Chapter 139 This is pure slander!

Hearing what Han Xiao said, Qin Jiang said bluntly: "Entering a meditative state? I think you are entering a sleep state."

"You're not a sleeper, you just have bags under your eyes."

"You should go to bed at two or three in the morning every night, and then get up at 11 noon, right?"

Han Xiao was shocked. She didn't expect Qin Jiang to be able to tell her so clearly what time she would go to bed and what time she would wake up.

Are all current Chinese medicine doctors so good?
Lu Ping looked at Han Xiao and frowned.

His family is a big family, and he received traditional education since he was a child.

One characteristic of a large family is that they respect doctors, especially Chinese medicine practitioners.

Lu Ping has never fooled around outside since he was a child. Unless there are special circumstances, he will not stay up late. He always goes to bed before eleven o'clock every night.

Precisely because he has developed this habit, Lu Ping hopes that his partner should synchronize with him in work and rest.

Otherwise, I would be asleep here, and my partner would still stay up late checking his phone, which would be very torturous for both of them.

"Xiaoxiao, is what Dr. Qin said true?"

Seeing Lu Ping asking himself such a serious question, Han Xiao suddenly felt guilty.

"He...he's not entirely right."

"You also know that I am a girl. Sometimes my best friend will call me and talk on the phone."

"She often quarrels with her boyfriend, and sometimes they break up, so I have to comfort her. I can't tell her in the middle of a chat that I have to go to bed on time. This is too unkind."

Han Xiao said it logically, as if she was forced to stay up late.

Qin Jiang took a sip of tea and touched up his sword.

"Does your best friend fall out of love every night? Or do you have many best friends, and they all come to you when they fall out of love?"

When Qin Jiang reminded him, Lu Ping immediately reacted.

What Qin Jiang said just now is that Han Xiao goes to bed at two or three in the morning every night, not occasionally.

In other words, it was already this time, and Han Xiao was still thinking of avoiding the important and taking the easy, so he almost got this matter fooled!

Seeing Lu Ping's ugly face, Han Xiao became anxious, pointed around his eyes and said:
"I'm warning you, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!"

"Look around my eyes, these are not dark circles at all, this is eye shadow, okay!"

"And even if I have dark circles, they are much lighter than others. How could I stay up late every day!"

Han Xiao was anxious.

Now she just wants to prove that her schedule is healthy.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all very confused.

"Isn't it just a matter of staying up late and having dark circles under my eyes? How can this woman be so excited?"

"Brother, you haven't noticed yet. The woman who is so nervous must be worried about being dumped. This man's identity is definitely not simple. He is probably a rich man."

"Yes, this guy is not comparable to ordinary people in terms of his attire and demeanor. His family is engaged in import and export trade, so he must be rich."

After this analysis by netizens, everyone thought it was reasonable.

For a woman who wants to marry into a wealthy family, whether some things are big or small cannot be judged by common sense.

For example, there was once a woman who was lucky enough to marry into a wealthy family. The most important thing was that her mother-in-law believed in Buddhism.

So women originally knew nothing about Buddhist scriptures or anything like that.

But in order to get married, I had to get up every morning and kneel in front of the Buddha statue to recite Buddhist sutras for four hours and pray for the whole family.

This kind of thing makes no sense to ordinary people, but her mother-in-law is happy.

So she naturally got married as she wished.

The same is true.

Lu Ping's family all went to bed early and got up early.

No words are spoken when eating, and no words are spoken when sleeping. If Han Xiao can't keep up with them in these aspects, then marrying them is just a dream.

At this time, Han Xiao wished he could pull Qin Jiang aside, secretly give him some money, and ask him to say something nice for him.

But Qin Jiang didn't understand Han Xiao's eyes at all, and he still said with incomparable honesty:
"The reason why your dark circles are lighter than those of ordinary people is probably because you use some kind of high-end cosmetics, such as eye cream."

"Although this kind of high-end cosmetics can cover your dark circles in a short time, the side effects are huge, and the rebound is also scary."

"And haven't you been feeling dizzy and nauseous lately? Problems like this will occur if you don't get enough rest."

Han Xiao was extremely angry.

The doctor can't get around this, right? He has to admit to staying up late?

Seeing that Qin Jiang could not be persuaded, Han Xiao simply hugged Lu Ping's hand and started acting coquettishly.

"My dear, I really don't stay up late every night, and after we get married, with you taking care of me, I will definitely be able to correct it!"

"I always listen to you, you know that."

Although Lu Ping knew that Han Xiao was lying, when he thought that staying up late was indeed not a big deal, he said to Qin Jiang:
"Dr. Qin, please help me find out why she is dizzy and nauseous. I will urge her to correct this bad habit of staying up late in the future."

Lu Ping had said this, so Qin Jiang naturally no longer emphasized staying up late.

He said to Han Xiao: "Put out your hand and I will take your pulse."

Han Xiao looked reluctant.

"Check my pulse, don't you want to touch my hand?"

"No, only my dear can touch my hands, other men can't touch my hands."

"Don't you Chinese doctors have some kind of hanging thread to diagnose the pulse? How about you treat me like this?"

Han Xiao's words made Qin Jiang laugh angrily.

You're still diagnosing your pulse with a silk thread, wake up, it's the 21st century, do you really think of yourself as a noble concubine?

"Whether you like it or not, go out and turn right to the next person."

Han Xiao originally didn't want Qin Jiang to help her continue to see a doctor.

Now that Qin Jiang said this, she immediately pulled Lu Ping and left.

Who knew that Lu Ping grabbed her, frowned and said:

"Don't be willful and cooperate with Dr. Qin's medical treatment."

Han Xiao still looked reluctant.

"Then let him find a female doctor. I really don't want to have any contact with him."

Lu Ping didn't say anything, just looked at her quietly.

Seeing that Lu Ping's face looked ugly, Han Xiao immediately gave up and could only obediently stretch out his hand and place it on the pulse pillow.

Qin Jiang put his hand on her wrist and frowned immediately.

"Why do you have kidney deficiency? And it's so serious?"

Upon hearing what Qin Jiang said, Han Xiao suddenly became panicked.

"You... don't open your mouth and talk nonsense! What about kidney deficiency? How can I have kidney deficiency at such a young age?"

Qin Jiang said calmly: "Of course it's kidney deficiency caused by excessive indulgence."

Indulgence... excessive indulgence?
Lu Ping's face turned pale.

Han Xiao slapped the table and stood up.

"Slander! This is pure slander!"

"I've never even held a man's hand, how could I be overindulging!"

"My dear, don't listen to his nonsense. I've saved my first time for you. If you don't believe it, we can go to the hospital for a checkup!"

(End of this chapter)

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