Chapter 154 The Way of Heaven and the Way of Man

Qin Jiang also fell silent after seeing the report given by Zou Moli.

Is this what young people are?
This is too terrible.

Especially when Qin Jiang saw the amount of bleeding, he immediately realized that Yuan Yan would not let Cui Guang go even if it was bleeding.

No wonder Cui Guang ran over to beg him to save him. Yuan Yan's illness was already very serious.

Seeing that Qin Jiang remained silent while looking at the report, Yuan Yan couldn't help but ask: "Doctor, is there something wrong with me?"

"I have never gone out to mess around. I am very clean and self-sufficient. I can't be sick, right?"

Qin Jiang cleared his throat, took the report and said:

"It's not a big problem for you. It's just a little laceration down there. You need to be careful not to stimulate it anymore."

"Your biggest problem should be your personal desires. In the words of our Chinese medicine, this is called lust, and in the words of Western medicine, it's called sex addiction."


Upon hearing what Qin Jiang said, Yuan Yan's face immediately turned red. could this disease still exist?
Even a girl with a relatively outgoing personality like Yuan Yan felt embarrassed after hearing what Qin Jiang said.

"Doctor, have you made a mistake? How could I get this disease? I... I'm usually very restrained."

After all, she is a girl and she wants to be proud.

If other people knew she had this disease, they might say what they would say.

If this were the case in the old society, she might even be dragged into a pig pen.

Seeing Yuan Yan's reaction, Qin Jiang said seriously: "This is a disease. You have to face your disease and don't feel embarrassed."

"There are currently many possible causes of this disease, including the influence of hormones in the body, environmental and psychological factors."

"But no matter what kind of influence it is, you must pay attention to restraint and no longer want to enjoy yourself as unscrupulously as before."

"Look at your boyfriend, what happened to him because of you?"

Yuan Yan glanced at Cui Guang, who immediately shivered and huddled up.

Cui Guang This is a typical symptom of severe kidney qi deficiency - photophobia and timidity.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also sighed when they saw this scene.

"I didn't expect it to be this kind of disease. No wonder her boyfriend used to be a sunny boy, but now he's like a goblin."

"Isn't this the modern version of the succubus? This is too fierce!"

"What the hell, even if she is a real succubus, do you have that much money to conquer her?"

"There seemed to be a woman like this before, right? Her boyfriend runs an entertainment company?"

"It's different. Yuan Yan is obviously more seriously ill."

"Hey, my aunt was a hindrance before marriage, but my aunt was my savior after marriage. The ancients never deceived me."

Netizens complained one after another, but Yuan Yan did not expect that she really had the problem.

She always felt that this kind of thing was an act of love between lovers.

So every time Cui Guang refused, Yuan Yan felt that he didn't love her anymore.

Only then did Yuan Yan realize that she had been torturing Cui Guang all along.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yan asked: "Doctor Qin, can my disease be cured?"

"It can only be adjusted."

Qin Jiang explained: "The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage."

"The way of man is to make up for what is lacking."

Yuan Yan was stunned for a while. "Dr. Qin, what do you mean?"

Qin Jiang explained patiently: "What I mean is that the way to maintain health and the way of heaven is generally to take out the excess parts of oneself to make up for the deficient parts."

"For example, the three treasures of human beings are essence, energy and spirit. If the essence is sufficient, the energy will be sufficient. If the energy is sufficient, the spirit will be sufficient."

"So if you look at the true Taoist priests who practice in the mountains, some of them can even skip grains and go without grains. Their mental state is still very full and very healthy."

"This is because they have always stuck to their heart and there is no loss. It just happened naturally."

Yuan Yan nodded in understanding.

The Taoist priest in her impression seemed to be like this.

He has white hair and a childish face. He is dozens of years old, but his health is as good as that of a young man.

"But the way humans do things is exactly the opposite of the way of heaven."

“The more people lack something, the more they will use it.”

"For example, you and your boyfriend are both suffering from severe kidney failure, but neither of you can stop. Why is that?"

"This is what Taoists call the way of man. The more you lack, the more you use it."

"So only if you understand this truth, can you make up your mind to quit. When your kidney qi is slowly replenished and gradually filled, you will naturally not think about this kind of thing."

Qin Jiang's words made Zou Moli's eyes light up as she stood aside.

The reason why Chinese medicine has never been able to be promoted is because it has its own philosophical system.

For example, the way of heaven and the way of man, this pure Taoist thought, logically speaking, has nothing to do with medicine.

But applying this law of heaven and man to Yuan Yan is extremely appropriate and just right.

Why were there so many decent people of the older generation in the past?

Although they also got married and had children, they were never like today's young people, who are sensual and indulgent in pleasure?

It was because entertainment was underdeveloped at that time and there were relatively few temptations.

Therefore, they concentrate on work and life, and their kidney energy is not lost. Even if they have a normal married life, they are very restrained, unlike today's young people who are prone to having sex seven times a night.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also realized something.

"It turns out that this kind of thing also has a vicious cycle. No wonder I have random thoughts all day long."

"I really have a say in this matter. I used to be just like you, impulsive and like to reward myself. But since I fell in love with exercise, I no longer have the energy to do so."

"It's true that really busy people don't have time to reward themselves. Just like the senior brother in my dormitory who is taking the Ph.D. exam, he falls asleep every day and goes to the library when he wakes up. He is really busy."

"Master, I have enlightened! From today on, I will quit sex!"

After explaining Yuan Yan's illness clearly, Qin Jiang pointed to the QR code on the table.

"The consultation fee is two thousand five thousand. Please scan the QR code to pay."

"I'll prescribe you some medicine later and give you a few injections to adjust."

"Remember my words, don't look at those messy things, control the desires in your heart, and be moderate."

Yuan Yan blushed and nodded.

"I know Doctor Qin, I will definitely pay attention to him in the future."

C, who was sitting aside, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yuan Yan's problem was finally detected, otherwise he really doesn't know how long he can hold on.

Yuan Yan took out her mobile phone and scanned the QR code to pay.

(End of this chapter)

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