Chapter 218 Cultivation shows! Open up the world with one sword!

Hong Cheng was extremely arrogant, looking down at Qi Wanjun from the sky, as if he had no intention of taking him seriously, and did not have the indifferent demeanor of a true Taoist disciple.

Rather, he looks like a martial artist.

Qi Wanjun raised his eyebrows, with murderous intent on his face, and said in a deep voice:
"If my husband were here, I could kill you with one knife. How could I let you talk nonsense here? I don't know how many rays of my spear you can take!"

"Hahaha, I've been looking for Jiang Che for several days, but I can't find him. You said I'm afraid of him? It's a big joke. Don't worry, even if I defeat you, I won't kill you.

I will hang you here and wait for Jiang Che to come and die. "

Hong Cheng stood with his hands behind his back, showing great authority.

"Can I do it?"

Seeing Hong Cheng being so arrogant, Wei Yingjie didn't know whether he should join forces to deal with Qi Wanjun. If he took action, Hong Cheng would inevitably be unhappy.

"No need, you go kill the others and leave this woman to me!"

Hong Cheng waved his hand casually.

"Then be careful."

Wei Yingjie lowered his voice.

"Don't worry. Although I despise this person, I will not be careless. Being able to gain some fame in the world is enough to prove that he is extraordinary and will be treated with caution."


Before Hong Cheng could say anything more, the fiery-tempered Qi Wanjun below could no longer hold back and took the lead. His spear was like a dragon, and its light condensed like a dragon out of the sea, exploding instantly.

The terrifying gun light even penetrated a swirling hole in the void, dispersing the surrounding dust and mist.

"Humph, what a small trick!"

Hong Cheng sneered, and the spiritual sword behind him was instantly unsheathed, and a sword cry resounded. The next moment, dozens of sword energy condensed instantly, and with one sword coming out, the situation changed.

Directly clashing with the terrifying gun light, an astonishing roar suddenly erupted.

The aftermath spread in all directions, sweeping dozens of feet in radius.

And this was just the beginning of a trial. When the roar exploded, Qi Wanjun stood up from the ground like a sharp sword unsheathed, holding a big gun.

He jumped suddenly, spanned a distance of more than ten feet, and smashed down directly. It felt like he was overwhelming the mountain. The silver gun in his hand even bent into a semicircle under such terrifying force.

With a sonic explosion, it fell suddenly.


When the silver spear hit, a roar instantly erupted. However, although Hong Cheng was arrogant, as a disciple who was almost at the top of the Grand Master level in the Longhu Dao Sect, he had the right to be arrogant.

He reacted instantly and avoided Qi Wanjun's heavy blow.

At the same time, his feet slid and slid out more than ten feet in an instant. Then he flipped his hand and struck out with his sword, and the billowing sword energy blew up his sleeves, whizzing out like a green snake hidden in his sleeves.

At the same moment, when the two were fighting, Wei Yingjie and a group of disciples from the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect and the Lin family suddenly fell from the void and killed the disciples of the Qi family.

Various methods exploded, and roars exploded in the void.

The disciples from various forces who can come to participate in the Xuanling Secret Realm are all elite disciples, and the strength of each one cannot be underestimated. They are a background in front of talented people like Jiang Che and Qi Wanjun, but in fact it is not the case.

One after another sword energy and sword light erupted.
In a moment, a radius of several hundred feet was turned into a battlefield. However, everyone was sensible and did not fight near the Bodhi tree. They all stayed far away.

But if it was said to be intense, the confrontation between Qi Wanjun and Hong Cheng was even more ferocious. Almost as soon as they met, their tactics broke out, stirring up the world.

There is even a bit of the power of a Xuandan Grandmaster.

After all, they were both outstanding in the Longhu Dao Sect and the Beiling Qi Clan.

Qi Wanjun has shown great strength and tenacity since she was a child. She thinks she is not inferior to men. Her achievements are all achieved with one shot, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

Hong Cheng is not bad either. He dares to speak nonsense even though he knows Qi Wanjun is not simple, which is enough to prove that his strength itself is extraordinary. He wields the Dragon Sword Qi and has a huge reputation.

Every time the two of them clashed, a large amount of sword energy would sweep around them.

In just the blink of an eye, they hit from the void to the ground, and then from the ground to the void. Each of them showed shocking power, the spear glowed like a dragon, and the sword energy shone in the sky and the earth.

For a moment, the two of them were indifferent and fell into a stagnation.

"Sure enough, you have some skills, but based on these, you are still far from it. From now on, you should go back to Qi's house and do some embroidery to prepare for marriage. But it is a pity that you may not even get through the door, and you will become a widow."

Hong Cheng retreated with one blow and laughed loudly.

"You bitch, with your little skills, you are worthy of shouting here!" Qi Wanjun snorted coldly, with murderous intent lingering all over his body, and his long hair slowly fluttering in the void.

The sharp edges gathered quickly.

He took one step forward and stabbed forward with his spear.

In an instant, a green tornado appeared in the void, and the terrifying power stirred the vitality of the world. No, to be precise, it enveloped and devoured the vitality, like a terrifying green phoenix roaring.


Hong Cheng's face darkened, and he took the sword in his hand. The energy of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of feet was sweeping towards him. The sword energy in front of him turned into two, two into four, and four into eight.

For a moment, hundreds of sword auras chirped.

The sword finger stretched out, and the sword energy roared out, gradually condensing in the void, and turned into a huge spiritual sword more than ten feet long, which directly hit the green phoenix.


Another earth-shattering roar exploded, with endless aftermath.

Then, the two of them moved together, one side's spear light gathered, and the other side's sword energy followed them, like two meteors with opposite orbits, blasting together from the south and the north, and the absorbing light continued to escape.

The two exchanged blows, then quickly avoided each other and charged up for another attack.

The powerful force was so shocking that it was like thunder in the void.

However, the strength of the two of them has almost reached the peak level below Xuan Dan. Even though the action of the confrontation is very terrifying, it is still difficult to tell the winner for a while.

But that’s not the case with the scene below.

The Longhu Taoist Sect was almost overwhelming the Qi family.

The individual strengths of the elite disciples of the major forces are not much different. There are only two reasons for this. One is that the Longhu Dao Sect has a numerical advantage.

Some are even two against one.

The other is that Wei Yingjie is too strong, and masters at the same level are no match for him.

As a member of the Wei family who is qualified to compete for the position of young master, Wei Yingjie is still very strong, no weaker than Hong Cheng, otherwise he would not be qualified to compete for the position.

In his hands, a Qi family member was seriously injured with just one look.

In other words, the two Lingjian Mountain disciples formed a formation and barely blocked his offensive. But with the current situation, everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before they fell.

The fight between the two sides became more and more terrifying, with someone falling from the void almost every few dozen breaths.

Among them were the Qi family and people from the Longhu Dao Sect.

Although the Qi family is weak, everyone knows the current situation. If you don't fight hard, you will die. It is better to fight for your life and win someone to die together.

It was precisely because of this that the Qi family did not lose quickly. It was because the people from the Longhu Dao Sect were too precious about their lives. In their opinion, they could win as long as the stalemate continued.

Why trade life for life?

"Ning Bing, I'm coming!"

At this moment, the young master of the Wei family, Wei Junjie, finally appeared on the scene. He took the lead, leaving the rest of the Wei family disciples far away. He held a top-grade spiritual sword and charged at Hong Cheng.


The two people who were fighting fiercely separated in an instant. Qi Wanjun frowned slightly, while Hong Cheng's face was cold. The sword energy in his hand suddenly swayed, and dozens of sword energy swept out.

The addition of fresh troops also greatly boosted the morale of the Qi family. Although Qi Wanjun hated Wei Junjie because of Qi Ningbing, she also knew that something was wrong and immediately attacked Hong Cheng to prevent him from using his full strength to deal with Wei Junjie.


Hong Cheng struck with anger, which was extremely powerful. Wei Junjie's face changed drastically with one strike of his sword in the air. He quickly gathered his energy and blocked it in front of him, but he was still knocked back several feet.

But precisely because of this, he also saw that the person was not Qi Ningbing, but Qi Wanjun.

Although the two look similar, their temperaments are very different. Looking at Qi Wanjun's open and closed posture, it is obvious that there is a big difference between Qi Wanjun and Qi Ningbing, and hesitation suddenly appeared on his face.

Some want to leave.

Below, seeing Wei Junjie coming here, Wei Yingjie's eyes flashed with joy, and he immediately killed a Lingjian Mountain disciple with one palm, then rose into the air and roared:
"I will deal with Qi Wanjun, you go and kill this person."

"it is good!"

Hong Cheng nodded, knowing that this was the best solution, otherwise once the Wei family came up, this siege might have lasted for a long time.

He was ready to kill Wei Junjie. However, Wei Junjie was not strong enough, but he had good eyesight. When he saw the opponent coming towards him, he would retreat on the spot without any hesitation.

Hong Cheng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and shouted:


Get out!
With a cold snort, Wei Junjie turned around and left without being irritated at all. Seeing this, the disciples of the Wei family who were rushing to the rear also looked at each other. In the end, they did not attack and turned around to retreat.

Wei Junjie's disruption only caused a ripple in this confrontation. It didn't create much of a splash, but the addition of Wei Yingjie made Qi Wanjun feel even more stressed.

One Hong Cheng had already made her go all out, and here came another master who could not lose to Hong Cheng. Her heart suddenly sank, but looking at the balance of the fight below, she still took a deep breath and decided to fight one against two.

"Deal with Qi Wanjun first, then go after Wei Junjie!"

Hong Cheng said in a deep voice.

Although Wei Yingjie was unhappy, the matter had come to this, and he could only secretly scold Wei Junjie as a piece of trash for retreating as soon as they met him. He really lost the face of the young master of the Wei family.

"it is good!"

"Qi Wanjun, although the two of us besieging you are a little unethical, but now it is about Bodhi and enlightenment, and we cannot allow a poor person to sit here and watch. If you know this, you will be captured.

I, Hong Cheng, can swear a blood oath from my inner demons not to take your life. "

Hong Cheng said in a deep voice.

It's not that he really cares that much, but Qi Wanjun, as the legitimate daughter of Qi Zhengnan, the eldest daughter of the Qi family, cannot be killed at all, otherwise the consequences afterwards will be too serious and he cannot afford it. Of course, if it is to destroy or severely injure him, then there is still no problem. of.

As long as they don't kill anyone, he believes that no matter how angry the Qi family is, they will not rashly start a war with the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect.

"You alone are not worthy!"

Qi Wanjun gave a low drink with murderous intent on his face.

Not only did he not look frightened, but he also stabbed him with his spear, actually taking the lead and striking first.

"Okay, since you don't know how to appreciate someone, don't blame me for being too harsh!"

Hong Cheng snorted coldly, flipped his wrist, and slashed with his spiritual sword.

"There's so much nonsense, let's depose Qi Wanjun first and don't let that good-for-nothing Wei Junjie get away!" Wei Yingjie yelled, he didn't want to miss this great opportunity.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was ready to take action.

The balance of the confrontation below was quickly broken. The figures of two Qi family disciples instantly jumped into the air and charged towards Wei Yingjie who was causing trouble. Even though they lacked strength, they could not sit back and watch Qi Wanjun being besieged.

In an instant, the war started again.

However, just when the confrontation was getting intense again, in the distant sky, a golden meteor crossed the sky and the earth, spanning more than a hundred feet in an instant, from far to near.

At the same time, the terrifying power of the golden giant star was even more huge. It actually stirred up the storm in Xuanling Secret Territory, and billowing black clouds hung behind it.

It's like pressing the battle line.

It's like the demon king was born.

Such a big movement also made everyone caught in the stalemate aware of it. They all subconsciously raised their eyes and suddenly felt horrified.

"It's Yingjiu!"

Such a terrifying power could only be attributed to the existence of the pill-forming person from the Qingtian Sect. Wei Yingjie was instantly overjoyed. He felt that he had a chance to win at this moment, and he was sitting on the position of the young master of the Wei family right before his eyes.


Hong Cheng was a little confused as to why Wei Yingjie was so happy, and couldn't help but feel a little suspicious in his heart.

There was only one person who could really guess who the visitor was, and that was Qi Wanjun.

She had personally seen Jiang Che fight with his eldest brother Qi Shaoyan. At that time, he turned into golden light. The only difference was that the power of the streamer at this moment was far greater than before.

There is a huge difference between the two.

Qi Wanjun's guess was right. It was Jiang Che who turned into golden light. Originally, he and Qi Ningbing were traveling at an ordinary speed, and they didn't know that there was a fight here.

However, the movement here was so great that it had spread to more than ten miles away.

After discovering that someone was fighting, he vaguely felt that something was not right, so he used his best speed to kill in this direction, and saw Hong Cheng fighting with his fiancée.

Suddenly, murderous intent surged into the sky.

"Well, no!"

Just when Jiang Che was approaching Baizhang, Hong Cheng and Wei Junjie realized something was wrong. Their pupils suddenly shrank, they looked at each other, then turned around and left.

Such terrifying power is definitely not something they can match. The only way is to escape.

But at this moment, it's too late.

A hundred feet away, Jiang Che arrived in an instant.

He didn't even say anything. In his sleeves, the Myriad Tribulation Demonic Sword was unsheathed in an instant, and the power of the mysterious elixir quickly gathered. The vitality of the rolling heaven and earth merged, and the artistic conception was opened.

As he raised his hand, the situation changed.

A horrifying sword light suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

When the sword comes out, the color of the world changes.

As soon as the sword came out, black clouds swept across.

With one strike of the knife, the sea of ​​blood churns!
The terrifying light of the sword fell down instantly, as if the sky was splitting apart from the earth. The terrifying edge caused Hong Cheng, who was in the middle, to change his face. He finally knew who this person was.

Jiang Che!

It's Jiang Che!
He formed a pill!

A feeling of extreme danger arose in his heart, and that artistic conception made him so frightened that he wanted to kneel down, but he still relied on his own artistic conception to offset the impact.

But that was just the aftermath, what was truly terrifying was the light of the sword.

Hong Cheng only had time to gather a hundred sword energies in an attempt to block Jiang Che's sword.

But it was obvious that Hong Cheng thought too much and thought too highly of himself.

His hundreds of sword qi were instantly overwhelmed without even touching the sword light. When the spiritual sword in his hand was released, it was shattered directly in the void, and the innate body-protecting qi around him was completely wiped out.

A robe suddenly exploded.

The next moment, the sword light fell.

The void is stagnant, and the heaven and earth are silent.

It was as if everything was fixed with this sword.

Hong Cheng's face still had a look of horror, frozen in the void. Between his eyebrows, there was a conspicuous red line, from top to bottom, all the way to his ankles.

After a breath, a breathtaking roar resounded throughout the world.

Below Hong Cheng, a terrifying knife mark that was dozens of feet deep appeared on the ground, overturning the boundless earth and raising waves of dust and smoke.

In the void, Hong Cheng had only one sentence in his mind at the moment.

Something Qi Wanjun said before the fight.

"If my husband were here, I could kill you with one knife!"

He didn't believe it then, but he does now.

Qi Wanjun didn't boast wildly, Jiang Che could really kill him with one knife.

His pupils rolled, and Hong Cheng touched the blood stains on his forehead with a wry smile on his lips.

Infinite Heavenly Lord, damn Jiang Che, why are you so terrifying?

The focused gaze in his eyes slowly disappeared. He wanted to look up, but found a terrifying power erupting within his body.



A cloud of blood mist dispersed across the world.

At this moment, everything is quiet!


A 4,600-word chapter to make up for the previous delay.

Please vote for me, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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