Chapter 238 I also want to see my limits!

Qi Ningbing quite agrees with this point. Although the power of the imperial court is deteriorating, it is still the strongest force in the world. No force will openly rebel unless it is absolutely necessary.

But that was only on the surface. As long as they were not caught with conclusive evidence, there were many people who attacked court officials in private. Qi Ningbing knew that the previous commander-in-chief of Tiannan Pass died an unexpected death.

So far, Yuezhou officials are still investigating.

"I would like to report to the capital, Fang Xian, please see me."

Outside the door, a guard walked into the lobby and bowed to report.

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed slightly and nodded:

"Let him in."


"I'm going to send you an official letter and pay my respects to the capital."

Fang Xian, who was wearing armor, felt a little uneasy in his heart, and bowed to Jiang Che. Facing Jiang Che, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and all the reasons came from the previous obstruction at the city gate.

He originally thought that Jiang Che would not care about this matter, but Jiang Che's sudden urgent summons still made him feel a little panicked.

What made him tremble was that Jiang Che discovered the clues to the matter. His first words were:

"Should you answer it yourself, or let me torture you?"

Fang Xian couldn't help but panic, but he still managed to stay calm on his face:

"Your Majesty, you don't understand what Du Tong means?"

"You really don't understand?"

Jiang Che looked at the person below, with no color in his eyes.

He really didn't care about this person at first, but before Gao Qinian took leave, he told him that the previous blockade at the city gate was not arranged by him, but someone wanted to provoke a fight between them.

He even felt that the reason why Jiang Che started the war might be because of this incident. Naturally, he did not want to take the blame and planned to let Jiang Che handle it on his own. It would be best to turn against the people behind Fang Xian.

Just as Ji Changqing hoped that Jiang Che would turn against Gao Qinian, the defeated Gao Qinian also hoped that Jiang Che would turn against other forces, and everyone wanted to make profits behind the scenes.

"I really don't understand. Can you explain it more clearly?" Fang Xian looked sad, as if he couldn't figure out what offended Jiang Che.

"Is it your order to stop me at the city gate?"

"Your Excellency, you have misunderstood. The reason why I did this was actually an order from the High Commissioner. I was just following orders and did not dare to go against you. I hope you will learn from this."

Fang Xian fell to his knees with a thump.

"I like smart people, but you seem a bit stupid!" Jiang Che's eyes flashed with blood, and in an instant, a huge pressure escaped and enveloped the entire hall.

Fang Xian suddenly broke out in cold sweat. He felt as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his back. His back was so heavy that he couldn't straighten it up. He didn't wait for an explanation.

The pressure suddenly increased.


Fang Xian was completely pressed to the ground.

Jiang Che always sat upright. Facing an innate warrior, Jiang Che, who had already stepped into the situation of power, almost had an absolute advantage. He didn't even need to make a move. He just needed to escape the power of heaven and earth. Even the opponent couldn't bear this power. .

The bones creaked, Fang Xian showed pain, and said quickly:
"Du Tong. Spare. Spare my life and send me down."

"It is said that when a new official takes office, there are three things to do. The first thing is that I burned Gao Qinian, asking him to take leave of absence and return home to recuperate. Why don't you try my second thing?
Gao Qinian is not easy to kill, but your life and death are only a matter of a thought. Answer honestly that you can still live, otherwise, you will only turn into a puddle of flesh. "Jiang Che looked down at the people below without sadness or joy.

Qi Ningbing looked at this scene with curiosity on her face.

"Capital, I, I said"

Under the pressure of life and death, Fang Xian finally chose life. When he saw Jiang Che's domineering style before, he knew that the new commander-in-chief had a lawless temper.

Even the members of the Gao family suppressed him, let alone him, a low-level official with no skills.

In an instant, when Fang Xian was begging for mercy, the invisible force on his body disappeared just as quickly as it came. It disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Fang Xian lay on the ground breathing heavily.

His eyes were filled with fear.


"It's the people from Yuanhe Mountain who asked me to deliberately provoke you into enmity with Gao Dutong." Fang Xian lowered his head and said.

"Yuanhe Mountain?"

Jiang Che frowned lightly. He had never had any grudge against this force. Could it be that the person behind it was the one who ordered it? No wonder Jiang Che thought so, as Qi Ningbing said, almost all the Jianghu forces in the Tiannan City area have their heels.

And there are only a few forces that can get on the stage.

Yuanhe Mountain is one of them.

After he suppressed Gao Qinian, he sent his disciples to give him gifts, but they were only of average value.

"Xiaguan received financial support from Yuan Heshan in his early years, and only then did he break through to the Divine Light Realm and take up the position of captain. After that, Yuan Heshan used this as a blackmail to force his subordinates to do things for them.

Including blocking the Lord from entering the city, it was also their arrangement, they even wanted the subordinates to anger the Lord." Fang Xian did not dare to hide anything and explained quickly.

"What evidence is there?"

Jiang Che didn't believe Fang Xian's "coercion" at all. It was most likely that Yuan Heshan cooperated with Fang Xian to make profits, opening the door to convenience, but he did not pursue this aspect.

"I don't have conclusive evidence, but I can swear that everything I said is true, and I will never deceive you." Fang Xian responded quickly with a look of horror on his face.

"Who is the force behind Yuanhe Mountain?"

"I really don't know much about this official. I only know that Yuanheshan has a lot of official connections. There is even more than one subordinate to him in Tiannan City."

Jiang Che's fingertips tapped the armrest beside him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the atmosphere in the hall instantly dropped to freezing point, thinking about who the person behind Yuanhe Mountain was.

Fang Xian's Adam's apple squirmed, and he felt the pressure rising again. He gritted his teeth and continued:
"Although I don't have any evidence that they colluded with my subordinates to deal with you, I do have an account book in my hand, which contains various resources given to my subordinates every three festivals and two birthdays in the past two years.

I wonder if this can be considered evidence? "

"Bring the account books. Also, contact the people in Yuanheshan and tell them that I have noticed you and ask them what to do." Jiang Che said after a moment of silence.

"Yes, I will take care of it immediately."

With that said, Fang Xian wanted to resign and stay away from Jiang Che, a dangerous person.

But before he could speak, a ray of light burst out from Jiang Che's fingertips and penetrated directly into Fang Xian's dantian.

"Sir, you."

Fang Xian's face changed slightly.

"I can't trust you, so you and I can rest assured."

Jiang Che's voice was calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Yes Yes"

Fang Xian nodded obediently, not daring to refute at all.

"Go down."

"I am resigning."

"Behind Yuanhe Mountain should be Prince Ning's Mansion."

After Yang Xian left, Qi Ningbing broke the silence.


Jiang Che frowned slightly.

"The Qi family has some influence here and has dealt with many people. Yuanhe Mountain was built a hundred years ago, but it did not start to develop suddenly until a few decades ago. They moved here from other state capitals and did The forces behind the business of reselling resources from South Vietnam will naturally take action to clear up trouble for Yuan Heshan.

Naturally, the truth was revealed. On the surface, there is a secret behind Yuan Heshan, but in fact, all the forces have their own judgments in their hearts."

"You know a lot."

Jiang Che was a little surprised now.

"You really think I'm a vase." Qi Ningbing glanced at Jiang Che angrily and snorted. In order to cooperate with Jiang Che, his father gave her a lot of authority.

And she also wants to be Jiang Che's good wife, not just a sleeping partner.

"It's like being exiled. This Prince Ning's Mansion actually doesn't stay quiet and comes to provoke me. It's really an old man who hangs himself because he thinks his life is too long."

Jiang Che leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, with a chill in his eyes.

Before taking office, he had done many investigations, including Prince Ning's Mansion, but he had never taken it to heart.

After all, this generation of Prince Ning is too honest and has little sense of existence. In addition, he has little military power, so he is actually just an idle prince.

When it comes to power, he is far behind now.

In the end, it was the inconspicuous Prince Ning's Mansion who was the first to get in trouble with him, which really surprised him. Could it be that he had no deterrent power at all?
"Well, maybe Prince Ning's government's targeting of you has something to do with me." Qi Ningbing muttered hesitantly.

"Isn't this your first time coming to Tiannan?"

"Princess Ning is a member of the Wei family in Linyuan, and the contemporary Prince Ning is Wei Junjie's cousin. It may be because of the marriage that Prince Ning's palace acted behind her."

Qi Ningbing frowned.

"I see. But the person who targeted me in Prince Ning's Mansion is really not very smart. He knew that the person behind Yuanhe Mountain was not a secret, yet he did it in such a simple way.

Haha, it’s really stupid. "

Jiang Che had a smile on his face.

"Don't be impulsive. Although Prince Ning's palace seems powerless on the surface, that's only now. The previous generation of Prince Ning was still very powerful in the Yuezhou officialdom, but he was reduced by the imperial court.

Moreover, after all, it belongs to the clan with the surname Ji and is of royal blood. That is why all forces will give Prince Ning's Mansion some face and will not do anything too harsh to avoid causing trouble. "

Seeing that Jiang Che seemed to have thoughts of revenge, Qi Ningbing quickly dissuaded him.

But Jiang Che shook his head:

"Yes, maybe that's why Prince Ning's Mansion feels confident. Unfortunately, they have offended the wrong person. Since they have attacked me, there is no need to keep the so-called Yuanhe Mountain."

Jiang Che stretched his back lazily, seemingly not paying attention to Prince Ning's Mansion at all.

No, not seemingly, but actually.

A down-and-out prince with only a slight reputation was sent to the southern border. To be honest, it was really not as stressful as the Wei family and the Gao family, which were low-income families.

"Do you really want to take action?"

"Li Chengguo previously hinted at me to wipe out the Jianghu forces in Tiannan and give me support. I am following the orders of the Marquis of Zhennan. I am justified. As long as there is evidence, why can't I take action?"

Jiang Che knew that Li Chengguo also had bad intentions, and might even have the intention of letting him take the blame in the future, but that was in the future, at least for now, with the Qi family around, the other party had to protect him.

He didn't have any extravagant expectations. Every Shangguan valued him as much as Qi Sanjia.

The slow development was not in line with his wishes at all. Tiannan was too dangerous after all, and there were always top forces with great masters in the realm of gods.

He had to grow up as soon as possible, at least he had to step into the golden elixir first before he could have the ability to compete with the master of Shen Xiang.

Therefore, we must be radical!
Of course, it would be best if Yuanhe Mountain had the sacrifice he wanted.

"Then I'll send a message to the family and send a great master over?"

Qi Ningbing hesitated.

"Okay, the trade route that happened to capture Prince Ning's Mansion will be led by the Qi family. You have to pick the weak ones first!" Jiang Che chuckled and nodded.

"I have initially understood the power of heaven and earth. This person is quite a strong enemy." On the other side, Lei Lei, who was ordered to invite the battle, finally arrived at Tiannan City, and this was the first news he heard after arriving.

It was Jiang Che who suppressed Gao Qinian with the power of explosive thunder and became famous in Tiannan City.

Originally, Lei Lei didn't pay much attention to Jiang Che, a well-known young prodigy, and even felt that he was still bullying the younger ones, but now it seems that the other party does have a few tricks up his sleeve.

If an ordinary grandmaster came over, he might not be able to deal with him.

"Senior Brother Lei, what should we do now? Should we further investigate this person's strength?" Beside Lei Lei, several Xiantian disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect frowned.

"Yes, this person is really powerful in the power of heaven and earth. No wonder Junior Brother Hong fell in his hands."

"Arrogance also requires skills."

Several people said to each other that this battle was not safe.

Lei Lei frowned, with a displeased look on his face, and raised his right hand:
"No need!"


"This is how you can be considered an opponent. If you really use the big one to bully the small ones, it will ruin Lei's reputation. Go and directly send someone to issue a battle invitation openly and justly, saying that I, Lei Lei, have heard of his reputation for a long time, and hereby fight."

At this moment, Lei Lei even hoped that Jiang Che could put some pressure on him, otherwise there would be no pleasure in being abusing him. As for victory or defeat, Jiang Che had initially understood the power of heaven and earth.

As the divine seed of the true inheritance of the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect, haven’t you understood it yet?

Just use this to sharpen your sword, take advantage of the opponent's momentum, and understand your own momentum.

In front of him, what does Jiang Che's proud advantage mean?
It's just a matter of holding on a little longer.


In the city lord's mansion, Jiang Che looked at the battle invitation in his hand and felt it was inexplicably familiar. It seemed that when he was in Tai'an mansion before, Yikong also wanted to fight with him.

"This Lei Lei is not an ordinary person. I heard from my brother that this person possesses a thunder spirit body and has extremely powerful thunder skills. He was able to defeat my brother in a battle two years ago."

Qi Ningbing looked very serious.

"That does have some strength."

"Do you want to refuse?"

"This is to avenge those in the Xuanling Secret Realm. If we refuse, the momentum we just established will be gone."

"Are you sure?"

"Not sure."

"Ah this."

"Only 98%"

"Uh" Qi Ningbing was speechless.

"Then you mean to accept the challenge?"

"Of course I have to accept the challenge, but I have a lot of things to do. If you want to ask me to challenge you, you have to show your sincerity first." A familiar smile appeared on Jiang Che's face. He was looking for a sacrifice by himself. How could his opponent find a sacrifice?

This saves him time.

"Are you really sure? Don't be brave. At worst, let my brother come. Anyway, he is from the same generation as this Thunderbolt, so it's okay to fight for you."

Qi Ningbing looked worried. Although she had seen Jiang Che's tactics to suppress Gao Qinian, Lei Lei had a long-standing reputation after all and was not an ordinary person. With this posture, one could tell that he was preparing to retaliate ruthlessly.

"No need, I just want to see where my limits are."


Asking for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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