Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 243 Third Life Bridge

Chapter 243 Three Worlds Bridge

Bai Jing naturally saw the doubts of several people.

Bai Jing immediately said: "This is a normal thing. I have seen it many times. Generally, guys who want to become immortals will do this, or the tomb is hidden in a particularly hidden place, and the door of the tomb is not closed.

The other type is to close the door from the inside, and the tomb can only be entered from the inside.

I have even seen that the mechanisms in the tomb are very cleverly set up. If you enter the tomb from the outside, you will be attacked by the mechanism. However, if you walk out of the tomb, the mechanism will not be triggered at all.

This kind of layout is so that the tomb owner can leave from this portal when he truly becomes an immortal one day. "

When the fat man heard what Bai Jing said, he was a little dumbfounded and said, "No way, why are you still leaving after you've become an immortal?"

After saying that, the fat man couldn't help but curl his lips.

When Bai Jing heard this and looked at Fatty's reaction, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Then Bai Jing said: "Okay, let's go in and take a look."

In fact, speaking of it, there should be more than two descendants of Shirley Yang and her mother left in this world.

Seeing this, Bai Jing also smiled and patted Shirley Yang on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, the Muchen Bead will definitely be found, and the curse on you will definitely be lifted."

After all, the Muchen Bead is something that the people of the Bishan lineage, or the Zagrama tribe, have been looking for for thousands of years.

When Shirley Yang saw Bai Jing and others looking at her, she said hesitantly: "If there really is Muchen Bead behind this door, what kind of situation will we face when we go in? Can we really Was it successful?"

Immediately, Hu Bayi comforted him: "Chief of Staff Yang, what's wrong with you now? You're usually fearless, so why are you worried now? Your people have been looking for this bead for so many years, and now I finally found the door, why are you still hesitating to enter?"

What if the door is opened and there is no Muchen Bead, or if the door is opened and there is indeed the Muchen Bead, but after finding the Muchen Bead, the curse cannot be broken, what should I do?

Shirley Yang was silent for a while. Bai Jing noticed something strange about him and stopped for a moment.

Only Bai Jing and the others knew about Shirley Yang and her mother, plus Fatty, Hu Bayi, Professor Chen, and Professor Hao.

At this moment, the goal is so close.

Bai Jing understood Shirley Yang's concerns.

All kinds of responsibilities and pressures were placed on Shirley Yang, making her feel the weight on her body.

Hu Bayi understands Shirley Yang's feelings very well.

If they succeed this time, it will not be as simple as saving one or two people, but saving the lives of countless people.

Shirley Yang was inevitably a little distracted.

If Bai Jing's prediction is correct, there should be many Zagrama tribesmen who bear red spots marks on their bodies and want to find the Muchen Bead to save their tribe.

With that said, Bai Jing stepped forward and prepared to push the stone door open.

Hearing this, Shirley Yang looked around at Bai Jing and the others, and then said with a somewhat depressed expression: "I'm sorry that I have caused trouble to you."

When the fat man heard this, he waved his hands and said: "Chief of Staff Yang, if you say that, you are making a mistake. We are now comrades who share life and death, right? Besides, Fatty, I only need to be right." If you marry someone, it will last a lifetime."

After saying that, the fat man also patted Shirley Yang's other shoulder. It should be said that although the fat man has all kinds of bad habits, such as being greedy for money, not taking a shower, wearing a pair of socks for several days without changing them, etc., his treatment of his own people is really recognized.

As long as the fat man has not yet starved to death, people who are recognized by the fat man will never let those who are recognized by him starve to death first.

And to be honest, Fatty is not really greedy for money, he just likes the feeling.

After all, their family's situation is very complicated. In the early years, Fatty really suffered a lot, so he only shows his greed for money now.

However, Fatty was absolutely unambiguous about Hu Bayi's intention to give back to his fellow villagers and support the families of his comrades.

It can be said that when it comes to doing good things, Fatty spends money and effort, but he is no worse than Bai Jing and Hu Bayi.

And Shirley Yang was cheered on by Bai Jing and the others one after another, and she gradually began to regain her confidence.

Then he nodded solemnly to Bai Jing and the others.

Immediately after, Shirley Yang stretched out his hand, and when Bai Jing and the other three saw this, they also understood what Shirley Yang meant. Hu Bayi and Fatty stretched out their palms respectively, and together with Shirley Yang, they formed a golden circle. The captain's special gesture.

This gesture represents the philosophy of cooperation and win-win cooperation. If we work together, we will live, if we divide, we will die.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jing also stepped forward and covered the three people's hands with his palm.

Immediately, the four people looked at each other and smiled.

Then, Bai Jing walked to the door, and the remaining three people were also waiting with weapons in hand, just in case there was danger behind the door.

As Bai Jing slowly pushed the stone door open, a group of four people slowly walked in.

Afterwards, several people saw clearly what was happening behind the door.

This is a huge platform, and in front of the platform, there is a ravine about tens of meters wide. It is not known how deep the gully is.

On the other side of the ravine, you can see a platform similar to this one, but one is too far away, and the other is too dark, so you can't see clearly what's happening on the other side.

Between the two platforms, there is a bridge connecting one side to the other side.

The bridge is divided into three sections, and in the middle of the bridge, there are two pillars of the bridge that serve as support points, thus dividing the entire bridge into three sections.

The fat man couldn't help complaining when he saw the bridge: "I'm not telling you, this Xian Wang Lao'er is really extravagant. A bridge was specially built for such a big place."

When Bai Jing heard this, he said: "This bridge is the Third World Bridge."

After speaking, Bai Jing looked at Hu Bayi.

Obviously, Hu Bayi thought so too.

Then Hu Bayi said: "As I thought, this bridge represents the three lives of human beings. In ancient legends, if a person wants to transform into an immortal after death, he must cross such a bridge of three lives. Meaning. It is also obvious that it is to get rid of the troubles of the world, because only in this way can we be reborn and travel in Taixu."

Hearing this, Shirley Yang couldn't help but smile and said, "I have to say, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have known all the tricks in this. You guys know a lot about these things."

Bai Jing also smiled when he heard this, then looked at Shiqiao and said: "It seems that King Xian is really determined to become an immortal. Even the structure of this ancient tomb is made according to the Taoist Feng Shui pattern of becoming an immortal. If I hadn't If you guess wrong, you will reach Xianwang Underground Palace after passing the Sanshi Bridge."

(End of this chapter)

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