Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 211 This should be a test

Chapter 211 This should be a test
As Bai Jing finished speaking, he heard the sound of a mechanism clicking from the side of the coffin. Immediately afterwards, he saw cracks on the ground, and then he saw a chessboard slowly rising up.

Everyone was stunned for a moment when they saw the chessboard, and then walked to the edge of the chessboard.

The fat man looked at the chessboard in front of him and couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "Hey, Old Bai, Old Hu, tell me, why did a chessboard suddenly appear?"

Bai Jing looked at the chessboard, then glanced around and said, "This is a good thing."

The fat man couldn't help but look at Bai Jing doubtfully and asked, "Is it a good thing that we are locked up here now?"

Hu Bayi also smiled at this moment: "Lao Bai is right, it is indeed a good thing. This chessboard should be a level specially set for us by the owner of the tomb. Since he is willing to set such a level, it means that the owner of the tomb does not want us. This is a way to survive, isn’t this a good thing?”

After hearing Hu Bayi's words, everyone showed joy.

Yes, if the owner of the tomb wanted to kill them, after the fat man pulled out the metal plate just now, thousands of arrows should have been fired. Where would there be another chessboard?

Hu Bayi looked at the situation on the chessboard. Only one chess piece could be moved. Other than that, the other chess pieces were fixed on the chessboard.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi couldn't help but said: "There is only one chess piece on the chessboard, which means that the owner of the tomb has only given us one chance. It seems that the owner of the tomb does not want to kill us right away, but wants to live with us." Give it a try."

Afterwards, Hu Bayi looked at everyone and asked who knew how to play Go.

To be honest, Go is still relatively niche. Not even one out of ten people can play it well, and even if they are a little bit proficient, most of them are at a very limited level.

To be honest, Bai Jing didn't have this gene in his family and he didn't have the hobby of playing chess, so he wouldn't talk about it.

This is especially true for Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan. Their ancestors did not play chess, and their living environment did not have such an environment. Needless to say.

As for Shirley Yang, let alone Go, she can’t even play chess. She’s from China, so if she knows what Go is, that’s pretty good.

In the end, Da Jinya, who had learned a few things from his grandfather when he was a child, had to bite the bullet.

But when Big Jinya came to the chessboard and started to look at it, he suddenly said with some confusion: "It's weird, it's really weird."

After hearing what Da Jinya said, the others were a little confused, what was strange.

Da Jinya then expressed his doubts. It turned out that what was on the chessboard was an end game. However, this chess game may have been really wonderful at that time, but today, this chess game is nothing. Not so great.

Historically spiraling.

Human society is developing and human science and technology is progressing.

Similarly, any kind of skill, except for things that are deliberately retained, as long as it is widely circulated, will definitely become stronger and stronger with the development of the times.

Whether it is metallurgical technology or various crafts.

The technical skills of Go are becoming more and more sophisticated with the development of the times. Maybe ten years ago, the chess strategy that was invincible and invincible could not even win against a dog today.

Similarly, after thousands of years of accumulation, today's Go skills can allow a primary school student who has just learned chess for a year or two to defeat the chess masters of thousands of years ago.

How could a figure like Li Chunfeng, who has been passed down through the ages, fail to see this.

Therefore, at this moment, Da Jinya looked at the chessboard in front of him, feeling a little confused.

Bai Jing immediately said: "We started by entering the tomb under the Fish Bone Temple, and experienced the black-faced turtle, the armillary sphere tomb mechanism, the mercury mechanism coffin, the hanging soul ladder, and then this chessboard. Think about it, everyone, these mechanisms and What do the levels represented by the tomb guardian beasts represent?"

After hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought.

Bai Jing did not sell out, and immediately said: "In my opinion, these agencies seem to be just to select a qualified person.

The first is the black-faced worm. Under normal circumstances, if you want to pass the level of the black-faced worm, you need force. We took advantage of it by using the insect repellent.

Then the armillary sphere room tests our character. If we are greedy and want to obtain gold and silver treasures, we will definitely enter the room with the mercury coffin. Once the coffin is opened, the mercury will come out and swallow us all up. In the tomb.

The Armillary Sphere Mechanism tests our knowledge and understanding of Li Chunfeng. After all, how could an ordinary tomb robber know when Li Chunfeng was granted the title of Taishi?
The Hanging Soul Staircase that followed tested our ability in Bagua deduction. Without this ability, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky to find the only way out among the 384 lines.

Looking at the test we are now undergoing, the chessboard, as the saying goes, chess quality is not only character, but we are all Li Chunfeng's juniors. Facing our seniors, it is definitely not appropriate to lose directly. It would be even more inappropriate to win against senior, in this case."

Hu Ba's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but look at Da Jinya and asked: "Old Bai is right, the owner of this tomb is our senior after all. It's really not appropriate to win against him, but losing chess is too embarrassing." It's too simple, so the only possibility is that the owner of the tomb wants us to draw, Lord Jin, can you draw?"

Upon hearing Hu Bayi's question, Da Jinya looked at the chessboard.

Then Big Gold Tooth pondered for a moment, then pointed to a position on the chessboard and said: "In this endgame, if you put the black stone to this position, and then eat the white stone.

In this way, an extremely rare situation of four calamity cycles will occur. If this is really the case, then the result will definitely be judged as a draw. "

When the fat man heard this, he couldn't care less and immediately urged: "Then what are you waiting for? Just hurry up and stop the ink stains?"

But Bai Jing could tell that Da Jinya was very nervous. Bai Jing immediately took the chess piece from Da Jinya's hand, then pointed to the position and said, "Master Jin, is this the position?"

Big Gold Tooth nodded solemnly. Seeing this, Bai Jing did not hesitate at all. He picked up the sunspot and lowered it to where Big Gold Tooth's finger was just now.

And as the chess piece in Bai Jing's hand fell on the chessboard, the next thing he heard was the sound of a "click, click, click" mechanism.

Then, in everyone's surprised eyes, they saw eight walls filled with treasures slowly descending from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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