Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 245 The third life coffin

Chapter 245 The Third Coffin

After listening to Bai Jing's words, everyone knew that they had no way out, and they all walked to the coffin.

Then he pointed his flashlight at another hanging bronze coffin.

When the fat man saw this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Let me tell you, there is a demonic energy here, but I didn't expect that two of the three coffins are very dangerous things."

Hearing this, Hu Bayi couldn't help but take a flashlight and smile at the fat man: "What's the matter? Are you scared?"

When the fat man heard this, he immediately jumped up and said, "What are you talking about? What are you talking about? When has my fat master ever been afraid of something?"

When Bai Jing heard this, he shined his flashlight on the fat man and saw that the fat man's legs were shaking. It was obvious that the fat man was indeed a little nervous.

Bai Jing immediately laughed and said, "I'm not afraid of you shaking."

When the fat man heard this, he quickly added: "I just got over the fear of heights and haven't gotten over it yet. It's not a fear of this. It's not a thing at all, you know?"

Immediately, the fat man seemed to have thought of something. He lowered his head and looked at the coffin and said, "Hey, let me tell you, if this is really a coffin, wouldn't it be valuable?"

As he spoke, the fat man looked at the last coffin with piercing eyes.

The fat man’s words were rough or not, there were three coffins in total, and two of them were not for the king, so wouldn’t there be only one coffin left?
When Bai Jing heard this, he shook his head and said: "No, strictly speaking, these three coffins are not dedicated to the king, but they are all dedicated to the king."

Bai Jing then roughly counted and continued: "The cellar wood used in this coffin must be tens of thousands of years old."

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi also agreed.

Is this the last coffin dedicated to Mr. Wang? "

Hu Bayi also nodded and said: "The cassia wood and the dark wood are two extremes. The cassia tree is the most yin thing, while the dark wood is the product of the balance of yin and yang, but in a certain sense , the two types of wood are of equal value.”

Bai Jing also nodded, and then said: "Let's not talk about the gloomy wood. You know this gloomy wood. The Empress Dowager Cixi of the Manchu Qing Dynasty couldn't even find a piece of gloomy wood to make a coffin."

But then the fat man asked: "Lao Bai, which coffin is this to Xian Wang Lao'er? Two of these coffins are evil coffins. According to you, Wang Xian also knows these things, and he doesn't Maybe use such a coffin for yourself?

As he spoke, Bai Jing glanced at the casket coffin and said, "To be honest, this cassia tree should have become extinct during the Han Dynasty, but I didn't expect that Mr. Xian Wang would find such a big gloomy wood." , made such a coffin.”

Even Shirley Yang couldn't help but look at the last coffin when she heard this.

After saying that, the fat man couldn't help but look at Bai Jing.

Bai Jing nodded when he heard this and said: "Although this cellar coffin is a very dangerous thing, the cellar wood is a good thing. You don't need more. The same weight can even be compared to gold."

As soon as these words came out, except for Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang and Fatty were all confused.

They didn't understand. What did he mean?
But then Hu Bayi seemed to have figured it out, and then glanced at the tomb chamber, then looked at the Sanshi Bridge and Tianmen in the distance, and then said: "Lao Bai, you mean that according to the mausoleum system, this place does not meet the requirements of sacrificial offerings. The king wants to become an immortal?"

Bai Jing nodded, then snapped his fingers and said: "Old Hu is right, if Mr. Xianwang wants to become an immortal, he needs to cut off his mortal bond, and his mortal bond requires him to find his own third life. "Hu Bayi understood immediately, and saw Hu Bayi pointing to the three coffins and saying: "In this case, it means that King Xian needs to find three corpses that meet the conditions, and place these three corpses in these three coffins respectively. Among them, these three corpses represent his entire life."

Seeing that Hu Bayi understood, Bai Jing also smiled. It was easy to explain to someone who understood.

But looking at Shirley Yang and Fatty, they both looked confused.

Bai Jing waved his hand and immediately continued to explain.

"If my prediction is correct, there should be four corpses in this complete tomb, and these four corpses are King Xian himself and King Xian's first three incarnations.

The three coffins in front of us contain the first three lives of King Xian, but if my expectations are correct, these three corpses should all be incomplete.

These three corpses were missing the skull, upper body and lower body respectively.

These three corpses respectively represented the three lives of King Xian. He combined the missing skull with the upper and lower bodies and buried them in another coffin.

In this case, plus the coffin of King Xian himself, there should be five coffins in the entire tomb, but there are only three coffins here. In this case, where should the remaining two coffins be? "

After listening to Bai Jing's words, the group fell into deep thought.

Then the fat man said directly: "Whether what Lao Bai said is right or not, won't we know if we open the coffin and take a look?"

After hearing this, several people nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, Bai Jing frowned, pointed behind a few people and said, "Why are there suddenly candles lit here?"

Hearing Bai Jing's words, several people were shocked, and then they all looked in the direction of Bai Jing's finger.

is not that right?

Behind a few people, at some point, a few weak candlelights started to light up.

It was discovered that there were three flames on the left and right sides of the coffin, and four flames in the direction facing the Sansei Bridge.

Upon seeing this, the four people in the group looked at each other, and then came to the left and right respectively. Then they discovered that the fires on the left and right were candles made of black-scaled sharks. Although the black-scaled sharks were very precious, they were also burning. So be it.

But as they walked towards the middle, they discovered that there were four child-like objects in the middle, with a conduit extending from their respective navels, and at the end of the conduit, there was also a light of fire.

When the fat man saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little scared, and then said nervously: "Look at how these little devils look like children."

Bai Jing looked at the fire on the navels of these children and said in a deep voice: "These are all immortal candles made by living people. These children filled their stomachs with oil, and then made it using secret methods, and it flowed out through their navels. Grease, from the looks of it, it must have been the oil that was poured into it while it was still alive.”

As soon as these words came out, the scene became solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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