Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 201 Goodbye Shirley Yang

Chapter 201 Goodbye Shirley Yang

As for why everyone looked at Hu Bayi, it was because when the person who came out saw everyone, the first name he shouted was Hu Bayi.

And this person was not what Bai Jing and the others expected, it was Shirley Yang.

After Shirley Yang, a middle-aged and elderly man in his fifties or sixties came out.

Bai Jing took one look and was sure it was Sun Xuewu.

Upon entering the courtyard, Bai Jing shook hands with Sun Xuewu and then exchanged pleasantries for a while.

Sun Xuewu is a professor at the Beijing Cultural Relics Bureau and usually teaches students.

Bai Jing met him during a joint archaeological activity. At that time, the archeology departments of Beijing University and several universities in Beijing jointly conducted archaeological activities on an ancient city in Nanhe Province that was suspected to be from the Xia Dynasty. At that time, because of the research on some characters No clue.

Sun Xuewu was invited to participate in that archaeological activity because of his research on ancient writing.

From then on, Bai Jing became familiar with Professor Sun.

After that, the two also participated in several annual meetings and symposiums in the archaeological community, and they became more and more familiar with each other.

Then Bai Jing introduced Hu Bayi and others to Professor Sun.

Naturally, the two sides exchanged pleasantries again.

Shirley Yang also explained that before she came, she went to the capital to look for Hu Bayi and others, but her neighbors said that they had all gone out. At that time, Shirley Yang was a little regretful, but she didn't expect that she would meet them here.

What was even more unexpected was that Bai Jing and the others actually arrived in Gulan County one day earlier than Shirley Yang and Professor Sun.

After the two parties finished their greetings, Shirley Yang seemed a little embarrassed to say anything, but after thinking for a while, she still asked: "Do you have an eyeball-shaped red spot on your body?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing didn't say anything, but Hu Bayi and Fatty looked at each other. Hu Bayi knew that Shirley Yang had a red spot curse, but Fatty didn't know it, so he immediately asked: "What's going on? How did you know?"

Shirley Yang didn't say anything after hearing this, but turned around and exposed her shoulders. Then everyone saw that there was an eyeball-shaped red spot on Shirley Yang's shoulder.

Hu Bayi looked like he was belatedly thinking about it, and sighed: "Oh no, why do you have it too?"

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Shirley Yang still didn't understand, and immediately said with a sad face: "I'm sorry everyone, it was me who hurt you."

Hearing Shirley Yang's words, Bai Jing asked with a puzzled expression: "What do you mean?"

Later, Shirley Yang talked about the Zagrama tribe and explained that the Taoist lineage of Banshan originated from this kind of red spot, but at the same time, they will also die from this kind of red spot.

He came back from the Bad Country because he originally took Professor Chen for treatment, but he found that Professor Chen also had such a red spot curse on his shoulders.

After returning to China, Shirley Yang discovered that Professor Hao also had erythema marks on his body.

Looking at the reactions of Hu Bayi and others at this moment, Shirley Yang understood that they were all probably suffering from the red spot curse.

Thinking of this, Shirley Yang's expression became sad.

After listening to Shirley Yang's story, the fat man who didn't know anything at first couldn't bear it anymore and immediately cursed: "This imperialist is determined to kill me, isn't it? You clearly knew that you went there This ghost place will be cursed, and you are leading us into a pit of fire.

What kind of peace of mind do you have? Fortunately, Lao Hu still misses you every day. "

Hearing this, what Hu Bayi originally wanted to say was suddenly choked up.

But Bai Jing seemed to have thought of something, a smirk flashed on his face, and then he said seriously: "That's right, the fortune teller originally told me that I could live to be eighty-eight, but the result is now good, click, more than half My lifespan is gone." The fat man nodded fiercely, and then said: "Yes, gone!!"

Then Bai Jing continued: "It's really pitiful for Lao Hu's sincerity. That's because my heart was originally towards the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch."

At this time, Hu Bayi could no longer bear the two people making trouble here, and immediately said loudly: "Okay, you two, things have happened now, what's the use of being anxious? It's not just treating the disease." , are you looking for medicine?

Please listen to Miss Yang first. Why are you so anxious? Besides, what does this have to do with me? Don't talk nonsense. And Lao Bai, you're fine. What are you doing here? "

Yes, this guy just ruined the performance of Bai Jing and Fatty.

But Bai Jing is also sure that Hu Bayi really has a crush on Shirley Yang now.

This is different from the previous situation with Hu Bayi, Hua Mei, Yan Zi, Ding Sitian and others.

At that time, people may have a good impression of Hu Bayi, and Hu Bayi also had a good impression of him. But now, according to Bai Jing's observation, Hu Bayi is very likely to be tempted.

Shouldn't this be a push?
  However, Shirley Yang heard something different from Hu Bayi's words.

Immediately, Shirley Yang's eyes lit up and she looked at Bai Jing and asked, "Mr. Bai, doesn't the erythema curse appear on your body?"

Bai Jing immediately said: "No, but a flower came out."

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Shirley Yang was stunned. What did you call a flower?

Immediately afterwards, I heard Hu Bayi say: "The flowers on Bai Jing's body look like the legendary treasure flower that emits infinite light and illuminates the world in all directions."

As soon as these words came out, Shirley Yang was even more confused.

Bai Jing simply exposed the tattoo on his back again.

At this time, Shirley Yang and Professor Sun, who had been so worried, both stood up in surprise.

Professor Sun even put on his glasses and said, "It is absolutely impossible for any tattoo to reach such a level with this pattern."

After Bai Jing got dressed, he started talking about a series of strange things he had experienced while visiting his relatives in Northeast China in August 70.

After hearing what Bai Jing said, Professor Sun finally asked: "Professor Bai, you are the one who brought out the king's corpse?"

Bai Jing nodded.

As proof of archaeological work, the discovery of the king was a very shocking discovery, and Professor Sun knew that it was normal.

However, Professor Sun obviously knew something that Bai Jing did not.

I heard Professor Sun ask: "Professor Bai, I don't know if you don't understand, but the mask King Zongmu was wearing had words on it, so he invited me over to do some research.

The corpse of King Zongmu that you brought out at that time has not decayed yet, and even looks lifelike. If it were not because all the cells and nerves in the body have been confirmed to be dead, we would really think that this person is still alive.


When Professor Sun said this, he seemed to be hesitant to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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