The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 245 Job Change! Beast Priest !

Chapter 245 Job Change! Beast Priest (Legendary)! (Two chapters in one)

Ryan couldn't help but recall the ability that the native had just displayed, an ability that was almost like sorcery, to absorb the vitality or energy of wild beasts to restore oneself.

The other should be the ability to command the surrounding beasts to attack the enemy.

He was deeply impressed by the two abilities just demonstrated by the other party.

Although they all looked like sorcery, Ryan could feel the difference between them. They were very different from the sorcery of the Black Flame Church.

Moreover, there are two special points about this job transfer prompt.

First, there is no statement about believing in a certain god.

This seemed to indirectly confirm Ryan's previous guess that the other party's technique was not evil.

Secondly, the job change requires the consumption of this pair of so-called ancient troll fangs, which is different from the previous job changes.

Could it be that this ability is closely related to this pair of fangs?
Otherwise, why would one need to consume this pair of Ancient Troll Fangs to advance to the Beast Priest (Legendary)?

Although according to his judgment, there should be no problem in changing his job to Beast Priest (Legend), Ryan was still a little hesitant about whether to change his job.

After all, the other subsequent promotion route for the Beast Tamer - Master Tamer (Legendary) - should be available soon, and when Dark Horse is promoted to a ferocious beast, he will have two promotion routes to choose from.

After thinking about it, Ryan decided to go out first.

So he stuffed the pair of white fangs into his waist bag.

Outside the warehouse.

"Good! Graham, I always thought you were a wimp, but I didn't expect you to be so brave!" Barnes looked at Graham, who already had a little belly and dared to charge into the battle with him, and shouted and praised him.

However, just as the two were about to rush into the warehouse with the night watchmen, suddenly, they saw someone coming out.

Immediately, everyone became alert.


The door, which was already broken, now completely collapsed.

What came into their sight was a young, tall and burly figure, dragging the body of the native in his hands, and walking out of the warehouse door slowly.

Ryan didn't expect that as soon as he walked out of the warehouse, he would run into Graham, Barnes and others who came to support him.

"Fuck! Are all the new sword wielders so perverted nowadays?"

Barnes was shocked when he saw the native who had severely injured him being dragged out by Ryan like a dead dog!

He had fought with the other party personally, so he naturally knew the other party's strength.

Taking into account the opponent's ability to control wild beasts to fight, his overall strength is comparable to that of a senior knight, or even a little stronger.

As for the ability to absorb the vitality of wild beasts.

Barnes has not yet been able to learn.
Perhaps, in the eyes of the natives, there is no need to use this ability to deal with this person.

"Sir Ryan, your mission this time will be worth at least three bronze medals!" Barnes looked at the natives at Ryan's feet with envy, and gestured a big number three with his fingers.

To say that he wasn't envious would be a lie.

The purpose of fighting to the death is to get a better task evaluation and thus gain more resources.

"Oh? An evaluation of three bronze medals?" Ryan raised his eyebrows, a hint of joy on his face.

He really wasn't quite clear about this.

He only knew that the task evaluation would fluctuate based on certain actual factors, but he didn't expect that it could be doubled directly.

Besides, Ryan didn't mind Barnes's rudeness at first but respectful later.

Because he just saw that the other party was injured but still together with Graham, ready to rush into the warehouse to support him. Apart from anything else, this action and courage alone can prove a lot.

"That's right. The enemy is at least as strong as a senior knight. And Lord Ryan, you handled the situation very efficiently. You finished the task in less than half an hour and prevented the enemy from suffering more casualties and losses. With all these factors added together, you can't escape the evaluation of three bronze medals."

"Of course, this is after the last assignment is completed, unified"

Barnes said in a very logical manner.

Ren nodded.

I just handled a sudden incident, but I was able to receive three bronze medals. What a pleasant surprise!
Of course, he can't get this evaluation now.

You have to wait for a month, and after the assignment period expires, the settlement will be made.

After all, if any emergency situation arises in the future and he can solve it successfully again, the reward will naturally continue to increase.

"Sir Ryan, this time we still have to rely on you, otherwise it will be a disgrace for the Empire's Sword Bearer." Barnes showed a painful look on his face.

During the battle just now, Barnes was still able to hold on, but now all his energy was gone and his injuries seemed to have worsened.

"Okay, Lord Barnes, your injuries..." Ryan saw seven or eight holes on Knight Barnes' breastplate, blood gushing out.

"Yes, Lord Barnes, I see that your wound has not healed yet, so it is better to treat it immediately." Graham, the sheriff of the trading area, also walked over quickly.

"Thank you very much for your help this time, otherwise..." Graham thanked.

"Oh~ Shame on you! Don't thank me, thank Lord Ryan instead!" Barnes waved his hand and said, "It's no good. The opponent's attack is a bit weird. I have to go back to the Sword Bearer Branch to see a doctor."

"Hurry! You guys, take Lord Barnes to the Sword Bearer branch." Graham waved his hand and asked his men beside him to quickly help Barnes and put him on the carriage.

Asani, the head of the Yaxon Auction Caravan, was watching this scene with an anxious look on his face, thinking in his heart:

"Lord Viscount Fabien, why haven't the people you sent arrived yet?"

"If you don't come soon, the things will really fall into the hands of the sword holder."

At this time, Graham discovered that there were also fine holes on Ryan's silver knight armor, and he couldn't help but ask worriedly:
"Mr. Ryan, your injury is serious."

"It's okay, thank you Sir Graham for your concern." Ryan said with a smile.

Graham looked at Ryan's face again. It was ruddy and there was no sign of blood loss. At the same time, there was no blood coming out of the hole in the breastplate. He nodded immediately and said, "That's good, that's good!"

"Mr. Ryan, you are truly a pillar of the empire."

Graham really didn't expect Ryan to be so powerful.

In his mind, Ryan was already favored by the goddess of luck for being promoted to Grand Knight at the age of sixteen. As for his strength, it was reasonable that he could only reach the lower limit of the Grand Knight.

But who could have imagined that the opponent's strength was almost that of a veteran knight?
This is no longer the favor of the goddess of luck, but the illegitimate child of the goddess.
After a lot of effort, the caravan leader Asani waited until Graham was called away by his men.

Asani smiled and walked up quickly. He bowed slightly to Ryan and said, "Respected Baron Ryan, I am Asani, the head of the Axon Caravan. Thank you for helping us solve the problem of our caravan."

"You're welcome. As the security consultant of the trade zone, it is within my job scope to resolve emergencies like this." Ryan didn't quite understand the purpose of the caravan leader in front of him.

Immediately, he gave a rather formulaic reply.

"Well, Lord Ryan, this is the case. You see, this native escaped from our caravan. Now can we redeem his body? Of course, we will give you the compensation you deserve." Asani expressed his request carefully.

"Oh? Redeem the body?" Ryan couldn't help but look at the other person in surprise.

At the same time, Ryan quickly realized that what was the point of redeeming the body of an indigenous person?

I’m afraid the other party’s purpose is not so simple?

However, I just searched the body of this native and there didn't seem to be anything valuable.

After all, the other party was escorted here by the slave arrest team and had been searched countless times. If there was anything valuable, it would have been searched away long ago.

Hey, that’s not right!

Could it be that the guy in front of me wants those fangs?

Ryan looked up and down at Asani, the leader of the caravan in front of him. Seeing his eyes flickering, breathing rapidly, and face slightly red, he became more certain of his guess.

It should be!

This is his own spoils of war. According to the empire's spoils distribution regulations, whether or not to hand it over depends on whether he is willing to do so.

Moreover, this item is related to the job transfer of a legendary profession panel.
Immediately, Ryan made a decision. He smiled and said:

"This guy killed so many people, including a noble. According to the Imperial Public Security Management Regulations and the Dragun Empire Criminal Law, the murderer's body needs to be kept for a month until someone from above can perform an autopsy."

"Sir, don't you know?"

What the hell!

Imperial Public Security Regulations?

Dragun Empire Criminal Law?
Aren't you a swordsman who is focused on fighting?

How come you are so familiar with imperial laws?

Ryan's every word was closely linked to the laws and regulations of the empire, which immediately caused beads of sweat to appear on Asani's forehead. He was embarrassed for a moment and didn't know what to say.

His purpose, of course, was not the body of the native, but that thing - the ancient fang, which had undergone hundreds or even thousands of years of devout sacrifices and offerings by this native tribe and was said to have some kind of magical power.

However, after the elite slave-hunting team under the Axon Chamber of Commerce wiped out the indigenous tribe, they failed to find the pair of fangs.

However, according to a wizard who specializes in prophecy at an auction house, the traces or hiding places of the ancient fangs are on these surviving natives.

That's why they took the remaining natives back and planned to torture them slowly.

But I didn't expect that even though we were already in Munster, if I wasn't even a little careless, something like this would go wrong!
What a fuck!

At this time, a loud eagle cry was heard in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of flapping wings. Ryan looked up and saw two griffins, four or five meters long including the tail, with lion bodies and eagle heads, with strong muscles and wide wingspans, falling from the sky!

After the two griffins landed, they looked around with their extremely majestic eagle eyes.

This was not the first time Ryan had seen a griffin, but he still envied it!

I really hope Xueyu can grow up quickly.

After arriving at the Sword Bearer Branch, Ryan also learned that the Bloodfeather Hippogryph is a naturally ferocious bird of prey on the same level as the Griffin. In other words, when Bloodfeather reaches adulthood, he can compete with the Griffin in air combat.

At this time, two people jumped off the backs of the two griffins. One was wearing silver armor, and the other was a middle-aged man wearing light gold armor.

When Graham saw the person coming, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately ran towards the middle-aged man in light golden armor, bowed slightly and said, "Lord Viscount Felke, why are you here in person?"

"Hello, Sir Eustace." Graham did not forget the other Griffin Knight.

"I heard from Eustace that a native appeared here who could influence the behavior of wild beasts and even griffins, so I came to take a look. Has the situation been resolved now?"

Felke quickly locked onto the native lying at Ryan's feet. After all, the man's features, including bright bird feathers on his head and various lines tattooed on his skin, were too eye-catching.

"Yes, Lord Viscount Felke, this is Baron Ryan. The new security consultant for the trade zone comes from the Imperial Swordbearer. It was Baron Ryan who dealt with this powerful native."

"Hmm?" Felke looked at Ryan with a puzzled look on his face. He was obviously a little surprised at Ryan's young face, but he soon smiled and said, "Sir Ryan, you are young and promising!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Viscount Felke." Ryan smiled and bowed. Ryan could feel that this calm Viscount Felke was very powerful, at least as powerful as a peak knight.

After a brief greeting, the other party did not linger for long. He immediately rode the griffin into the air again and quickly left the scene.

"How majestic! Griffin Knight!" Matteo, a short man standing aside, stared blankly at the scene of the griffin taking off into the air, and couldn't help but say.

He had never seen a real griffin rider before, whether in Sheishing Gold Town or Meister County City.

Following Lord Ryan to the provincial capital of Münster this time was like a "poke in the buttocks that opened my eyes."

Graham smiled and introduced Ryan: "This Lord Viscount Felke is the deputy captain of our Munster Province Griffin Squadron. It is said that he has a strong background and has the background above."

"The imperial capital?" Ryan was slightly surprised.

Graham smiled and nodded.

"Hehe, Lord Ryan, is this yours?"

"This is Matteo, the secretary of my Chamber of Commerce." Ryan said with a smile.

"Chamber of Commerce?" Graham's eyes lit up, and then he thought of something.

"Yes, it's a newly established Chamber of Commerce called the Hammer and the Rose. It has just come to Munster to expand its business. It's just in its start-up phase. The store is over there." Ryan pointed in the direction of the street they had just come from.

Graham looked enlightened and was about to say something when he suddenly saw two beautiful young noble girls running towards him, holding up the hems of their long skirts with both hands.

The people who came were Jenny and Agatha.

The two women were seen panting and looking at Ryan anxiously. When they saw a dozen holes on Ryan's light silver knight plate armor and blood stains on his body, they couldn't help but worry, thinking that Ryan was seriously injured.

"Sir Ryan, you..." Agatha couldn't help but take the initiative to step forward and help Ryan up.

Jenny just stretched out her hand, but when she remembered that Ryan was her mother, she retracted her hand.

But soon, she reached out her hand again to help him up.

After all, even if he is your biological father, it’s okay to give him some help!
"I'm fine." Ryan smiled bitterly. He was afraid of hurting the two women if he pulled his hand out, so he could only comfort them with kind words.

Graham, who saw this scene, couldn't help but reveal an expression that every man understands, and he laughed secretly.

It turned out to be just as I expected.

The two delicate noble ladies did not expect that Lord Ryan, at such a young age, had such strong demands!

"Baron Ryan, please have a good rest. I have some things to deal with here, so I won't accompany you."

"When I have time, I will come to visit your Chamber of Commerce." Graham said enthusiastically.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Sheriff, you are always welcome." Ryan nodded with a smile.

After watching Graham leave, Ryan lowered his head and said to the two women: "I'm really not hurt."

"Sir Ryan, your plate armor is made of water-film steel, and it has so many holes. Can your body be stronger than this high-level knight's plate armor?" Agatha said angrily, obviously unconvinced.

Jenny looked at Ryan with suspicion and disbelief in her beautiful eyes.

Seeing the two women's disbelief, Ryan shook his head and said helplessly: "Then I will take off my breastplate and show you what I am saying."

With the help of Matteo, Ryan quickly took off the severely damaged water-film steel breastplate.

Only then did the two women see clearly that although there were holes in Ryan's underwear, there was no blood.

Agatha even stretched out her little hand and curiously checked the hole in Ryan's underwear. Her warm fingers passed through the hole and stroked Ryan's firm chest skin.

This immediately made Ryan a little embarrassed.

When Jenny saw this, she immediately covered her face, feeling very embarrassed!

This damn girl!
How dare you take advantage of Lord Ryan so openly!

Agatha herself was in an even worse condition because the battle had just ended and Ryan had sweated a lot. The smell full of male hormones rushed straight into Agatha's nose, making her almost dizzy.

At this moment, her face was flushed, and she almost lay on Ryan, with her legs involuntarily closed and clamped together.

So strong!

What a nice smell!

Oh my god! This body is stronger than water-film steel, but it is also scorching hot! Agatha screamed in her heart!

"Enough of that spitting! Agatha!" Jenny couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so she stepped forward and whispered a reminder, and quickly pulled Agatha away.

It’s too much that my best friend is actually getting horny in the street!

If it wasn't in public, she would probably have washed herself and given herself to Lord Ryan.

"Sir Ryan, how about we go over to the store together? After all, it's your business, and you can take a break." Jenny suggested with a smile.


Ryan mainly wanted to see 'Cookie', 'Blood Feather' and Dark Horse.

I saw Ryan and his companions leaving.

Asani, the head of the Axon Caravan, who was hiding in the distance, had his eyes flickering and a thoughtful expression on his face. Soon, he whispered to several servants beside him, "Go, follow this Lord Ryan and see where he is going."

"Be careful, take turns, don't get discovered."

"As you command, Lord Asani."

Now the bodies of the natives were still there, surrounded by more than a dozen elite Night Watchmen guarding them. After thinking for a while, Asani quickly came to Graham, the sheriff of the trading area, and flattered him.

After a few minutes, he said, "Master Graham, there is something in our caravan that was probably stolen by this native."

"I want to look for it among the natives. Is that okay?"

Graham took the heavy purse that Asani secretly handed over with an expressionless face and quickly put it into his waist pocket, but he still didn't let go of his mouth:
"The one who killed the opponent now is Baron Ryan, Asani, you are making it very difficult for me."


A greedy guy!
"Well, Lord Graham, do you think this is okay? Under your watchful eyes, we will check whether the things are there. If not, we will naturally not tell you."

"If it's there, I won't take it away. I'll communicate with Baron Ryan first. Do you think this is okay?" Assani quickly came up with a forced solution.

At least in this way, he could be sure whether the thing was on the other person's body.

"Well, that's fine!"

"Hurry up, I'll give you ten minutes."

"Don't reach out. There are so many eyes watching you." Graham thought about it and quickly agreed.

After all, the other party was just taking a look, and Lord Ryan had no loss, and he was also doing Asani a favor.

Asani showed joy on his face, waved his hand, and called the two servants behind him to quickly search the natives.

At this moment, the native was covered in blood, with dozens of wounds of varying lengths and sizes on his body. It felt muddy and smelly to the touch.

But there was no way. Asani and several of his followers searched the natives from head to toe but found nothing.

One thing was confirmed, this native had many broken bones and even two ribs missing.
Lord Rayne, who is under the sword-bearer, is really a ruthless man. He even slapped people in the ribs!

After arriving at the house Jenny bought, Ryan looked around.

In terms of area, this residence is only slightly larger than the one Ryan owns near the administrative office in Shining Gold Town, which is because it has an additional stable, but the cost is as high as three thousand gold.

This made Ryan sigh that it is not easy to live in a provincial capital!
It’s not that the Chamber of Commerce doesn’t have enough funds, but the bulk of the funds are spent on renting shops and public relations. In addition, enough funds must be left for turnover, so Jenny chose to buy this house to live in temporarily.

Seeing its owner coming, a tall dog as big as a pony rushed over. It was Cookie. It wagged its tail and excitedly barked at Ryan a few times, "Woof woof!"

It has a sense of coquettishness, but also of complaint, as if saying, why did you take so long to come and see it!
Then, Cookie kept circling around Ryan until Ryan smiled and stroked him for a long time, finally calming him down.

At this moment, a sharp bird cry was heard from the roof. Blood Feather, whose body was almost as big as an adult swan, swooped down from the roof quickly and landed on Ryan's strong arm.

A few minutes later, Ryan came to the stable and checked on the black horse.

But to his disappointment, although the dark horse was in high spirits, there had been no significant changes compared to before.

"Could it be that the Dark Horse mutation failed this time?"

"That's right. Mutation growth potion may not be successful every time."

"But what about increasing the dosage?"

"Will it increase the success rate?"

at the same time.

On a street not far from Ryan's residence.

"Sir Khamis, you are finally here." Asani, the leader of the caravan, said anxiously when he saw a thin man wearing black leather armor and a dagger hanging on his waist.

"The item is no longer in the possession of the violent native. It is most likely in the hands of a swordsman named Ryan, who is now in the hands of..."

Since Ryan planned to have dinner with the two women and return to the Sword Bearer branch later, he thought for a moment and then went back to the room Jenny arranged for him to rest for a while.

After arriving in the room, Ryan once again pondered the two completely different career paths after becoming a tamer.

“I don’t know what new core skills the Beast Tamer (Legendary) has, but if we speculate based on the Beast Tamer (Transcendent), a Transcendent profession that is passed down from generation to generation, if a new core skill is added, it is likely that more pets will be available for contract.”

"The native's ability to recover from injuries is most likely due to the Ancient Troll Fangs. Since the Beast Sacrifice (Legendary) is a special job that consumes fangs, it is very likely that the job will give him this skill. I am really envious."

"And control the herd."

"It's not that the Beast Tamer (Legendary) is not good enough, but the benefits of the Beast Sacrifice (Legendary) are great enough." Ryan sighed and made a decision!

He took out a pair of white ancient troll fangs that emitted a faint fluorescent light from his waist bag.

The system prompt sounded:

[Prerequisites for promotion to Beast Priest (Legendary) are: 5. Tamer (Extraordinary) lv25 or above; . Spirit or above; . Own at least one ferocious beast; . Consume a pair of Ancient Troll Fangs. The current conditions are met, yes/no to transfer to Beast Priest (Legendary)? ]

[Note: After the advanced job transfer to Beast Priest (Legendary), the Beast Tamer (Extraordinary) job panel will be covered. ]

This time, Ryan chose yes without hesitation!

As the pair of ancient troll fangs turned into powder
【Ding! Job transfer successful! 】

[Job change to Beast Priest (Legend)! Strength +2, Agility +2, Constitution +2, Spirit +3! Obtain Beast Priest (Legend) core skills: Beast Sturdiness lv1 (passive), Beast Vitality lv1 (active), Control of Beasts lv1 (active). ]

Before Ryan could remember to read the descriptions of the three core skills, his face suddenly darkened and he turned to the door and said:

"Who's out there?"

(End of this chapter)

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