Chapter 142 What is rejection?

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all amazed after hearing about this treatment method.

"No, did I hear you correctly? Take out the bones and boil them, and then put the bones back in? Is this still useful?"

"Have you never cooked pork bone soup? If the bones are cooked, they must not be used, but this method is indeed the best way to treat cancer."

"It sounds really simple and crude, but the effect is really good."

There are two main methods for treating cancer in modern medicine.

One is inactivation, which means killing cancer cells.

Both targeted drugs and chemotherapy are aimed at this goal.

The other is control, which is to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Inactivated transplant surgery is one of the better ways to treat bone cancer.

Cancer cells, like other cells, lose their activity and die due to changes in the external environment.

Therefore, taking out the bones and boiling them to inactivate them can minimize the impact of cancer cells on the body.

As for the bones themselves, they will definitely lose their activity, such as losing their hematopoietic ability.

But there is more to the human body than just this one bone.

Therefore, from an overall perspective, it is very cost-effective to eliminate cancer cells at the cost of one bone.

After listening to Qin Jiang's detailed introduction to the surgery, Lu Ping immediately made a decision.

"Okay, then use this inactivated transplantation method!"

"Dr. Qin, I can start the operation now."

Qin Jiang glanced at him.

"Although it's not a major surgery, relatives still need to sign. Can you come if you have relatives now?"

Lu Ping smiled bitterly and said: "My parents are doing business abroad, and I don't have any family members who can sign for my surgery."

Qin Jiang thought for a while and then said: "Well, I will give you a surgical plan later, and then record a video to explain to you how to perform this surgical plan."

"After you fully understand the risks of this operation, I need your signature."

Lu Ping nodded.

"That's no problem, as long as my disease can be cured quickly."

Since being diagnosed with bone cancer, Lu Ping now just wants to have surgery to cure his disease.

If you wait one more minute now, the cancer cells in your body will be at risk of spreading.

Qin Jiang pointed to the QR code on the table.

"Scan the QR code to pay first. The total is 95,000."

Lu Ping even suspected that he heard wrongly.

An operation only costs 95,000?
This is too cheap!

[It was detected that the host was outspoken to the patient and told the patient’s hidden illness, which greatly helped the patient and the task was completed]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Nourishing Blood and Soothing Soul Formula. 】

After scanning the code, Qin Jiang took out his mobile phone and started recording, and then explained the entire surgical plan to Lu Ping in detail from beginning to end.

Lu Ping is a top student, so he just needs to talk to him about many things. During the process, Lu Ping will also ask questions on some key points and let Qin Jiang answer them for him.

After everything was confirmed, Lu Ping signed his name on the "Operation Consent Form" and the operation officially began.

Qin Jiang took Lu Ping into a hospital gown and then entered the operating room to start the operation. Qin Jiang first determined the main location of the lesion based on the films he took, then opened the skin with an operation to avoid the main nerves and blood vessels, and removed the diseased bones from Lu Ping's body.

This is the first time for netizens in the live broadcast room to see such a scene of eating.

You know, the scene of taking bones out of a living body is quite explosive.

"Oh my god, I'm chewing bones right now, and now I feel like the bones in my hands are no longer fragrant."

"Oh my God, there are actually tumors on the bones! This is amazing!"

"The more I look at it, the more I feel that life is such a magical thing. It can actually grow tumors from hard bones."

Under the eyes of netizens in amazement, Qin Jiang took out the bones, placed them on a plate and began to inactivate them with liquid nitrogen.

The entire operation process was very simple and crude, and many netizens called it "relief from stress".

After Qin Jiang reinstalled the bones into Lu Ping's body, he began to pay close attention to the data on the instrument to ensure that no other emergencies would occur.

Seeing that the operation was successfully completed, netizens also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Compared to operating a knife on the heart, this is indeed a minor operation."

"This operation should be considered a success, right? This guy is quite lucky. He met Dr. Qin before the cancer cells metastasized. The cure rate should be quite high."

"The operation was indeed successful, but the transplant may not be successful. When it comes to transplantation, there will be rejection. Now it depends on whether Lu Ping's rejection is serious after the operation."

Seeing what the barrage said, Liu Yan looked confused.

What is exclusion?

At this moment, Qin Jiang came out of the pharmacy after completing the operation.

He contacted the medical staff at a nearby hospital for Lu Ping. Before he woke up from the effects of anesthesia, Qin Jiang was going to send him directly to another hospital for follow-up care.

Seeing Qin Jiang writing medical records for Lu Ping, Liu Yan asked curiously: "Dr. Qin, I see that many netizens say that inactivated transplantation will cause rejection."

"Can you tell us what this rejection is about?"

Qin Jiang explained: "Rejection is a protective mechanism of the human body's self-immune system. You can understand that the reason why the immune system can operate is that there are friends and foes."

"The most common rejection reaction is vomiting."

"For example, if you eat something that you shouldn't eat or something that is poisonous, your body will react with nausea and vomiting."

"Through this reaction, the body can expel most of the poisons to avoid further damage to the body. This is rejection."

The human body is very fragile, but it is also very strong.

Many seemingly unreasonable reactions are actually protective mechanisms evolved naturally by humans over thousands of years.

Such as allergies, vomiting, shock, etc. These are the body's self-protection mechanisms.

Similarly, when our body undergoes a transplant, the body will also produce a rejection reaction.

The immune system needs to first identify whether this thing is part of itself. If the identification is successful, everyone is happy.

If it is not recognized, the body will have a rejection reaction, which may even be life-threatening in severe cases.

Therefore, this step is very important when performing organ transplantation.

After hearing Qin Jiang's explanation, Liu Yan and the netizens understood it.

"So in fantasy novels, seizing other people's supreme bones at every turn is actually an act of seeking death?"

"Indeed, if you put someone else's bones into your body, unless they are blood relatives, the rejection reaction can kill them directly."

"Hahaha, what the hell are you talking about? This idea is too big!"

(End of this chapter)

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