The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 252: Captured as a spouse?

Chapter 252: Capture her as a spouse? (Two chapters in one)

Compared to Alyosha, the pharmacist and second-level wizard apprentice, the other captured elite soldiers of the empire are basically formal grand knights, so Ryan's level can be better seen.

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.

"Such a young great knight?"

"You have also mastered the secrets of sound waves?"

The elite soldiers of the empire looked at each other in surprise.

Just as everyone was surprised, Ryan's forward speed did not slow down at all.

He was seen rushing towards a male Blood Curse Naga that had just been affected by the intermediate secret 'Roaring War Cry', and his light silver figure flashed past quickly!

A brighter silver light instantly pierced through the opponent's neck.
At this time, a "swish" sound was heard!
The male Blood-Curse Naga, who was holding his head with both hands, had no time to react. His whole body trembled, and then he lowered his hands from his head and hurriedly covered the wound on his neck which was oozing blue blood.

But there was a bowl-sized penetrating wound on the vital part of the neck, which was fatal even for the strong Blood-Cursed Naga!

The male Blood Curse Naga's strong body was shaking, and it was obvious that he had lost his fighting ability, but his vitality was strong enough that he could not die all of a sudden.

Facing Ryan who was killing his men, Blood Curse Naga leader Genis knew that she had to meet him head-on.

One reason was that at this moment, her spell had just been interrupted, and her mental strength was shaken for a short period of time. She was completely unable to cast spells and could only fight in close combat.

The second are his subordinates. Those male Blood Curse Nagas are not only his subordinates, but also one of his many spouses.

It's always a pity to die!

Although Genis's close combat skills were slightly weaker than her witchcraft skills, she was naturally not afraid of "weak" humans.

As for Ryan, he didn't even look at the results of the battle. He turned 45 degrees and rushed towards another male Blood Curse Naga beside him.

He just pointed his toes and jumped high into the air. A bright silver sword light, like a crescent moon, slashed towards the opponent's ugly dragon head!
He had to quickly kill this last male Blood-Cursed Naga so that he could calmly fight the more powerful female Four-Armed Naga.

Due to the stimulation of his companion who was still twitching in death convulsions, the male Blood Curse Naga has now reacted. Facing Ryan's fierce leap and slash, the opponent raised the trident with both hands and blocked it with all his strength.


After the violent collision, Ryan's giant glowing sword was bounced high by the recoil force!

However, the opponent was even more vulnerable. Facing Ryan's powerful jump slash, his knuckles suddenly burst, and the trident slipped out of his hand in an instant, falling to the bluestone floor with a clang.

But faced with this unfavorable situation of the weapon falling, the ugly male Blood Curse Naga dragon showed a lucky smile on his face!

Because at this moment, the Naga leader Genis has rushed over.

The human opposite him will never have a second chance to attack him.

In other words, he survived!
This scene was also seen by the elite imperial soldiers hanging in the net cage nearby. With rich combat experience, they immediately saw the problem.

The young man in front of him, from the initial flash-type witchcraft to the rare sound wave-type mystical skills, his strength is undoubtedly very strong!
First kill the largest number of white-scaled fishmen, then kill the two male blood-cursed nagas, and finally fight the female four-armed naga. The battle decision was very careful!

But there is always a loophole!
The male Blood Curse Naga in front of him survived the attack from the young man.

Wait a minute, after a little adjustment, we will be able to join forces with the female four-armed naga to besiege the young man.

Originally, the strength of the female Four-Armed Naga was far superior to that of the male Blood-Curse Naga, and she was extremely difficult to deal with!

If another male blood-cursed naga were to attack together, no matter how strong the boy was, he would probably die on the spot.
Just when everyone was thinking this!

To everyone's surprise, Ryan, who was thrown into the air by the recoil force, actually threw the two-handed sword in his hand like a spear at lightning speed.

At this moment, he was very close to the male Blood Curse Naga, and his force was extremely fierce!

Then, in an instant, the greatsword pierced through the male Blood Curse Naga's chest and heart!

The male Blood Curse Naga stared at the young human in front of him with eyes wide open, looking at him in disbelief, as if to say, "You threw your sword to kill me, then what can you use to resist the commander?"

As soon as Ryan landed, he felt strong winds coming from behind.

Of course he knew who the attack came from. Even though he was attacking the white-scaled fishman or the male blood-cursed naga the whole time, most of his attention was always on the female four-armed naga.

He turned around quickly and pulled out the two-handed hammer behind him. He raised the two-handed hammer above his head and slightly behind him, his body slightly arched, and with a "crash", the air swirled and he turned around and hit with the hammer!

It also includes the special force-generating method of the intermediate secret 'Shock Wave'!


Faced with this heavy hammer from Ryan that mobilized almost all of his muscles, Genis's plan was to cross the weapons in his two arms to block the opponent's attack.

Then, her other pair of arms launched a surprise counterattack!
But as soon as they started fighting, Genis's pretty face suddenly changed color!
In an instant, she adjusted her four arms to block at the same time, placing all four weapons across her body to block Ryan's hammer.

even so.


The elbows of her four arms began to bend sharply, and her extremely resilient snake-like waist began to lean backward. Her extremely resilient body was like a strong bow, absorbing the tremendous shock and impact of Ryan's heavy hammer.


The light green slate floor at the tail of her snake had begun to crack like a spider web, with her lower body as the fulcrum!
This was because the power transmitted through her body was too great, and Genis had to transmit it to the stone floor beneath her.

However, Ryan was also surprised at the opponent's strength.

The sweeping hammer he just used was mixed with the intermediate ultimate skill 'Shock Wave' that he had accumulated energy to release. It could be said that it was an attack that he used almost all his strength.

But even so, it was taken over by the seemingly slender female four-armed naga on the opposite side.

Moreover, the opponent was unharmed!
This is great.

Ryan's two-handed sledgehammer was blocked by the opponent's four weapons. The whole process lasted for about one or two breaths. Ryan instantly judged that he had to retreat.

If he doesn't retreat, the opponent's body full of strength will be like a bow with a fully drawn string. Once the force is released, he will be extremely passive.

At this moment, Ryan's wrist shook!
Instantly, the black pig-head hammer made a buzzing and trembling sound, and Ryan used this clever force to fly back more than ten meters.

When Ryan shook Genis, her body, which was originally tense and gathering strength to counterattack, was interrupted. For a moment, she could only stay where she was and readjust her strength and posture.

The brief fight between Ryan and Genis showed extremely high skills and combat judgment, which immediately made the captured imperial elites on the side dry their mouths and stare at them!

This. This fight is so exciting!

Also, the boy just used the secret of hammer technique?
Can’t be wrong!
If you add the sonic secret that he used to wipe out the white-scaled fishmen, doesn’t that mean he has mastered two mysteries?

This group of hung up elite soldiers of the empire repeatedly looked at Ryan's extremely young face without a trace of stubble, and for a moment, they didn't know what to say.

He must be eighteen or nineteen years old at most, right?

Compared to this, I'm just living a dog's life at my age?

The two sword-wielding men looked at Ryan again and again with a hint of confusion!


The characteristic of the outfit is that it carries two heavy weapons - a two-handed greatsword and a two-handed sledgehammer!

He is particularly good at using a dark two-handed warhammer!

He also mastered the secret of hammer technique!

These descriptions together sound so familiar!

The eyes of one of the sword holders lit up, as if he had thought of something!
That’s right! Isn’t this the new guy! The number one new swordsman, the guy nicknamed ‘Meister Battering Ram’?
"It's Ryan, nicknamed 'Meist Battering Ram'!" He immediately turned to his companion beside him and said.

"So it's him? No wonder he's so strong!" The other sword-wielder was stunned and immediately realized something.

Hearing the cryptic conversation between the two sword bearers, several other elite soldiers from the Empire's special department, the Earthshakers, looked over with confusion and curiosity.

Obviously, they hope that these two colleagues from the Sword Bearers can tell them what the situation is with this young man?
Could it be that the boy is also from the Sword Wielder Organization?
But this is a bit too much!

Alyosha, the girl with a ponytail, also pricked up her ears with curiosity. What did you just say about the battering ram? What a domineering nickname. Is his real name Ryan?
The girl memorized the name deeply in her heart.

"Well, actually I don't know him either. I just know that among our group of new sword wielders, there is a very powerful newcomer. During the test assessment, he knocked down the obsidian giant with super strong defense with one hammer. He was exempted from the retest and became the bronze-level sword wielder captain."

"Newcomer?" The five Earthshakers' imperial elites looked even more surprised!
Some of them had disbelief written all over their faces.
Damn, what newcomer could be so awesome?

Are you flattering yourself?
Don't forget that you two old sword-bearers are hanging in this cage just like us.

As the saying goes, peers are enemies.

Although belonging to different special departments does not affect the completion of tasks under the unified command of the empire, there is always the idea of ​​standing out.

As members of the Empire's special department, the Earthshakers are actually not very convinced by the Swordbearers. In their minds, "Although you Swordbearers are powerful, it's just because you were established longer than us Earthshakers!"

After gaining the upper hand by unleashing his ultimate skill, Ryan did not intend to give the opponent a chance to breathe.

In order to maintain this advantage, the only way is to attack, attack and attack again!

Make the other party too exhausted to deal with the situation and then they will be unable to fight back.

That is what is often said, offense is the best defense, this is the meaning of this sentence.

Ryan just pointed his toes, and the light blue slate shattered with a snap, and he rushed towards the other party like a silver lightning.

This time, his double-handed heavy hammers were placed horizontally on the right side of his body, slightly backward, and his body was slightly leaning forward, which was the starting posture for a heavy hammer sweep.

"Dang!" The violent sound of metal clashing resounded throughout the hall again!
Since each of Ryan's hammer strikes was mixed with the intermediate secret technique 'Shock Wave', it was extremely uncomfortable for Gness to receive it. She could not block Ryan's heavy hammer attack with just two weapons.

She needed to use four weapons at the same time to withstand the high-frequency vibration and impact force contained in the Rain Hammer without any damage.

So, in the hall, one could see silver lines constantly converging towards the point where Genis was, and every time they intersected, there would be sparks and loud noises!
"Continuously display the secret technique?"

"You can still fight like this?"

The elite soldiers of the empire who were hanging on the side naturally had extraordinary eyesight. They immediately saw that every blow of Ryan's was mixed with mysteries, but the consumption was so great that even a great knight would be exhausted after a dozen blows.
However, the young man in front of him had already continued this kind of attack for more than twenty times!
"Even though he seems to have the upper hand in suppressing the Blood Curse Naga Leader, there will always be a time when he runs out of energy, right?"

"Yes, every attack is almost full strength, which consumes too much physical energy."

"The other party is different. As an ancient race, the Blood Curse Naga's physical strength is at least two levels higher than that of humans!"

"What do you think? Should we warn this young man?"

"I don't think so!" Alyosha blurted out.

"Huh?" Everyone looked over.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were suddenly focused on her, Alyosha felt a little embarrassed and nervous. She had no reason to do so, she just felt that Ryan would win.

However, Alyosha suddenly thought of an excuse. She blushed slightly and said, "Mr. Ryan is in the middle of a fierce battle. What if he gets distracted if we shout?"

"That makes sense." Everyone suddenly understood and nodded.

Center of the hall.

The continuous passive beatings made the Blood Curse Naga leader Genis become more and more angry.

She had originally planned to counterattack immediately after the human's outburst in front of her ended.

But she never thought that the opponent's physical strength could compete with their blood curse Naga. After bursting out for so long, he was still bursting out.
When did weak humans become so physically strong?

Then I can capture this human boy later, add a gill to him, transform his body, and make him one of my mates.

But now, I must win!

Genis's pair of snake pupils suddenly shrank, and she shouted angrily!


I saw her whole body swell up slightly, and her whole body turned red, as if she had exerted some explosive ability. What's more amazing is that the attack speed of the four weapons in her hands suddenly increased!

Ryan's face turned grim!
He immediately added one point to the strength attribute. With the added point, not only did Ryan become stronger, but his condition instantly recovered to his peak!

Relying on the burst, Genis finally no longer had to stand still and passively take the beating, but instead quickly moved and fought with Ryan and the other man.

The battle immediately became fierce!
"Clang clang clang!"

The two men were extremely fast, like two balls of fog flashing with lightning, moving quickly. The light blue stone floor wherever they passed was shattered like tofu.

Even a Doric bluestone column that could be hugged by one person was either chopped into a huge gap or split into two parts diagonally and fell to the ground with a loud bang as the two men flashed through the middle!

Suddenly, smoke and dust rose everywhere!
The more Gnice fought, the more frightened she became.

At the beginning, she could still rely on her burst to gain the upper hand for a short period of time, but soon, as her physical strength declined rapidly, the sledgehammer of the human boy opposite her was still so steady and powerful, and even stronger than at the beginning of the battle.

This made her realize quickly that the human boy opposite her either had some secret skills or some special talents.

Moreover, this human boy's hammer skills were extremely sophisticated, as if he had practiced for decades, and she could not find any flaws at all.

Fortunately, as time went by, her head pain went away.

This means that Gnice can now perform witchcraft.

Immediately, the four weapons in Genis' hands collided heavily with Ryan's two-handed hammer again.

Under her deliberate push, Ryan was pushed more than ten meters away, and the hard bluestone ground was plowed into two nearly ten-centimeter-deep grooves by Ryan's plate armor boots.
The next second, Gnice's beautiful face suddenly smiled and she whispered quickly.

Ryan immediately realized that something was wrong and that the other party was performing witchcraft.


Immediately, Ryan once again used the sonic secret of 'Roaring War Cry'.

A visible wave of air surged from Ryan to the surroundings, forcing Genis to give up casting witchcraft.

If you voluntarily give up performing witchcraft, you will not suffer any mental backlash.

As for the last time Grace got caught, it was because she was totally caught off guard.

She didn't expect that the human boy in front of her actually mastered the rare secrets of sound waves, so she was caught off guard and fell into the trap.

Although the use of 'Roaring War Cry' this time did not cause the opponent's mental power to backfire again, it interrupted the opponent's spell-casting rhythm. Taking this opportunity, Ryan has now stuck to Gneiss again.

at the same time.

Ryan added a little to his strength attribute, which not only made up for the physical consumption, but also made his hammer power more powerful.

Tokkar Hammer Technique, the stronger the force, the greater the power!

This made Gurney feel uncomfortable.

Her physical strength is naturally stronger than Ryan's.

But Ryan kept cheating!

It would be fine if it happened once. As a strong member of an ancient race, Genis could still withstand it.

But Ryan has done it twice!

This is equivalent to Ryan having a third brand new stamina bar, while Genis still has the same stamina bar!

Genis discovered that Ryan's power was even stronger than before, which made her even more eager to use witchcraft to turn the situation around.


All I heard was an angry scream from Gneiss!

She actually ignored Ryan's sledgehammer attack and swung her four weapons directly at Ryan's chest and abdomen!

He actually wanted to trade injuries with Ryan!
This scene immediately made everyone around feel heartbroken.

After all, if Ryan was seriously injured or died, no one would rescue them.


"Get out of the way!"

But in their horrified eyes, Ryan did not dodge or evade, and continued to swing the two-handed hammer in his hand heavily with a calm look!

This made Genis look happy!
The human in front of him is still too young. He doesn’t even know that the body of the Blood Curse Naga is much stronger than that of humans!

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The two men's weapons hit each other almost at the same time.

The tip of Ryan's hammer hit Genis's shoulder, leaving a bloody hole the size of a fist. Genis's pretty face twisted in pain.

And Genis's four weapons also tore through Ryan's light silver water film steel knight armor and slashed into Ryan's body.

But the next second, Genis's eyes suddenly widened!

This feeling of blockage!
How could the human body be so hard?
Ryan was like an iron man, feeling no pain, and continued to raise and swing the hammer without hesitation!
Facing Ryan's counterattack, Genis immediately summoned up her remaining strength and continued to exchange injuries with Ryan.

If the previous battle was a peak showdown, then now it was like a fight between two drunkards. There was no skill at all. They just used their weapons to smash, chop, and stab each other's vital parts!
After just a few seconds, Genis was covered in blue blood, with six or seven bloody holes on his body. Ryan's water-membrane steel breastplate was also completely broken, revealing his body as hard as steel inside.

But facing an attack of this level from Genis, even Ryan's 'intermediate steel body' could not remain unscathed. It's just that the depth of the wound was much smaller than everyone expected. But facing the crazy attack from four weapons, wounds now covered his entire body.

For the first time, panic appeared in Gneiss's eyes!

She struggled to swing four weapons, blocked Ryan's heavy hammer, and quickly retreated to the other end of the hall, which was deeper inside.

This end of the hall is a bit like a corridor, with Doric blue stone columns on both sides and sparkling pools next to the stone columns.

Of course, Ryan would not let the female four-armed naga in front of him run away, so he immediately chased after her!
Suddenly, the water column in the pool rose, and a huge snake-like head jumped out, opened its bloody mouth and pounced towards Ryan like lightning!
When Genis saw this scene, she laughed immediately.

Her purpose of retreating was to lead the human boy to her pet.

His pet is a highly poisonous sea snake. As long as it bites a little bit of the human skin in front of it, it can infect the other person's body with toxins.

So what if your body is strong?

As long as the skin is broken, you're dead!
But the next second, her smile froze on her face.


Ryan actually ignored the poisonous sea snake attacking from the side and hit Genis on the forehead!
At this time, the pig-head hammer was like a beer bottle opener, which directly opened the top of Genie's beautiful head.

However, amidst the exclamations!
Before Ryan could put away his hammer, he was bitten on the waist by a poisonous sea snake, and a pair of sharp fangs with a faint blue glow instantly bit through Ryan's skin.

Although it was only a small bite, both streams of venom were injected.

(End of this chapter)

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