Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 248 Hell and Heaven on Earth

Chapter 248 Hell and Heaven on Earth
With that said, Hu Bayi looked at Bai Jing.

He knew that Bai Jing's previous guess was correct.

The fat man didn't think too much. He stared at the coffin and said, "Why don't we open the coffin and take a look?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi also thought it would be better to verify it.

Immediately, several people began to make preparations for opening the coffin.

First, the fat man took out the candle, and then found the southeast corner of the tomb through Hu Bayi. After lighting the candle in the southeast corner, several people gathered next to the coffin.

Bai Jing was seen holding the Faqiu Seal in his hand, and then he started to mutter some words, and finally put the Faqiu Seal on all sides of the coffin.

After doing all this, a few people started taking action.

It can be seen that the fat man is very skilled in handling the sealing paint on the coffin with a dagger, and he seems to have grown into a skilled inversion craftsman.

Then, several people worked together to open the coffin lid.

The meaning of Bai Jing's words was already very clear.

His skull had his eyes gouged out, his upper body had his heart gouged out, and finally his lower body had his legs broken and his bones scraped.

Hu Bayi figured it out in an instant, and his head couldn't help but look upward, as if he wanted to see through the ceiling above.

The skull, upper body bones, and lower body bones of this corpse came from three people respectively.

Hu Bayi took out his dagger and tore off the clothes on the corpse one by one, completely exposing the entire skeleton to everyone.

In fact, as Bai Jing said, the corpses in the three coffins on the top represent the three lives of King Xian respectively, while the corpse below represents the torture of King Xian in the three hells in the world, and this pieced together skeleton, Also called shadow bone.

Bai Jing snapped his fingers when he heard this.

Bai Jing smiled when he heard this: "We named the level we were on before 'human world', and this level we named 'hell'. So, if King Xian wants to go to heaven and become an immortal, then Where will his bones be?"

Obviously, I admire Hu Bayi for being able to figure it out.

After looking at the bones, Hu Bayi pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that Lao Bai is right. This is a pieced-together skeleton that was used to sacrifice the king for punishment. The three parts of this corpse have experienced separate The three hells are used to show to heaven and earth that one has endured the three hells and can achieve enlightenment and become an immortal.

"Hell, the human world, heaven. It turns out to be like this. If I guessed correctly, there should be another tomb above the tomb just now, and besides King Xian, there should be two corpses there."

When the coffin was opened, several people looked inside the coffin. Sure enough, inside the coffin was a pieced together body.

When Hu Ba saw Bai Jing's look, he knew that Bai Jing had already noticed it, so he just smiled and shook his head.

King Xian's first three lives were buried in the 'human world', and the bones of the three lives were subjected to certain punishments for him, and the punishment was in 'hell', so the bones of King Xian must be above 'heaven'.

But, in this case, where should the real bones of King Xian be? "

And Shirley Yang also understood these things after some explanations from Bai Jing and Hu Bayi.

Immediately, several people all returned to the 'human world' again, and the next step was to find the entrance to 'heaven'.

Just listen to Hu Bayi say: "The ones below are the shadow bones, and the passage below is the gate of the earth. As the name suggests, it is the gateway to hell. Then, there must be a portal to heaven, which is the 'Tianmen'."

Bai Jing nodded, and then said: "Old Hu is right, and the entrance to the Tianmen must be in a straight line with the Earth Gate." As soon as he said this, several people shined their flashlights towards the ceiling of the human world. When I met, I saw an entrance above.

Bai Jing discovered the entrance as soon as he came in, so it was naturally easy to find it.

Then Bai Jing and the others pushed the bronze coffin and moved it under the Tianmen. In this way, it would be much easier to climb up.

Immediately, Bai Jing took the rope from Shirley Yang, stepped on the bronze coffin, and jumped directly to the entrance of the Tianmen.

After Bai Jing went up, he threw the rope down, and then Bai Hu and the others pulled him up one by one.

After everyone came up, everyone finally had time to take a good look at the space here.

This is obviously a tomb passage, and on both sides of the tomb passage, there are various sculptures.

After looking at it, the fat man couldn't help but ask: "Old Bai, Old Hu, do you think the tomb of King Xian is really here?"

Bai Jing nodded when he heard this and said: "I am certain that if my calculation is correct, King Xian's real coffin should be in a straight line with the coffin and bronze coffin in hell."

After saying that, Bai Jing looked at the defense line inside the tomb passage and said, "Let's walk about twenty meters ahead to reach the real tomb chamber of King Xian's tomb."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, several people naturally followed Bai Jing's pace and walked along the tomb passage to the inner route.

Walking in the tomb passage, Fatty couldn't help but climb on the sculptures along the way and look at them.

Bai Jing also noticed that the eyes of the sculptures along the way seemed to be made of some kind of gemstone.

As a result, the fat man reached the back and climbed directly onto the sculpture, trying to knock off the gems on the front of the sculpture.

Seeing this, Bai Jing pulled the fat man down speechlessly. This was really embarrassing. Fortunately, everyone present was his own.

After a while, Bai Jing and his party reached the end of the tomb passage. At the end of the tomb passage, there was a statue of a god, but when Bai Jing looked at the statue, he felt a little strange.

Bai Jing immediately noticed something was wrong. Looking at Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang next to him, they seemed to have suffered great pain, and their expressions became ferocious.

Only the fat man had been staring at the sculptures on both sides from a distance, and nothing had changed.

Seeing the looks of Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang, Bai Jing knew that they had been pulled into an illusion.

He immediately stopped hesitating and punched the statue directly.

The statue was instantly smashed to pieces by Bai Jing.

When he heard the noise caused by Bai Jing, Fatty was also startled. Knowing that something had happened, he hurried over and saw Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang half-kneeling on the ground, panting violently.

It seemed that the two of them had recovered.

The fat man rushed over and quickly asked what happened.

Seeing Shirley Yang breathing heavily, she pointed at the broken statue and said, "This statue can pull people into the illusion. It's terrible. Fortunately, Lao Bai is quick."

(End of this chapter)

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