour."

"Everyone please keep quiet. Master Mathias will treat the Obsidian Giant."

I saw an old man in a light yellow wizard robe, holding a fist-sized strange object emitting black light in one hand and a short staff in the other, chanting loudly.

A powerful yellowish energy emerged from the ground, enveloping the entire obsidian giant.

At the same time, the fist-sized strange object in his hand rose into the air and flew to the wound of the Obsidian Giant. Suddenly, black light spread out, and the hole as big as a water tank on the Obsidian Giant's chest shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Veronica, who was beside Ryan, said softly, "Sir Ryan, this is an elemental treasure, the essence of obsidian. It is rare and extremely expensive."

Hearing Veronica's words, several young people nearby couldn't help but focus their eyes on Ryan.

This made Ryan feel a little embarrassed. This was really not what he meant.

He also didn't want to waste the empire's wealth.

After seven or eight minutes, the energy fluctuations of this continuous witchcraft gradually weakened.

As the witchcraft ended, Ryan could feel that the old earth-based witch must be very tired, and his face was obviously much more haggard.

However, when the two-story-tall obsidian giant stood up again intact, Ryan couldn't help but admire the old man's witchcraft.

"Sir Ryan, if the elemental core of elemental creatures like this cannot be destroyed, their injuries will slowly recover after a long period of self-healing even without special treatment." Veronica continued to explain to Ryan.

"Oh? There is also such a saying, that is, if you want to completely kill elemental creatures, you have to find the core of the other party and crush it, right?"


It turns out that elemental creatures also have cores.

It seems that I didn't hurt the core of the Obsidian Giant just now, otherwise, the Obsidian Giant would be permanently dead and could not be healed again.

In addition, Ryan saw the magical effect of witchcraft this time.

It only took the old earth wizard ten minutes to use the rare obsidian essence to completely heal the severely injured Obsidian Giant.

Ryan couldn't help but feel jealous.

Immediately, he became more eager for the metal witchcraft that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

One of the important purposes of his joining the Sword Bearer Organization was to obtain the metal-based witchcraft that was almost extinct in the outside world.

Now we are halfway through the process!
"Now, the assessment continues, number three!" This time the middle-aged knight was busy running around. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to shout loudly.

He glanced at Ryan and thought, it's a good thing this guy didn't hit the core of the Obsidian Giant, otherwise, there would be no way he would complete the Sword Bearer Assessment today.

In addition, when examinee No. 3 passed him and headed for the center of the venue, he was very cautious this time and did not say anything like "full strength".

After all, we just have to be prepared for the worst, right?

But the situation on the scene has changed differently at this moment.

The newly healed Obsidian Giant still seemed to be very afraid of Ryan, and as a result, it was very cautious and careful in dealing with all the examinees wearing knight armor.

Such an obsidian giant is naturally more difficult to deal with.

At this moment, examinee No. 3, who was wearing knight plate armor, felt very uncomfortable!

Originally, he wanted to learn Ryan's opening tactics, running to the Obsidian Giant's feet at high speed, and then taking advantage of the opponent's huge size and slow turning speed to fight at close range. He thought it should not be a problem to hold on for a minute.

But it’s different now!

When the obsidian giant saw the 'little guy' in knight armor rushing towards him, his dark face, which was the size of a door panel, revealed a very human expression of lingering fear.

And immediately used his ultimate move - Rock Trampling!
An innate ability that consumes a lot of the Obsidian Giant's own energy, which he will only use when he encounters a strong enemy.

When No. 3 rushed forward with a two-handed sword in hand, his eyes suddenly widened because he saw the obsidian giant stomping heavily on the ground.


Suddenly, the ground within a radius of more than 20 meters around the obsidian giant's footsteps shook violently.

As a result, when examinee No. 3 just arrived near the giant, the ground became soft and mushy like noodles, undulating up and down, which not only reduced his speed greatly, but also made him almost lose his balance.

Just as he stabilized his body a little, he felt two huge black shadows accompanied by strong wind coming towards him!
"Boom! Boom!"

Test taker number three managed to block the attack, but was quickly knocked to the ground by a combination of punches from the Obsidian Giant's two giant rock fists, and failed the test on the spot.

"It lasted for twelve seconds, which is unqualified!" a worker nearby shouted.

Immediately, this made everyone participating in the assessment look at Ryan in the crowd again.

Facing everyone's gaze, Ryan touched his nose, feeling quite embarrassed for a moment, and thought to himself, don't blame me. After all, as the examiner said, luck is also part of strength.

If you were ranked before me, this wouldn't have happened!

Everything has its pros and cons. For wizard apprentices or archers who are good at long-range attacks, this is not a bad thing. Veronica passed it smoothly.

Not long after, the red-haired beauty Evelyn also barely passed.

Two hours later, all the personnel finished the assessment, and the middle-aged knight announced: "Those who did not pass the assessment, please follow our staff and leave now."

Suddenly, many young people in the venue looked gloomy and began to leave gradually.

But soon the atmosphere became lively, and the heads of other functional departments who were originally standing next to the middle-aged knight took action, walked down the stage, and talked with these "losers" who left.

As for the remaining people, Ryan looked around and saw that there were still more than thirty people.

"Everyone, congratulations, you have passed the sword holder assessment. The relevant procedures will take three days to complete. You can relax these few days, and you will be notified of relevant matters in due course."


The assessment is over.

Ryan and Veronica, who both passed the Imperial Sword Bearer Assessment, naturally wanted to travel around Munster.

So, that evening, the two of them came to the main road in Munster.

The entire city is built on the mountain, and the overall exterior walls are mainly built with white strips of stone. The architectural style has a bit of the Baroque style of the previous life, with more domes, arches, reliefs, etc.

The sunset is magnificent under the golden sunlight.

The entire main road can be understood as a winding mountain road that spirals up from the bottom of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. It is extremely winding, so the slope is not steep.

At the same time, there is a platform every few meters, which may be a large fountain or a small garden square, and occasionally there will be a theater or something.

Among the pedestrians passing by, they were all wearing colorful clothes, and most of them had rosy complexions and looked full of energy.

At this time, Ryan, who was walking on the side of the road, faintly heard the sound of a hammer forging coming from not far away.

"Huh? This sense of rhythm?"

“It doesn’t look like human power!”

This made him stop and look in the direction where the sound came from.

He saw a large blacksmith shop across the street in front of him on the right, and a huge waterwheel in the backyard of the blacksmith shop, which seemed to be operating by using the water level difference from high to low in the mountain.

When he heard the very regular knocking sound, Ryan suddenly realized that the knocking sound should come from the mechanical device driven by the waterwheel, not human power.

Out of curiosity, Ryan took Veronica to the blacksmith shop to take a look.

It is indeed hydraulic forging!
A leopard can be seen in the tube.

Ryan didn't expect that the blacksmith shops in Munster had already begun using water power to forge tools on a large scale.

In this way, in addition to some high-end weapons, the quality of a large number of mid- and low-end weapons, agricultural machinery and iron daily necessities will be greatly improved.

This shows that the forging level in Munster is far superior to that in Meister.

This made Ryan think about the next stage of his own armorer career path.

It is likely that he could find some traces of the blacksmithing industry that was so developed in Munster.

Just as Ryan and Veronica were admiring the scenery of Münster, Jenny and Agatha walked out of a chamber of commerce with sad faces.

The two of them have been hitting a wall for three days in a row!
It is difficult to conduct business in Münster. Any store with a good location will have been standing for decades or even hundreds of years and will be considered a well-known old store.

Some industries, such as blacksmiths, tailors and other shops, have basically formed a stable situation.

As for the background of these shops, Jenny had also inquired about them. Basically, the shops on the main streets had the shadow of aristocrats behind them, and some were directly owned by aristocrats.

The main problem is that, as a provincial capital, it is easy for Minsterli to hit a baron by throwing a brick!
As for lords, knights and the like, they are even more numerous.
Therefore, the Crawley family behind Jenny and the Wiggins family behind Agatha are not important enough.

In the past few days, they have been looking for partners in Munster and asked about the background of the Hammer and Rose Chamber of Commerce. When they heard that they were two baron families?
He immediately shook his head, obviously not looking down on it.
What if these two baronial families are from Mayester County?

I'm sorry, please turn right.
I'm sorry, but the barons from other counties are almost nothing in the provincial capital, Munster!

Jenny and Agatha had thought about asking Ryan for help, but firstly, Ryan was still under assessment, and secondly, Ryan himself was only a baron.

Of course, Ryan has great potential.
Maybe he can become a viscount in a few years.

But in the eyes of the two women, potential is still just potential.

(End of this chapter)

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