Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 344 Sun Xuewu, Sun Yaozu, Feng Xuewu

As soon as he said this, Sun Xuewu's face darkened. He knew that Bai Jing knew his identity.

When Hu Bayi and the others heard Bai Jing's words, they looked at Sun Xuewu with some surprise.

The fat man reacted at this time.

"Feng Xuewen, Sun Xuewu?"

Then the fat man looked at Sun Xuewu and continued: "Captain Feng said that his family adopted his younger brother to a family named Sun when he was a child. In this case, Sun Xuewu, Feng Xuewu, Feng Xuewen."

At this moment, the fat man was also silent.

Sun Xuewu was also a little numb. What was going on? He had just arrived at Wu Gorge and he was exposed. What should he do next?

At this moment, Sun Xuewu felt a little messy in the wind.

Then the smile on Bai Jing's face disappeared, he stared at Sun Xuewu and asked: "Professor Sun, can you explain what is going on?"

Sun Xuewu opened his mouth, and finally it turned into a sigh.

This Guanshan Zhimi Fu tells how to find the ancient tomb of Dixian Village.

The two brothers were six years apart in age. After their father died, they no longer had any relatives, so they lived in this world relying on each other.

Finally, he entrusted this matter to his two sons. If the descendants of the Feng family did not get rid of the "Corpse Immortal", they would not collect his bones and bury him. He would expose his body here and watch with his own eyes when someone found the "Di Xian Village". "Ancient Tomb" entrance, get rid of the "Corpse Immortal".

During the Republic of China, Feng Sibei, a descendant of Feng Shiqi, read a lot of Taoism throughout his life, and finally became a Taoist priest in Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan in his middle age. However, he still remembered his ancestor's teachings and repeatedly tried to enter the earthly immortal world through the Coffin Gorge. Village, but still can't get into it.

As for Sun Xuewu, after Feng Sibei's death, Feng Xuewen was not very young at the time and could not afford to make a living with a young brother, so he was adopted by a family surnamed Sun.

Feng Shiqi passed down this secret message so that the descendants of the Feng family could use it to find the Dixian Village. If they found out that Feng Shigu had really become a corpse immortal, they would have to find a way to get rid of the corpse immortal.

It's just that after Professor Sun was adopted into the old Sun family, his first and last names were changed to "Sun Yaozu". At this time, the Sun family wanted him to honor his ancestors, but Professor Sun hated this name from the bottom of his heart.

This "Feng Sibei" gave birth to two sons. According to the order of "thinking, learning, speaking, and Tao" in the "Family Tree", both sons are of the "Xue" generation, and one is named "Feng". "Xuewen", the other is "Fengxuewu".

As mentioned earlier, after Feng Shiqi led his tribe into the ancient tomb of Dixian Village, he also received the God of Guanshan Zhimi, which was the code word that Sun Xuewu read before.

Otherwise, although the "Coffin Gorge" is remote and secretive, people will have to dig it out from the mountains sooner or later. By then, if there is really any "corpse fairy" in the tomb, it will definitely come into the world to harm others, causing trouble in the future. It can be said to be endless.

However, Sun Xuewu saw that he could no longer hide it, so he started to talk about it from the beginning.

Feng Xuewen was the leader of the regiment. After that, he followed Chen Xiazi into Changsheng Mountain and joined the Xiling group of bandits. Later, he followed Lao Yangpi and Yang Erdan into Ni'erhui. Later, he was dissatisfied with Yang Erdan's surrender to the Japanese and escaped to join the army. , and finally became the group leader.

This may be because as a member of the Guanshan Taibao family, he has a strong sense of family. After realizing that he is the eldest ancestor, how can he be willing to give the surname Sun Guangzong to Yaozu?
It was not until the landowners and his wife of the old Sun family died that he often called himself Sun, Xuewu, and Yaozu.

However, it was not convenient to change the household registration status at that time, and the household registration was still as Sun Yaozu. Only people who were familiar with him respected his habits and addressed him as Sun Xuewu, and he would use this name in all private occasions.

But today, Bai Jing suddenly exposed all the secrets that he had hidden for decades. This left Sun Xuewu to tell the truth.

After listening to Sun Xuewu's story, Hu Bayi and others also understood that it was because Sun Xuewu knew the abilities of Bai Jing and others that he planned to trick Bai Jing and others into finding and entering the ancient tomb of Dixian Village, and would become the Corpse Immortal. Feng Shigu was eradicated.

In his opinion, this is the most likely time in thousands of years.

After all, he has been paying attention to Bai Jing for a long time, and he knows that there is no tomb that Bai Jing cannot enter, and there is no tomb that Bai Jing cannot get out of.

Coupled with the assistance of Hu Bayi and others, he believed that Bai Jing and others would definitely succeed.

After Bai Jing listened to Professor Sun's words, he did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at Hu Bayi and others, wanting to see what they meant.

Hu Bayi and others were also looking at Bai Jing at this moment, wanting to hear Bai Jing's opinion.

Seeing this, Bai Jing pondered for a moment and said: "We must go to Dixian Village. Even if there is no Corpse Pill in it, as Professor Sun said just now, no matter how deep Dixian Village is hidden, it will one day see the sky. Japanese.

If Feng Shigu really becomes an Earth Immortal, then once he is born, he will definitely cause devastation to all living beings. Therefore, even if it is just to go in and eradicate the Corpse Immortal, we must enter the Earth Immortal Village. "

After listening to Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi and others also nodded with heavy faces.

Yes, if I don’t go to hell, who will.

Soon, the thoughts were unified. Dixian Village must be entered, and it would be impossible not to enter.

Think about it, one day, when you were traveling in the mountains, eating hot pot and singing songs, the Corpse Fairy came.

Therefore, a day without corpse immortals is a good day.

Now that we have unified our thoughts, we are ready to go.

Wushan County is located in the Wu Gorge section of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. The surging Yangtze River is swallowing up the mountains, opening up the mountains and heading east. This section of the gorge is divided into three parts: Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge, and Xiling Gorge. The gorges are connected by wide valleys, with a total length of nearly two hundred kilometers.

Among them, Qutang Gorge is famous for its majesty and steepness, while Xiling Gorge has many beaches and fast water.

The origin of the names can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, just like place names such as Ruanling and Wuling. It is certain that they were named after ancient tombs or hanging coffins.

But obviously, the ruins of Qiulong Mausoleum can no longer be found, and no one can tell clearly which ancient people are buried in these places named "Mausoleum".

But one thing is certain, there are countless ancient tombs in Shu, and it is not easy to find Dixian Village among these countless ancient tombs.

However, now, with Bai Jing here, and with the help of the Guixu Mirror and the Four Talismans, all this will be easily solved.

Immediately, Bai Jing took out the Guixu hexagram mirror, placed the four bronze talismans behind the hexagram mirror, lit the shark oil candle, and began this divination.

By interpreting this content, Bai Jing finally confirmed the location of Dixian Village. (End of chapter)

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