Chapter 223 Fish School
The moment he saw the giant green-scaled python clearly.

Several people present thought of something.

This giant green-scaled python must have grown in the forest of Worm Valley. It was just because the python was greedy for the cool environment in this water hole that it regarded this water hole as its lair. In addition to going out to hunt for food, it basically hides. I was sleeping here, but I was somehow disturbed by the intrusion of Bai Jing and the others.

When the green-scaled python saw Bai Jing and others noticing it, it paused, then suddenly began to accelerate and dive into the water.

Bai Jing and the others would not think that the green-scaled python was afraid of them.

Immediately, Bai Jing's face changed drastically and he shouted: "Let's go!"

Hu Bayi and the others were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then quickly reacted and ran away along the shore.

It was too late to say that, but soon, Bai Jing and the others had just ran out two or three steps when they saw the entire bamboo raft in the water suddenly flew up from the water. It turned out that the green-scaled python had already been killed, and with He raised the bamboo raft with his head.

The bamboo raft was pushed forward by the head of the green-scaled python for more than ten meters, and finally landed heavily on the water.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, the bamboo raft hit Bai Jing and the others.

So now they are taking advantage of the green-scaled giant python to attack them and run away quickly.

Only then did Bai Jing realize that those water wasps that looked like fat maggots were actually very nutritious and were the favorite snacks of many water snakes and anacondas.

But I definitely dare not say that I can fight with such a thick green-scaled giant python.

This green-scaled giant python is more than twenty meters long and nearly one meter thick. For such an existence, even if it swings casually, it must have several tons of strength.

However, this bamboo raft was still intact after such an attack by the giant green-scaled python. Regarding this, Bai Jing could only say that the bamboo in Yunnan Province is really strong.

However, Bai Jing and the others did not dare to delay and continued to run forward. After all, after the giant python had finished its snacks, it was time for dinner.

As long as he gets out of the water hole, Bai Jing can still use the Eyeless Dragon Talisman to attract thunder and lightning, so he can still fight.

Although Bai Jing is physically agile, he is also very powerful.

After the giant python with flashing green scales pushed its head against the bamboo raft, it seemed to be a little dizzy from being hit, and it shook its head at this moment.

But Bai Jing and the others didn't dare to delay, so they quickly continued running forward.

However, Bai Jing looked back and saw that the green-scaled giant python did not immediately start chasing Bai Jing and the others, but was eating the water wasps attached to the raft.

What should I do if I don’t have the confidence to deal with it? I must get out of the water hole quickly.

Suddenly, several people heard the noise and looked back, and saw that the giant green-scaled python seemed to have finished its snacks and wanted to have dinner. At this moment, it was actually chasing Bai Jing and the others.

At this moment, you can faintly see the bright light ahead, which means that the few people are not far from the exit.

Facing such an existence, Bai Jing had no confidence at all.

This sight made several people feel like they were dying.

Bai Jing immediately thought about it. If he remembered correctly, this saber-toothed viper should still be living in this water.

If that doesn't work, then let the green-scaled python and the saber-toothed viper fish compete with each other. Thinking of it, Bai Jing just did it.

However, the sword-toothed viperfish will not come over for no reason.

Bai Jing's heart suddenly crossed, he took out the small magic blade from his waist and touched it on his hand. In an instant, blood flowed out.

Bai Jing rinsed his hand in the water. In an instant, blood flowed into the water, and a faint smell of blood could be smelled from a distance.

The green-scaled giant python did not notice Bai Jing's movements, and continued to chase Bai Jing and the others at an neither fast nor slow speed, as if playing with its prey.

Bai Jing made some calculations and found out that the green-scaled python was obviously not going to let a few people out of the water hole, so it turned around and shot at the green-scaled python with a rifle.

Seeing Bai Jing's actions, Hu Bayi and the others also reacted, quickly opened the safety and loaded the gun, and then pulled the trigger on the green-scaled python.

In an instant, there was a loud sound of gunfire, and countless bullets were fired at the giant green-scaled python.

Needless to say, this Type 81 automatic rifle is very powerful, and the bullet power is simply not comparable to that of ordinary submachine guns or pistols.

The bullet hit the green-scaled python and actually penetrated the scales of the green-scaled python and penetrated into the flesh of the green-scaled python.

The blood of the green-scaled python flowed into the water as if it were free, and a fishy stench could be smelled from a distance.

It's just that the giant python had never suffered such a big loss. At this moment, it couldn't help but become furious, its body trembled wildly, and then it rolled up countless water splashes and rushed towards Bai Jing and the others.

Suddenly, countless restless grinding sounds came from the water in the distance. This kind of friction sound made people's whole neck and collar feel cold. The sound was like using two pieces of foam plastic or fingernails. It's the same grinding sound as scratching a blackboard.

This is the sound that most stimulates human brain nerves.

The green-scaled giant python also froze at the moment the sound rang out, and seemed to no longer care to continue attacking Bai Jing and the others.

Instead, he turned around and rushed into the water, wanting to return to the lair where he was most open.

As time went by, the sound of friction in the distance became louder and denser. In the direction where the giant blue-scaled python swam just now, the water seemed to be boiled. It looked like it was in some kind of water. The animals fought desperately there.

Seeing this scene, the fat man couldn't help but asked in horror: "What is this coming from?"

Bai Jing was silent for a moment and said: "It sounds a bit like some kind of animal in the water. It seems that this giant green-scaled python is very afraid of this kind of fish and can only run away if it encounters it."

Hu Bayi and others were a little curious as to what could make this green-scaled python so fearful.

Several people stood on the shore, holding strong flashlights and shining into the water. They saw countless palm-sized fish with golden scales in the water, surrounding the green-scaled python.

Those fish have two rows of sharp teeth that are as jagged as saws. Every time the fish takes a bite, it will tear off a strip of skin and flesh from the giant python.

And it can be seen that the number of this fish school is very large, it seems that there are thousands of them. The fish school rolls around the blue-scaled giant python and bites it. As time goes by, the blood flows more and more.

The more blood flowed, the more excited the fish became, biting like crazy. The poor green-scaled python was so overwhelmed by the fish that it couldn't stop it. In less than half a minute, it was viciously attacked. The ghost-like fish gnawed away until nothing was left.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jing and others also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time and they had to leave quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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