Chapter 201 Don’t listen to the doctor on everything
Seeing that Yan Keqing did not realize the seriousness of the matter, Qin Jiang explained:
"People are different from animals. Human sleep is continuous, not fragmented."

"So from a medical point of view, we recommend that everyone be able to concentrate on rest, rather than just sleeping for a few hours at night, and then taking a nap at noon and sleeping for a while."

"Lunch breaks can only supplement sleep, but cannot replace complete sleep."

As soon as Qin Jiang said this, netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their agreement.

"Yeah, I have the most say on this. When I was working on academic papers in college, I could only sleep less than four hours a day. I thought I could sleep for two hours at noon. But after the school year, all my hair turned white. "

"From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, staying up late is very harmful to the body. To exaggerate, staying up late is like taking arsenic. You just have white hair, so you are lucky."

"Nurses who work three shifts and doctors who work night shifts are the worst off. Those are the ones who specialize in staying up late. Last year, three doctors and two nurses died suddenly in our hospital. The mortality rate is extremely high."

Today, when work pressure is generally high, most people have experienced staying up late.

So they all know how painful sleep deprivation really is.

After Ou Zhenhua heard what Qin Jiang said, he immediately said to Yan Keqing: "Did you hear that? I usually tell you that sleep is very important. You must let Jiaojiao get enough sleep, but you just don't listen."

"Now that the doctor has said this, why don't you still listen?"

Yan Keqing snorted coldly.

"The doctor also told you to smoke less, as it can easily lead to lung cancer. Did you listen?"

"I told you to eat lightly and avoid spicy and heavy oily foods. Did you listen?"

"I asked you to exercise at least two hours a day to stay in good shape. Did you listen?"

"I listen to the doctor on everything. Do you want to live?"

Yan Keqing's series of rhetorical questions directly left Ou Zhenhua speechless.

He hesitated and was speechless for a long time.

Ou Zhenhua only felt that he was aggrieved at this moment.

Do some people like to smoke since they were born?
The reason why I smoke is not to refresh myself while working overtime!

If it weren't for the stimulation of cigarettes, he wouldn't know how to persevere when working overtime.

As for the spicy food, it’s also because of work!
When a person feels very tired, he or she will want to eat spicy and fatty foods to relax.

This is why every major cuisine has its own Jianghu cuisine.

And those Jianghu dishes are all heavy in oil and salt, which can not only quickly replenish people's physical strength and lost salt, but also make people feel happy.

Fitness exercises are even more nonsense.

He stays up late and works overtime every day and doesn't even have enough time to sleep. Where does he have the free time to exercise and keep fit?
Ou Zhenhua is a standard science and engineering man.

Although he is a teacher, he is not good at arguing with Yan Keqing.

Seeing that Ou Zhenhua was hesitating and speechless, Yan Keqing had a look of disgust on his face.

She simply ignored Ou Zhenhua, but looked at Qin Jiang and explained: "Doctor, don't get me wrong, I still respect you very much, but my daughter is used to this kind of schedule. If she is rashly asked to change it, I will I don’t think she can adapt.”

"Doctor, just help my daughter solve her headache problem. If it doesn't work, you can also prescribe her some painkillers." Yan Keqing's casual attitude shocked netizens.

"There are still mothers like this. Don't you want to cure your daughter's headache? What do you mean, just prescribe some painkillers if it doesn't work?"

"She is exactly the same as my mother. I know what this woman is thinking in her mind right now. She doesn't care at all whether her daughter is sick. What she cares about most now is actually her daughter's academic performance."

"I'll go, when you say that, it seems like this is true. She also said that as long as the painkillers can stop the pain and don't affect study, it doesn't matter whether the disease can be cured or not? This is too scary!"

After figuring out what Yan Keqing meant, netizens in the live broadcast room became uneasy and posted various barrages accusing Yan Keqing of being cold-blooded and ruthless.

Naturally, Yan Keqing couldn't see these barrages, and even if she saw them, she wouldn't care.

How to educate her children is her own business and no one else can interfere.

Qin Jiang did not directly prescribe painkillers to Yan Keqing, but asked, "Your daughter looks quite smart, her grades should be pretty good, right?"

When it came to studying, Yan Keqing immediately became energetic.

She took the initiative to put her arms around Ou Jiaojiao's shoulders and said with a proud face: "That's natural. My Jiaojiao has been the first in the class since she was a child. From elementary school to high school, it didn't cost us a penny."

"Especially Jiaojiao's English has been praised by all the English teachers in the school. They said that my daughter's English speaking level is the same as that of foreigners."

After hearing what Yan Keqing said, Qin Jiang could finally understand why she had been so stubborn from the beginning.

If Ou Jiaojiao has been number one in the class since she was a child, then this is indeed impressive.

When children study for exams, there will inevitably be times when they are not in good condition and perform abnormally.

So it is not difficult to get first place once in a while, or to be at the top of the class for a long time.

But if he can be ranked first in the class every time he takes an exam, then such a child can no longer be called a top student, but simply a god of study!
Some netizens who just thought there was something wrong with Yan Keqing's education methods suddenly became mute, and the trend in the live broadcast room also changed.

"I'm sorry, I admit that I spoke a little too loudly just now."

"Oh my god, I get first place in every exam. What kind of incredible existence is this?"

"This shows that the knowledge she possesses is far beyond what she should learn at her current age."

"It's like sending you to primary school for one year now. Every test is about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Do you think it will be difficult for you to get first place?"

This metaphor from netizens is actually not very appropriate, but the basic truth is indeed this.

There are many problems and many things. When you face them for the first time, you will feel that they are very strange and you will not be able to think of how to solve them.

But in fact, when you get over this hurdle and look back, you will find that the things you have experienced before are indeed childish.

Ou Jiaojiao's impressive achievements can be explained by this reason.

While others are still working hard to preview the textbooks, you have already started to solve the math problems for your junior year.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for a scholar like Ou Jiaojiao to be ranked first in the class from childhood to college.

Seeing that Yan Keqing hadn't realized the importance of the matter, Qin Jiang said, "Let's do a test. After the test is completed, you will know where the problem is."

(End of this chapter)

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