Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 254 Meeting Zhang Yingchuan

Chapter 254 Meeting Zhang Yingchuan
Although the red spot curse on Hu Bayi and others had not been lifted during this period, Shirley Yang asked someone to test the Muchen Bead.

There are trace amounts of radioactive substances in the Muchen Beads, and they also contain huge amounts of energy, but the problem now is that they don't know how to use this energy.

Bai Jing, on the other hand, went to class as usual.

He hasn't taught much to the students at school in the past two years. It's hard to say that he has nothing to do during this period, so the school will naturally not let him go.

Especially since he was the first archaeologist to enter the Tomb of King Xian. Now, it is no exaggeration to say that the excavation of King Xian's Tomb is the biggest event for all archaeologists.

Therefore, Bai Jing has been explaining to students the anti-theft mechanisms in tombs these days.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang didn't do anything. They first found Blind Chen and asked about the hexagrams.

But to be honest, Blind Chen didn't do much research on this aspect. He just relied on the little things in his stomach to deceive people.

However, Blind Chen also found a direction for them. He said that there was a Baiyun Mountain on the edge of the capital. A Feng Shui master came and saw it very accurately. He asked Hu Bayi to go there and try his luck.

Hu Bayi told Bai Jing about this matter.

When they reached a roadside, Bai Jing and his party saw a group of people walking in a wasteland, talking something while walking.

Hearing this, Bai Jing shook his head, but did not speak.

"This life is unpredictable and disorderly. Some people are extremely rich, while others are impoverished, and some people have been reduced to... Oh, let's get back to the topic, look at the east, west, north, south, and then up and down Right and left, only the place where my toes are is a blessed place."

After hearing this, some people immediately looked like they were suddenly enlightened. Then they pointed at the feet of the so-called Ma Zhenren and said: "Oh, this is the place. Draw a circle quickly."

Bai Jing knew immediately upon hearing this that this so-called Feng Shui master was probably a liar.

Suburbs of Beijing, Baiyun Mountain.

This place is about 40 kilometers away from the center of Beijing.

Immediately, the three of them went directly to Da Jinya to borrow his van without any further delay, and drove off.

It was almost afternoon when Bai Jing and his party arrived.

The fat man had been walking for a long time and finally saw a group of people. He said excitedly: "Do you think Mr. Chen is talking about these people?"

However, since the so-called Master Ma is still regarded as a semi-immortal by the locals, it is certain that Zhang Yingchuan has not arrived yet.

But Bai Jing thought that this time he might have a chance to meet Zhang Yingchuan, a direct descendant of Zhang Sanlianzi, so he agreed.

"Master Ma, what kind of place is this toe place?"

Bai Jing and the others did not get too close, but listened to one of these people talking about his ideas from a distance.

Hearing Peng Na's words, Master Ma smiled slightly and said calmly: "This is where my toes stand now."

As soon as this person finished speaking, someone immediately started to praise him.

Then, I heard the so-called Master Ma say: "I can guarantee that as long as a school is built here, there will be many champions in the future."

After saying this, Master Ma burst out laughing.

The group of people following Ma Zhenren also started to applaud at this moment.

After listening to Master Ma's words and looking at the surrounding villagers, Bai Jing also shook his head in amusement. It’s really easy to cheat these days.

But that's right, this industry has been hidden for decades, and now it suddenly appears. Many people have never seen it before, so it's easy to be fooled.

Besides, the methods of deception are changing rapidly. Even thirty or forty years from now, a lot of people will still be deceived.

In fact, even many highly educated people have been deceived.

This kind of thing is mainly related to knowledge and psychology.

And Mr. Ma over there was polite to the villagers again.

But at this moment, Bai Jing raised his brows and noticed someone approaching, so he looked in the direction of the movement.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Jing saw a young man who looked to be in his thirties passing by.

Then the young man seemed to have heard Marshal Ma's words, stopped, and then walked towards this side.

Immediately afterwards, I saw this young man squatting down, looking at the crowd in the distance and shouting: "Everyone, are you going to build a house here?"

Hearing this man's words, not only the villagers, but also Hu Bayi and Fatty's eyes were attracted.

Without noticing the attention of everyone, the young man followed up and said: "There are many termites in this mountain. If we want to build a mansion here, I'm afraid there will be an accident, and our lives may be hurt."

As soon as these words came out, even Marshal Ma, who had his back to the young man, turned around and looked at the visitor.

Bai Jing knew that this was Zhang Yingchuan.

When Ma Zhenren turned around, he saw Bai Jing and the other three drinking from Zhang Yingchuan who was squatting on the other side. For a moment, he didn't know which person was speaking.

Immediately, Master Ma looked at the more crowded Bai Jing and the other three and asked, "Who was speaking just now?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing and the other three suddenly looked at Zhang Yingchuan.

And Master Ma also knew that the person who spoke just now was the squatting Zhang Yingchuan.

Ma Zhenren looked at Zhang Yingchuan and said: "Young man, I think you are a bit unfamiliar? And the accent doesn't sound like a local, right? How dare you conclude that there are termites here?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yingchuan just smiled and said, "It's just a humble opinion. If you don't believe it, that's all."

After saying this, Zhang Yingchuan stood up and looked like he was about to leave.

But Master Ma was a bit unreasonable. Seeing Zhang Yingchuan like this, he thought that Zhang Yingchuan felt wronged, so he took the opportunity to consolidate what he just said, so he said: "Oh, what is it really like? Reasonable and preaching, why did he choose to run away?”

Afterwards, Ma Zhenren smiled contemptuously, and then turned around, as if he had won a great victory.

Then I saw Ma Zhenren saying to the villagers: "Nowadays, there are some young people who have just learned some tricks of the rivers and lakes, but they dare to come out to engage in deception and abduction. In the end, they are just for food and drink. Such people."

However, before Master Ma finished speaking, Zhang Yingchuan seemed to be aroused and walked towards Master Ma's position.

Without waiting for Master Ma to finish his words, he interrupted him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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