Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 281 Speculations on Causes and Consequences

When everyone thought about it, they immediately thought that what the people of the Reincarnation Sect took away were the eyes of the first-generation ghost mother.

Immediately, everyone continued to search around, trying to see if there were any other clues.

At this moment, Bai Jing saw something and said, "Come and see."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, everyone followed the direction of Bai Jing's finger and looked towards the top, and sure enough they found that there was a painting on the top.

The fat man looked at the woman in this painting, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar she seemed.

The woman had one hand across her chest and covered her eyes with the other.

Seeing this image, the fat man couldn't help but think of something, and then said to Bai Jing and Hu Bayi: "Why do you think this woman covers her eyes? Alas, Lao Bai, Lao Hu, do you think this person looks like Jing Jue?" Where is the Queen? But how could Queen Jingjue be painted here?”

After hearing this, Bai Jing said: "Do you still remember what I said? Queen Jingjue may be the last generation of ghost mothers in the Demon Kingdom, and as a ghost mother, there must be similarities. I think, eyes, That’s what all ghost mothers are similar to.”

After listening to Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi also nodded and said: "No wonder our curse in Jingjue Ancient City needs to be lifted here."

Ake looked at the mural on the ceiling and hesitated for a moment before saying, "The main city of the Demon Kingdom is Evil Luo Hai City. I think the one on this mural should be Evil Luo Hai City."

Hearing this, Hu Bayi couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "Evil Luohai City? If this is the Evil Luohai City, then why are there two opposite sides? What does this mean?"

Bai Jing immediately said: "Mirror image!"

As soon as these words came out, several people looked at Bai Jing, and Bai Jing immediately said: "After I went back, I carefully studied the information about the Demon Kingdom. There is a very unclear content in the record, which is called 'Xing Xing'. At first I didn't understand what this meant.

But when I saw this mural, I roughly figured out that what this mural was talking about should be the so-called "transformation" ability, that is, this ability created a mirror image of Evil Luo Hai City. . "

After saying this, Bai Jing thought for a moment and added: "Of course, this is just a guess on my part. What exactly is this so-called 'transformation' ability is not easy to say, but combined with this mural According to the content above, I definitely think this is the most likely possibility.”

After listening to Bai Jing's words, everyone else nodded in understanding.

Then I heard Ake say: "I also agree with this possibility. Regarding the illusion of realm that Brother Bai just mentioned, I know that it is recorded in an epic poem about King Gesa.

Legend has it that the eyes of the ghost mother have the ability to transform into realms, and all human beings will become sacrifices to the demon kingdom once they enter the realm of realm transformation.

The legendary Evil Luohai City has been destroyed by King Gesar and Master Padmasambhava. In this case, the effect of this illusion should be to summon the destroyed Evil Luohai City into the human world again. "

Hearing Ake's words, Hu Bayi and others looked at each other, and then all looked at Bai Jing.

Bai Jing knew all the causes and consequences, but how could he explain this kind of thing clearly? He had to pretend to think about it for a while, then looked at Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang and Fatty and said: "Suppose the transformation of the realm that Ake said is true. Things that have disappeared can be summoned again.

I think we should have seen the so-called 'transformation of the realm'. "As soon as these words came out, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang looked at each other, looked at Bai Jing with firm eyes and said, "It's a ghost cave. "

Bai Jing also nodded with a serious expression, and then said: "Lao Hu and Chief of Staff Yang are right, it is a ghost cave, and everyone who has been to the ghost cave has been planted with a curse mark.

Think about it, all people who bear the curse mark will become short-lived, and will be passed on to future generations through blood. In this case, don’t you think that the people who are engraved with the curse mark are sacrifices to some existence? ? "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Yes, if a sacrifice is offered to any existence, as a sacrifice, it will be marked with a curse, which is the eyeball mark.

Then doesn’t everything make sense?

Obviously, this demonic kingdom came all the way from Zagrama Mountain to Kunlun Mountain with the Muchen Bead, not for any other reason, but because Kunlun Mountain is the most suitable place to sacrifice to that unknown existence. use.

This time, everything is connected.

Hu Bayi was startled, then looked at Bai Jing and said, "Old Bai, when we were in the ghost cave before, the thing we saw trying to come out must be that unknown existence, right?"

Bai Jing nodded and said: "It should be right. Judging from the status of snakes in both the Jingjue Kingdom and the Demon Kingdom, that unknown existence is probably a god-like being with abilities that far exceed those of humans. exist.

Let us give this extraordinary existence a name and call him 'Snake God'. "

Shirley Yang thought about it for a while, then combined it with what he had said from Bai Jing before, and tied everything together.

Immediately afterwards, Shirley Yang was seen thinking and said: "Combining our experience and what Lao Bai provided, connecting everything together is the context of the matter."

The fat man was going crazy with curiosity at this moment, and immediately asked: "What's the context? Chief of Staff Yang, please tell me quickly, but I'm so worried."

Then he saw Shirley Yang and said: "I don't know how many years ago, the snake god was the snake god. For unknown reasons, the snake god came to Zagrama Mountain.

From what we see of his body, which is only a skeleton, his body begins to decay, leaving only his soul in an immortal state.

But obviously, the snake god was unwilling to continue like this, and then hid his body in the imaginary space, which was the bottomless ghost cave we had seen before in Jingjue Ancient City.

Then after an unknown number of years, the first batch of humans arrived in Zagrama Mountain. After arriving at the Ghost Cave, these humans signed a contract with the Snake God. They had to sacrifice to the Snake God, and the Snake God gave them power. .

Through instructions, these people traveled thousands of miles across countless distances, finally stopped here, and established the Demon Kingdom. And because of the sacrifices of people from the Demon Kingdom, the first-generation ghost mother gained powerful power, which is the demon pupil.

As time goes by, I don’t know how long it has passed, because of the cruel rule of the Demon Kingdom, King Gesar and Master Padmasambhava were finally provoked! "(End of chapter)

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