Chapter 202 Engagement! Fiancée's backstab!
"Mr. Jiang, the eldest lady wants to see you."

A servant of the Qi family walked into the backyard and bowed to Jiang Che.

"Please come in, Miss."

Jiang Che's eyes moved slightly. He had just returned from Qi Zhengnan less than an hour ago. He didn't expect that the other party was so fast and had already prepared everything.

Immediately I felt happy.

As soon as the Earth Spirit Spirit Serum and the Millennium Jade Bone Ginseng arrived, Jiang Che only needed some Yuan Crystals and the Millennium Yin Shenhua to be able to break through the realm of Xuandan at any time and achieve the position of Grand Master.

The Qi family has indeed come to the right place.

And the Yin Shenhua has also been revealed, and as expected, it is in the mysterious realm of Xuanling.

A moment later, Qi Wanjun walked into the small courtyard, and her outfit made Jiang Che's eyes go straight because this time she was not wearing the light green black armor from last time.

Instead, she is wearing a light pink palace dress, wrapped around her soft waist, and covered with a layer of plain white gauze. Her beautiful collarbone is vaguely visible at her graceful neck, and her figure is even more superb, with a slim waist and plump hips, and a chest bulging
Her long hair was tied up with simple hairpins, leaving only two strands hanging down on her chest.

Her eyes are like stars, her nose is high, her facial features are extremely well-proportioned, and her beautiful lips are shining with a little luster.

She doesn't look like a strong general's tiger girl at all, but a real lady.

"Miss Qi."

Jiang Che calmed down and stood up to greet him.

Qi Wanjun nodded slightly, said hello, and sat opposite Jiang Che, with a slight blush on her cheeks. She was a little embarrassed. Originally, she would not dress up like this.

She even said that she had never worn a skirt since she decided to enter martial arts.

But before arriving, Ning Bing dressed up for her forcefully, saying that she was the one pretending last time, which definitely left an impression on Jiang Che. This time, it was the first time they met.

Jiang Che must be stunned, otherwise, wouldn't it mean that the Qi family's reputation as a double-dainty person has been ruined?

Unable to defeat her sister, Qi Wanjun had no choice but to let it go, but she was somewhat embarrassed, especially when she saw Jiang Che staring at her with a burning gaze just now, she felt even more ashamed.

"Last time, the girl said she was waiting for me to marry you. Now I'm here, and the engagement date is in seven days." Jiang Che quickly opened the topic and brought up the situation when we first met last time.

At this time, he had not noticed the slight difference between Qi Wanjun and Qi Ningbing. Of course, the main reason was that he had never seen Qi Ningbing.

Nor would he have thought that the last time they met was my sister-in-law disguised as Qi Wanjun.


Qi Wanjun nodded, but didn't say much because she really didn't know what to say, even though her sister had told her everything that happened that day after she came back last time.

But following the topic of that day, I always felt a little awkward, so I immediately placed the jade box I brought on the stone table.

"This is the Diyuan Spiritual Serum and Millennium Jade Bone Ginseng you want."

Qi Wanjun's voice was very calm, but not stiff, and had a gentle and calm feeling.

"Thank you girl."

"Just call me Wanjun."


Jiang Che nodded.

"I heard that you have other women in Tai'an Mansion, right?" Qi Wanjun said, still staring at Jiang Che, as if preparing to see his reaction.


Jiang Che had no intention of hiding it and admitted it directly.

This kind of thing must not be hidden from the Qi family, so it would be better to admit it openly.

"Do you know what I want from my future husband is to love only one person?"

"After we get married, I will love you, but I can't guarantee that I will only love you."

Jiang Che said in a deep voice.

"Aren't you afraid that I will be unhappy if you say something like this before we are engaged?"

"Afraid, but I want to tell you what I really mean."

Qi Wanjun lowered his head, looked at the jade box in his hand, and took a deep breath:

"After we get married, I don't want you to continue to be a prostitute. As for the past, I don't care."

"it is good."

Jiang Che simply nodded in shock.

Qi Wanjun stared at Jiang Che for a moment, then the corners of her mouth curved:
"I will go with you when you visit the Xuanling Secret Realm."

"Uncle's arrangement?"

Qi Wanjun shook his head: "If it weren't for the Xuanling Secret Realm, I would actually be able to form the elixir half a year ago, but I have been suppressing my cultivation. When the secret realm comes, I will break through.

When the time comes, don't feel too much pressure. "

"How could it be? The stronger you are, the more at ease I feel."

Jiang Che would not disdain his future wife's high cultivation level. On the contrary, with his breakthrough speed, he was afraid that his future wife would not be able to keep up with his own cultivation speed. He wished that Qi Wanjun's cultivation level was higher.

If Qi Wanjun could have the strength to reach heaven and earth, he wouldn't mind being the tiger of the Qi family for once.

"That's good"

Qi Wanjun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want Jiang Che to bear great pressure because of her breakthrough. She knew that some men's thoughts were stronger than their wives'.

In this way, I can determine my status in the family, and I just said these words.

"Can you tell me about your past?"

"A little boring."

"I want to hear it." Qi Wanjun stared at Jiang Che with firm eyes.

"I was born in a remote small county in Yuezhou. My ancestors were killed by others, which led to the decline of my family. I could only make a living by fishing. Later," Jiang Che briefly told his past.

Although it was boring, Qi Wanjun was obviously very patient and had been listening quietly.

"Later on, I encountered some opportunities and fell in the eyes of Captain Qi. He promoted me to the position of sixth-grade captain. Then I was valued by the Qi family and prepared for marriage."

"Do you want to hear about my past?"

"Appreciate further details!"


Qi Wanjun briefly told her own situation. Her mother died when she was young, and she was raised by her father and the family. Because she was used to seeing many sisters in the family marrying each other, she felt a little rebellious.

After that, she practiced hard, and even went to the border in anger to fight the barbarians. Unfortunately, the Qi family later became worried about her safety, so she only stayed for a few months before being transferred back to the rear.

It was boring, but not boring. At least Jiang Che listened with gusto.

This is the second woman to analyze her past to him. The first one was Huang Shanshan, but their situations were different. Huang Shanshan only spoke emotionally after experiencing it for a long time and she was completely smitten with her.

However, Qi Wanjun told him some of her own circumstances after signing the engagement.

"Your experience is quite legendary. I'm afraid there were many people at the border who were looking forward to your departure."

"Maybe." After saying this, the two looked at each other speechlessly, their eyes subconsciously focused on each other, and the first to look away was Qi Wanjun, who had always been strong, because Jiang Che's eyes were too aggressive. .

"It's getting late, I'll go back first."

Qi Wanjun calmed down and stood up to say goodbye.

"I send you."

"I heard from father that you need Yin Shenhua very much?"

After walking a few steps, Qi Wanjun suddenly stopped and looked back at Jiang Che.

"It's related to practice. It's really needed. However, there are already clues about this matter. I'm going to get it from the Xuanling Secret Realm." Jiang Che replied.


Qi Wanjun nodded, turned and left.

Standing in front of the hospital, Jiang Che watched the other party's figure gradually disappear, and suddenly chuckled.

This woman is really not as tough as the rumors say. Although she doesn't talk much, she still feels very gentle. It would be nice to have her as a wife.

Time passed slowly, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Che, on the other hand, has been practicing in the small courtyard and has never gone out. Although his cultivation has reached its peak, it does not mean that he does not need to practice.

The pill formation was about to begin, and he had to be prepared. Although there was a sacrificial monument that could be formed in an instant, he still asked Qi Shaoyan for a lot of experience in forming pills.

During this process, my uncle even gave Jiang Che the body skills he practiced and asked him to practice well.

The name of the method itself is Nine Steps to the Sky. It is not only a body method, but also a fighting method. If he can practice it, it will be of great benefit to him, and he can practice it even in the realm of gods.

It is the top body technique practiced by the main sect of the Qi family.

However, although the technique is good, it is also difficult to practice. Jiang Che studied it for several days but couldn't find it. It was under Qi Shaoyan's guidance that he found some tips to practice.

Jiang Che still felt a little regretful. If he could sacrifice, his strength would increase again.

In the process, the engagement day also quietly arrived.

The previous process had been completed very quickly, and all that was left was to issue the betrothal gift and send the engagement certificate to each other. As the 'elder', Qi Sanjia took care of everything for him.

All the things used were from the Qi family, so it was just a formality.

On this day, the Qi family was also very lively. Although Qi Zhengnan said that he would not make a big deal, as a thousand-year-old family, some things still need some pomp and ceremony, no matter how simple they are.

Many children and in-laws of the Qi family arrived at the scene.

Many people were whispering to Jiang Che, discussing who he was and why he was suddenly getting married to Qi Wanjun, the eldest daughter of the Qi family. How come there had never been any rumors before?
Is there something wrong with it?
But soon, with the explanations from some people in the Qi family, those people lost their initial doubts and confusion, judging from the qualifications and potential Jiang Che had shown.

This marriage is well worth it.

The most jealous among them was Wei Junjie. He didn't expect that he would have to go through a long process for the two people who came together to get married, but Jiang Che would be able to have everything taken care of by the Qi family.

The engagement was concluded very quickly.

what does this mean?
This means that the Qi family may be afraid that Jiang Che will run away, and will not leave any chance to other aristocratic families, and will directly finish the matter within the Qi family. As long as the marriage contract is certain, Jiang Che will be the Qi family's prospective son-in-law.

Wei Junjie's expression changed with jealousy.

"Sir, the Wei family is an aristocratic family. It requires a lot of etiquette, and getting engaged is not easy. But after all, Jiang Che comes from a rough background, so you don't need to care too much about these things." Wei Qing comforted Wei Junjie.

And these words also gave Wei Junjie a little comfort in his heart.

Yes, how could Jiang Che compare with him?
He is the young master of the Wei family, and Qi Ningbing is the second young lady of the Qi family. The marriage between two aristocratic families requires pomp and ceremony, and the ceremony must not be held hastily.

At noon, Jiang Che walked into the Qi family's ancestral hall wearing a black robe and a jade belt hanging from his waist. This outfit was also prepared for him by the Qi family.

Again, Jiang Che only needs to come up with someone, and there is no need to prepare for the rest.

Witnessed by all the elders of the Qi family, Qi Wanjun, who was dressed in a light red dress and stood out among the crowd, also walked up to Jiang Che. The two looked at each other and then quickly moved away.

Under the guidance of Qi Sanjia, the two first offered a few sticks of incense to the deceased ancestors of the Qi family in the ancestral hall of the Qi family, and then served tea to some elders of the Qi family one by one.

"From now on, you must treat Wanjun well."

An elder from the Qi family encouraged him after drinking the tea.

"Yes, the younger generation will definitely remember the words of the clan elders."

Jiang Che nodded sincerely, feeling a little regretful in his heart. If he got married, none of the clan elders would be able to escape, and they would all have to give him wedding gifts. Unlike now, they just give him a few words of encouragement.

Of course, Jiang Che was just thinking about it. He had already taken advantage of it, and it would be too much if he was still not satisfied.

After serving tea one by one, it was soon the turn of the eldest elder of the Qi family.

"Great Elder, please drink tea."

"Young and handsome man, talented man and beautiful woman, not bad. When you get married, I will prepare a big gift for you." The great elder said with a smile, but there was still some regret in his eyes.

It's a pity that his granddaughter doesn't live up to expectations, otherwise, such a good grandson-in-law would be his.

"Thank you, Great Elder."

Qi Wanjun bowed.

Finally, we talked about the rightful owner Qi Zhengnan. As a father and father-in-law, Qi Zhengnan didn't say much, just like before. He gave up after a few words of encouragement.

"Exchange marriage certificates!"

After the tea ceremony, an old man from the Qi family sang loudly.

As the representative of Jiang Che's side, Qi Sanjia exchanged a gilded marriage certificate with another elder of the Qi family. The next time the marriage certificate is used, it will have to wait until the wedding day.

When the ceremony reaches this point, it is equivalent to the end of most of it.

As soon as the marriage contract was signed, Qi Wanjun became Jiang Che's fiancée with the words of a matchmaker. Although the etiquette of this world is very different from his original world, the meaning is the same.

It was the first time he had experienced in his two lives, and he was somewhat excited.

The final process is to exchange tokens of love.

Originally this thing was also prepared by the Qi family, but Jiang Che vetoed it. After all, it was an important matter of engagement, and it had to be taken seriously. It was impossible for the Qi family to prepare everything.

The thing he took out was the set of high-grade spiritual weapons that he had previously seized from Yaowang Valley, the Juehun Needle. In terms of value, it was almost equivalent to a top-grade spiritual weapon.

It is also the thing he can use best besides the Ten Thousand Tribulations Demonic Sword.

Even in the Qi family, it is not an ordinary thing.

After all, complete sets of spiritual weapons like this are very rare in the world.

After Jiang Che took out the spiritual weapon, some elders of the Qi family also nodded with satisfaction. Judging from Jiang Che's family background, such a token of love is not bad.

After someone from the Qi family received the Soul-Destroying Needle, Qi Wanjun also took out his own love token.

It is a jade box one foot square.

When the jade box was opened, Qi Zhengnan's face turned dark immediately.

She's not married yet, so her elbows are turned outward like this?
When Jiang Che saw the contents of the jade box, his eyes lit up.


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(End of this chapter)

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