Chapter 221 A sudden turn of events! The anger of the Lin family!

At the entrance to Xuanling Secret Realm, on top of a steep mountain peak.

The expressions of the elders and powerful men from all the major forces were quite solemn at this moment.

According to their calculations, the secret realm will be reopened in a few moments. Naturally, they are quite worried about the disciples in the secret realm.

After all, killing in the secret realm is no small matter. According to past experience, no matter which force is involved, there will be damage. The difference is just more or less, as the elite disciples within their respective forces.

Losing even one person is enough to cause heartache.

Naturally, I won’t be unconcerned.

"Old Ghost Qi, according to the previously agreed time, the time limit for closing the secret realm will come in one stick of incense. How about it? Are you brave enough to gamble again?"

The eldest elder of the Lin family suddenly turned his gaze to the eldest elder of the Qi family, his eyes quite provocative.

The last time the Xuanling Secret Realm opened, it was the team he led. Before the secret realm opened, because he had great confidence in the disciples of the clan, he inspired them to take a gamble.

Coupled with the agreement made before the secret realm was opened, the Lin family and the Longhu Taoist Sect joined forces. This way, it can be said that there is a good chance of winning. It is impossible to say that the son-in-law Jiang Che, who is regarded as a treasure by the Qi family, may die because of this.

"Junior just"

Several figures responded in unison, and then, just like when it was activated last time, they each took out the token of the Xuanling Secret Realm, and immediately activated it, and streams of light cut through the sky and gathered together.

The eldest elder of the Qi family nodded slightly.

The first people to come out were Wei Junjie and his party.

A door with a radius of about ten feet opened immediately.

Another moment passed.

And such movement also caused the vitality of the surrounding world to turmoil.

If the young master of the clan hadn't already been chosen, he would have even helped.

"Since Elder Lin is interested, there's no harm in taking a gamble." Qingxiao Sword Master glanced at the other party with a cold gaze, and directly agreed to the matter without further refusal.

Coupled with the fact that Wan Jun is here, the Qi family has a good chance of winning.

The old man surnamed Yan raised his eyebrows, as if to say, don't you Qi family dare?
"You give me treasures, how can I not accept them? Fellow Taoist Qingxiao, do you want to join in?" The eldest elder of the Qi family leaned on the dragon's crutch and turned his eyes to the figure standing in front of him with his hands behind his back.

Qingxiao Sword Master frowned and did not respond, as if he was unwilling to get involved in this unnecessary dispute.

"Fat Yan, do you also want to bet?"

"Okay, that's it!"

"it is good."

The relationship between Lingjian Mountain and the Qi family has always been very good, and there are many cases of joining forces in the secret realm, but the Lin family is a little different, although the relationship with the Wei family and the Longhu Dao Sect is acceptable.

The elders of the Wei family were also happy to see the discord between their families, so they spoke directly when they saw this.

"what ever."

How about we four families make a bet on which family has the most surviving disciples, and the loser will lose a top-quality spiritual weapon? "

But most of the time they still fight on their own.

The eldest elder of the Lin family took advantage of every opportunity and took advantage of it again.

He was still somewhat sure of Jiang Che's strength.

"Everyone in Yunzhou knows that the Qi family and Lingjian Mountain are family friends, and the disciples in the secret realm must be united together, and my Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect are no exception.

If this were not the case, he would not agree to the family head's wishes and let Jiang Che go to the secret realm on behalf of the Qi family.

There was finally movement in the formation portal, and several figures appeared one after another. Then without any hesitation, they rushed directly to the place where the elders of the Wei family were, as if they had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Time passed in an instant. Seeing that the time was almost up, the Qingxiao Sword Master of Lingjian Mountain said immediately:
"Everyone, the time has come. Open the door to the secret realm."

Whichever family has more disciples leaving the Xuanling Secret Realm safe and sound will be the winner.


"I didn't get involved in the bet last time, and I also intend to get involved this time. How about counting me in?" Seeing that the bet had been decided, the short, fat old man from the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect also agreed.

"What? No?"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid this sentence will fall on you later. How about a top-grade spiritual weapon this time?" The eldest elder of the Lin family snorted.

"Okay, how about I do a notarization?"

Although the Qi family has two geniuses, Jiang Che and Qi Wanjun, the disciples of the Lin family are not useless, especially Lin Yan, as his grandnephew, he has high hopes.

Every time he thought of this possibility, it made him feel more and more comfortable.

This time, he also wanted to take this opportunity to stand on the same front as the Dragon Tiger Dao Sect. In this way, both the future battles in the secret realm and the relationship between them could be closer.

In his opinion, whether it is Lin Yan of the Lin family or Hong Cheng of the Longhu Dao Sect, they may be comparable to Jiang Che, but it is impossible to defeat Jiang Che.

Of course, he did not win over the Wei family because he knew about the marriage between the Wei family and the Qi family. Even if he had said it, the elder of the Wei family would not have agreed to it.

"Why don't you dare? I'm afraid that you, an old dog, will be so angry that you will vomit three liters of blood when you see more than half of the Lin family disciples dead or injured later." The elder of the Qi family snorted coldly, and immediately responded with tit-for-tat anger.

And because of this, he won a high-grade spiritual weapon from Old Ghost Qi. For this reason, he had often ridiculed Old Ghost Qi in person over the years, and now he was preparing to repeat the same trick to suppress the Qi family once again.

The eldest elder of the Qi family frowned slightly.

He really didn't want to succumb to Jiang Che's lust anymore, not even for a moment, so when the secret realm opened, he was the first to rush towards the exit.

When he saw the elders of the Wei family, tears of excitement burst out of his face.

Finally I have a backer!

No one knew how much pressure he was under in the secret realm. After knowing that Jiang Che had formed a pill, he was always vigilant. For this reason, he hid in the depths of the secret realm, just waiting for the secret realm to open.

Fortunately, Jiang Che still took the overall situation into consideration and knew that the Wei family was behind him, so he did not kill him.

Otherwise, it is still unclear whether he can come out alive this time.

"Well why are you the only ones?"

The elders of the Wei family looked at the figures in front of them, and their expressions immediately sank.

Ten people went in, but only half of them came out.

The Wei family hasn't suffered such a big loss in a long time.

Facing the clan elder's questioning, several disciples of the Wei family honestly lowered their heads and did not dare to respond.

"Where is Yingjie? Did something happen to Yingjie in the secret realm too?"

The elder of the Wei family then asked hurriedly.

As one of the most talented disciples of the Wei family, he and many elders of the clan hold Wei Yingjie in high regard, even though he cannot take the position of young master due to the family head.

But he will definitely become the mainstay of the Wei family in the future.

but now
Several Wei family disciples looked at each other in confusion, not knowing how to respond to the elder's words. After all, what Wei Yingjie did was really not honorable, and he not only wanted to kill Wei Junjie.

He also hid his identity and besieged the Qi family and Lingjian Mountain.

It's easy to say that they won, but not only did they lose, but they also directly caught people. If not, how could they have suffered such a big loss and compensated so many spiritual objects to the Qi family?

You must know that there are rules in the secret realm. Normally, life or death does not matter, but if you wait until the secret realm is opened, you will be ordered not to kill again.


The elder of the Wei family shouted with a heavy face.

Several Wei family disciples turned their attention to the young master Wei Junjie, as if they wanted him to say something.

"Elder of the clan, it's hard to explain this matter in one sentence, but Wei Yingjie did fall into the secret realm." Wei Junjie said with cupped hands, the aggrievedness in his heart reaching its peak.

If Wei Yingjie does something bad, he will take the blame. After the incident of besieging and killing the disciples of the Qi family came out, it was foreseeable that the Qi family would be very angry, and even his unsuccessful marriage might completely fail because of this incident.

How can you not feel aggrieved?

The elder of the Wei family stared at Wei Junjie for a moment and snorted heavily.

He didn't ask who did it, because the rules of the secret realm were like this. In the past, the legitimate sons and even young masters of various forces had fallen into the secret realm.

Even if it is bitter, you can only break your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

As for the previous joke about the bet, a lot of happiness has disappeared at this moment.

As for the Qi family's forces, they looked at this scene with cold eyes. On the surface, they looked indifferent, but deep down they also had some thoughts of gloating.

The first elder of the Qi family is okay. After all, the relationship between the Wei family and the Qi family has always been good, so he is not too happy. However, the two elders of the Longhu Dao Sect and the Lin family are completely opposite.

Many people in the Wei family died. What does this mean?
This means that the Lin family and the disciples of the Longhu Dao Sect will gain even more!
Dead Taoist friends are not dead Taoists, so they are naturally happy to see this kind of thing.

If the Qi family and Lingjian Mountain also suffered heavy casualties, it would be even better. They could have a few more drinks at the celebration banquet in the evening.

But on the surface, he still comforted him hypocritically:

"Brother Wei, don't be angry. Battles in secret realms, life and death casualties are common, so you should be more open-minded."


The Wei family elders looked at the Longhu Taoist Sect and the Lin family's consolation with some gloating, and immediately ignored them, just snorted coldly.

When several Wei family disciples saw this, their eyes looked a little strange.

The elders of the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect actually gloated over the misfortune.

After everyone came out, some of them cried.

They waited until the last moment when the secret realm was opened. No one from the Lin family or the Longhu Dao Sect went to the formation place. It was obvious that everyone was wiped out.

But they dare not say such things.

After all, he is still a junior and is afraid of being punished.

I can only suppress all the thoughts in my heart.

While several people were talking, several more figures appeared, and they were clearly disciples from Lingjian Mountain. Compared to the Wei family, the casualties were heavy, although two disciples from Lingjian Mountain also died.

But most of them are still safe.

Seeing this scene, Qingxiao Sword Master secretly nodded.

I am already satisfied with this ending.

"This disciple has seen the first one."

Yang Chao cupped his fists and saluted, and the disciples behind him also saluted quickly.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Qingxiao Sword Master nodded with a slight smile.

Seeing that most of the Lingjian Mountain disciples were safe and sound, the Qi family elder felt a lot more relieved.

The disciples of the Qi family and the disciples of Lingjian Mountain have always been on good terms, and they often join forces in the secret realm. Since Lingjian Mountain only lost two disciples, the casualties of the Qi family will not be too many.

That's good, that's good.

On the other hand, the First Elder of the Lin Family and Elder Yan of the Longhu Dao Sect were a little unhappy when they saw this scene. They felt that they might lose this bet. After all, Lingjian Mountain only lost two people.

Obviously already have the advantage.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, don't worry. Maybe the fight in the secret realm is not serious this time, and the casualties among the children of each family will not be too great." The elder of the Lin family said with relief.

"I hope so."

Elder Yan nodded and stared solemnly at the exit of the secret realm.

Then, another ray of light flashed, and the disciples of the Qi family appeared immediately. When everyone glanced at them, they saw only six figures, and the elder of the Qi family immediately turned pale.

Unexpectedly, the casualties this time were so huge, almost half.

"Great Elder."

"Great Elder."

Jiang Che bowed his head and cupped his fists.

Several disciples of the Qi family followed closely and saluted.

"Come back first."

The eldest elder nodded slightly and did not criticize too much. Compared with the remaining members of the Wei family, the Qi family can survive for six people. After all, this time the Qi family was targeted.


Jiang Che nodded and glanced at the elder of the Lin family and the powerful man from the Dragon and Tiger Dao Sect. He didn't say much, but he was already on guard against sudden attacks by the two of them.

The position was also directly behind the great elder.

In addition, there may be Qingtian Sect coming to cause trouble.

However, with Jiang Che's spiritual thoughts dissipated, he did not sense any movement around him, so he could only send a message to the great elder about the matter first, so that he could prepare in advance.

"Is there such a thing?"

The eldest elder of the Qi family was shocked and glanced around solemnly.

Seeing the expression of the eldest elder of the Qi family, the eldest elder of the Lin family and the elder of the Longhu Dao Sect felt extremely relieved.

Although Jiang Che did not die in the secret realm, the casualties suffered by the Qi family this time were not small.

A full four elite disciples fell into the secret realm.

The bet is undeniably winnable.

He immediately looked towards the exit of the secret realm with a smile on his face, expecting that the disciples in his clan would surprise him.

But when all the children of the Qi family showed up for more than ten breaths, and no one from the Longhu Dao Sect or the Lin family came out, they suddenly felt that something was not right and looked at each other.

There was something bad in their hearts.

The waiting at the top of the cliff lasted for as long as a stick of incense, but there was still no movement at the door. Such a continuous situation made the two elders of the Lin family suddenly feel their hearts sink.

"Where are the disciples of my Lin family?"

"Where are the disciples of Longhu Dao Sect?"

The two of them turned their gazes to the surviving disciples of the Wei family with somewhat ugly expressions, and asked in a deep voice.



Wei Junjie and others looked hesitant, not knowing how to answer such words.

"Wouldn't all the disciples of the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect have died in the Mysterious Realm of Xuanling?" The elder of the Wei family looked at Wei Junjie with a strange expression on his face and asked, but he didn't quite believe it in his heart.

"When the disciples arrived at the exit of the secret realm, they did not see the disciples of the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect. They were probably all dead." Wei Junjie responded in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became silent.

"Who did it!"

The elders of the Lin family and the elders of the Longhu Dao Sect suddenly showed expressions of shock and anger, and a terrifying coercion suddenly appeared on their bodies.


(End of this chapter)

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