Chapter 225 My father-in-law’s sincerity!

Qijia, ancestral hall.

After listening to the elder's account of everything that happened in the Xuanling Secret Realm, Qi Zhengnan also had a look of solemnity on his face. Although the Qi family was powerful, the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect were also unusual.

If they really break up completely, neither party will gain anything.

Of course, this possibility is low.

Although the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect suffered heavy losses, they had promised in advance that they would not go to war with the Qi family because of this.

"This matter is not a big problem. If you kill them, you will kill them. No matter what, they are in the wrong. If you have to fight because of this, then accompany them to fight, so that these two families will not know the difference between heaven and earth."

The gloom on Qi Zhengnan's face subsided slightly.

"I mean the same thing, and I have already put aside my rhetoric with them. It's nothing to argue with peers, but if they dare to do something behind their back, huh. Then don't blame me for bullying the younger ones."

Qi Tianzhong sat on the left side, his hands resting on the dragon's head crutch.

Jiang Che was about to say something when he suddenly sensed someone approaching from outside and quickly reminded him that this was Qi's house after all, so he still had to be careful.

"Nothing, it's really beautiful."

Seeing Jiang Che staring at her Western sacred beast, Qi Ningbing rolled her eyes at him and quickly covered it up with the dress next to her.

If Jiang Che hadn't formed the elixir in the mysterious territory of Xuanling, judging from the means arranged by Nangong Ji, it would have been really difficult to do well this time. "Facing the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect, Qi Zhengnan also attaches great importance to them.

Moreover, as his own son-in-law, Qi Zhengnan doesn't mind helping the other party, so that the other party can grow up as soon as possible and can be used as a support for the Qi family in the future.

"Ning Bing, you'd better avoid it."

"Brother-in-law, what are you looking at?"

"Hahaha, I still believe in your strength. Speaking of which, this Jiang Che is not only highly qualified, but has also repeatedly exceeded my expectations and has a bright future.

"The one-year period is not too short. Besides, the engagement has been made, so there will be no accidents in this marriage. However, Nangong Ji of the Qingtian Sect secretly planned it, which I did not expect.

Qi Ningbing heard the reminder and quickly put on her robe and looked calm.

Even the Qi family will be criticized.

Qi Ningbing calmed down for a moment, turned around and exhaled a breath of fragrance, wiping the sweat from her forehead. There was a touch of red on her face, which was very charming and unusually bright and moving.

That Xuanyin spiritual energy kept moving between him and Qi Ningbing, and it had grown a lot.

"Someone is coming."

But if compared with Qingtian Sect, the two sides are still far behind.


To be able to be so arrogant and keep causing trouble even under the pursuit of the imperial court shows how strong the Qingtian Sect is. Even the Qi family cannot compete with it.

After all, what Jiang Che did this time was so beautiful that it would be difficult to convince the public without appreciation.

"What the Great Elder said is, how can I, Qi Zhengnan's son-in-law, be allowed to be humiliated by them? I was not here at that time, otherwise, Yan Ping and the old dog of the Lin family would have to suffer."

"What's the matter?"

With a soft sound, Jiang Che pulled away and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"I have always been optimistic about him, otherwise I would not have supported Wanjun's marriage with him. Furthermore, he is doing it for the sake of the Qi family. If he is ignored, the reputation of our Qi family will be ruined."

The footsteps outside the door stopped and someone called softly.

After the great elder left, Qi Zhengnan thought for a long time, and then he summoned Jiang Che. He still had some words to tell him, and at the same time, he would give him rewards.

Qi Tianzhong nodded in agreement.


Then, the two of them talked about many things, including Jiang Che and the Qi family itself. As the two most powerful people in the Qi family, they represented the attitude of the Qi family.

There was no need for Jiang Che to remind Qi Ningbing that she knew the importance of pregnancy. She was a young girl who had not even made a marriage contract. If the news of pregnancy suddenly spread, it would be more than just embarrassing.

"It seems that the great elder is also very optimistic about Jiang Che."

Jiang Che teased the other person with a teasing look in his eyes.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call it nourishing spiritual energy.

According to my opinion, getting married should be done sooner rather than later. "

Jiang Che is not ready to have children yet. Whether it was last time or this time, he has deliberately avoided it, but he still has to remind the other party to avoid any surprises.

Qi Ningbing snorted lightly.

This practice really cost him a lot of energy.


Basically, his consciousness was always on, and Qi Ningbing also used a formation to cover it up. Otherwise, Jiang Che estimated that if Qi Zhengnan knew about this, he might be so angry that he might be crippled with a palm.

"I know, I will use my true energy to force him out later."

This was also the last abnormal situation Jiang Che discovered. Perhaps it was because his cultivation was stronger. In short, every time the Xuanyin spiritual energy traveled around, it would become stronger.

"Mr. Jiang."


"The head of the family calls you to Taoyuan."


"Ning Bing, I'll go there first."


Jiang Che smiled, then raised his chin.

Qi Ningbing understood instantly and went up to give him a bite on his face.

"Why have you been gone so long?"

In Wanbing Tower, Qi Wanjun, who had been practicing cross-legged, asked casually when he saw Qi Ningbing returning.

Hearing this, Qi Ningbing subconsciously licked her long hair behind her ears. She didn't dare to look directly into her sister's eyes. She always felt very ashamed of her. She lowered her head and whispered softly:

"In addition to being grateful to Brother Jiang for interceding for me, I also asked him for a lot of experience in cultivation and fighting, and took the sperm, which delayed some time."

Qi Wanjun glanced at the other party and nodded slightly:

"You should take care of your semen."

She knew that her younger sister's talent was not inferior to hers at all, but she had never fully focused on practicing before, so she put a lot of distance between them.

She was already preparing to form pills, but as a result, her younger sister had so many resources to support her, but she had not reached the peak of divine light yet. As for her fighting strength, compared with her before, it was even worse.

"As long as you don't mind, sister."

"It's just semen collection, what do I have to mind, but it still feels a little weird for you to call me this. When there is no engagement, you are a brother-in-law.

Why did he call him Brother Jiang after returning from the secret realm? "

"Aren't I afraid that you will be shy?"

"I have nothing to be shy about."

Although he said this on the surface, Qi Wanjun was still very thin-skinned, and a ray of red rose on his face.

"By the way, sister, 伱."

"I didn't disturb your rest, did I?"

In the Taoyuan, Qi Zhengnan looked at Jiang Che with increasingly fiery eyes.

Just as the great elder said, he was indeed right about the other party. He had achieved the status of a master in such a short period of time, although it was somewhat reckless to break through in the secret realm. But it is enough to see its strong qualifications.

Xuandan Pass seemed like nothing in front of it.

There is no Xuan Dan Grandmaster in his early twenties in the world, but it is rare to find one in a hundred years. The most important thing is that he can sense that the aura on Jiang Che's body is very stable.

Obviously no quick fixes were used.

Of course, he also guessed that Jiang Che had some secrets, but he had no intention of prying into them. Among the emerging geniuses in the world, who didn't have the opportunity to have a secret?

As long as it does not affect his future practice, he is happy to see this.


Jiang Che smiled. He was called over after finishing his work, so it was really not an interruption.

"Come, sit down and have a taste of this tea."

After Qi Zhengnan finished speaking, a water dragon flowed out of the teapot next to him and fell into the teacup next to Jiang Che. A rich fragrance instantly filled the air.

"Good tea."

Jiang Che took a sip and nodded.

"You also know about tea?"

"I don't understand, but I can tell that this tea contains a lot of spiritual energy."

"Hahaha, you kid"

Qi Zhengnan couldn't help but be amused.

Jiang Che also laughed, but what he subconsciously thought about was that if Qi Zhengnan knew that he had caused trouble to Qi Ningbing, he didn't know if he would still be able to laugh.

"You did a good job this time. The great elder said a lot of good things about you in front of me. Very good, very good."

"Uncle, this is what you told me before."

Jiang Che seemed to think there was something in the other person's words, so he immediately took out the storage spirit ring in his hand and placed it on the tea table. As for the contents inside, except for the Bodhi Enlightenment Fruit that had been stored in the sacrificial monument, nothing else was touched.

After all, after leaving the secret realm, Qi Tianzhong used his spiritual consciousness to scan the things in the spiritual ring.

Although Jiang Che had already learned about Jiang Che's harvest from the great elder, he still couldn't help but smile when he looked at the Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae, five-color sacred flowers, and two Bodhi Enlightenment Fruits inside.

This is the biggest gain since the Qi family and other forces took control of the Xuanling Secret Realm.

There may even be no disciples who can achieve this level in the future.

After all, Jiang Che has almost seized the harvest of the other three families, and the Bodhi Enlightenment Fruit and Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae can also enrich the Qi family's heritage.

With a thought, many spiritual objects in the spirit ring disappeared instantly. Then, Qi Zhengnan handed the spirit ring to Jiang Che:

"I said beforehand that I will not monopolize spiritual objects. Just take a look, are you satisfied?"

Jiang Che was not polite and immediately probed into the spirit ring with his spiritual mind. He saw that more than ten various spiritual objects were still inside. In addition to the five-color sacred flowers, there were also seven thousand-year-old medicinal plants and nine year-old plants. Different elixirs.

"Now that you have broken through the Mysterious Pill, those elixirs that were hundreds of years old are no longer of much use to you, but these can be used. You can use the five-color divine flower to practice and refine it.

In addition, after Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae is refined into Yun Shen Dan, I will keep one for you to use when you break through to the divine realm in the future."

"Thank you uncle."

Jiang Che had a smile on his face.

Qi Zhengnan was full of sincerity this time. Although he took away a lot of things, in terms of value, he could monopolize nearly 40% of the gains from this trip to the Xuanling Secret Realm.

In addition, there is also a Yun Shen Dan that is coveted by the Xuan Dan Grandmaster. Although he may not be able to use it, the importance shown by the other party still makes him feel extremely comfortable.

Qi Zhengnan's importance was indeed more than just words.

"Besides, I also heard the great elder mention that you want to understand the Ming Shen Dao Monument?"

"It's true. I want to try to understand the situation. Even if I can't, I think it can help me understand the artistic conception a little more." Jiang Che nodded.

Originally, he thought about asking for it, but it turned out that his father-in-law was really helpful.

After thinking about everything, this person is worthy of being the head of a family.

"I promise you this, and I will take you to the back mountain tomorrow."

Qi Zhengnan smiled lightly.

"Thank you uncle!"

With a sincere expression on his face, Jiang Che immediately cupped his fists and saluted.

"Between you and me, there is no need to be polite. If you have any other requests, you can also tell them. As long as they are not excessive, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Qi Zhengnan waved his hand to tell Jiang Che not to be so polite.

Jiang Che nodded immediately after hearing this, but there was still a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Why, is this your request too much?"

Qi Zhengnan couldn't help but frown when he saw Jiang Che's expression looking troubled.

"Junior just doesn't know whether to say it or not."

"Say it, don't be formal."

"What this junior wants to say is Ning Bing's marriage."

Jiang Che said softly after careful consideration.


After hearing this, Qi Zhengnan suddenly had a strange look on his face.

"In the secret realm, this junior has been protecting Ning Bing for a long time. He knows what he is thinking and is very resistant to marrying with the Wei family. In addition, Wei Yingjie brazenly takes action against the Qi family.

All these things are added up. Please forgive me for saying more. If we really get married, I'm afraid it will only be half the result with twice the result. "

Jiang Che lowered his head as he spoke, not daring to raise his head for fear that the other party would notice something unusual about him.

Sure enough, Qi Zhengnan's face showed a hint of contemplation, and after a long time he said:

"Did Ning Bing ask you to tell me this?"

"These are the words from the bottom of my heart. They have nothing to do with Ning Bing. I just feel that it is not appropriate. I hope my uncle will forgive me for overstepping my bounds."

"You are really a good brother-in-law, but this matter is related to the Qi family's interests in Yuezhou, so I agreed to it before. I never said that I would definitely marry Ning Bing."

Qi Zhengnan sighed.

"Uncle, I am a Yuezhou official. In terms of my current strength, I may not be as good as the Wei family, but after all, I am backed by the government, so it is very convenient for me to do things.

If it really involves some interests, maybe I can also contribute to this matter. "

Jiang Che raised his head with a solemn expression.

Wei Ningbing's words were true, but from Qi Zhengnan's mouth, Jiang Che still heard a hint of opportunity. If the Qi family could reach out to Yuezhou, it would also be a great help to his future career.

Therefore, Jiang Che is now thinking about making the Qi family's bond with him deeper.

Although Xuandan is strong, it is still difficult to dominate one side.

At least, we have to rely on the Qi family's momentum to steadily cultivate to the state of divine appearance.


Qi Zhengnan squinted his eyes and stared at Jiang Che with a dark expression, as if he was calculating the pros and cons of this matter.

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(End of this chapter)

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