Chapter 199: Avoid forty years of detours

Seeing Qin Jiang so nervous and looking like he was facing a formidable enemy, Liu Yan couldn't help but ask from the side: "Dr. Shi, is this pancreatitis serious? This is the first time I have seen Dr. Qin so panicked."

After all, Shi Mu had never cooperated with Qin Jiang, so he had no way to enter the operating room at this time and could only wait outside.

Now that Liu Yan asked this question, Shi Mu simply started to popularize science with everyone.

"Don't underestimate pancreatitis, it's a fatal disease."

Shi Mu's words immediately aroused Liu Yan's interest.

"Dr. Shi, can you elaborate?"

Shi Mu said: "If we want to understand how dangerous pancreatitis is, we must first know what the pancreas is."

"Simply put, the pancreas has two main functions, namely endocrine function and exocrine function."

"The so-called endocrine function means that the pancreas can secrete insulin and glucagon to control blood sugar in our body."

"And the so-called exocrine function is the secretion of pancreatic juice."

After hearing what Shi Mu said, netizens in the live broadcast room began to flood the screen with comments.

"I know about insulin. My grandpa is diabetic and needs to take insulin every day. It is used to control blood sugar."

"Diabetes means that there is a problem with the synthesis of insulin by one's own body, so it can only be obtained from the outside world. To be honest, having diabetes is quite troublesome. You have to inject yourself every day, and your body is covered with injections."

"I used to be afraid of injections, but after I got diabetes, I had to inject myself every day and I became numb."

"Diabetes and diseases of affluence are all diseases caused by food."

As people's living standards continue to improve, the prevalence of diabetes is also increasing.

It’s just that many people didn’t know that diabetes is related to the pancreas.

Now they know that the problem with insulin is caused by the endocrine function of the pancreas.

Liu Yan then asked: "Dr. Shi, what is pancreatic juice?"

Shi Mu explained: "The so-called pancreatic juice is a colorless and odorless alkaline solution secreted from the pancreas. It has the strongest digestive capacity among all digestive juices."

"Most of the most serious cases of pancreatitis are related to this pancreatic juice."

"When acute pancreatitis attacks, the disease's severity and mortality rate are almost equal to those of acute myocardial infarction."

Everyone was extremely surprised when they heard what Shi Mu said.

Is there such a thing?
Isn’t pancreatitis just an inflammation, but it can also compete with myocardial infarction?
Seeing Liu Yan's surprised look, Shi Mu patiently explained: "Didn't I say before that the pancreatic juice secreted by the pancreas has the strongest digestive capacity among all digestive juices."

"Under normal circumstances, the pancreatic juice secreted by the pancreas enters the small intestine through a duct to participate in the digestion and absorption of food. These pancreatic juices contain pancreatic enzymes, which are powerful digestive enzymes."

"But if our body blocks the discharge of pancreatic juice into the small intestine for some reason, it can be fatal."

"There are usually three situations, namely pancreatic juice reflux, pancreatic acinar rupture and pancreatic enzyme leakage."

"Remember what I just said? What is the main function of pancreatic enzymes?"

Liu Yan replied without hesitation: "Digestion?"

Shi Mu nodded.

"So when pancreatic enzymes leak into the body, it will cause the pancreas to self-digest and absorb, which is what we often say, eating itself."

"Once too much pancreatic enzyme is leaked, it will even spread to the surrounding areas, digesting and absorbing the nearby stomach, intestines, abdomen or other organs."

Upon hearing what Shi Mu said, the netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly became uneasy. "Come on, we actually have such strong digestive juices in our bodies?"

"Otherwise, what do you think, do you underestimate our terrifying erect apes? We are omnivores! And we are top-notch!"

"Before I got a pet, I didn't feel that I was very strong. But after I got a pet, I found that I was really powerful. Because pets have taboos, some foods will make them vomit if they eat the wrong food, but people won't. Some foods can be digested.”

"It's too violent to be able to digest yourself. Isn't it equivalent to pouring a bottle of sulfuric acid into your stomach? No wonder it can be compared to a heart attack."

Netizens are no longer calm.

Before, they thought pancreatitis was no big deal.

But now that Shi Mu's science popularization has stopped, everyone has a creepy feeling.

Can this also be called a disease?
This is simply a form of punishment!

No wonder people often say that broken bones are not painful and can be tolerated.

But if someone gets acute pancreatitis, then even if you are a tough guy, you will still be crying and rolling on the ground in pain.

Liu Yan then asked, "So is Jia Shan in this situation now?"

Shi Mu nodded.

"Judging from Dr. Qin's nervousness, it should be like this."

"If pancreatic enzyme leakage cannot be dealt with as soon as possible, the patient will soon die of the disease due to irreversible organ damage, leading to systemic multi-organ failure."

Liu Yan and other netizens suddenly felt that they had gained more knowledge.

It turns out that the pancreas plays such a big role in the human body. They should take good care of it in the future to avoid getting pancreatitis.

Seeing everyone looking at her with longing eyes, Liu Yan, as a professional host, instantly understood what everyone meant.

Liu Yan asked: "Dr. Shi, since you say pancreatitis is so dangerous, can you tell us how to prevent it?"

Can you give everyone some popular medical knowledge?
Shi Mu is good at this!
Shi Mu said with a smile: "Actually, the pancreas is in charge of digestion. If something goes wrong, it must be caused by eating."

"First of all, overeating is not okay. Excessive eating will promote the secretion of pancreatic juice from the pancreas."

"As human organs, they don't know that food cannot be consumed in excess. They only know how to secrete pancreatic juice according to the amount of food."

"So the more you eat, the greater the stimulation to your pancreas."

Shi Mu said and stretched out another finger.

"The second thing is not to drink too much, because alcohol can also cause damage to the pancreas and can also irritate the pancreas."

"So you see on the Internet that people often rush to the hospital for treatment because of excessive drinking and pancreatitis."

When netizens in the live broadcast room heard what Shi Mu said, their defenses were instantly broken.

"It's over. I've been shot all over. Shouldn't I also have pancreatitis?"

"I can control overeating, but how can I control excessive drinking? I have to drink with me when I go on business trips to collect orders."

"So you work hard all your life, but when you get old, all the money you earn goes to the hospital."

"That's good, so I directly chose to be a security guard and avoid forty years of detours!"

(End of this chapter)

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