Chapter 225 Plane Wreck
Bai Jing also agreed very much with Hu Bayi's words.

"Old Hu is right." Bai Jing agreed with Hu Bayi's words, and then continued: "The mountains here are so high and the forests are so dense that we can't see the specific situation and situation clearly. Just now we took advantage of standing high and seeing far away. Only then did we find the formation’s eye.”

Hu Bayi nodded when he heard this, and then said: "According to what Blind Chen said before, after entering the Worm Valley and encountering the woods, just go directly through the woods, and then walk all the way north. "

After hearing Hu Bayi's words, everyone else stopped talking. With Bai Jing, the natural compass, they didn't need to look at the compass at all, they just needed to follow Bai Jing.

In fact, even if there is a compass, it will fail after entering the insect valley.

There is a magnetic field in this insect valley, which will confuse the magnetic field and make the compass useless.

To be honest, the plant layer here is too thick, and all the landforms are completely obscured by plant phyla. It is impossible to identify where the valley is or where the stream is.

Just now, everyone looked down from the cliff and could only see the trees rising and falling. But in fact, the trees here are all dense plants unique to the Tropic of Cancer. Those places that are a little higher may not necessarily be because of the high terrain. Or maybe it's just because of the height of the trees there.

The growth of plants here is very uneven. Unlike the broad-leaved forests or coniferous forests in the north, they all grow more evenly. The areas that are higher are most likely because the terrain here is higher.

The human skin map was drawn in the Han Dynasty, two thousand years ago, and the topographic and landform features marked on the map are no longer identifiable because of the dense virgin forest.

When the fat man saw the tree in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh and said, "It's really rare to see such a big banyan tree."

After speaking, Shirley Yang also shook her head.

When Hu Bayi heard this, he couldn't help but glance at the fat man and said, "What's that look in your eyes? It's not obvious that these are two trees. It's just that the two trees look like one tree because they grow intertwined with each other."

When a group of people came out of the water hole, it was probably around eleven o'clock in the morning and close to twelve o'clock. Now they have continued to march for so long. Finally, when they walked all the way to the place where the huge trees were, it was already It's almost three o'clock in the afternoon. It's almost four o'clock.

After hearing what Bai Jing said, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang agreed very much and immediately said: "When the water is full, it overflows, and when the moon is full, it wanes. Although they still look full of life, they are actually not far from death." ”

However, Hu Bayi looked at the tree in front of him, then looked at Bai Jing and smiled: "Old Bai, I really asked you to tell me, this tree should be where the formation of the water dragon is. It looks like, This tree is about to die."

Bai Jing looked around and said, "The lifespan of this kind of tree is supposed to be very long. In addition, this is a tree where a couple embraces each other. It is said that because of their competition with each other, it is possible for them to live for tens of thousands of years. How could this suddenly die?

But now it seems that this issue does not need to be considered.

It can be heard that Hu Bayi was still very happy when he said this.

It can be said that in the entire Worm Valley, except for some relatively specific landmarks and locations, it is actually impossible to use the human skin map to make a more accurate reference to the forest in the Worm Valley.

After all, the water dragon's halo is called the Immortal Cave. If the sky doesn't collapse, there is really no way to fight back.

I think this tree must have been affected by some external force. If we look hard, we should be able to find some useful clues. "

Then several people wandered around the tree, trying to find the reason why the tree became what it is now.

Soon, Shirley Yang suddenly called Bai Jing and Hu Bayi to come over.

Hearing the shouts, Bai Jing and the other three walked over, and then followed the direction of Shirley Yang's finger, and saw the wreckage of the moldy country's transport plane on the tree. Now everyone understood that the tree was broken by a transport plane falling from the sky, and it suddenly withered.

Bai Jing immediately said: "Then let's go up and have a look."

After hearing Bai Jing's suggestion, everyone headed towards the tree.

Bai Jing's hands and feet were the most agile, and after Bai Jing got up, he used ropes to pull Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang and Fatty to the tree.

Then a group of four people walked towards the wreckage of the transport plane.

After Shirley Yang climbed up the tree, she looked at the wreckage of the transport plane. After confirming it, she said, "This is the wreckage of a Chinese C-type transport plane."

Bai Jing nodded when he heard Shirley Yang's words and said: "I have seen a piece of data. In the almost four years from 42 to 45, first on the China-Myanmar border and then on the Hump Route, the Typhoon crashed on the southwest border of my country. There should be no fewer than six to seven hundred Chinese military aircraft, and this one should be the Chinese military aircraft that transported supplies to the expeditionary force at that time."

After hearing what Bai Jing said, everyone else agreed with this statement. When Hu Bayi saw this, he immediately said: "If you don't talk about that, let's go in and take a look now?"

It was said that he was asking, but in fact, as soon as Hu Bay finished speaking, he planned to go in directly.

When Bai Jing saw this, he quickly followed, and then followed Hu Bayi into the wreckage of the plane.

The aircraft was severely damaged and even broken into several pieces.

After entering the wreckage of the plane, everyone started searching among the wreckage, but their purpose was to look for it. They should be able to find some useful things here.

As soon as they entered the wreckage of the plane, they saw boxes of wooden boxes scattered everywhere.

Bai Jing casually opened a wooden box and couldn't help but let out a 'ooh' sound.

It turned out that this box actually contained a submachine gun.

They are all Thompson submachine guns. This gun is also called the Chicago Typewriter, which is considered a famous gun.

Moreover, in addition to guns, there were also bullets and some grenades. Seeing this, several people started to put them in their bags with happy faces.

After all, although the Type 81 rifle is easy to use, one is heavier and the other has limited bullets. Although the current gun is definitely not as good as the Type 81, at least the bullet barrel is sufficient.

For a time, each of the four people in the group took not only a Type 81, but also a Thompson submachine gun, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and several grenades.

Just when a few people were pretending to be happy, a burst of banging sounds suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a huge eagle owl flying over the head of the wreckage of the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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