Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 205 Entering the Ancient Tomb

Chapter 205 Entering the Ancient Tomb
  Soon, Blind Chen no longer struggled with the matter of Shirley Yang's name.

Then the two sides reminisced about old times, and finally, Hu Bayi asked about the purpose of their visit.

I would like to ask Blind Chen if he knows where Li Chunfeng’s tomb is located in Gulan County.

But it was obvious that Blind Chen was not clear about this.

However, when Bai Jing asked him if he knew about the inner Tibetan god, Blind Chen said that the feng shui position of the tomb under the fish bone temple was the inner Tibetan god.

Getting this good news is of course the best thing.

Immediately, they said goodbye to the old man and went back to their respective rooms to rest.

When Shirley Yang came this time, she not only brought the Dragon Bone Book, but also brought another gold-touching talisman.

At this point, the new generation of Captain Mojin was completely born.

The first is Hu Bayi, who inherited the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" passed down from Zhang Sanlianzi, and wears the gold-touching talisman of iron sharpening iron.

Then there is Shirley Yang, wearing Liao Chen’s gold-touching talisman.

The last king triumphed, wearing a golden abacus and a gold-touching talisman.

The lineage of Captain Mojin, which had been dormant for decades, has been revived from here.

As for Faqiu Tianguan, the commander of Mojin School Lieutenant, the successor of this generation is Bai Jing.

It was also from this point on that the Faqiu and Gold-Finding Team was officially established.

As the first tomb they entered after their establishment, the tomb of Li Chunfeng, a Feng Shui master from the Tang Dynasty, was definitely a top test.

Early the next morning, Bai Jing and the others set out.

Big Jinya was originally here to collect antiques, but he also volunteered to go with him.

After all, such an opportunity is rare.

A Faqiu Heavenly Official with a seal and three Touching Gold Captains with talismans were about to go to the tomb. This was a grand scene that had not happened in many years.

Besides, a Faqiu Tianguan and three Mojin Colonels can't protect him alone.

So a few people agreed directly without thinking too much.

While walking on the road, everyone was not afraid at all because they were about to go to the tomb. Instead, they were chatting and laughing.

Shirley Yang said: "This is the first action of our golden quartet, we must make sure."

As a result, before Shirley Yang could finish her words, she was directly interrupted by Bai Jing: "Don't confuse me with you, what kind of golden quartet? I am Faqiu Tianguan, and I am also your leader, you know ? Be more respectful to me from now on."

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi and the others all laughed, and then Shirley Yang corrected her words and said, "Okay, then it's okay for a four-person team to have fun with each other, right?"

Bai Jing nodded.

Shirley Yang then smiled and said: "Then we will form this team under the leadership of Bai Baiguan. Now that we have formed a team, we will live and die together in the future."

While talking, everyone has arrived at the Fish Bone Temple.

When everyone set out, the sun had just risen. When everyone arrived at the Fish Bone Temple, the sun had already risen very high.

In front of the Fish Bone Temple, everyone took out the gold-touching talisman, held it in their hands, and then fist-bumped.

Bai Jing, on the other hand, wrapped his hands around the three of them.

For a moment, everyone said in unison: "Live and die together!"

At this moment, the eyes of Bai Jing and the four others were extremely serious.

Later, several people also had their own nicknames. The first is Hu Bayi, known as Commander Hu.

And Fatty is a nickname in the first place, so naturally he is still called Fatty.

The last Shirley Yang was called Chief of Staff Yang.

As for Bai Jing, he has no nickname. Everyone calls him Lao Bai, while Da Jinya calls him Erye Bai.

Shirley Yang asked when she heard Da Jinya call Bai Jing Bai Er Ye. Only then did she know that Bai Jing had an older brother, and he was the second brother at home.

If we talk about it in detail, it will be impossible to talk about it.

The fathers of Bai Jing, Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Da Jinya were all soldiers.

Among them, the fathers of Bai Jing and Da Jinya both went to the Korean battlefield and fought against Japanese invaders.

Hu Bayi and Fatty's parents mainly played Wanwan.

There's no way to talk about it.

But everyone didn't care about this now. The group entered the Fish Bone Temple talking and laughing.

Then everyone came to the stone platform under the statue, and Hu Bayi squatted down and took down the wooden board behind the statue that blocked the robbery cave, and everyone entered the robbery cave one by one.

Not long after the few people crawled in the robbery cave, a bright light appeared in front of them, and then everyone came out of the robbery cave one by one.

Everyone except Shirley Young had already been to this place.

Bai Jing motioned for everyone to keep their voices down so as not to disturb the bats above.

Afterwards, everyone followed Bai Jing to the entrance of a cave.

There was a stone pillar next to the entrance of the cave. Bai Jing tied the rope he brought to the stone pillar and said, "This should be the downward entrance. Let's go down."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, everyone nodded.

Bai Jing was naturally the first to descend, and then everyone followed the rope to the bottom.

As soon as we got there, we discovered that it was connected in all directions.

Bai Jing could only follow his feelings and go.

He hasn't been to this tomb either.

Suddenly, Bai Jing felt a palpitation in his heart. He looked up and saw a spider larger than a human.

Seeing Bai Jing stop, Shirley Yang also noticed the big spider, and then said in a deep voice: "This is the black sleeper spider with a human face. I saw it in a magazine. They only eat fruit flies, not fruit flies." Will attack people!"

When Bai Jing heard this, he glanced at Shirley Yang and said, "Then don't buy this kind of magazine again."

Then Bai Jing looked at everyone and explained: "The black-faced spider is a poisonous giant spider, but its toxicity is not strong and will not pose much threat to humans.

Moreover, this kind of spider cannot weave webs. The silk they spin out is mainly used to entangle prey, and it relies on its powerful size and venom in its body to capture prey.

However, although their venom can paralyze nerves, it does not have much effect on humans. However, be careful because they have special digestive juices that can directly dissolve their prey.

So if you face an attack from this kind of spider, you can only attack its eyes and legs, but never attack its abdomen. Once its digestive juices are sprayed on a person, it will be extremely corrosive and corrode the person's body. Got it? ? "

After hearing Bai Jing's words, everyone else expressed their understanding.

Bai Jing nodded upon seeing this, then took out a small package from his pocket, and then took out a stick of incense.

Bai Jing then lit the incense and said, "This is a specially prepared insect repellent incense passed down by our family. After it is lit, most of the insects will leave in disgust."

(End of this chapter)

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