Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 209 This is not Li Chunfeng’s tomb

Chapter 209 This is not Li Chunfeng’s tomb
After Bai Jing finally came down, he took a look to make sure that everyone had no problems, and then said: "Now that everyone is down, let's continue setting off."

Everyone walked forward for a while. When Fatty saw that everything was still dark here, he couldn't help but said, "Why is it still dark here? Are we still on the Hanging Soul Staircase?"

Upon hearing this, Hu Bayi took a flashlight to shine on the ground, and then shined the flashlight into the distance. He also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "This place should no longer be within the scope of the Suspended Soul Staircase. You see, this flashlight can now shine very far." It’s far away, let’s continue walking along the stairs and we should be able to walk out.”

Everyone was relieved after hearing this. Bai Jing walked at the front, and everyone else followed Bai Jing forward. After walking for about four or five minutes, they finally reached the end of the stairs, and everyone discovered that , there seems to be something painted on the rock at the end of the stairs.

Immediately, several people gathered around the mural and started looking at it.

Bai Jing saw the patterns on the rocks, thought about it and said, "Look, the murals on these rocks should be the mechanisms or levels we have experienced before."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, everyone gathered around. Then, under Bai Jing's guidance, everyone saw what was painted on the rock. Isn't it the mechanism that everyone encountered when they came over before.

Bai Jing pointed to the painting above and said, "Look, the spiral above is the soul-hanging ladder we just walked over, and this is the armillary sphere room we encountered in the tomb above the soul-hanging ladder. .

If you look at it again, you will see that the entire tomb is driven by some force, causing the entire tomb to seem to be rotating. If my prediction is correct, this should be a ghost tomb. "

In fact, the ghost tomb generally refers to the tomb of clothes, and the tomb of clothes is a way to bury the deceased's clothes and other items instead of the body. This kind of tomb usually does not contain the body of the deceased.

But the ghost tomb mentioned by Bai Jing here has another meaning. Bai Jing means that the tomb should be driven by some kind of force, and the position of the tomb will change as time goes by.

This kind of power is usually driven by water power. Of course, there are also King Zongmu tombs guarded by Baoxianghua that Bai Jing encountered before, which are driven by the power of Baoxianghua.

But maybe the tomb is too huge, and there are signs of movement in the tombs that are not separated by everyone.

But Bai Jing was born with the ability to discern direction, and he naturally noticed that when they first entered the tomb, they were facing almost due east, but now they were slowly moving to the southeast.

Bai Jing and the others were lucky, otherwise they might not have been able to enter the tomb at the wrong time.

Bai Jing roughly calculated that the middle of the tomb should be where the main tomb is, and the passage they entered in the spider cave was the edge area.

If they hadn't been lucky enough to catch up with the door to the tomb being opened, they might have been in danger as the white banner's insect-repelling incense burned out later.

As the saying goes, there is no wonder in the world.

Bai Jing glanced at everyone and said, "Okay, stop looking. Let's continue setting off. It's important to get the Dragon Bone Book first."

After exiting the portal where the stairs were, everyone saw a large square in front of them, and at the end of the square, everyone saw the palace in the distance.

Bai Jing looked at the palace and said, "I roughly understand that there is a high probability that this is not Li Chunfeng's tomb."

Hearing this, Hu Bayi and others were stunned. Isn’t this Li Chunfeng’s tomb?
Bai Jing pointed to the palace in the distance and said, "Look, that palace and the stone pillars on the square in front of us should be creations of the early Western Zhou Dynasty."

Having said this, Bai Jing paused for a moment, and then continued: "Furthermore, according to Li Chunfeng's rank, it is impossible for him to have the capital to build such an ancient tomb.

I'm not bragging. The tomb where we saw the Armillary Sphere before was more than enough to serve as Li Chunfeng's tomb. The hanging soul ladder, the square, and the palace in front of us were definitely not something Li Chunfeng was qualified to build. "

There is nothing wrong with this. Li Chunfeng is a very powerful Feng Shui master, and he also had an official rank in the Tang Dynasty, but his position was only fifth rank, and he did not have a high official rank.

Therefore, according to his financial resources at the time, he simply did not have the ability to build such a large tomb.

To put it mildly, Bai Jing thought that this tomb was of a higher standard than the tomb of Empress Dowager Xiao that he had visited before.

The tomb of Empress Dowager Xiao is that of the Empress Dowager of the Liao Dynasty, and it is on the same level as the emperor's tomb.

But the tomb in front of me is even more powerful than the tomb of Empress Dowager Xiao, so there is a problem.

Hearing Bai Jing's words, the fat man suddenly asked anxiously: "Then if this isn't Li Chunfeng's tomb, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

Hearing this, Da Jinya also asked doubtfully: "Mr. Bai, this is not right. The Tubei Diagram and Armillary Sphere we saw in the Hades Palace before are definitely real things. These are all Li Chunfeng's." Thing, why now?”

Bai Jing shook his head and said: "If I think about it, Li Chunfeng should have found the best Feng Shui position here to hide the earth, and he was going to build a tomb here. However, when the tomb was halfway built, he realized that there was already a tomb here. .

Therefore, I am more inclined to think that Li Chunfeng gave up the rest of the work himself, but made certain changes here.

But in this case, it is absolutely impossible for a Feng Shui master like Li Chunfeng to arrange his tomb here. "

After hearing Bai Jing's words, others thought it made sense. How could a Feng Shui master like Li Chunfeng share the same Feng Shui position with others?

If this is the case, where should everyone go to find Li Chunfeng’s tomb?

Bai Jing smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone. Although this is not Li Chunfeng's tomb, if my prediction is correct, we should really be able to find the Dragon Bone Book here."

Hu Bayi understood Bai Jing's meaning at this moment and said immediately: "Old Bai, do you mean that Li Chunfeng may have set up this place as a place specially used to store the Dragon Bone Book?"

Bai Jing nodded, and then said: "I was wondering before, do the agencies in front seem to be left by Li Chunfeng specifically to guide people here?"

The more I thought about it, it was possible. The more I thought about it, the more excited Hu Bayi became. He immediately said, "No matter what, we always have to go in and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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