Chapter 223 ends! return!
The Qingtian Sect has made a lot of noise in Jiangnan in recent years, and as one of the four Dharma Kings, the name of Dharma King Tianying has long been resounding in several states in the south.

He couldn't help but be afraid.

Not only the great elder, but also Qingxiao Sword Master Zhao Xianzhi, Longhu Taoist Sect Yan Ping, and the great elder of the Lin family all looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy. None of them seemed to have expected why Dharma King Tianying would appear here. .

"As the Dharma King of the Qingtian Sect, Fellow Daoist Tianying took action against me, a junior of the Qi family. If word spreads, I'm afraid everyone in the world will say that you bully the younger ones with your elders. It's really damaging to your reputation."

Although Nangong Ji's name is very famous, the elder of the Qi family is not too afraid. If there is a fight, with the help of Qingxiao Sword Master Zhao Xianzhi, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

"Haha, it's just a test. If we really launch a sneak attack, do you think Fellow Daoist Qi can stop me?" Nangong Ji stood with his hands behind his hands, and his expression remained calm even when facing the four great masters of Shenxiang.


The eldest elder of the Qi family frowned slightly. Nangong Ji's offense made him very unhappy.

However, after Nangong Ji finished speaking, he ignored him. Instead, he looked at the young man in the distance who looked like he was facing a formidable enemy, and said calmly:
"You were the one who killed Yingjiu, right?"

Although it was an inquiry, Nangong Ji was basically certain of the matter. Originally, in his plan, he planned to take Ying Jiu away after he showed up.

"Huh, if you want to have a fight, I'll be with you anytime, but I'm afraid you two don't have the strength."

"Your Qi family is very domineering. I really want to see how capable you Qi Tianzhong is of being so arrogant." Such arrogant words immediately made Yan Ping even more angry.

At this moment, he had come to his senses, and Nangong Ji obviously guessed the cause of Yingjiu's death when he attacked him.

When he realized that Yingjiu had fallen into the secret realm.

"Old Ghost Qi, are you really going to fight with me and the Lin family to death for Jiang Che?"

"Thanks to the Eagle King for his kindness, it is a pity that Jiang is not only the son-in-law of the Qi family, but also an official of the imperial court. It is really difficult for Jiang to obey such an invitation." Jiang Che responded in a solemn voice.

Among the juniors who entered the secret realm, there seemed to be no one with the qualifications and strength to kill Ying Jiu except Jiang Che, whose cultivation had broken through to the Xuandan realm.

Seeing the cruel look on Qi Tianzhong's face, the eldest elder of the Lin family suddenly felt a tightness in his chest. It was the children of the Lin family who were dying, so why did the other party threaten him instead? Who suffered the loss?

The eldest elder was very satisfied with Jiang Che's answer. Then he looked at the eldest elder of the Lin family and others with a cane in his hand and said in a deep voice:
"What, do you still want to fight?"

However, I cherish my talents. If you don’t want to die in my hands, then join me and become a disciple of my holy religion. I can promise you that you will become my holy son.

Unfortunately, just like the great elder of the Lin family and the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect Yan Ping, he waited until the door to the secret realm was closed. Several people fought but did not wait for Ying Jiu to appear.

"Old ghost, you"

"Haha. If you have some courage, including Lin Zhenguang before, you have already killed three of my subordinates. According to my temper, you have already died without a burial place.

That's why he took action just now.

"Humph, Nangongji, Beiling Qi Clan and Qingtian Sect have never had any grudges. I just gave you three points, but you are so blatantly insulting my Qi Clan. Don't blame me for being ruthless."

It was obvious that someone had already been ambushed here.

Also, no matter what happens to Jiang Che in the future, I will blame you two. If you want to break the rules, then try it. I, Qi Tianzhong, have been in the world for more than two hundred years and I always do what I say! "

Although he believed that he was powerful, he was still unable to fight against the four great masters of Shen Xiang. On the premise that he could not succeed in one blow, he had no choice but to escape and leave this place.

After all, Yingjiu's fake elixir had been refined by him before, and it was not inferior to the master Xuan Dan who had made a normal breakthrough.

The great elder looked dissatisfied and stared at the figure in front of him.

After all, he knew what he had done. As an anti-religion resounding throughout the world, the Qingtian Sect would definitely take revenge, and all he could do was to improve his strength as much as possible.

However, he had already been mentally prepared for this.

"You can protect him for a while, how can you protect him for a lifetime? I don't believe that you can always follow him." The elder of the Lin family threatened the other party with murderous intent on his face.

Nangong Ji said calmly.

"I'm still saying the same thing. If you dare to bully and kill Jiang Che in the future, I will definitely kill all your descendants. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try and see if I dare to do it.

Isn't this kind of honor better than having a son-in-law from the Qi family? "

Watching the Sky Eagle Dharma King move away, Jiang Che slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Glancing at the eldest elder of the Qi family, Nangong Ji chuckled, a trace of contempt flashing in his eyes.


Precisely because he guessed that Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae might be hidden in his body, he didn't expect the old ghost from the Qi family to react so quickly and counterattack almost the moment he took action.

He was confident that the others could not keep him.

"He is my protector. If you kill him, are you not afraid of my wrath?"

There was no intention of a big fight.

The sense of oppression the other party brought to him far exceeded any of the four powerful divine figures nearby. Being targeted by such a terrifying existence cast a haze somewhat.

"If I don't kill him, he will kill me."

As for intimidating Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae, since the opponent has already obtained it, thinking about it, he knows that it is impossible to take it out again.

"That's it. I can't kill you today. You have to be more careful tomorrow, haha." Nangong Ji first stared at Jiang Che for a few seconds.

The dragon head crutches were placed on the ground, and there was a muffled sound. The elder of the Qi family stared at each other and Yan Ping word by word and said:

"As you say, the Qi and Lin families have been feuding for a long time. Can Jiang Che resolve it? Old Gou Lin, you are too naive at your age."

"Yes, the guardian of the Eagle King competed with me for the treasure, but unfortunately he was still a little inferior in strength and died in my hands." Jiang Che nodded and did not deny this.

Then his eyes glanced at the Qi family's elder and several other great masters of the divine form, and then turned around and turned into a stream of light to escape.

"Fellow Taoists, it's better to calm down for the time being. Who knows if Nangong Ji has gone far? If he hides in the dark and waits for everyone to suffer losses before taking action, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

As for the secret realm, I really have some questions that I want to ask little friend Jiang Che. "

Seeing this, the Wei family finally stepped forward to mediate.

"What questions do you have?"

Qi Tianzhong looked at the other party with squinted eyes, and his eyes were somewhat dissatisfied.

He already knew about Wei Yingjie's siege on all the children of the Qi family. If Jiang Che hadn't arrived in time, it might have been the Qi family who returned empty-handed today.

"What Nangong Ji said just now is that he clearly arranged for people to be killed by Jiang Che in the Xuanling Secret Territory, but I don't know the key." The elder of the Wei family frowned and looked at Jiang Che.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can touch you!"

Qi Tianzhong moved to Jiang Che's side and stood up for him.

"In the secret realm, Jiang had just formed a pill. While fighting for a spiritual object, he encountered the thief from the Qingtian Sect and had already formed a fake pill. If I hadn't broken through in advance.

Maybe there will be bad luck. "

With the Great Elder present, Jiang Che looked at the several figures in the void and responded without fear.

"What spiritual creature is worthy of your fight to the death with that fake alchemy master? It seems that the Qingtian Sect is bound to win." The elder of the Lin family stared at Jiang Che with a cold gaze.

"No comment."

"Junior, how dare you be so rude to me?"

The eldest elder of the Lin family suddenly became angry again.

"Old man, if you don't want to hear it, get out of here and stop chattering here."

Qi Tianzhong didn't tolerate the other party at all and started to sneer directly. "Qi Tianzhong, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Come on, try it."

"Ahem. After that battle, you killed the traitor of the Qingtian Sect?"


Jiang Che nodded.

"All the disciples of my Dragon and Tiger Dao Sect were killed at your hands?"

Yan Ping stared at Jiang Che.

"The Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect teamed up with Wei Yingjie to surround and kill the Qi family's children in the Bodhi Garden. Do you still want me to be merciful?" Jiang Che raised his head and looked at him.

Although there is still a gap in strength between him and the opponent, he can't stand the great elder's strength.

Therefore, he has nothing to be afraid of now.


Yan Ping clenched his fists under his sleeves, but still held back the murderous intention in his heart. The elder of the Wei family stared at Jiang Che with an ugly face and asked:

"Is it really Ying Jie's hand?"

"The body has been shown to all the Wei family members, and the evidence is conclusive."

The elders of the Wei family sighed secretly, and finally understood that Wei Junjie and those disciples had stopped talking before. It turned out that Wei Yingjie not only took action, but was also caught directly.

This is not easy to handle.

The Qi family and the Wei family are discussing marriage. In fact, not only the Qi family wants to gain benefits from Yuezhou, but the Wei family also wants to get closer to the Qi family in the thousand-year-old Beiling.

Although the Wei family is very powerful in Yuezhou, it is still far behind the Qi family, which has a thousand-year foundation. This time, it can be said that they have done a great job.

"So, Lin Yan and others also died in your hands?"

The eldest elder of the Lin family suddenly spoke.

"That's not true. Although Jiang killed many people along the way, he only killed two members of the Lin family who were involved in besieging the children of the Qi family. He has never seen the rest."

Jiang Che replied confidently.

Lin Yan and others died in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes. Only he and Qi Ningbing knew about it. Unless the Lin family had the magical power to rewind time, there would be absolutely no evidence.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the other party insists on putting the account on him, since it was indeed him who did it anyway.

"Huh? You weren't the one who killed me?"


At this moment, even Qi Tianzhong showed a hint of surprise. He was ready to support him, but it turned out that it had nothing to do with Jiang Che. He immediately glared at the old man in front of him:
"Lin Laogou, you heard me clearly."

"Hmph, who knows if he doesn't dare to admit it." The eldest elder of the Lin family snorted coldly, but he already believed a lot of Jiang Che's words in his heart. After all, it was just as Jiang Che thought.

With the support of the Qi family, it doesn't matter if Jiang Che admits it. It's hard for him to take action anyway.

There is no need to dare to do something or not.

"It seems that the nephew of the Lin family died at the hands of the fake alchemy master of the Qingtian Sect. This time, he was really careless." The Wei family elder added the key blow and shook his head secretly.


The eldest elder of the Lin family took a deep breath and suppressed his anger a little. When he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by Qi Tianzhong.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, please wait."

"Old Ghost Qi, do you have anything else to do?"

"I just want to ask if the previous bet still counts. Of course, if you, Old Dog Lin, can't afford to lose, that's okay. I don't care about a top-quality spiritual weapon."

Qi Tianzhong had a faint smile on his face, a typical example of how he behaved when he got an advantage.

Several people around were also shocked by Qi Tianzhong's words.

It was already clear that the disciples of the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect were all dead, and most of them died at the hands of the Qi family. It was obvious that the Qi family had taken advantage of them.

As a result, Qi Tianzhong insisted on inserting another knife into the opponent's chest, which was obviously adding insult to injury.

"Old Ghost Qi, you, you."

The eldest elder of the Lin family was so angry that he could not speak and his face turned red.

"I just want to ask you this: You can afford to lose or not!"

"Old Ghost Qi, this grudge has been settled today. Sooner or later, I will make you regret it." The eldest elder of the Lin family snorted coldly, threw his hands out a top-quality spiritual sword and threw it at the opponent, then turned around and turned into a stream of light and left.

Yan Ping of the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect took a deep look at Jiang Che and left a sentence:
"Junior, since you have killed so many disciples of my Dragon and Tiger Dao Sect, this matter cannot be settled. Just wait, my elite disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Dao Sect will come to your door for a fight.

Don't be afraid to show up then. "

Then, without the shame to stay here anymore, he turned around and left.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, I'm really sorry about Yingjie. It's because I didn't discipline him strictly and I feel ashamed." The elder of the Wei family apologized to Qi Tianzhong with a somewhat ugly face.

But Qi Tianzhong did not catch it, and just said:
"Killing in the secret realm, regardless of life or death, is the rule. Fellow Daoist Wei does not need to worry about it."


The elder of the Wei family shook his head and said no more.

The clan spirit beasts from the Wei family were summoned and took away several disciples.

Wei Junjie sat on the back of the spirit beast and looked at Jiang Che below, clenched his fists and thought to himself:

"Jiang Che, one day, I, Wei Junjie, will definitely make you regret what you did in the secret realm. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!
Let's see! "

"Fellow Daoist Qingxiao, we have agreed to split the bet equally between you and me, so you can take this Spirit Sword. It is just right for your Spirit Sword Mountain." Qi Tianzhong flicked his fingers, and the Spirit Sword made a sound as it shot towards Zhao Xianzhi.

"Haha, Mrs. Qi is too polite. Xianzhi has never thanked Little Friend Jiang for his help in the secret realm. This spirit sword is just a casual joke and cannot be taken seriously."

Zhao Xianzhi immediately refused.

"You and I have been friends for generations, so why be so polite? Just accept it."

Zhao Xianzhi showed hesitation, then accepted the spirit sword, but did not let the Qi family suffer, and gave a piece of spirit armor to Jiang Che in return.

"You have made such a great contribution, so you must be rewarded. I will give you this armor on behalf of the Qi family and Lingjian Mountain."

"Thank you, senior."

"Fellow Taoist Qingxiao, how about we go back to Yunzhou together?"

"Haha, this junior has exactly what he means."

next moment.

With an eagle cry, the eagle fluttered its wings and soared into the sky, and the blue clouds rose straight up.


(End of this chapter)

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