Chapter 175 Can you get drunk without drinking?

Soon, the test report about Meng Yu came out.

Yang Yan quickly asked: "How are you, doctor? Do you know what's wrong with my husband?"

Qin Jiang said: "The disease your husband has is very rare. Medically, it is called automatic brewery syndrome."

When Qin Jiang said this, everyone was stunned.

"Automatically what?"

Meng Yu even suspected that he heard wrongly.

Qin Jiang patiently explained: "Automatic brewery syndrome, simply put, means that the inside of your body can brew wine automatically."

"This also leads to the fact that although you don't take the initiative to drink, the alcohol content in your body is still so high."

"This disease is very rare. After some people get this disease, the alcohol content in their bodies can even reach the 400 level."

The couple were stunned.

If they hadn't known that Qin Jiang was a very famous doctor, they would have even thought that Qin Jiang was joking.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also talked a lot.

"Holy crap, is there really such a disease in this world?"

"If my body can make wine, doesn't that mean I don't have to buy wine anymore, which is equivalent to drinking every day?"

"Do you think this is a good thing? Didn't you hear Qin Jiang say that the highest index can reach 400? This means that you are drunk at any time. If you have a poor alcohol capacity, you may even be unable to wake up for a long time."

The world is really big and full of wonders.

Who would have thought that the human body could make wine on its own?

"Dr. Qin, I still don't quite understand. How is this wine... made?"

Zou Moli also looked at Qin Jiang with curiosity.

Before, she thought Qin Jiang was very young and might lack medical experience.

But now she looked at Qin Jiang with admiration.

Qin Jiang is like a walking encyclopedia. No matter what kind of difficult and complicated disease the patient has, he can make a quick judgment.

Qin Jiang explained: "Everyone has countless microorganisms in their body, and the number of these microorganisms far exceeds their own cells."

"After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, these microorganisms have been able to coexist with our bodies, and the same is true for the bacteria in our intestines."

"You all know gastric acid, right? In fact, in that extremely acidic environment, most of the microorganisms have been killed, but there are still a small number of microorganisms that will follow the food into the large intestine."

"The acidity in the large intestine is not as good as in the stomach, plus there is too much food residue and the temperature is right, so microorganisms can grow and reproduce quickly."

What Qin Jiang said is all content in medical textbooks.

So most people think it makes sense after hearing it.

But what does this have to do with internal brewing?
As if he saw the doubts in the minds of the two couples, Qin Jiang continued: "In fact, there is brewing bacteria in the human body."

"It's not just Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but the content is different."

"These Saccharomyces cerevisiae starches break down into ethanol, carbon dioxide and water, among other things."

“The more Saccharomyces cerevisiae bacteria you have in your body, the more ethanol material you break down.”

Having said this, Qin Jiang looked at Meng Yu and asked, "Do you usually like to eat potatoes?"

Yang Yan answered from the side: "Yes, he just likes eating potatoes, rice, ham and sausages. He eats those unhealthy things every day."

Qin Jiang said with a smile: "These are not unhealthy things, but they are high-starch foods."

"The more high-starch foods you eat, the more ethanol your body's brewing bacteria break down, so you naturally get drunk."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were amazed. "Damn it, I thought it was metaphysics, but it turned out to be science?"

"The human body is such a magical system. If something goes wrong in one place, the body will become unusual."

"Actually, what Dr. Qin said is only theoretical. I didn't expect that Dr. Qin actually encountered such a rare case. I can only say that it is awesome."

"I don't think about how many people in our country encounter rare cases. In fact, it is normal."

Although the couple didn't quite understand what the so-called brewer's disease was, they knew they couldn't go on like this.

If Meng Yu is drunk all day long, how can he still work?

So Yang Yan quickly asked: "Doctor Qin, since you already know what kind of disease my husband has, can you cure it?"

Qin Jiang nodded.

"Treatment can be cured, but the cause of the disease must be found first before the right treatment can be given."

Yang Yan said: "Didn't you just say that there was some brewing bacteria in the body, and then I ate a lot of starch."

Qin Jiang shook his head.

"We all have brewer's bacteria in our bodies, but why is there so much brewer's bacteria in your husband's body? This is a problem."

"If I can't figure out this problem, even if I cure him now, there is still the possibility of recurrence in the future."

Qin Jiang looked at Meng Yu.

"Have you ever had any major surgery before, or been hospitalized for a long time?"

Meng Yu thought about it carefully and said, "No, I don't have any serious illnesses, I just have minor ones."

"Usually, I just have a cold and a fever at most. I have never encountered any other problems."

Yang Yan also added: "Yes, he catches a cold almost every month and has a fever three or four times a year."

"Every time he had a cold or fever, he went to the clinic to get an injection without delaying treatment."

When Qin Jiang heard this, he was stunned.

"You mean every time you have a cold or fever, you have to go to the clinic for an injection?"

Meng Yu nodded sheepishly.

"Yes, it's more uncomfortable to have a cold and a fever. Besides, I want to make money. If I stay at home for a day, I will miss out on making money."

"Injections are good. Injections heal quickly."

"I went to work immediately after getting the injection, and I was able to earn back the money I spent on the injection, which was pretty good."

Qin Jiang immediately understood what the problem was.

"The clinic you are talking about is not a regular hospital, right?"

Meng Yu said with a smile: "If you have a cold or fever, go to a regular hospital. It's a small clinic like ours in the village in the city. But the doctor must be a serious doctor with a medical qualification certificate."

Qin Jiang looked at the computer and opened Meng Yu's case.

Sure enough, the medication usage of Meng Yu every time he went to the small town to see a doctor was clearly recorded on it.

As soon as he saw the medicine prescribed by the small clinic, Qin Jiang fell silent.

Dexamethasone, aztreonam, ornidazole...

Good guy, it’s just to cure a cold and fever, how about using medicine like this?
Qin Jiang said in a deep voice: "I think I know how the brewing bacteria in your body came from."

"It should be that you have been injected with too many antibiotics over the years, which has caused the balance of flora in your body to be disrupted, leading to an abnormal increase in the number of Saccharomyces cerevisiae."

(End of this chapter)

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