Chapter 235 Is your name Gao Qinian?
"It's best this way. It saves me the trouble of provoking disputes between him and Gao Qinian." Ji Changqing gently shook the folding fan, raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled.

Fang Xian at the gate of the city was the person he deliberately arranged. Gao Qinian still had some brains and knew that it would not be in his interest to have a big conflict with Jiang Che, so he naturally needed to push him.

Unfortunately, looking at the situation outside, Fang Xian didn't perform well, and he didn't even anger Jiang Che.

Sitting next to Ji Changqing was a middle-aged man wearing a robe that was different from those in the Central Plains. Hearing what the other party said, he also smiled:
"But this son should not be underestimated after all. After all, he is the son-in-law of the Qi family. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to treat this person as a pawn, so he must be more careful."

"I won't bother you to worry about this." Ji Changqing's smile slowly faded and she glanced at that person.

"In that case, I will return to South Vietnam first. I will truthfully report to the king what King Ning wants. I hope that you and I can really achieve something big."

"Hehehe, Mr. Zhou, walk slowly"

In front of the city lord's mansion.

Jiang Che and the people around him had completely surrounded this place. He looked at the future home in front of him and nodded slightly. Compared to the Taishan City Lord's Mansion, this place was many times better than the Taishan City Lord's Mansion in every aspect.

He was quite satisfied.

"I dare to ask, but Jiang Dutong will do it in person?"

When Jiang Che arrived, a figure who had been guarding the door quickly stepped forward to salute and inquire.


"Tong Gao Dutong has hosted a banquet for the Lord in his mansion. Please come with me, Mr. Jiang Dutong."

Jiang Che looked at him, and a smile suddenly broke out on his face:


"Sir, Commander Jiang is here."

In the lobby, many Tiannan City officials stood in awe after hearing the words, looking at each other as if they were exchanging opinions. Gao Qinian, who was in charge, drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, put it down heavily, and said in a deep voice:
"Invite him in."

"No need, Jiang is not here as a guest, it is inappropriate to use the word "please"." As soon as Gao Qinian finished speaking, Jiang Che stepped into the hall with an indifferent expression.

Qi Ningbing and others followed behind them one by one.

The several guards at the door looked at each other, but they did not dare to stop the newly appointed chief minister.

When Jiang Che walked into the lobby, in an instant, more than ten eyes fell directly on Jiang Che. Looking at his young posture, some had complicated expressions, some were dismissive, and some were envious.

After all, many of them knew Jiang Che's origins. He was just a sixth-grade official in a prefecture in the north of Yuezhou, which was nothing in front of them.

But suddenly, relying on the Beiling Qi family, they rose to the top in one step. Without any qualifications and merits, they directly sat in the elusive position they had worked for most of their lives.

Who wouldn’t envy this kind of luck?
Those who dismiss it are just because they are not the ones who reach the sky in one step.

"Are you Jiang Che?"

Gao Qinian looked solemn and stared at Jiang Che with sinister eyes. His powerful pressure began to escape quietly, and he slowly pressed towards Jiang Che.

Although he knew not to take action, lest others benefit, he still couldn't swallow that feeling in his heart. Even if he didn't take action, he still wanted to give Jiang Che a blow.

If the other person understands him, he must be respected even if his position is higher than his.

"Your name is Gao Qinian."

Compared with Gao Qinian's normal questioning, Jiang Che seemed a lot more arrogant. He stood in the middle of the lobby with his hands behind his hands, squinting his eyes slightly as he looked at the middle-aged man above him.


Gao Qinian's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Jiang Che to be so arrogant when he first arrived. It was beyond his expectation. He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly:

"Yes, I am the one!"

"Official? Hehe. No matter what your official position is, you dare to claim to be my official in front of me. Jiang will give you three breaths to come down and pay respects. Otherwise, don't blame Jiang for being rude."

Gao Qinian was so angry that he almost laughed. Jiang Che was just a step ahead of him in terms of position. What if Jiang Che was really much weaker than him in terms of cultivation, and he actually threatened to be rude to him?
What a joke, he hadn't seen such a stupid young man in a long time.

"Really? I would like to see why you are so rude to me." Gao Qinian responded coldly, with a sarcastic look in his eyes.

Jiang Che stared at the other person, chuckled, then looked around, then turned his head and hooked Gao Qinian:

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che's figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, he appeared in the sky above the city lord's palace, with the power of the powerful Xuan Dan dissipating in all directions without concealment.

After Jiang Che invited a fight, many officials on both sides turned their attention to Gao Qinian, seeming to be curious about whether he would fight. Faced with such a simple question, was there any need to think about it?
What Gao Qinian was afraid of was the Zhennan Hou Mansion and the Beiling Qi family, not just Jiang Che. Since the other party showed such disrespect to an old man like him, he should show the other party some shame.

"Gao Mou wants to see how capable you are after being so boasted!"

After saying that, Gao Qinian suddenly stepped out, and his body turned into a stream of light and rushed straight into the void. He even left many afterimages in the void because of the speed of his movements.

“Go, go, go”

"Who do you think can win among these two?"

"Then who knows?"

"I prefer Gao Dutong. Jiang Che may have good talent, but after all, he is too young and too impulsive this time. If he is defeated on the spot, who will listen to him in the future?"

"I don't agree. I think since Jiang Dutong took the initiative to invite a fight, he must be somewhat confident."

Many officials in the lobby were discussing one after another, and at the same time, they quickly gathered outside the lobby, preparing to watch the battle, so as to determine their attitude towards Jiang Che who had just taken office.

"Sister Qi, he." Huang Shanshan hesitated, a little worried about Jiang Che's safety. She believed in Jiang Che's strength, but it was just as everyone was whispering.

Jiang Che is still too young after all.

"I believe he can win, what about it, do you want to take a gamble?"

Qi Ningbing knew that Jiang Che had already prepared for a battle to establish his position, so he must be well prepared, so he was not too worried about it. He looked at Huang Shanshan with interest and asked.

"Betting? The adults are fighting, so it's not a good idea for us to make a bet, right?"

"Hey, it's a little gambling for fun, and I don't gamble for money. It's just for fun. Even if Brother Jiang finds out, he won't blame you or me."

"What are you gambling?"

"Well, I'll bet that Jiang Che can suppress this Gao Qinian within a quarter of an hour. As for the bet, I'll bet that the next time we have sex, we'll find another way. How about somewhere else?"

Huang Shanshan's face turned red instantly. She knew what Qi Ningbing meant by finding a new way, and for a moment she was a little hesitant to accept it.

"Do you want to gamble or not? Don't worry, if I lose, I will do the same thing."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Huang Shanshan gritted her teeth and nodded.

In the void, Gao Qinian and Jiang Che were dozens of feet apart, their respective auras faintly clashing. He stared at Jiang Che and said calmly:

"Jiang Che, Gao wanted to live in peace with you and rule Tiannan together. Unfortunately, you chose such a path. If you lose, do you know what the consequences will be?
Now Gao Mou will give you a chance, bow your head and admit your mistake, and you and I will make peace. Otherwise, don’t blame Gao Mou for using his cultivation to bully the small ones. "Gao Qinian said in a deep voice. "I will also give you a chance to worship me honestly. It's not that I can't give you some rights, otherwise I can only send you to cultivate for a period of time. "

Jiang Chen replied calmly.

"Arrogant, today Gao will let you know what it means to be arrogant, so that you don't rely on the reputation of the Qi family to be arrogant and domineering outside without knowing the true God."

Seeing Jiang Che being so arrogant and showing no intention of giving in or repenting, Gao Qinian could no longer give in. His right arm suddenly shook, and his thin arm suddenly swung forward.

In an instant, a powerful fist blasted out and exploded in the void. Wherever it passed, there was a loud sound of wind, and the surrounding area was attracted and wrapped with powerful force, directly locking Jiang Che.

Facing Gao Qinian's blow, Jiang Che didn't panic at all, he just glanced at the opponent. The next moment, dragon-shaped aura condensed instantly, and in an instant, it spread all over the world.


One after another dragon roars resounded through the sky, and half of Tiannan City could hear them clearly. Then, more than ten dragon-shaped auras suddenly roared out, killing directly in the direction of Gao Qinian.

There was a roar and explosion, and the power of Gao Qinian's punch was instantly shattered.

However, the more than ten dragon-shaped auras did not stop their offensive, and still blasted towards the opponent.

"It's quite capable, but it's not enough."

The sound of the sword resounded, and in an instant, a bright green and red sword light shone in the sky and the earth. The terrifying sword light, which was dozens of feet long, slashed out and directly hit the incoming dragon-shaped aura.




The two attacks blasted together, and the roars exploded one after another. The sound was so loud that countless soldiers below quickly covered their ears.

After a few breaths, all the offensives were wiped out. Gao Qinian held a half-man long sword and looked forward proudly. He was about to say a few arrogant words, but found that Jiang Che, who was still in front before, had disappeared.


Gao Qinian's expression gradually turned solemn.

He has been in the officialdom for decades and has fought countless people. It is impossible to naively think that Jiang Che has been defeated like this. The opponent must be preparing to attack him somewhere when he disappears.

The most important thing is that when his consciousness dispersed, he found no trace of Jiang Che.

At this moment, he put away all his contempt for Jiang Che. In just one confrontation, he noticed Jiang Che's hidden extraordinary qualities, and he definitely had some real abilities.

Before he could think any more, suddenly, the sound of a knife sounded in his ears.

Looking up, I saw a bright beam of light falling from the sky above the sky, like a divine punishment coming from the sky.

"not good!"

Gao Qinian's expression suddenly changed, and then he activated the spirit soldiers in his hands without hesitation, and the powerful sword light shot upward without hesitation, but what surprised him was.

His offensive was simply difficult to match.

artistic conception!

Jiang Che has integrated his artistic conception into the sword light!

Realizing this, Gao Qinian no longer hesitated. He clenched his fists tightly, opened his eyes wide, and also completely opened his artistic conception, blending into the sword light and blasting towards the sword light.


After being bombarded by several swords in succession, Gao Qinian's face became more solemn, and he began to retreat towards the rear, trying to avoid Jiang Che's offensive. However, at this moment, a punch suddenly roared in his ears.

He looked back, punched with his backhand, and the two punches hit each other directly, but that seemed to be just the beginning. Several punches exploded in unison, causing his clothes to shatter.

Under a dragon-shaped force, it was knocked directly from the void to the ground.

"cough cough"

Gao Qinian coughed softly, and looked up at Jiang Che with extremely serious eyes. After a brief exchange, he could not gain the upper hand at all, but was slightly injured.

There was a bit of an expression on his face.

He knew that if he were defeated by a young man like Jiang Che today, his prestige in the future would be gone, so he stopped hesitating and started to use some of his trump cards.

Forming a seal with one hand, the light flowed, and a huge illusory figure slowly lifted up. It was a giant ape. At the same time, thick hair began to grow on his thin body.

With a roar, the giant ape swung his fist and struck the sky.

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed slightly, and he struck again with his backhand.

Sea of ​​blood. Killing and calamity!
The bloody sword glowed across the sky, as if the sky and the earth were split open!

This sword was the one that killed Monk Changfeng in the first place. It was also the sword that killed Longhu Taoist Hong Cheng in the Mysterious Realm of Xuanling. It was the strongest sword he could strike without using his power.

The reason why he didn't use the situation was not because he deliberately wanted to fight Gao Qinian, but because he didn't want to be exposed prematurely. After all, it was his trump card second only to the spirit-transforming talisman.


Another blow roared and exploded, shining into the void.

When Jiang Che and Gao Qinian were fighting, the news of their fight finally attracted the attention of many powerful people in Tiannan City. More than a dozen figures with different auras were hidden everywhere, observing the alternation between the old and the new. Zhan couldn't help but be shocked by it.

"Jiang Che's strength is actually on par with Gao Qinian!"

"This young man is very extraordinary."

"I really didn't expect it. I heard that Jiang Che has only been in Xuandan for a few months, right?"

"Yes, he has such strength when he first entered Xuandan. No wonder the Beiling Qi family is willing to marry him. It is really worth it."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect to see such a good show today."

Around him, several voices intertwined and discussed.

Jiang Che, who was fighting against Gao Qinian, had his eyes slightly condensed. He actually underestimated the opponent. The veteran strongman in the middle stage of Xuandan was indeed not something that could be defeated easily.

Exhaling a breath, Jiang Che was not ready to waste any more time.

Although the situation is a trump card, it is reasonable to think that he only uses part of his power, and it will not be thought of as a situation that he has completely controlled, so he immediately stopped hesitating.

In the pupils, a cold light flashed.

Between heaven and earth, the situation began to change.

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(End of this chapter)

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