Chapter 208 Hunting time! Grandmaster shows off his power!

The reason why Lin Zheng breathed a sigh of relief was because he didn't have time to spend with Jiang Che here.

Although his method of gathering breath is very clever, he cannot move at all, let alone run. If there is any accident, he will face a life-or-death crisis at any time.

You must keep your mind tight at all times.

Facing a Xuan Dan Grandmaster, even a Grand Master who was new to Xuan Dan, he had no ability to resist at all. Once he was caught, he would only die.

Does Lin Zheng want to die?
Of course not!

Who would want to die?
He still has a bright young future. As long as nothing unexpected happens in the future, he will gradually become the elder of the Lin family and control great power. If he dies, everything will be lost.

But just when Lin Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and was about to stay for a while and then escape immediately, a whisper suddenly sounded in his ears.

"How's the view?"


For a moment, Lin Zheng was like a frightened rabbit, his pupils shrank instantly, and his whole body seemed as if he had suddenly fallen into an ice cellar from a hot summer day.


There was only one thought in his mind at the moment.

Looking back slowly, he saw a figure looking at him with a chuckle.

Lin Zheng swallowed, and then quickly squeezed out a smile on his face:
"I would like to congratulate Brother Jiang on forming the Xuan Dan and achieving the position of Grand Master."

"I recognize you, from the Lin family, right?"

Lin Zheng: "."

"Brother Jiang, although my surname is Lin, I am not from the same family as the Lin family. My father is the son-in-law and has been looked down upon by the Lin family since he was a child. Moreover, I have no grudges with the Qi family.

Can you let me live? "

"Okay, give me the map prepared by your Lin family."

Jiang Che nodded.

"If you give it, will you let me live?"

Lin Zheng stared at Jiang Che blankly.


"Brother Jiang, please put it away."

Without hesitation, Lin Zheng handed Jiang Che the map in his sleeve. There were many circles drawn on it, which were exactly the gathering places marked by the Lin family in advance. There was one place very close to here.

"What is your Lin family's goal this time?"

"Well, I really don't know. Lin Yan is the one who calls the shots. The Great Elder just asked us to gather at the marked gathering place immediately after entering the secret realm and follow his instructions."

"So you don't know anything?"

Jiang Che looked at the map in his hand, thoughtfully.

"Yes, yes, I am an inconspicuous child in the Lin family, and I am not taken seriously."

"Then you go."


Lin Zheng looked surprised. He didn't expect that Jiang Che really kept his word.


"Okay, okay, I'll get out of here!"

Lin Zheng nodded, turned around and ran away, but just after walking less than fifty feet, an invisible force instantly restrained him, like a giant hand grabbing his neck.

"Ho ho."

"I've given you a way out. If you can't run away, then you don't blame me."

Jiang Che appeared in front of Lin Zheng in an instant, his tone calm.



Before Lin Zheng could finish his words, his neck was twisted, and he stared at Jiang Che with his eyes open and unwilling, and finally his eyes gradually dimmed.

After casually dealing with a Lin family divine light warrior, Jiang Che quickly searched his body for valuable items, but unfortunately, there was nothing good.

As for killing the other party, Jiang Che didn't feel the slightest sense of guilt. Not to mention the grudges between the Qi Lin family, the fact that this person was harboring one party was enough to prove that this person had evil intentions.

If he was really an ordinary master, he would definitely be troubled by this person in the process of forming the elixir. Fortunately, he broke through very quickly. From the beginning to the end, it didn't take even a stick of incense.

Next, it’s hunting time.

Jiang Che looked in a certain direction, and his whole person disappeared instantly.

After taking so many things from the Qi family, I should also help the Qi family to destroy these people from the Lin family.

Now that we are close, it’s time to do the surgery!

At this moment, in the northeast of Xuanling Secret Realm.

In a hidden valley, a huge vortex of vitality was also formed.

The mediocre disciple of the Wei family before was hovering in the void. In front of him, a pill that was very dim between reality and reality was constantly absorbing the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth.

He is also breaking through!

But unlike Jiang Che, what he broke through was a fake elixir. This method was not unique to the Qingtian Sect, but had already been circulated in the world, but it was not accepted because it was not cost-effective.

The resulting elixir is either a refined medicine elixir, or a demon elixir taken away from a demon body and refined as a sacrifice. When it matches the innate Tao seed, it is the day when the elixir is completed.

However, the strength of the fake alchemy master is far inferior to that of the real xuandan master, and his longevity will not increase at all, let alone any increase in cultivation.

Once a fake elixir is completed, it will remain a fake elixir for life.

This method is not looked down upon by major aristocratic families at all, but it is very popular in the Qingtian Sect. In order to seize the Nine-bend Scrophulariaceae that transformed into spirits in the secret realm, he came here on the order of the Dharma King.

But since his own strength is not as good as that of the legitimate son of a noble family, he can only use this method to forcibly improve his strength.

Coupled with the various preparations that the Dharma King had made in advance to refine the demon elixir, Yingjiu firmly believed that as long as there was no elixir-forming master among the disciples of the aristocratic family, no one would be his opponent.

Even Jiang Che, who was rumored to be comparable to a grandmaster, was the same.

If you don't enter the elixir realm, you don't know how powerful the master is.

Yingjiu, who was the bodyguard of the Dharma King, felt extremely confident at this moment.

As long as the fake elixir is completed, it can be used in all directions.

But even with the help of the secret method prepared by the Dharma King in advance, it still takes a lot of time for him to make the elixir, so he can only wait slowly.
On the other side, Jiang Che also moved very fast. It took him less than half an hour to reach the gathering place near Lin's house, but what disappointed him was.

There are no traces of this place at all.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Che gradually lost his patience. Killing the Lin family's children was a priority, but it could not delay his business. He came here to collect the spiritual objects in the mysterious territory of Xuanling.

After studying the map for a moment, Jiang Che decided to go to the location of the Five-Colored Divine Flower. Several major forces had explored many places in the Xuanling Secret Realm, and they would usually mark where the treasures would be in advance.

Whenever the year is ripe, it will be picked.

Of course, if the year is insufficient, several major forces will not exhaust their efforts, such as the three spiritual objects that Qi Zhengnan told Jiang Che to pay special attention to. This five-color divine flower was discovered by the disciples of the Qi family the last time the secret realm was opened. However, because the secret realm was about to close, and there was an innate and top-notch alien beast entrenched and guarded near the divine flower, they had no choice but to withdraw.

This place is less than fifty miles away from his location. It will be there in a blink of an eye and is just the right time to take it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che no longer hesitated and turned into a stream of light, heading towards the location of the five-color sacred flower.

Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Therefore, there are tens of thousands of species of snakes in the valley, and the disciples of several major forces unanimously decided on this name. At this moment, in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, several figures are slaughtering the snakes in the valley.

"Damn it, how could the five-color divine flower appear in such a ghost place? What I hate most is snakes!"

A disciple wearing Lin family robes couldn't help but curse after killing several snakes with a sword energy.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. The uncle left the mark here forty years ago. It's just that the five-color myth has not yet become a treasure, but no one knows whether the other families know that there are spiritual things here. .

It is better to take away the divine flower as soon as possible and leave. "

Lin Yan said with a gloomy look.

"That's right, I have to deal with my whole family later, so why are you complaining?"

Several voices came and went.

These people are all elite disciples of the Lin family. It is very easy to deal with a group of snakes with little strength. In just a few moments, thousands of snakes died in the hands of a few people.

The ground was filled with snake carcasses broken into several pieces.

And several people quickly went deep into the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley.

"Brother Yan, look at it as a five-color divine flower!"

Suddenly, a figure pointed to a blooming flower on the cliff in the distance and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

And his voice was quickly heard by several people, who looked at him one after another.

Then they saw a colorful flower blooming more than a hundred feet in front of everyone. However, under the five-colored sacred flower, there were thousands of venomous snakes of various types hovering.

"Don't make a sound and restrain your breath. There are so many venomous snakes here. There must be a snake king. Be careful to disturb it. After taking the five-color sacred flower, run away immediately and don't stay."

Lin Yan ordered calmly.



Following Lin Yan's order, several people quickly restrained their auras and slowly approached the five-color sacred flower. However, there were too many snakes here, and some people accidentally disturbed them.

"It's now!"

Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his figure instantly rioted. He rose directly from the ground and flew towards the five-color divine flower in the air.

But before it could get close, a white snake head suddenly appeared from a hole next to the five-color sacred flower. It suddenly gathered strength and bit Lin Yan.

Lin Yan could even see the venomous fangs in its mouth, but although such a venomous snake was quite powerful, he didn't even take it into consideration. He raised his hand and cut it in half with a burst of sword energy.

It was this move that completely awakened the poisonous snakes guarding near the five-color sacred flower, and they all spit out their letters and killed Lin Yan.

"People from the Lin family."

On a cliff above the five-color sacred flower, Qi Ningbing looked through several gaps and stared at Lin Yan and others who were about to seize the five-color sacred flower, with a solemn expression.

However, she did not think about grabbing food from the tiger's mouth, but thought about taking advantage of the chaos to escape from this place. Qi Ningbing was self-aware. Although her own strength was not bad, she was definitely no match for the Lin family.

Not even the opponent of the snake king here, only strong men like my sister and brother-in-law are qualified to compete for the five-color sacred flower.

As for why she appeared here, it was extremely unlucky.

After entering the secret realm, a period of space turbulence threw her to the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes. She was also discovered by the Snake King here. She could not even escape. She could only activate the breath-containing talisman given to her by her father and temporarily hide it in here.

He thought it would be his sister or brother-in-law who saved her, but unexpectedly, the Lin family gave him a chance.

As long as the Snake King appears to fight with the Lin family, she will immediately escape and ask for help from the Qi family. At that time, she will consider whether to seize the five-color sacred flower here.

As Qi Ningbing expected, after the Lin family killed many snakes, the snake king who had been searching for her breath finally showed up and slowly poked the snake's head out of a quagmire.

He was more than ten feet tall, with a fierce aura all over his body. His two vertical pupils stared at the figures in front of him. With his body twisting, he appeared behind a Lin family disciple in an instant.

Although it was huge in size, it was extremely fast. Before it could react, a Lin family disciple was swallowed by the Snake King on the spot.


When Lin Yan discovered that the Snake King had appeared, he suddenly felt troubled. Although the alien beast had low intelligence, its physical body was very powerful and could withstand the sword energy. One careless step could cause it to fall here.

But in this case, there was no way to escape, so he could only grit his teeth and kill.

It has to be said that as the leader of the Lin family this time, Lin Yan's strength is indeed good. When he raises his hand, he is enveloped by many sharp swords, but the Snake King is not a vegetarian.

Its hard scales were enough to offset most of the attacks, and it spread its back wings to start a fight with Lin Yan.

Right now!

Qi Ningbing seized the opportunity, moved in an instant, and fled out of the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley without hesitation. As for the five-color sacred flower on the cliff, she did not move.

She knew that if she made a move, she would face the wrath of Lin Yan and the Snake King.

And her appearance quickly alerted Lin Yan and several Lin family disciples who were fighting.

"It's Qi Ningbing!"

"Why is she here?"

"Leave her alone and kill these disgusting snakes first."

"That's right, as long as the five-color divine flower is here, leave her alone for now and deal with Qi Ningbing after everything is done." Lin Yan shouted immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Snake King immediately twisted his huge snake tail and swung it towards him. The force was so powerful that it even made a sonic boom in the void.

On the other side, Qi Ningbing ran away. Although she guessed that no one would chase her, she was still extremely cautious in this regard.

A light blue stream of light streaked across the sky, like a shooting star. In a moment, Qi Ningbing left the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes and quickly flew towards the nearest marked point of the Qi family.

Jiang Che, who was heading to the Ten Thousand Snake Valley to get the five-color sacred flower, also spotted Qi Ningbing's figure and immediately stared, thinking that someone was chasing her from behind.

He was even prepared for the typical hero to save the beauty.

After some investigation, it was discovered that there was no one at all. Then he was relieved and quickly chased Qi Ningbing, and as he approached, he directly revealed his identity.

"Ning Bing, it's me!"


Hearing the familiar voice, Qi Ningbing, who was in the air, suddenly turned around. When she realized that the person behind was indeed her brother-in-law, she breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, she suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching.

I thought someone was chasing me from behind, and my heart was in my throat.

I didn't expect it to be one of my own.

"Ning Bing, why are you here?"

"Brother-in-law, why are you here and you...have you formed a pill?"


Asking for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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