Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 213 Obtaining the Dragon Bone Book

Chapter 213 Obtaining the Dragon Bone Book
Seemingly noticing this, several people looked at each other and then nodded to each other.

As the five selected objects on the wall are rotated.

Just as Bai Jing, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang were about to turn the remaining three items, the sound of the mechanism suddenly came from the whole room.

Then everyone saw that the ground was splitting into eight pieces and slowly shrinking back into the wall.

Bai Jing took a look and said, "This should be a timing device. Let's quickly turn the remaining three items."

Bai Jing and the other three hurriedly went to the second item they were responsible for. As Bai Jing was the first to start turning the item, the mechanism stopped for a few seconds, and then when Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang finished turning the remaining two items. Finally, the ground stopped shrinking completely.

At this moment, the ground began to gather together again.

Until it finally returned to what it was like when everyone first came in.

Then, before the sound of the mechanism stopped, the eight walls began to rise slowly.

After all the eight walls were raised back, there was a sudden sound of a mechanism coming from the chessboard. Seeing this, everyone hurried to the side of the chessboard. Then everyone saw the entire chessboard lowering, followed by a box with a simple shape. It slowly rose up.

Those tomb owners wished that all the tomb robbers would die without a burial place.

Hu Bayi shook his head when he heard this and said: "The senior who set up the mechanism is kind enough. Moreover, this is not that senior's coffin. It should belong to our ancestor, King Zhou Wen. Let's forget it."

The journey went smoothly. After a while, everyone found the exit and crawled out through the hole they came in from before.

After speaking, Bai Jing looked at the fat man and said, "Fat man, take the box and let's evacuate."

After the box was completely raised, it opened on its own. When everyone saw the items in the box, they couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Isn't this the purpose of everyone's trip, the 'Dragon Bone Book' that everyone is looking for? ?

How could a normal tomb owner do this?

Afterwards, everyone followed Bai Jing's pace and walked outside.

Bai Jing immediately looked at the box and said, "There is a smell of insect-repelling incense on this Dragon Bone Heavenly Book. It seems that this senior is really a test for us."

When the fat man heard this, he glanced at the coffin hesitantly and then asked: "Then don't we open the coffin?"

Even when a few people reached the top, the bats did not dare to approach Bai Jing and others.

Bai Jing stepped forward and took out the Dragon Bone Book from the box, then put it to his nose and smelled it. He was suddenly surprised to find that the smell on the Dragon Bone Book was almost exactly the same as the smell after lighting his insect repellent incense.

Hearing Hu Bayi say this, Fatty was relieved.

Yes, along the way, according to Bai Jing and Hu Bayi, there were all levels set by Li Chunfeng specifically to entrust the Dragon Bone Book, and all the levels retained a glimmer of hope.

Just as Bai Jing expected, the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book was smeared with a secret insect-repelling medicine, and no black-faced worms came close to it along the way.

When everyone left the tomb, they found that it was already mid-afternoon outside.

The sunshine outside still made a few people a little uncomfortable.

But in an instant, everyone burst out laughing. According to legend, there are two pieces of the Dragon Bone Book, one of which records the usage and appearance of the Muchen Bead, and the other records the location of the Muchen Bead.

The Dragon Bone Heavenly Book that Shirley Yang brought before was obtained by his grandfather, Partridge Whistle. What was recorded in that Dragon Bone Heavenly Book was the usage and appearance of the Muchen Bead.

And now, the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book that everyone has obtained from the tomb of King Wen of Zhou Dynasty and Li Chunfeng's tomb records the location of Muchen Bead.

Now that the location and usage are available, everyone is getting closer and closer to lifting the curse.

Although Big Gold Tooth is not troubled by the curse, he has experienced this tomb this time, which can definitely be regarded as a top-notch resume.

In the antique business, how many people can actually visit an ancient tomb?

Currently, there is no ancient tomb open to tourists in the entire country.

The earliest ancient tomb open to visitors in history is the Luoyang Ancient Tomb Museum, the main part of which is the Jingling Mausoleum of Emperor Shizong Xuanwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but it is still several years away from being open to visitors.

At least in the next few years, Big Gold Tooth will have bragging rights.

Then everyone started on the way back, talking and laughing all the way.

Walking on the road, Shirley Yang pondered for a moment and then asked: "Lao Bai, Lao Hu, when you were down there just now, you said that the owner of the tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty before that tomb might be King Wen of Zhou Dynasty. I remember you didn't mention it before? Is Kui a suitable tomb for a woman?
But whether it is King Wen of Zhou in the Western Zhou Dynasty or Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, they are all men. Is there any secret in this? "

After hearing Shirley Yang's words, to be honest, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi were a little confused.

They couldn't answer this question either.

After thinking for a while, Bai Jing said: "You really confused me by asking this question. It stands to reason that the Feng Shui pattern of hidden evil originates from the sky, like the waves of water. This Feng Shui pattern is very suitable for burial. If you are a woman, your descendants will be blessed by her.

So according to common sense, the person buried there should also be a woman, but the coffin we saw in the tomb before, both in shape and style, was of a man's specifications.

In addition, Li Chunfeng originally planned to bury him there, so the hidden burial mound may actually be suitable for burying men. In addition, with the metal plate left by Li Chunfeng, it can almost be concluded that there is a 90% chance that the person buried in that tomb will be buried there. It was King Wen of Zhou.

But it doesn’t matter now. Anyway, our purpose this time is to get the Dragon Bone Book. Since we have already obtained the Dragon Bone Book, other things don’t matter.

I will report the situation of this tomb later, so that the people above who organize the excavation work will have a headache. "

But to be honest, even if Bai Jing is reported, it is unlikely that excavation will be carried out in a short time, but corresponding protection measures will definitely be implemented.

After all, King Wen of Zhou was, in a sense, the starting point of feudal society.

To a certain extent, such a tomb can be said to be comparable to the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

At least the "Mausoleum Genealogy" written by Bai Jing's family contains a map of the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, but there is no map of the tombs under the Longling Mysterious Cave.

To some extent, does this mean that the tomb of King Zhou Wen is more difficult to rob?

(End of this chapter)

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