Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 278 The 9th floor of the 9-story demon tower

In the first year of junior high school, he was already determined to die, but he didn't expect that at the last moment, the white-haired wolf king would be nailed to the ground by a knife that spanned a space of more than ten meters.

On the first day of Chuyi, he turned to look at Bai Jing, and saw that Bai Jing withdrew his hand with a nonchalant expression.

The originally horrified looks in other people's eyes had not even come to their senses yet.

Everything happens in a flash of lightning.

After coming back to their senses, everyone looked at Bai Jing in shock.

Bai Jing said very calmly: "Okay, I'm going back to sleep. Remember to bring my knife back."

After saying that, Bai Jing went directly down the snow wall, and then entered the tent. Not long after, the sound of snoring could be heard in the tent.

Everyone else was looking at each other in confusion at this moment.

Just listen to the fat man saying proudly: "Hey, did you see it? The most critical moment is our old man, hahaha."

After that, he was ready to go back to sleep.

But at this moment, Hu Bayi said: "Fat man, what are you doing? It's time for us to keep vigil."

The fat man looked embarrassed when he heard this, and then he could only return to the snow wall again.

Others couldn't help but laugh when they saw this.

After a while, Chu Yi returned to the snow wall, holding Bai Jing's knife in his hand. Just as he was about to go to Bai Jing to express his gratitude, Hu Bayi stopped him and explained the situation.

And Bai Jing was in a hurry to go back to sleep because he didn't want to face such a scene.

Early the next morning, after everyone got up, they simply made some food and then started working again.

After weighing the pros and cons, those present found that there was really no other way besides smashing the crystals on the ground.

However, you don't need to think about it to know that this crystal plate must be very precious, but there is nothing you can do about it. Finally, Bai Jing came up with a way to knock it slowly from the side, and then built a shelf with wood on top.

Finally, after spending a whole morning, Bai Jing finally removed the crystal plate completely along the edge.

However, Bai Jing also knew that if he wanted to take this thing away, just relying on the people present would be a complete fantasy, but there would always be a chance to come over again in the future, and he could take it away when the time comes.

After the crystal plate is completely removed, the next layer is exposed.

Bai Jing took a look and found that the next floor was not as good as the first floor. There was still a crystal plate on the first floor, but there was nothing on the next floor.

I don’t know what this nine-story demon building was built for. Nothing is placed in it. What role does it play?
Immediately everyone continued to dig deeper.

Fortunately, this layer was made of a mixture of soil and wood. After spending some time, everyone was able to create a passage that was large enough for one person to pass through.

This third floor is a little better than the second floor. At least it is surrounded by some cloth. It seems that this should be some customs of the Demon Kingdom.

Everyone didn't stop for long and continued digging down. The lower layers were all made of floors mixed with wood and soil.

The fourth floor is some sculptures, the fifth floor is another curtain made of cloth, then the sixth floor is still sculptures, the seventh floor is still cloth, and the eighth floor is sculptures again.

Seeing this scene, Fatty couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "Old Bai, Old Hu, we have reached the eighth floor now, why is there still nothing?"

Shirley Yang looked at it, shook her head and said, "It seems that we can't find the answer until we reach the bottom level." The fat man clicked his tongue when he heard this, and then said, "Let me tell you. , let’s stop looking for it, I think the ghost mother in this demon country probably doesn’t have as much money as we do, she’s just a pauper.”

Bai Jing was also a little funny after hearing what the fat man said.

Then he said: "According to legend, there is Naiqiong Shenbing on the top of the dragon. We have now descended to the eighth level, but we have not seen Naiqiong Shenbing yet. Come to think of it, whether it is the body of the first generation ghost mother, It’s still the Dap ghost bug, it’s already on the ninth floor.”

After hearing what Bai Jing said, the others looked at each other with worried expressions.

Seeing the worries of several people, Bai Jing immediately comforted them: "Don't worry, I'll go down to explore the way first, and you can go down again after I'm sure there's no danger."

At this time, Lei Xianming also came down, followed closely by Peter Huang, Han Shuna, and Axiang.

Seeing this, Bai Jing thought for a moment and said, "We don't know when we will go out yet. Let's just let everyone come down. No matter what, it is always much warmer down here than up above."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, everyone else nodded in agreement.

Immediately, after a while, everyone else arrived on the eighth floor.

Then Bai Jing told everyone about the demon mother and the Dapu ghost insect, and everyone was stunned.

After listening to Bai Jing's words, Ake also said: "I know about the Dapu Ghost Insect. Among the records about the Demon Kingdom, there are records about the Dapu Ghost Insect, saying that it is the patron saint of the Demon Kingdom."

After hearing this, Bai Jing, Hu Bayi and others told everyone about the Dapu ghost insect they had encountered before, and finally told everyone not to take it lightly.

In the end, after Bai Jing, Fatty, Hu Bayi, and Shirley Yang looked at each other, they started to dig out a hole in the ground that was large enough for one person to pass through.

After doing this, Bai Jing lowered himself down with a rope.

In fact, looking down from the dug hole, everyone saw the crystal corpse of the first-generation ghost mother below.

After Bai Jing came down, he first looked at the crystal coffin in the middle and the crystal corpse inside.

Bai Jing knew that inside the crystal coffin was the crystal corpse of the first-generation ghost mother.

Don't think that the first generation ghost mother turned into crystal is too bizarre.

For people like Bai Jing and others who have seen big scenes, the ancient gods have seen corpses turned into crystal, let alone small crystal corpses.

Bai Jing looked at it and noticed that there were some marks on the lid of the crystal coffin. It was obvious that someone had opened the crystal coffin before Bai Jing and others came here.

Regarding this matter, Bai Jing knew what was going on.

Immediately, Bai Jing looked at a place next to him, and sure enough, he found a place on the wall that was different from other places.

Bai Jing knew that this was an unknown number of years ago when people from the Reincarnation Sect came to the nine-story demon building of the Ghost Mother and took away the eyes of the first-generation Ghost Mother.

However, although the eyes of the first-generation ghost mother are also very powerful, without the Muchen Bead, there is no way to sacrifice to the snake god.

In the end, the people of the Samsara Sect could only seal the eyes of the first-generation ghost mother, and set up a mechanism that could only be opened by carrying the Muchen Bead.

Until Bai Jing and others arrived. (End of chapter)

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