Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 374: Mu Wu reaches his limit, fights Ye Xishui, and uses mysterious ice skills

Chapter 374: Mu Wu reaches his limit, fights Ye Xishui, and uses mysterious ice skills
"I didn't expect that someone would recognize me even though I haven't been out for so long. Interesting."

Ye Xishui half leaned on the blood seat, looking lazy.

She looked at Mu Wu with her bloodshot eyes, and her whole body seemed to reveal a kind of indifference.

But Mu Wu did not dare to be careless, because Death Douluo Ye Xishui became famous a hundred years ago.

He is one of the three ultimate Douluo along with Dragon God Douluo Moon and Dragon Emperor Douluo Long Xiaoyao.

In terms of actual combat power, he is much stronger than the half-crippled Moon.

How could Mu Wu dare to underestimate such a powerful man?

"Death Douluo, what do you want to do?"

Mu Wu said with a vigilant look.

Ye Xishui smiled comfortably, pointed her green jade finger at Xuan Zi who had been severely injured by Mu Wu below, and slightly opened her bloody red lips.

"I am here this time to welcome the elders of my sect back to the Holy Church."

As he spoke, Ye Xishui clenched his right hand and grabbed Xuan Zi directly.

Mu Wu's eyes narrowed, but he did not take any action to stop it.

Ye Xishui is a veteran Extreme Douluo. If they fight, he will hardly be his opponent.

He always remembered Su Yu's previous instructions and put his own protection first.

There was no way he would put himself in danger just for Xuan Zi.

Not to mention, he still has important responsibilities to shoulder, the young master has not grown up yet, and he cannot afford to have any accidents at this time.

So even though Ye Xishui's every move revealed contempt, he did not get angry.

It would be unwise to make enemies with Ye Xishui at this time.

But he was afraid that this mentally ill woman would not give up so easily.

Ye Xishui grabbed Xuan Zi from the ground and sucked him into the air.

At this moment, the power of Extreme Douluo was revealed.

She clenched her five fingers into a fist, and an invisible force restrained Xuan Zi, who was unable to move at all.

He was controlled in mid-air by Ye Xishui.

"Nice evil aura. It didn't make my trip in vain."

Ye Xishui looked at Xuan Zi and nodded secretly.

Of course she knew Xuan Zi.

She had a very complicated relationship with Moon Long Xiaoyao back then.

How could she not know Xuan Zi's identity?

It’s just that Xuan Zi’s cultivation level was mediocre in the past, so she didn’t take him seriously at all.

However, Xuan Zi, who has been possessed by the devil, has considerable combat power.

If he could maintain the state of Dark Taotie, even her son, the leader of the Holy Spirit Sect, Zhongli Wu, would find it difficult to subdue him.

As a true Warcraft martial spirit, the Dark Taotie has extremely high quality and ranks among the best among all super martial spirits.

With just one glance, Ye Xishui knew that she had made the right decision this time.

Otherwise, if Xuan Zi was captured, the Holy Spirit Church would lose a great deal of its fighting power.

But what interested her more was Mu Wu, who was able to suppress Xuan Zi's dark Taotie from beginning to end. This man's strength was even stronger than her son.

She was very interested.

The bloodshot eyes moved away from Xuan Zi and moved around Mu Wu carefully.

The sharpness in his eyes seemed as if he could see through Mu Wu completely.

Mu Wu frowned slightly, secretly alert.

"You have a very solid foundation. You have long been qualified to become a Limit Douluo. Why have you been stagnant?"

"Could it be... that you want to try the legendary Yin-Yang complementary dual soul core?"

Ye Xishui raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at Mu Wu. This time, she became even more interested.

Mu Wu frowned secretly. Being looked at by the old woman, he always felt an indescribable nausea.

It was not known whether it was due to resistance or something else, but among the three ultimate Douluos of mankind, he had the least favorable impression of the man in front of him.

"Death Douluo, you have found what you want. I will not bother you any more. Goodbye."

Mu Wu clasped his fists and turned to leave.

Ye Xishui's lips curled up slightly, and a hint of teasing flashed across her beautiful eyes, "Wait!"

"Death Douluo, do you have any other advice?"

Mu Wu secretly clenched his fists.

"You are very good. Are you interested in joining my Holy Spirit Church?"

Ye Xishui said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I am the Great Guardian of the Ice Temple. How can I join another force? Goodbye."

Mu Wu clasped his hands together, turned around and left.

"Want to go?"

"It's not that easy."

The smile on Ye Xishui's face disappeared instantly, and her beautiful eyes were filled with fierceness.

"Since you don't know what's good for you, I will capture you and take you back. When you join my holy religion, you will be grateful to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Xishui slapped Mu Wu with his palm.

Extreme Douluo, every move can cause changes in the situation.

When one reaches this realm, any attack from him will be difficult for anyone below the level of Extreme Douluo to resist.

Mu Wu's eyes were serious, his soul power gushed out, and a tremendous chill swept across the air.


Accompanied by a loud bang, Mu Wu retreated a hundred meters, his blood surging.

Ye Xishui stood up slowly from the blood throne, and casually cast out a blood-colored light shield, which bound Xuanzi inside.

She gently moved her jade-like hands, and then pointed lightly towards Mu Wu.

With a point of his finger, a huge blood-red wave descended from the sky, surging as if it was going to swallow Mu Wu.

Mu Wu did not dare to delay, and his Ba Xia spirit roared towards the sky. The dragon's might and the cold air merged into one, and the ice-blue light spread instantly, and everything was frozen in an instant.

The huge blood-red wave that was sweeping over was actually frozen into blood ice by the astonishing cold air.


Ye Xishui's figure flashed and she arrived at the center of the battlefield, and a delicate and pretty little hand slapped out inconspicuously.

The bright red fingernails on the little hands exuded a faint coldness.

Mu Wu, who was attacked, felt his hair stand on end and he immediately displayed his martial soul's true form.

A small hand that is completely disproportionate to Ba Xia's true body, but it has unimaginable power.

With just one strike, Ba Xia's real body was knocked away.

Mu Wu flew backwards for hundreds of meters. Ye Xishui's casual attack was powerful enough to deal a heavy blow.

If it weren't for the amazing defensive power of his Ba Xia true body, he would have been seriously injured by this one blow alone.

But even so, Ye Xishui's palm still made his blood boil.

Is this the power of the Ultimate Douluo?
Ye Xishui walked barefoot, and with every step he took, it seemed as if blood shadows were floating beneath him.

This woman, who could turn hostile at any time, even had her toenails painted a creepy blood red.

The feet, which were originally as white as lotus roots and as smooth as jade, appeared to have a strange and eerie feeling.

"The tortoise shell is quite hard. Perhaps no one below the Ultimate Douluo can be your opponent."

"But... no matter how strong you are, you are still insignificant in front of me."

"Perhaps I should teach you why the Ultimate Douluo is called the Ultimate."

Ye Xishui spoke calmly, but her aura was rising.

In Mu Wu's perception, Ye Xishui was like an abyss, and his aura became more and more unfathomable.

The oncoming pressure made Mu Wu more solemn than ever before. He once again experienced the power of the Extreme Douluo.

With Ba Xia martial spirit and super spirit ring ratio, he is the best among the ninety-eight-level Super Douluo.

But facing the Ultimate Douluo, he was still powerless.

The limit, the person who has reached this step has already reached the ultimate level that human beings can reach.

"no solution anymore."

Mu Wu murmured in his heart, but his eyes became extremely sharp.

Facing Ye Xishui's increasingly overwhelming pressure, Mu Wu's fighting spirit became even stronger.

"To try to stop a chariot with a mantis arm is meaningless, and that will teach you what despair is."

Ye Xishui raised his right hand, and the blood-red sky swept across madly, as if it was all compressed in this palm.

The next moment, Ye Xishui slapped out with his palm, and it was like a river bursting out of the sky. The power that gushed out in an instant was enough to destroy the city and split the mountains.

Mu Wu, who was facing the attack head-on, felt his hair stand on end all over his body, and a strong feeling of death loomed in his heart.

But Mu Wu did not retreat. The ice-blue mark between his eyebrows suddenly glowed brightly.

A rich ice-blue light emanated from the mark between his eyebrows, completely enveloping Mu Wu.

The next moment, an ice-blue beam of light shot up into the sky, and the pure white Ba Xia martial spirit behind him was instantly rendered ice-blue.

The entire martial soul is like ice crystal, full of strange texture.

The most shocking thing was that Mu Wu's momentum climbed all the way from the half-step limit, and actually crossed that natural chasm and truly entered the extreme level.

The sublimation of the mysterious ice technique.

It can instantly elevate your soul power and reach a whole new level.

Titled Douluo can use this skill to become Super Douluo.

Ordinary Super Douluo can use this skill to become a Peak Douluo.

And with Mu Wu's half-step limit level, after using the sublimation skill, his soul power was directly raised to the level of Extreme Douluo.

In the current Ice Temple, Mu Wu is the only one who is proficient in this secret technique of sublimation.


"Is there such a thing?"

Ye Xishui was startled, but he did not retract the strength in his hands. Instead, he increased it a little bit.

An ice-blue light surrounded Mu Wu, and the martial spirit Ba Xia behind him opened his mouth and spit out an ice-blue beam of light.


Two powerful energies collided with each other, and the surrounding space was instantly shattered layer by layer, and powerful energy fluctuations spread out.

"hold head high!"

Amidst the roars of dragons, Mu Wu did not retreat but advanced instead, tearing through the bloody sky and rushing straight towards Ye Xishui.

"Be bold!"

Ye Xishui shouted angrily and slapped out with his palm.

Mu Wu was not afraid at all. The light around him gathered together to form a small energy beam, which he blasted straight forward.


The two energies collided with each other, causing a loud bang. The next moment, Ye Xishui was hit hard and was forced back a hundred meters.


Due to his carelessness, Ye Xishui was actually defeated by a mere Mu Wu. He was immediately furious.

The blood light condensed, and a bloody figure appeared behind Ye Xishui. Suddenly, endless blood light spread around.

Under Ye Xishui, nine soul rings, six black and three red, also appeared.

In a rage, Ye Xishui lost interest in playing and started to get serious.

Ye Xishui's martial soul is called Blood Soul Demon Puppet, which is an extremely evil martial soul.

After being possessed by the martial spirit, Ye Xishui's aura changed drastically. Not only did it rise a lot, but the bloody and sinister aura on his body also became stronger.

Even though they were nearly a hundred meters apart, Mu Wu could still smell the disgusting odor on Ye Xishui.

"A sea of ​​blood is surging."

Ye Xishui used his ultimate move without saying anything, and in an instant, the surroundings almost turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Mu Wu also opened up the glacial field, and the cold air spread, forming an icy field.

The two looked at each other, and the next moment, they started to collide wildly.

In just a few moments, they had fought for more than a hundred rounds.

Relying on the power of his martial soul, after his soul power was increased to the Extreme Douluo level, Mu Wu was able to briefly compete with Ye Xi.

The more Ye Xishui fought, the more shocked he became, and the murderous intent in his heart grew stronger.

"You are too dangerous. I must eliminate you right here and now."

"Your survival is an obstacle to the Holy Church. There will never be a dangerous person like you in this world."

Ye Xishui's original admiration for Mu Wu turned into a strong murderous intent.

Because she found that Mu Wu was too powerful, even if he entered the Holy Spirit Church, they might not be able to control him.

If a strong person cannot be controlled like this, then he will only die.

"If you want to kill me, then let's see how powerful you, the God of Death, are."

Mu Wu said coldly.

"Heh, although I don't know what method you used to reach the Ultimate Douluo level, I don't believe that you can always maintain the Ultimate Douluo level."

"And without the support of your second soul core, how long can your soul power last?"

"You will definitely die today."

Ye Xishui sneered and attacked Mu Wu forcefully, making it impossible for him to escape.

Mu Wu's eyes became fierce, and the Ba Xia martial soul behind him sank into his body. In human form, he displayed his alternative martial soul true form.

This is a high-end operation that only Super Douluo above level 95 can do.

Suitable for strong people who are good at fighting in human form.

Ye Xishui was not willing to be outdone. The Blood Soul Demon Puppet behind him surged into his body and also exerted powerful force.

The two men fought quickly, almost causing the sky to collapse and the earth to crack. All the clouds within a hundred miles around were shaken into nothingness.

How can a battle of extremes be taken lightly?

Ye Xishui clung to Mu Wu tightly, not giving him a chance to relax.

In terms of strength, even at this moment, Mu Wu is still inferior to Ye Xishui.

But Ye Xishui was not in a hurry to defeat Mu Wu. She wanted to wait until Mu Wu's secret technique expired.

By then, wouldn't it be easy for her to reach the limit of just half a step?

It must be said that Ye Xishui's approach was correct. As the two fought for a long time, Mu Wu had difficulty continuing.

Powerful secret techniques are bound to be accompanied by a great deal of consumption, and the soul power in Mu Wu's body has begun to decline.

The weakness of not having a second soul core was magnified at this moment.

"Humph, you're almost done."

Ye Xishui snorted and sneered.

Mu Wu said nothing, and with one strike he pushed Ye Xishui away, an icy blue light lit up between his brows.

A beautiful figure suddenly appeared behind Mu Wu.

Her appearance was a little blurry and unclear, but she was wrapped in divine clothing and holding an ice-blue spear in her hand, showing her heroic appearance.

As soon as the figure appeared, a great and majestic aura that froze everything and transcended the heavens and the earth spread out.

In a trance, Ye Xishui suddenly felt that the illusory figure glanced at her, and the next moment, Ye Xishui's thoughts suddenly came to a standstill.

The Ice God's Gaze, the Mysterious Ice God Technique.

Once hit, the mind is forced to freeze for four seconds. Even an Extreme Douluo cannot escape.

Mu Wu struck while the iron was hot. Infinite light gathered around his body. The mark between his eyebrows flickered, and an ice-blue light fell heavily from the mark towards Ye Xishui, who was in a state of mental freeze.

(End of this chapter)

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