Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 240 Female ghost? Doll!

Chapter 240 Female ghost? Doll!
When Shirley Yang heard the fat man's words, she said in a low mood: "The descendants of the Zagrama tribe have been looking for the Muchen Bead for thousands of years, but they have not found its whereabouts. My father, in order to save me and my Mother, I have also been running around for half my life, and now I have finally found the right direction, but..."

Thinking of her father who died tragically in the Worm Valley, Shirley Yang was in a trance for a while.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi quickly comforted him: "Chief of Staff Yang, there are some things that we can't control. The only thing we can do now is to find Muchen Bead as soon as possible to fulfill the last wish of your father and your tribe. I believe in him and them." If you know better, I will be proud of you."

After hearing Hu Bayi's comfort, Shirley Yang cheered up again.

But at this moment, suddenly, a "ha" sound came from the side hall in the distance.

The sound suddenly sounded, but it startled several people.

The fat man even asked with some trepidation: "Old Bai, Old Hu, what do you think this sound is? Why do I hear this sound like a ghost?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing couldn't help but smile and said: "Damn it, Fatty, you are so well-informed that you have actually heard the screams of ghosts."

Seeing this, Shirley Yang pondered for a moment and then continued: "I feel like this voice sounds a bit like a woman's laughter."

When Fatty heard Shirley Yang's words, he couldn't help but shuddered even though he was relieved by Bai Jing's words.

Immediately afterwards, the fat man asked with some fear: "Why is there someone here? Is it a woman? It can't really be a ghost, right? Or a female ghost?"

Only then did I realize that in the middle of the hall, there seemed to be a woman in red clothes standing on the beam looking at a few people.

When the fat man saw this, he felt like he was suddenly hit by a bucket of ice-cold water in the dog days of summer, and then he shouted in fright: "Female ghost!"

At the same time, he said: "Look clearly, it's just a doll."

Seeing the fat man being frightened like a bear, Bai Jing shook his head, then looked at Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang and said, "Let's go over and take a look and we'll find out."

In this way, the group of four people walked forward cautiously for a few minutes, when suddenly another sound of 'ha' came.

Bai Jing temporarily put the gun on the ground, then jumped up, grabbed the beam, and then swung his body to the beam.

When Hu Bayi and the others heard Bai Jing's proposal, they all nodded, and then the group of four walked cautiously towards the direction of the sound.

After saying this, the fat man raised his hand and prepared to shoot in the direction of the figure.

The fat man slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Jing then cut off the rope tied to the doll and threw it to the ground.

Fortunately, Bai Jing had quick eyes and quick hands, and he immediately grabbed the fat man's hand that was about to shoot.

At this time, everyone finally heard where the sound came from, and then the four of them raised their heads and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

However, Bai Jing also knew that the fat man's reaction just now was purely natural. Now that he could see the appearance of the thing clearly, he was relieved.

Several people immediately gathered around and looked at the doll on the ground.

The fat man took a first look at the puppet, and then said: "Oh, let me tell you, you said that King Xian has nothing to do, what is the whole Ragdoll doing on the rafters?"

Shirley Yang stepped forward and looked at the humanoid doll, and then speculated: "This should be some kind of ceremony performed by King Xian in order to become an immortal. It looks a bit like some ethnic minority women, and Or like a priest." Shirley Yang was talking when the mouth of the doll suddenly moved, but perhaps because it fell to the ground, it could only open its mouth without making any sound.

Several people noticed this scene.

Bai Jing came down and took the things. He came over and squatted down to look at the puppet and said, "This should be a puppet with mechanism control. When we entered the Immortal Palace for a while, this puppet suddenly suddenly started.

And combined with the fact that this thing is hung on the beam, it should be that the startup of this thing requires the room to be ventilated for a period of time after it is opened, and the regular movement of this thing should be through the flow of air before it can make a sound.

And because I threw this thing to the ground at this moment, although the mechanism was still activated, it made no sound.

I think this should be used by Mr. Xian Wang to scare people who rashly enter the Huixian Palace. "

After listening to Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi and the others all felt that it made sense.

Then the thing suddenly moved its mouth again. Although it made no sound, Hu Bayi, who had been staring at it, was also startled, and then said: "Let's burn him for this shock."

When the fat man heard this, he immediately took over the matter.

How could Bai Jing not understand the fat man's thoughts? He just didn't say anything, grabbed the puppet and left the hall.

At this moment, the group of people had already walked around the hall, but they didn't find anything useful, so they all just walked outside.

As a few people left the Huixian Palace, everyone closed the door just in case.

Then Bai Jing held the puppet in one hand and grabbed the Eyeless Dragon Talisman with the other hand. Then he threw the puppet forward. Then while the puppet was still in the air, Bai Jing directly The hand kneading technique activated the ability of the Eyeless Dragon Talisman.

It was a sunny day at the moment, and there were no clouds in the sky. However, following Bai Jing's movements, a bolt of thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air, striking directly at the red puppet who was still in the air.

As thunder and lightning struck, the doll turned black in an instant, and then burned.

To be honest, Hu Bayi and the other two people who saw this scene were still a little shocked even if it was not their first time.

Speaking of which, Bai Jing actually taught Hu Bayi and Fatty how to use the Eyeless Dragon Talisman to attract thunder and lightning, but the two of them probably didn't have the talent in this area and couldn't learn it at all.

As for the fat man, looking at the violently burning puppet, he knew that his thoughts had been seen through.

After the fire was completely extinguished, several people walked down the mountain.

Walking on the bridge in the clouds, Hu Bayi looked at the clouds below. He seemed to want to understand something, and then he said, "I seem to know where the tomb of Mr. Xian Wang is."

As soon as these words came out, both Shirley Yang and Fatty looked happy, and they looked at Hu Bayi nervously.

Bai Jing laughed when he heard this and said: "There is a record in Yin and Yang Feng Shui. It is said that before looking at the mountains, look at the water first. If there are mountains but no water, don't look for land. Mountains and water are a pair of yin and yang. If there are mountains but no water, there is no way. Call it Dragon Vein!"

PS: After the new year, the company has about ten days of training and last year’s work meeting to be held, and then I have to go out for about half a month. The free time every day suddenly becomes less. I will make sure to update twice a day later. If I have time, I will Three updates.

(End of this chapter)

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