Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 195 Not the real owner

Chapter 195 Not the real owner
  Bai Jing thought for a moment, then looked at a few people and said with a smile: "Guys, you guys eat and chat first while I go to the toilet."

After saying that, Bai Jing clasped his hands together to accuse everyone.

Afterwards, Bai Jing left the room and followed the waiter from a distance.

The waiter did not go directly to the front desk to get Li Chunlai a beer. Instead, he turned around and entered another private room.

Bai Jing rushed towards the private room quickly. As soon as he rushed to the door of the private room, he heard the conversation inside.

"Brother, Li Chunlai caught up with those outsiders."

Bai Jing recognized it. It was the voice of the previous waiter.

Immediately afterwards, another voice with a local dialect sounded: "Keep an eye out and see how much our stuff costs. Don't let outsiders fool you."

Then the waiter's voice sounded again.

"Understood, look at it, brother."

Bai Jing knew that this conversation should be over and the waiter should be coming out.

Bai Jing quickly rushed towards the private room.

When the waiter went out and saw Bai Jing leaving the private room, he was wondering what was going on and whether these outsiders had discovered something.

Then Bai Jing shouted: "Waiter, may I ask, where is the toilet?"

Hearing Bai Jing's words, the man was relieved, and then came over to show Bai Jing the location of the toilet.

Bai Jingquan acted as if he didn't know everything and walked towards the toilet.

The waiter confirmed that Bai Jing probably didn't notice, so he breathed a sigh of relief and went back to the counter to get the wine.

After a while, when Bai Jing returned to the private room, he saw Li Chunlai bargaining with the fat man.

After asking Hu Bayi, I found out that the first thing Li Chunlai took out was the pair of embroidered shoes, and for this pair of embroidered shoes, Da Jinya offered Li Chunlai three hundred.

Naturally, Li Chunlai was unwilling. When he asked, "When I was in the capital before, one shoe was only two hundred, so why are two shoes only three hundred?"

When the fat man heard this, he immediately took over the conversation and said, "When I was in the capital before, Mr. Jin valued your shoes at two hundred, but first of all, it was because it was not easy for you to go all the way to a BJ. In addition, there was no For the middle part, I only give you 200.

But our current situation is that we have to travel all the way. Do you remember what happened on the Yellow River before? If Lao Bai hadn't been here, we might have had to end up in the Yellow River. Speaking of which, we Mr. Bai can be regarded as saving your life, so three hundred is quite a lot. "

Da Jinya also nodded and said: "Yes, the fat man is right, three hundred is already a lot."

There is nothing wrong with this. Li Chunlai is a farmer on the Loess Plateau. His annual income may not be 300 yuan.

However, Bai Jing knew that although Li Chunlai had been convinced, he actually couldn't make the decision and was stalling for time.

At this moment, the fat man continued to say: "Besides, when we come this time, we have to take care of all your things. In this case, we can't pay them the same price as when we were in the capital, right? More or less. It has to be cheaper, right? Besides, our Lord Bai saved your life no matter what, isn’t your life worth a hundred?”

At this time, the waiter who served them food before came in again. This time, the man had two bottles of beer in his hand. Obviously, this was the beer Li Chunlai had ordered.

When the waiter walked in, Li Chunlai couldn't help but increase his voice and said loudly: "Three hundred and two children, three hundred and two children, two children are only three hundred."

Neither Fatty nor Da Jinya found anything wrong and continued to bargain with Li Chunlai.

And Hu Bayi had already discovered something was wrong at this moment. He just excused himself to use the restroom and left the box.

Bai Jing was almost out of patience. This was obviously someone playing a trick, but Bai Jing didn't get angry immediately.

After a while, I saw Hu Bayi coming back, and he seemed to have encountered something, and his expression was a little strange.

And not long after Hu Bayi came in, the waiter who had served the food before came up with the last dish.

After the man placed the dishes on the table, he said, "All your dishes have been served. They are all served."

After saying that, the waiter was about to leave, but at this moment, Li Chunlai, who had refused to give in and bargained with the fat man with big gold teeth, suddenly relaxed at this moment.

"Three hundred, just three hundred. I'm not a difficult person to talk to."

The fat man finally relaxed when he saw Li Chunlai. He patted his legs and said, "It's so nice!"

With that said, he was ready to pour wine for Li Chunlai.

But at this moment, Bai Jing stood up and grabbed the waiter who had already walked to the door.

Hu Bayi, Fatty and Da Jinya were a little confused when they saw this.

The fat man even asked: "Old Bai, what's going on?"

Bai Jing did not answer, but pulled the waiter and said: "He can't make the decision, let you people who can make the decision come, otherwise the business will be abandoned."

The waiter froze when he heard this, then turned around and laughed dryly: "Boss, I don't quite understand, what are you talking about?"

Bai Jing heard this, smiled and patted the man on the shoulder, and then said: "I'll give you five minutes to find someone who can walk the talk, otherwise this business will be cancelled. Don't challenge my patience." .”

After saying that, Bai Jing returned to the dining table, picked up the chopsticks and ate the vegetables, then said, "If we don't see anyone for five minutes, we'll leave."

Hearing this, if Hu Bayi and the others could not react, then their lives would have been in vain for the past few decades.

I saw that Da Jinya looked at Li Chunlai with a serious face at this moment, and then said: "Master Bai, do you mean that this Li Chunlai is just a trustee?"

Bai Jing smiled when he heard this, then glanced at Li Chunlai, who no longer dared to speak, and said, "It's hard to say whether I'm trusting you or not, but it's true that this Chunlai brother is not the real owner. What do you think, Chunlai brother?" .”

Li Chunlai was shaking like chaff at this moment, and he felt a little restless in his chair.

Seeing Li Chunlai like this, Hu Bayi and others still didn't understand what was going on.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions dropped.

Then everyone started eating.

In the whole room, there were only the sounds of picking up and eating food, but no other noise.

After about two minutes, the door was suddenly pushed open, and then a bald man walked in first, then touched his head with his hand, looked at everyone and said, "Who wants to see me?"

Behind the bald man were six or seven men, all of whom looked to be in their thirties.

(End of this chapter)

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