Chapter 237 Huixian Palace
Bai Jing knew that Fatty should have seen Huixian Palace.

Immediately, Bai Jing stood up and walked to the fat man's side, looking towards the top of the mountain.

Although Bai Jing had been mentally prepared for it, when he actually saw the scene in front of him, he was still a little distracted.

Under the afternoon sun, a shocking picture came into Bai Jing's eyes.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, under the afterglow of the setting sun, a magnificent palace like a fairyland stood on the top of the mountain, giving those who saw it a sense of unreality.

Bai Jing's reaction was not exaggerated. When Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang saw this scene, they were a little surprised and speechless.

But one thing Bai Jing is sure of is, among other things, the existence of the Huixian Palace on the top of the mountain.

King Xian, a grass-headed king from a borderland, at least in the tomb competition, was not far behind Emperor Qin and Han Wu.

Bai Jing entered the Department of Archeology of Peking University in September 70, became an associate professor in the Department of Archeology of Peking University in 76, and became a full professor in the Department of Archeology of Peking University in 80. It has been more than ten years since this year.

In the past ten years, Bai Jing has led a team to excavate and visit no less than a hundred ancient tombs.

Shirley Yang looked at the palace in the distance and said, "This should be King Xian's palace."

After hearing what the two of them said, the fat man remembered it. He couldn't help but clasped his hands together and said, "Yes, it's the picture on the coffin. It's exactly the same."

It's no wonder why, as soon as King Xian died, his subjects simply abandoned him.

But, to be honest, in this area of ​​Minglou, no one's tomb can be compared with the Minglou 'Huixian Hall' where the king's tomb is dedicated.

Hu Bayi also looked shocked and said: "King Xian actually built his house to the sky."

Hearing the fat man's words, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi glanced at each other, and then said in unison: "The tomb-suppressing map on the previous coffin/The mausoleum-suppressing map on the coffin of Husband and Wife Tree!"

From this point of view, it is not difficult to see that compared to these small border kings, the ancient emperors of the Central Plains Dynasty were still considerate and caring for the people.

The fat man seemed to have remembered something. He looked at Bai Jing and Hu Bayi and said, "Old Bai, Old Hu, do you think this looks familiar?"

Among them, there are many tombs of emperors.

Immediately, the group of four people no longer cared about resting, and quickly started to pack their things, and then set out on the road again. The group of four people followed the mountain road and set off towards the palace on the top of the mountain.

Perhaps when the Ming Tower of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum was intact, it could be compared with, or even better than, the Ming Tower of the King's Tomb, but at least it is still well preserved now, including the well-protected Ming Tombs and the Qing Dynasty imperial tombs. In terms of Minglou, there is no one that can compare with this 'Huixian Palace'.

Bai Jing knew that the palace on the top of the mountain was not the palace used by King Xian during his lifetime, but a bright tower.

The so-called Minglou is actually the tall building in front of the tomb of the ancient emperor.

In the Ming Tower, there will be a stone tablet recording the emperor's temple name and posthumous title, as well as some records of the emperor's life.

It's just that everyone hasn't gone up yet, so Bai Jing didn't explain directly. The mountain is not very high, only one or two hundred meters high. Although the mountain road is difficult to walk, it took the group less than an hour to reach the top of the mountain.

A group of four people went up to the top of the mountain. After passing through a huge Paifang-style portal, they saw a straight stone bridge behind the door. Under the stone bridge, they could also faintly see clouds and clouds. Shu.

The group of four people walking on the bridge felt as if they were in the clouds, as if they had arrived in a fairyland.

When the fat man saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but said: "Hey, tell me, what level of cadre is this King Xianzhi now? He only has hundreds of thousands of people under his command, and now he has only one person at most. County level cadres.

For a cadre who is only equivalent to the county level to create such a pomp, one can imagine how corrupt this King Xian is? "

Hu Bayi just smiled and said nothing.

However, as everyone continued to move forward, Hu Bayi looked at the palace in front of him and finally said with certainty: "This is not for living people."

Hearing this, Shirley Yang and Fatty were stunned for a moment, and then heard Bai Jing continue to say: "Yes, this should be the Minglou dedicated to the king's tomb."

Hu Ba nodded, then looked down at the Insect Valley, and said with emotion: "This King Xian was able to build the mausoleum in a place like this, where the dragon mountain reaches the clouds, and the Insect Valley is deep, covering hundreds of miles, and is separated by hundreds of miles. Heaven ends the world. These all coincide with the Feng Shui pattern of the mausoleum."

Bai Jing also nodded and said: "Yeah, I really didn't expect that such a little border king could actually build his own mausoleum in this isolated Feng Shui secret realm. And the most important thing is, This mausoleum is full of royal aura, and the most important thing is that it is still so well preserved."

Hu Bayi continued: "Yes, the human skin map said before that this was a fairy cave. I didn't believe it, but I didn't expect that it was really a fairy cave. The most important thing is that we may have underestimated this small border town. King."

After hearing what the two of them said, Shirley Yang looked at the palace in front of her and said, "Even so, as the saying goes, ten thousand people cut down trees, and one person rises to heaven. In order for King Xian to build such a grand palace on this cliff, Palace, no need to thank you, you all know how much manpower and financial resources this will cost? How many people will be killed?"

Regarding Shirley Yang's words, Bai Jing couldn't agree more, and immediately smiled and said: "It seems that since Chief of Staff Yang returned to the country, his ideological consciousness has improved a lot. This idea has suddenly changed from capitalism. Entering communism, haha."

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang both laughed.

Although Shirley Yang didn't understand what Bai Jing was talking about, she also knew that Bai Jing was praising her.

Simply, Shirley Yang didn't care about Bai Jing's words.

The fat man found a stone tablet with writing on it, but he didn't recognize it, so he asked a few people: "Do you think what is written on it?"

Bai Jing came over, took a look and said, "Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all mysteries."

Hu Bayi on the other side also read the text on the other side: "Lingyun Tiangong, Huixian Palace."

When the fat man heard this, he ran to Hu Bayi's side, looked at the stone tablet and said, "Can he become an immortal? What kind of immortal does he want to become? Let me tell you, this Xian Wang Lao'er wants to become an immortal. He's crazy. Do you really think that building a ruined palace on this cliff will attract immortals?"

When Bai Jing heard this, he looked at Huixian Hall and smiled: "Immortals? Aren't we immortals?"

(End of this chapter)

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